Lecture de videos

bonjour, je suis un nouvel utilisateur d'ipod et du système mac,bref je galère...
je voudrais savoir comment je peux lire et si c'est possible de lire des films que j'ai déjà sur mon ordinateur

On a le besoin de restructurer les films par QuickTime pro.

Similar Messages

  • Problème lecture video flashplayer

    j'ai un problème de lecture des vidéos sur internet avec flashplayer sous firefox.
    En gros voilà ce qu'il se passe :
         - lancement de la lecture
         - début de lecture (son + video)
         - le son se coupe après 3-4 secondes
         - l'image se fixe 3-4 secondes plus tard
         - la video ne reprend pas
         - la video continue à charger
         - si je clic pour aller plus loin dans la video sur la barre de lecture, la video reprend mais reblocage comme précédemment
    j'ai essayé toute les instructions de la page
    j'ai relancé firefox et redémarré mon ordi.
    je n'ai pas le problème sur internet explorer (mais préfère utiliser firefox).
    une solution ??

    What is your Flash Player version on Firefox?
    What is your Flash Player version on Internet Explorer?
    Both check with http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html#main_Find_the_Flash_ Player_version_installed_on_your_machine

  • Video reconnu comme fichier audio.

    Bonjour à tous,
    Je rencontre un problème qui me dépasse un peu .... tout est dans le titre mais je vais développer un peu ^^
    Donc, on m'a demandé de faire un dvd regroupant plusieurs petites vidéos.
    Mon problème est que quand j'importe ces vidéos dans Encore, Premiere ou After Effect, certaines sont reconnu en tant que vidéo alors que d'autres sont reconnu comme fichiers audios.
    J'ai d'abords pensé à un problème de codec mais ...
         - ces vidéos sont très bien lut sous vcl & media player
         - ces vidéos ont toutes le même conteneur ainsi que le même codec
         -> je ne vois donc pas d'où cela peut t'il venir ???
    Bon j'ai toujours une alternative, à savoir que si je réencode les vidéos avec mediacoder, mes fichiers sont ensuite reconnus comme vidéos mais soi je garde le même bitrate et je perds malgré tout en qualité (en gardant le même conteneur mais codec différents) soi je garde la qualité mais forcement le fichier devient plus gros...ce qui est problématique car je garde tout mes travaux. J'aimerai vraiment pouvoir résoudre le problème sans passer par une réencode sous mediacoder et surtout comprendre ce problème oO
    Infos utiles :
    version logiciel -> Encore, Premiere et After Effect CS4
    info sur une vidéo reconnu en tant que vidéo :
                  - avec media coder
    : MPEG-4
    Format profile              
    : Base Media / Version 2
    Codec ID                    
    : mp42
    File size                   
    : 25.8 MiB
    : 4mn 51s
    Overall bit rate            
    : 742 Kbps
    Encoded date                
    : UTC 2011-03-22 20:38:46
    Tagged date                 
    : UTC 2011-03-22 20:38:46
    : 0
    : 291411
    : BADC21464MH1338988125513609
    : v14.nonxt7.c.youtube.com
    : 1
    : AVC
    : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile              
    : [email protected]
    Format settings, CABAC      
    : No
    Format settings, ReFrames   
    : 1 frame
    Codec ID                    
    : avc1
    Codec ID/Info               
    : Advanced Video Coding
    : 4mn 51s
    Bit rate mode               
    : Variable
    Bit rate                    
    : 640 Kbps
    Maximum bit rate            
    : 1 953 Kbps
    : 640 pixels
    : 360 pixels
    Display aspect ratio        
    : 16:9
    Frame rate mode             
    : Variable
    Frame rate                  
    : 29.970 fps
    Minimum frame rate          
    : 29.412 fps
    Maximum frame rate          
    : 200.000 fps
    : 8 bits
    : 4:2:0
    Scan type                   
    : Progressive
    : 0.093
    Stream size                 
    : 22.2 MiB (86%)
    Tagged date                 
    : UTC 2011-03-22 20:38:50
               - avec media info :
    Profil du format                    
    : Base Media / Version 2
    Identifiant du codec                
    : mp42
    Taille du fichier                   
    : 25,8 Mio
    : 4mn 51s
    Type de débit global                
    : Variable
    Débit global moyen                  
    : 742 Kbps
    Date d'encodage                     
    : UTC 2011-03-22 20:38:46
    Date de marquage                    
