Lens Support for Emount

When is Adobe going to offer Lightroom and Photoshop lens support for Sony Emount lenses 50 mm F 1.8 and Sony Zeiss 24 mm f 1.8? Why hasn't this already happened?

DworkNarth03 wrote:
In reality, two of the very top selling lenses worldwide.
In reality lens profiles are available for these two lenses and many more using the Adobe Lens Profile Downloader Brett mentioned and provided a link.
Since all of the current Sony NEX cameras use APS-C sensor size, you can use the lens profiles created using any Sony NEX camera model (NEX-5, NEX-6, NEX-7). Just be aware that there are separate JPEG and raw profiles.

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    Can anyone tell me what the height of the camera from the base to the center of the lens mount is?  Waiting on arrival of my fs7 and trying to determine a lens support solution for a fairly long and heavy yet narrow diameter slr lens.  Not entirely sure any of the rail mountined lens supports I see on B&H are tall enough. 

    DworkNarth03 wrote:
    In reality, two of the very top selling lenses worldwide.
    In reality lens profiles are available for these two lenses and many more using the Adobe Lens Profile Downloader Brett mentioned and provided a link.
    Since all of the current Sony NEX cameras use APS-C sensor size, you can use the lens profiles created using any Sony NEX camera model (NEX-5, NEX-6, NEX-7). Just be aware that there are separate JPEG and raw profiles.

  • 8.4RC mentions support for Fuji lens profiles - any details known?

    Curious if this is new support or if it's always been there and now ACR shows a message about it. I installed the ACR 8.4RC and loaded a RAW file from my X-T1. Looking at the Lens Corrections tab and the Profile sub-tab, there's now a message at the bottom that says "Built-in lens profile applied: XF14mmF2.2 R. Click for more info." When I clicked, a small dialog box appeared which  offered a little more info:
    Fujifilm X-T1
    This raw file contains a built-in lens profile for correcting chromatic aberration and vignetting. The profile has already been applied automatically to this image.
    I experimented and got this for RAWs shot with my X-E2 as well and also my 18-55 and 55-200 lenses. I then went back to ACR 8.3 and confirmed that the messages are not there.
    I notice that despite what they say, going to the Color sub-tab and checking Remove Chromatic Aberration was still required for some images.
    I didn't see this aspect of the update listed in any release notes. Does anyone know any details about this? Is there a way to turn it off if so desired? I'm curious if the Fuji profile is as good as one that could be created with the Lens Profile Creator. The message doesn't mention geometric correction which would be nice.

    The information about what built-in lens profile is being applied is new to ACR 8.4, but the application of built-in lens profiles is not new. 
    Whether those lens profiles do a perfect job is another matter, of course.  And just like in previous versions, you cannot turn the built-in profiles off, but if someone creates an external profile those can also be applied. 
    The one thing to be careful of is if the built-in lens profile also corrects the same aspect as the external profile, for example, vignetting, then it’ll get double-corrected and the way to avoid this is to set the manual strength setting of that profile correction parameter, either vignetting or distortion, to its minimum value, effectively turning off the external profile’s contribution.

  • Support for Olympus E-620 and Lens

    I don't see any support for Olympus in ACR 6.2. Where is it?

    The camera itself is supported.  That means it is possible to work on the raw files in Camera Raw.  But there is no support for the lens.  That is a different profile.  It will be necessary for you to wait and see if the profile is eventually provided, create one yourself, or see if there is one available online.
    percyflewfirst wrote:
    I am looking in ACR under lens corrections > profiles. No Olympus listed there.

  • LR 3.3 - Olympus E-5 Support for Raw-Format, Lens Correction Profiles for Zuiko Lenses

    Ich wish strongly Olympus E-5 Support for Raw-Format for Ligtroom 3.3,... and i wait since ages for Lens Correction Profiles of Zuiko Lenses ;-)) There are plenty of Olympus users who yearn for that :-)
    Will Release 3.3 support this?

    LR3.3 is released today, and it has support for Olympus E-5 added to it. Details of it can be found here;
    http://blogs.adobe.com/lightroomjournal/2010/12/lightroom-3-3-and-camera-raw-6-3-now-avail able.html
    and the new version of LR3.3 can be downloaded here;

  • Support for Fuji X-T1 Lens profiles

    Why doesn't Lightroom 6 CC have the profile corrections/support for the Fuji X-T1 lenses?

