Leica monochrom

Just another Aperture user who would love Apple to provide an update for the Leica Monochrom camera.
The camera comes supplied with Lightroom 4, which is just not in the same league as Aperture.
Please Apple, provide us with an update!

Does anyone know whether, or when, Aperture will support the Leica Monochrom camera. Seems odd that it doesn't do so.
No one here know, only Apple does and they don;t announce in advanced. There have been other disscusions asking this, check the More Like This box on the right hand side of the page for other threads.
Also, ( and maybe this is related ), my version of Aperture is 3.4 running on my 2010 27" iMac under OS 10.7.5, is this the latest available under that version of the OS? I note that there's a Aperture version 3.4.5 on the App Store, but my iMac's Software Update will not update to that.
3.4.5 should run on Lion 10.7.5 so a couple of questions.
1 Did you buy Aperture from the App Store originally or did you buy an older boxed or on-line version?
2 Is Aperture installed in your systems Application folder and named Aperture.  Software needs these both to be true in order to see the app and update it.
3 Finally what version of Aperture are you running. Go to Aperture->About Aperture and report the version number listed there.

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  • Leica Monochrom and Lightroom export problems

    I am using the latest version of LR on a 2011 Mac Book Pro. I am running into problems when I export Leica Monochrom DNG files that are shot AT AND ABOVE ISO 6400.  Lightroom is brightening the files on export a lot so that the final exported file does not look anything like what my edit looked like. This only happens with full resolution exports.  Other Leica MM users have experienced the same issue.  I have photos and screen shots to prove this.  What is the problem?

    What I was hoping for was an original raw image with all the OP’s adjustments intact so I could demonstrate what was happening at various zoom levels and with different settings, but that seems overly difficult to come by so I’ll give my analysis of what is happening and what to do about it:
    The brightening has to do with the micro-noise-grain that has been excessively sharpened making the image a mixture of mostly white and mostly black dots immediately adjacent to each other rather than continuous tone of a low-ISO image.  This is not an error with LR or with the camera, and will happen with any such image from any camera.  The “brightening” is merely the visibility of the white granules at 1:1 zoom.  When a zoom level less than 100% is used, LR or Windows Photo Viewer or Mac Preview must determine how to combine multiple pixels together to represent one output pixel in the reduced-sized image.   Different viewers use different methods to combine adjacent pixels into one.  Some use Average, some use Median, some use the value of a single pixel position to represent the entire reduced-size combination pixel—this is called nearest neighbor and is the fastest but least accurate.  LR is known to use a fast but inaccurate resampling algorithm which is why there is a warning on the Detail panel to use 1:1 zoom to judge sharpening and noise adjustments.
    The problem here is that this lightening and darkening depending on zoom level is messing with toning adjustments, so how to tone and adjust such images, is to temporarily turn off Detail sharpening and turn up noise-reduction then adjust toning in Fit view.  Then zoom in to 1:1 and adjust the noise-reduction up or down to remove most of the obvious grain, and turn up sharpen masking so all you’re sharpening is edges.  Maybe even turn off the Detail slider (set to zero) to keep from enhancing micro-noise texture.
    If you do want grain for artistic effect then do that after you’ve removed the ISO noise.   The difference with high-ISO noise and added noise-grain is the high-ISO noise is single-pixel in size and will not be resampled accurately while the noise-granules created by the Effects panel can be control both in size and intensity so as not to respond negatively to resampling nearly as much. 
    If you are exporting images to nearly full resolution then dial back the export sharpening quite a bit.  If you are resizing quite a bit smaller than any micro texture will have been averaged out by the resizing and adding more sharpening during Export sharpening will help things look crisp, again.

  • I write both JPG and DNG files in the camera.   Camera is a Leica Monochrom.   Photo, unlike iPhoto, seems to ignore DNG files and only imports JPG files.   What am I missing here?

    I write both JPG and DNG files in the camera.   Camera is a Leica Monochrom.   Photo, unlike iPhoto, seems to ignore DNG files and only imports JPG files when both are present on the SD card.  JPGs are used for quick proofing on an iPad.    DNG RAW files are edited on a Mac Pro (2013).    Other than deleting the JPGs before importing images from the SD card,  is there any way to force Photo to select and import only the DNG images?