    : UTC 2011-03-22 20:38:46
    : 0
    : 291411
    : BADC21464MH1338988125513609
    : 1
    : AVC
    : Advanced Video Codec
    Profil du format                    
    : [email protected]
    Paramètres du format, CABAC         
    : Non
    Paramètres du format, RefFrames     
    : 1 image
    Identifiant du codec                
    : avc1
    Identifiant du codec/Info           
    : Advanced Video Coding
    : 4mn 51s
    : 640 Kbps
    Débit maximum                       
    : 1 953 Kbps
    : 640 pixels
    : 360 pixels
    Format à l'écran                    
    : 16/9
    Type d'images/s                     
    : Variable
    Images par seconde                  
    : 29,970 Im/s
    Images/s mini                       
    : 29,412 Im/s
    Images/s maxi                       
    : 200,000 Im/s
    Espace de couleurs                  
    : YUV
    Sous-échantillonnage de la chrominance   : 4:2:0
    Profondeur des couleurs             
    : 8 bits
    Type d'image                        
    : Progressif
    : 0.093
    Taille du flux                      
    : 22,2 Mio (86%)
    Date de marquage                    
    : UTC 2011-03-22 20:38:50
    info sur une vidéo reconnu en tant que fichier audio :
                   - avec media coder :
    : MPEG-4
    Format profile              
    : Base Media / Version 2
    Codec ID                    
    : mp42
    File size                   
    : 26.4 MiB
    : 5mn 29s
    Overall bit rate            
    : 674 Kbps
    Encoded date                
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:44
    Tagged date                 
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:44
    : 0
    : 329536
    : B5A543A2BHH1338824382648886
    : 2
    : AVC
    : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile              
    : [email protected]
    Format settings, CABAC      
    : No
    Format settings, ReFrames   
    : 1 frame
    Codec ID                    
    : avc1
    Codec ID/Info               
    : Advanced Video Coding
    : 5mn 29s
    Bit rate mode               
    : Variable
    Bit rate                    
    : 539 Kbps
    Maximum bit rate            
    : 3 031 Kbps
    : 480 pixels
    : 360 pixels
    Display aspect ratio        
    : 4:3
    Frame rate mode             
    : Constant
    Frame rate                  
    : 29.970 fps
    : 8 bits
    : 4:2:0
    Scan type                   
    : Progressive
    : 0.104
    Stream size                 
    : 21.2 MiB (80%)
    : (C) 2007 Google Inc. v08.13.2007.
    Encoded date                
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:45
    Tagged date                 
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:45
              - avec media info :
    : MPEG-4
    Profil du format                    
    : Base Media / Version 2
    Identifiant du codec                
    : mp42
    Taille du fichier                   
    : 26,4 Mio
    : 5mn 29s
    Type de débit global                
    : Variable
    Débit global moyen                  
    : 674 Kbps
    Date d'encodage                     
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:44
    Date de marquage                    
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:44
    : 0
    : 329536
    : B5A543A2BHH1338824382648886
    : 2
    : AVC
    : Advanced Video Codec
    Profil du format                    
    : [email protected]
    Paramètres du format, CABAC         
    : Non
    Paramètres du format, RefFrames     
    : 1 image
    Identifiant du codec                
    : avc1
    Identifiant du codec/Info           
    : Advanced Video Coding
    : 5mn 29s
    : 540 Kbps
    Débit maximum                       
    : 3 031 Kbps
    : 480 pixels
    : 360 pixels
    Format à l'écran                    
    : 4/3
    Type d'images/s                     
    : Constant
    Images par seconde                  
    : 29,970 Im/s
    Espace de couleurs                  
    : YUV
    Sous-échantillonnage de la chrominance   : 4:2:0
    Profondeur des couleurs             
    : 8 bits
    Type d'image                        
    : Progressif
    : 0.104
    Taille du flux                      
    : 21,2 Mio (80%)
    : (C) 2007 Google Inc. v08.13.2007.
    Date d'encodage                     
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:45
    Date de marquage                    
    : UTC 2009-10-02 04:55:45

    Bon, déjà merci pour ta réponse ^^
    C'est pas tout simple en anglais, je m'arrache un peu les cheveux mais bon c'est déjà un début de piste.
    Dans ce post, j'ai trouvé une petite solution qui peut aider des fois.
    En gros j'ai donc essayé de changer l'extension du fichier (.mp4 -> .avi). Je dirais que c'est du bricolage pas très propre mais bon pourquoi pas. Et effectivement cette solution fonctionne, les fichiers sont reconnu comme fichier video.
    Malheuresement pour moi, cela engendre d'autre problème que j'essaye de résoudre.
    Quand j'importe le fichier sous After Effect, j'avais une boite de dialogue concernant ffdshow avec un choix a faire (l'utiliser ou non en gros car soi disant pas installé oO j'en suis le premier surpris). Une fois le fichier posé dans la timeline, je pouvais le lire seulement. Je dis seulement car si je veux naviguer plus loin dans la time line et que enn suite je lance une lecture, la video sera lut du début (je sais pas si j'ai été très clair :s) -> tentative de réinstallation de ffdshow = maintenant, je peux importer la video mais dès que je fais le moindre clic dessus, le logiciel plante (Pr, AE, En) :/.
    J'ai ensuite exploité la piste de GSpot car ils en parlent un moment dans le topic que tu m'as linké (ou alors sur un des liens du topic qui renvoi ailleurs je sais plus). Bref, j'ai vu que j'avais malgré tout quelque erreur sur certains fichier...bon ces erreurs ne m'ont jamais vraiment posé problème (il m'arrivait d'avoir des problèmes de ce genre mais j'avais de suite pensé à un problème de codec et donc opté directement pour la solution ré-encodage. Içi, la différence c'est que les vidéos sont toute avec le même codec/conteneur etc...)
    Bref, la je suis un peu bloqué car les logiciel plante à la suite de la ré-installation de ffdshow...je continuerai demain....en commençant par une ré-installation de tout mes codecs, vérification GSpot et installation manuel (si possible) des fichier qui pose problème :/
    Mais je comprends toujours pas qu'avant modification, certains fichier étaient reconnu en fichier audio alors que d'autre étaient reconnu en fichier video

  • Could you  view iTunes U video

    i use ITunes U to subscribe to two programs. on the Audio lectures, I have no issues downloading and listening the lectures on my Iphone. But I have issues with lectures using VIDEO.But I could view the Video lectures on ITUNEs.

    I have exactly the same problem. Some of my Videolectures (no problems with any audio so far) are not syncing and or not playing on my iPod-app at my iPhone 3G. The same video appears to have no problem to be watched in iTunes. It must be some missing video-codes in the iPhone OS. Could it be possible to make sure iPhone OS can play the same videos then iTunes? Thanks.

  • How can I find full COURSES, not lectures on iTunesU?

    Is there a way to find actual courses, not special lectures/speeches, from ITunesU? I've spent the last 4+ hours rifling and listening to many things with little success.
    I am looking for ***introductory/basic courses*** (high school/freshman uni 101 sort of thing) in:
    Employment Discrimination/Employment Law
    Economics (Macro, Micro)
    US Public Policy
    US Foreign Policy
    US Culture
    US Economics
    Politics/History/Culture of...
    World History (Ancient, Western, Eastern)
    This is my first day using iTunes for anything other than playing music. There must be a way to search fro actual classes or at least an easier way than hours of trial and error.
    If not, is there somewhere to find these? Lectures with video and possible supplementary text strongly preferred.
    Please HELP
    Thank you

    Syncing to iCloud has nothing to do with locating a device.
    Is iCloud and "Find My iPhone" enabled on the device?  If it is, go to iCloud.com and select the option to locate the device.
    If it is not enabled, the only way to locate the device is to physically look for it.