    Thanks Larry,
    I did see the J stacked in the lower left of the thumbnails but couldn't figure out how to get to whatever is below it.   How do you select R?  
    I use an iPad to do quick proofs of my images.   A JPG is good enough for a proof ( dust on the lens,  composition, blown out image, etc. ).   The iPad is JPG friendly and can load the images quickly.    Serious editing takes place on my Mac Pro with the DNG files.   I use the same workflow with the the Leica M 240.   iPhoto has been a quick and easy importer to the Mac capturing all of the metadata in the EXIF sidecar file ( location, date, time,  camera settings, lens type).  A quick scan in iPhoto for the "keepers" let's me export those worth editing to Lightroom/Bridge/Photoshop.  I typically shoot 50 images from three locations in a normal day.  If I'm lucky I'll get 1 worth real work to add to the portfolio.  

  • LR CC Panorama fails on Leica Monochrom DNGs

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    Would be neat if this could be made to work, as it would be great not to have to go outside of LR for this!
    Thanks a lot!

    Yes it is that simple. Just do a google search for Lightroom and Photoshop preference file locations and you should find them. The next time you start the programs, they will rebuild them. Of course, you'll have to re-enter any custom preference settings you've used. Good luck. Of course, when you think you've located them. Just rename them and move them into another folder first. That way, if you've picked the wrong file, you can easily move it back. Once things are working, you can just delete them.
    BTW, this is a good troubleshooting tool for any mac applications that are acting wonky. Just delete that preference file, and more often than not, the problem will be fixed.

  • Leica Monochrom and another question

    Does anyone know whether, or when, Aperture will support the Leica Monochrom camera. Seems odd that it doesn't do so.
    Also, ( and maybe this is related ), my version of Aperture is 3.4 running on my 2010 27" iMac under OS 10.7.5, is this the latest available under that version of the OS? I note that there's a Aperture version 3.4.5 on the App Store, but my iMac's Software Update will not update to that.

    Does anyone know whether, or when, Aperture will support the Leica Monochrom camera. Seems odd that it doesn't do so.
    No one here know, only Apple does and they don;t announce in advanced. There have been other disscusions asking this, check the More Like This box on the right hand side of the page for other threads.
    Also, ( and maybe this is related ), my version of Aperture is 3.4 running on my 2010 27" iMac under OS 10.7.5, is this the latest available under that version of the OS? I note that there's a Aperture version 3.4.5 on the App Store, but my iMac's Software Update will not update to that.
    3.4.5 should run on Lion 10.7.5 so a couple of questions.
    1 Did you buy Aperture from the App Store originally or did you buy an older boxed or on-line version?
    2 Is Aperture installed in your systems Application folder and named Aperture.  Software needs these both to be true in order to see the app and update it.
    3 Finally what version of Aperture are you running. Go to Aperture->About Aperture and report the version number listed there.

  • Latest version of Aperture is not recognising .dng files from Leica Monochrom. Is anyone else getting this problem?

    Is anyone else finding this to be the case?

    Well, the files are probably not the same as those from the M9.  In fact I'm pretty certain this isn't the case.
    The monochrom is not listed on the RAW support page:
    I'm unsure whether running them through Adobe DNG converter would work, either (yes, I know it's DNG to DNG, but it may change the format).  Have you tried it?

  • Lightroom 4 and the Leica M monochrom

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    I'm assuming that you're on a Mac, as this bug does not (to the best of our knowledge) occur on Windows.  Unfortunately, this is an Apple bug.  On the Mac, Lightroom uses Image Capture (Apple software that's installed as part of the Mac OS) to display thumbnails in the Import dialog.  Image Capture version 6.2 broke support for monochrome DNG previews.  We have reported the bug to Apple.  If and when they fix it, the problem in Lightroom should just go away.  But without eliminating reliance on Image Capture, fixing this issue is out of Adobe's hands.  (For any interested Adobe employees reading this, the Watson bug number is 3463549 and the Radar bug number is 13569454.)
    Regarding the problem of aperture not showing up in Lightroom, my guess is that (at least for a given lens), the Leica Monochrom is not correctly writing that metadata into the file.  That's just a guess though.  If you'd like to provide me with a sample file, I can examine the file's internal metadata to see if the aperture value is missing, or if it's present and Lightroom is just not reading it correctly for some reason.  Probably the easiest way for you to send me a file is to upload it to Dropbox or YouSendIt or a similar service, and then post the link here.