  • Best practice for server configuration for iTunes U

    Hello all, I'm completely new to iTunes U, never heard of this until now and we have zero documentation on how to set it up. I was given the task to look at best practice for setting up the server for iTunes U, and I need your help.
    *My first question*: Can anyone explains to me how iTunes U works in general? My brief understanding is that you design/setup a welcome page for your school with sub categories like programs/courses, and within that you have things like lecture audio/video files and students can download/view them on iTunes. So where are these files hosted? Is it on your own server or is it on Apple's server? Where & how do you manage the content?
    *2nd question:* We have two Xserve(s) sitting in our server room ready to roll, my question is what is the best method to configure them so it meets our need of "high availability in active/active mode, load balancing, and server scaling". Originally I was thinking about using a 3rd party load balancing device to meet these needs, but I was told there is no budget for it so this is not going to happen. I know there is IP Failover but one server has to sit in standby mode which is a waste. So the most likely scenario is to setup DNS round robin and put both xserves in active/active. My question now is (this maybe related to question 1), say that all the content data like audio/video files are stored by us, (We are going to link a portion of our SAN space to Xserve for storage), if we are going with DNS round robin and put the 2 servers in Active/Active mode, can both servers access a common shared network space? or is this not possible and each server must have its own storage space? And therefore I must use something like RSYNC to make sure contents on both servers are identical? Should I use XSAN or is RSYNC good enough?
    Since I have no experience with iTunes U whatsoever, I hope you understand my questions, any advice and suggestion are most welcome, thanks!

    Raja Kondar wrote:
    wht is the Best Practice for having server pool i.e
    1) having a single large serverpool consisting of "n" number of guest vm
    2) having a multiple small serverpool consisting of less of number of guest vm I prefer option 1, as this gives me the greatest amount of resources available. I don't have to worry about resources in smaller pools. It also means there are more resources across the pool for HA purposes. Not sure if this is Official Best Practice, but it is a simpler configuration.
    Keep in mind that a server pool should probably have up to 20 servers in it: OCFS2 starts to strain after that.

  • Switching to FCE

    I use iMovie HD for my lecture/sermon videos. Each video is approximately 1.5 hours in length, 22 total tapes. When I get home, I load into computer. Total of 33 hours to load, let alone the editing etc.
    For this reason I'm looking into a hard drive camcorder, 120 GB or so, that will be compatible with FCE. The camcorder MUST have a remote microphone input, earphone output and be able to use a remote tripod. I sometimes have to follow a lot of movement back and forth between the lectern, white board and back again. lots of zooming and panning.
    The majority of my videos will be in standard mode, burned to DVD's and mailed out to persons to play on DVD players.

    Thanks for your response to my post. I use the Sony DCR-TRV120 8MM camcorder with Sony's remote tripod for my presentations. The DCR-TRV120 has all the features needed except it records to tape.
    Sony has "dumbed down" their newest camcorders. Have to get the most expensive ones to be able to use a remote (wireless) microphone and the and an earphone jack to monitor the sound.
    The Sony 120GB HDR-XR500V has the features I need, but I would have to get the newest tripod or use an adapter to convert to LANC so I could use my older tripod.
    The only other option is the 240GB HDR-XR550V. I would purchase this one if money was no option.

  • Providor Based Feeds Not Working

    I have a rss feed I am using in iTunes U. It worked fine before the public site manager migration, but now it no longer works - and it spits back 404 errors when trying to get the files.
    If I add the same podcast url directly to iTunes, everything works fine - it just refuses to work through iTunes U.
    The podcasts I'm having trouble with are:
    Title: Spring 2011 Fairhaven Lecture Series Audio
    Podcast URL: https://podcast.uww.edu/podcast.php?id=d62cb8e41a7216d784bcc38233cade48
    iTunes U URL: http://itunes.apple.com/itunes-u/spring-2011-fairhaven-lecture/id420747944
    Title: Spring 2011 Fairhaven Lecture Series Video
    Podcast URL: https://podcast.uww.edu/podcast.php?id=0ec5d56f263185ca23c55a65c3d8eb09
    iTunes U URL: http://itunes.apple.com/itunes-u/spring-2011-fairhaven-lecture/id420748104

    Hi Duke,
    I can reproduce the issue on one other TechNet feeds, but not yours... I have the same configuration as you..win8.1
    As a guess.... (I have been doing software testing and frequently changing language and date/time settings in windows
    8.1 without rebooting)...please try checking your current language and date and time preferences and then rebooting (shutdown then start, not the restart). I have one language pack installed but several language choices.
    Incorrect date/time settings or local preferences may explain also the missing Frequent links from the new tabs page.
     Could you download and install fiddler from http://telerik.com/fiddler
    strangely when I put fiddler in the middle I can display the above feed.
    here's the trace showing the authentication handshake.
    GET http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Profile/u/activities/feed?displayName=thumbd%D0%BEwn
    200 OK (application/rss+xml)
    GET http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Profile/u/activities/feed?displayName=thumbd%D0%BEwn
    200 OK (application/rss+xml)
    GET http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Profile/u/activities/feed?displayName=thumbd%D0%BEwn
    200 OK (application/rss+xml)
    GET http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Profile/u/activities/feed?displayName=thumbd%D0%BEwn
    302 Redirect to https://login.live.com/login.srf?wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm=social.msdn.microsoft.com&wreply=https%3a%2f%2fsocial.msdn.microsoft.com%2fProfile%2fu%2factivities%2ffeed%3fdisplayName%3dthumbd%25D0%25BEwn%26stoAI%3d10&wp=MBI_FED_SSL&wlcxt=microsoft%24microsoft%24microsoft
    CONNECT http://login.live.com:443
    200 Connection Established ()

  • Safari 5.1 not displaying QT Files

    I just noticed that Safari 5.1 or 5.1.1 (it updated today) is not displaying my .mov files. Safari 4 had no problems. It reports "Missing Plugin"
    but when I open Safari>Help>Installed Plug-ins it does show Quicktime 7.6.4 (or 7.6.6 which I replaced to see if an older plugin would work).
    The window shows:
    QuickTime Plug-in 7.6.4
    The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in web pages. For more information, visit theQuickTime Web site. — from file “QuickTime Plugin.plugin”.
    I have Quicktime 10 and quicktime 7 Pro. I generated the ".mov" files myself using quicktime in the first place. These are lectures I video taped and used iMovie to generate the QT file. For example when I choose http://www.mil.ufl.edu/5840/classes/EEL-5840_Class_18.mov I get
    Missing Plug-in {Inside a small rectangle}
    When using Chrome the QT plugin which is called Quicktime Plugin.plugin and is in /Library/Internet Plug-ins works fine. It is annoying not to see the QT movie inside Safari. However, I can download it to desktop and view it directly in QuickTime X or 7. Any ideas?

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software -- potentially for the worse. The following procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed. Don’t be alarmed by the complexity of these instructions -- they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac.
    These steps are to be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing.
    Below are four lines of text in monospaced type, which are actually shell commands -- little programs. They’re harmless, but they must be used exactly as given in order to work.
    First and most important, don’t run these commands until you have verified that they’re legitimate. Never execute shell commands from an untrusted source without knowing what they do, or at least that they don’t do anything harmful. I’ve posted these same commands, with minor variations, many times on this site. You should be able to find other discussions in which they were used without ill effects. Do that before proceeding.
    Some of the commands will probably line-wrap in your browser, but each one is really just a single long line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then either copy or drag it. The headings “Step 1” and so on are not part of the commands.
    To begin, launch the Terminal application; e.g., by entering the first few letters of its name in a Spotlight search.
    Step 1
    Copy or drag -- do not type -- the line below into the Terminal window, then press return:
    kextstat -kl | awk ' !/apple/ { print $6 $7 } '
    Post the lines of output (if any) that appear below what you just entered (the text, please, not a screenshot.)
    Step 2
    Repeat with this line:
    sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk ' !/0x|apple|com\.vix|edu\.|org\./ { print $3 } '
    This time, you'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. You don't need to post the warning.
    Step 3
    launchctl list | sed 1d | awk ' !/0x|apple|edu\.|org\./ { print $3 } '
    Step 4
    ls -1A {,/}Library/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Sta}* 2> /dev/null
    Important: If you synchronize with a MobileMe account, your me.com email address will appear in the output of the above command. Change it to something like “[email protected]” before posting.
    Remember, this is all drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste, whichever you prefer -- no typing, except your password.
    You can then quit Terminal.