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    Here is how it looks after rotating in Preview.
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    Thanks for any help.

    When shooting raw, most camera settings are ignored/cannot be read by Lightroom. The notable exception is white balance. And these settings are only metadata anyway, not an integral part of the file itself.
    It's different with a jpeg, which is processed in-camera and then these settings are baked irreversibly into the file.
    As long as the camera has a Bayer filter array in front of the sensor, the raw file contains color information, which is then processed by the raw converter. If the file is flagged as B/W, the camera manufacturer's proprietary raw converter automatically turns it into B/W. But Lightroom can't read that flag.
    In any case you're better off doing the B/W conversion in Lightroom, instead of accepting the camera version, because you can adjust brightness for individual colors. So that gives you much more control:
    A few genuine black and white cameras exist, like the Leica Monochrom. These cameras lack the Bayer filter array.

  • New process in LR 4.2 RC for Leica M Monochrom?

    There is a message when importing DNG files shot with a Leica M Monochrom with LR 4.2 RC indicating some new process is implemented for the camera and prompted the user for update?
    What new process is implemented in this regard? does LR4.2RC turn off the demosaic algorithm for the M Monochrom files now?
    Thanks a lot.

    I see no message when importing a few Leica M Monochrom sample DNGs, either. 
    Could the message be related to the application of an Import preset that does not have the Process Version or perhaps has the PV2010 Process Version coded in it, and it has nothing to do with the camera, itself?
    Or if you’re importing LR3 images that already have an XMP with PV2010 and you add those to your new LR4 catalog, perhaps there is some sort of warning about upgrading the Process Version.  And similarly, if these are old photos with PV2010 in the XMP and you click on the warning triangle on the Loup view for the images then you will see a message about upgrading to PV2012.

  • HT201070 Leica M Monochrom and Aperture.

    Why won't Aperture open Leica M Monochrom images even though I have all updates up to 4.09 ?

    Apple is working on it. The Monochrome has a non-bayer sensor and until recently Apple wound not support non-bayer sensors. Apple has recently released a RAW update with support for the Xtrans Fuji cameras (also non-bayer). I understand that Apple usually get the camera in their labs in order to make the sensor profile. The MM was a hard to get camera until recently but this is non-issue now as far as I know.
    Regarding the delay, I know it is taking too long. I wish it was out the day I got my camera. But to be honest, I rather wait and have a great decoder/rendering of the raw than a premature support and then later multiple updates (this would make me process my files twice or three times).
    For the Fuji cameras, it also took long time, but it seems they got it right. From what I read on the net and from feedback from Fuji users, the rendering is equal if not better than the one provided by Adobe RAW/Lightroom.
    My current workflow involves shooting DNG+JPG, once DNG support is release, I use the RAW as Original and process it futher if needed.
    ps. do not forget to send Apple a feed back requesting MM DNG support.

  • Leica M Monochrome DNG support

    It doesn't seem like Aperture supports this file format, can someone help as I seem to have exhausted every other option.