  • New public site manager? and what happened to tabs?

    I have received the iTunes U activation email and I am about to start building our iTunes U site. When I went on the iTunes U course a few months ago the layout was very different. I understand there is a new layout and that this has something to do with the 'Public site manager' - could someone explain?
    My big concern is that I have multiple rss feeds for our public lecture series. We have over 1000 public lecture podcasts, videos, slides, transcripts etc. Since they're basically all the same 'course' I have multiple rss feeds for each media type e.g. audio, video, slide-audio, transcript(pdf) and slides(pdf). The rss feeds are split by year and there's another bunch of feeds for the latest 50 items. I was planning to create a course for each year and the latest 50 items and use the tabs to display the different media types. How can I do this using the new layout? It feels like I have fewer options in the new layout. The course titles are truncated on the homepage so how can I differentiate so many different feeds that are essentially the same 'course'. The only option I can see is to use the cover art to somehow display the year and media type for each feed else I'm just going to get a bunch of icons and titles that look identical.
    Any help or advice would be much apprciated.

    Please ignore these questions - I have now watched the public site manager video webcast and I'm now up to speed. http://deimos3.apple.com/WebObjects/Core.woa/Browse/new.duke.edu.1302914143.0352 7899686.4285944238?i=2057081390
    I have to say I am not happy, not happy at all. We've just spent six months building a media CMS and publishing system much of which was built with the 'old' iTunes U layout and information architecture in mind. We're now going to have to do some major revision work before we can launch.
    Specific annoyances -
    1. The tabbed layouts we’re great for bunching together different media types and while I understand the logic behind ditching the tabs the new layout doesn’t really work for me. The collection titles are truncated on the homepage, how are people going know what the collection is let alone distinguish between variants for video, audio and hd video?
    2. pdf documents are now supposed to go in with the relevant podcast or video feed. It is virtually impossible for us to do this using our media CMS. We can publish pdf's as a separate rss feed for each collection and/or we can bunch everything together (audio, video, pdf etc) into a single rss feed but we can't put the pdf's into a the rss feed for audio, and video and hd video.
    3. The ability to upload images for individual collections rather than pulling the image from the rss feed was a really useful option. With the truncated collection titles on the homepage and the lack of tabs, the collection images become even more important because they're the only place where you can display the media type or collection variant (year, term etc) on the homepage. Our media CMS will put an image in an rss feed but if we publish variants of that feed e.g. for a particular year, term or media type it will use the same image for all of them. So now instead of a unique image for each variant of a collection we're will have to use a stock image making it impossible for users to distinguish between variants of a collection.
    3. Is possible for the speaker/author name appear in the individual podcast/video listing? All the listings I've seen that use the new layout omit this information. This assumes that every item in a collection is presented by the same lecturer/speaker . Our public lecture series has a different speaker for each event, some of these are very high profile people and users will be looking for the name of the speaker not necessarily the name of the event.
    These things combined really limit our options, in fact I'm scratching my head wondering how we're going to get around some of these problems. Grrrrr. </rant ends>

  • ITunesU freezes iPad

    Running  iTunesU 1.3 on my iPad 2 iOS 6.1. I was attempting to download the lecture 4 video for the Stanford "CS193P Winter 2013" course. All of the following froze my iPad 30ish seconds after the trigger requiring a reboot:
    Click on the iCloud icon, then stop it while still 'Preparing to Download' (tried this three times)
    Click on the iCloud icon, then stop after the download has begun
    Start the down load, the switch networks (screen went black for this one, still froze)

    Additional note: it downloaded with no issues once I left it alone after starting the download (my initial post was concurrent with the download.)