    Unfortunately Apple still does not support the Monochrom RAW/DNG file. Actually Apple does not support any non-Bayer sensor (Fuji Xtrans for example).
    The workaround suggested by leonieDF unfortunately does not work. The Adobe DNG converter generates dng files that are still not supported (regardless of "convert to linear image", "compression" options or any raw version chosen).
    Bruce's option works. Unfortunately the TIFF file generated is usually 3x the size of the DNG and does not seem to be as good to be manipulated (shadow detail for example). You can use Adobe Camera RAW but there are at least 2 other RAW converters (RPP and Photo Ninja) out there that now supports MM DNG's.
    There are a number of programs that now support the DNG for the Monochrom. Lightroom would be the obvious one since comes with the Camera. PhaseOne C1 also now supports the DNG.
    I understand that Apple is working on getting the MM files supported. It seems that it may require not only a RAW support update but also OS update. I would suggest to send a feedback to both Aperture team and Apple OS team. The more feedback, the more they will know we want support for this camera.
    What I have been doing so far is to shoot JPG+DNG and editing the JPG. Once support is released, I can just use the RAW as primary and the edits will then be done at RAW level (may need more adjutments though). Not ideal (far from) but I am not ready to move to Lightroom.

  • Is there a PS setting where it can read my Canon Mark 3 5D's monochrome setting so that the files will also appear in monochrome instead of colour? Or do I have to change from RAW each time to Monochrome within PS (even if I have set up for Monochrome in

    Is there a PS setting where it can read my Canon Mark 3 5D's monochrome setting so that the files will also appear in the same monochrome structure (instead of appearing in colour as it is now when i open in PS, not even monochrome)? Or do I have to change from RAW each time to Monochrome within PS (even if I have set up for Monochrome in my 5D)?
    1. Basically I am taking photos with a monochrome setting with my 5D and the screen shows monochrome.
    2. when i import this onto my computer and open with PS, it opens in colour.
    3. when I change this to Monochrome in PS. (It cannot read my monochrome setting with my preference of the greyscale mix when I viewed it on my 5D)
    4. my question is: is there a way so that PS can read the monochrome setting from my 5D and display the same monochrome setting as my 5D instead of a different one from PS.

    you need camera raw 6.7 or better.
    i don't know what version of ps you have so i can't say if it can be updated to use that, but update anyway.
    pre cc updates:  http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/
    cc updates:  http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cc-updates-direct-links-windows.html
    cc 2104 updates:  http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cc-2014-updates-links-windows.html
    if you can't update your cr sufficiently, use the dng converter. DNG Converters:

  • Where do I find the serial number for my free LR 5.6 that came with my new Leica camera?

    Where do I find the serial number for my free LR 5.6 that came with my new Leica camera?

    It's normally on the disk packaging. A 24 digit number commencing:

  • Need wireless monochrome laser printer for home office to use with new mac book pro with retina display. I also have to have networking capability. Suggestions for economic printers?

    HI, I need to buy an economic monochrome laser that will work wirelessly with new Mac Book Pro with Retina Display inmy home office. Any suggestions? I was considering the HP 1102W or Brothers HL22700W but have heard that they do not work with Mac 10.6.1 or upgrade. Need to try to get his done asap so I will appreciate any and all feedback!


  • I have an HP Laserjet 5m monochrome printer that I have used for years with our three Mac computers

    HP Laserjet 5m monochrome printer C3917A (1997)
    Operating system: OSX 10.7.4
    Error message: Printer busy
    No known changes made to system or configuration
    I have an HP Laserjet 5m monochrome printer that I have used for years with our three Mac computers (two on OS X Lion and one on  Leopard). I'm using ethernet to connect to a router and then my computer (although I have also tried to connect directly to no avail.) We went away for 2 weeks, returned and got “Printer busy” for all 3 computers. I reset the printer to factory settings. Same problem. By the way, the printer says READY. I then went to System prefs and clicked ‘–‘ in the Print & Scan section to remove the printer. When I tried to add back the printer, nothing shows up. I now remember that this may be because the means of communicating with the printer has now changed and that I had found the printer by somehow adding its address settings (or something). Can anyone help me to reconnect with the printer? 
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Download and install this: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL907
    Reset the printing system:
    - Go to System Preferences > Print & Scan
    - Right (or control) click in the rectangle listing your printers and select Reset Printing System.
    WARNING - this will delete ALL of your printers!
    - Select the plus sign to re-add a printer. Select the Defualt tab on the top of the window. Look for the printer, select it and wait until the "Add" button becomes available. Click it.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

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