  • Hi, I have a macbook pro 2012 13 inch, everytime i go to watch a video (youtube/uni lectures) online (i use firefox), the video plays but if i go into another tab, the audio keeps playing, but the image on screen will be frozen. It gets really frustrating

    I have a macbook pro 2012 13 inch, which i use for uni and youtube etc. I use firefox for my web browsing, whenever I go to watch videos, from youtube or even uni lectures (for all my subjects) the video and audio play fine, but as soon as i switch into another tab, the audio continues to play whilst the video lags and stops all together, freezing on the current screen. The timestamp on the video players also stops, which gets incredibly frustrating when I am watching uni lectures, does anybody know how to fix this?? Please help.

    Which os version are you using? 
    Which Firefox version? 
    Have you posted in the Firefox forums or contacted their tech support for assistance? 
    Have you made sure you are using the latest version of Adobe Flash Player? 

  • I am trying to watch Prof. Susskind's video lectures from Stanford univ.U-tube lec work fine.With itunes video and audio have synch problem.Is there a way to fix this or the people who uploaded messed up and it is too late?

    I am trying to watch Prof. Susskind's lectures from Stanford Univ. U-tube lectures work fine.With I-tunes, there is a synchronization problem between audio and video. Is there a way to fix this or the people who uploaded messed up and it is too late?

    I had thought this situation was solved but it just got worse. In addition to being without service for several days I am now being charged  a cancellation fee for a broadband service that BT disconnected in error. BT Vision was also terminated by BT but the set up charges are still in place. Does anyone know who the relevant Ombudsman is? I called BT from America on Friday - for an hour - while someone called Aruj sorted out why there is an order 'in progress' that I didn't initiate; why I have fees relating to a problem created by BT and why there are references to a house move that didn't take place and a BT Vision service I no longer have but didn't cancel myself. He assured me it would be rectified and my bill would be reduced by 139 pounds and we would get confirmation of this later that day. I asked him what chance there was that this would not actually happen - he said no chance at all; my new bill would be 23.50.
    There was no text message. An online chat person today told me there had been a fee reduction request which had been declined and there was nothing else he could help me with as he dealt only with broadband. But he would get BT Vision to email me. They always seem so helpful.............
    I'm sure I'm listed somewhere as 'a problem', there's no other explanation for why I get the runaround

  • Can someone please help, I have a dvd disk containing lecture videos, on a Windows pc it works fine, and the disk opens to the dvd menu. However on my macbook pro running Mountain Lion, it opens as a data disk, with video and audio in two seprate files??

    Can someone please help, I have a dvd disk containing lecture videos, on a Windows pc it works fine, and the disk opens to the dvd menu. However on my macbook pro running Mountain Lion, it opens as a data disk, with video and audio in two seprate files??

    You may need a 3rd party application to view the DVD in a wWindows format such as

  • Split 3 hour lecture video into a 3 part series...

    Trying to figure out how can I maintain quality and send it to youtube? Would you split the video up more into maybe 6 parts? I dont wont to loose any quality and I need the full 3 hours of video because its lecture. I want to put it on youtube. What is the maximum size that i can upload to youtube? I have uploaded over a gig at one point. I recorded my video at 60i in MXP mode with my canon xa10.

    AFAIK, you could load the full lecture. Check to ensure that your account permits videos longer than 15 minutes and upgrade if it doesn't. A three hour video file at FCP's default YT setting should weigh in at about 12 GB. Huge to be sure, but in theory it should still be OK. I would export from FCP and then use their uploader; definitely would not try to upload it through FCP.
    As a practical matter, however, you might want to break it into parts – just to guard against the possibility that a connection glitch might occur after hours of uploading. That would be frustrating, so why tempt fate?

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