    Are you seeing uncorrected distortions or just wondering why your lens isn't listed in the lens profile area?  For mirrorless cameras, like I believe the Fuji is, the lens profiles are built-in (perhaps even in the raw file, itself) and always on and there is nothing to select in the lens profile list dropdown because the profile is being gotten a different way.

  • Lack of support for Canon G7 and G9. Alternatives?

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    I am thinking that the purchase of the G9 may have been premature and that I may need to sell it and get another cam that is supported by Apple/Aperture.
    What would you guys do? Is there a cam out there similar to the G9 at the moment that has a Apple-supported RAW format?
    Best regards,
    Kjell Are Refsvik

    I think the camera closest to the G9 that has RAW support from Apple are the Panasonic DMC-LX2/Leica D-Lux 3 twins. Don't know where you are, but in the US, the Panasonic costs about $400. 10MP, 28-112mm (35mm equivalent) Leica lens, very compact body, and RAW output. The Leica costs $599, and has that classic look.
    I don't know much about that cameras, but you may want to investigate.
    Message was edited by: rkkwan
    Message was edited by: rkkwan

  • Selective XML Index feature is not supported for the current database version , SQL Server Extended Events , Optimizing Reading from XML column datatype

    Team , Thanks for looking into this  ..
    As a last resort on  optimizing my stored procedure ( Below ) i wanted to create a Selective XML index  ( Normal XML indexes doesn't seem to be improving performance as needed ) but i keep getting this error within my stored proc . Selective XML
    Index feature is not supported for the current database version.. How ever
    EXECUTE sys.sp_db_selective_xml_index; return 1 , stating Selective XML Indexes are enabled on my current database .
    Is there ANY alternative way i can optimize below stored proc ?
    Thanks in advance for your response(s) !
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[MN_Process_DDLSchema_Changes] Script Date: 3/11/2015 3:10:42 PM ******/
    -- EXEC [dbo].[MN_Process_DDLSchema_Changes]
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MN_Process_DDLSchema_Changes]
    SET NOCOUNT ON --Does'nt have impact ( May be this wont on SQL Server Extended events session's being created on Server(s) , DB's )
    select getdate() as getdate_0
    DECLARE @XML XML , @Prev_Insertion_time DATETIME
    -- Staging Previous Load time for filtering purpose ( Performance optimize while on insert )
    SET @Prev_Insertion_time = (SELECT MAX(EE_Time_Stamp) FROM dbo.MN_DDLSchema_Changes_log ) -- Perf Optimize
    -- PRINT '1'
    EventName VARCHAR(100),
    Time_Stamp_EE DATETIME,
    ObjectName VARCHAR(100),
    ObjectType VARCHAR(100),
    DbName VARCHAR(100),
    ddl_Phase VARCHAR(50),
    ClientAppName VARCHAR(2000),
    ClientHostName VARCHAR(100),
    server_instance_name VARCHAR(100),
    ServerPrincipalName VARCHAR(100),
    nt_username varchar(100),
    ID INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY , -- PK necessity for Indexing on XML Col
    BufferXml XML
    select getdate() as getdate_01
    INSERT INTO #XML_Hold (BufferXml)
    CAST(target_data AS XML) AS BufferXml -- Buffer Storage from SQL Extended Event(s) , Looks like there is a limitation with xml size ?? Need to re-search .
    FROM sys.dm_xe_session_targets xet
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_xe_sessions xes
    ON xes.address = xet.event_session_address
    WHERE xes.name = 'Capture DDL Schema Changes' --Ryelugu : 03/05/2015 Session being created withing SQL Server Extended Events
    --SELECT * FROM #XML_Hold
    select getdate() as getdate_1
    -- 03/10/2015 RYelugu : Error while creating XML Index : Selective XML Index feature is not supported for the current database version
    PathTimeStamp ='/RingBufferTarget/event/timestamp' AS XQUERY 'node()'
    --CREATE PRIMARY XML INDEX [IX_XML_Hold] ON #XML_Hold(BufferXml) -- Ryelugu 03/09/2015 - Primary Index
    -- RYelugu 03/10/2015 -Creating secondary XML index doesnt make significant improvement at Query Optimizer , Instead creation takes more time , Only primary should be good here
    --CREATE XML INDEX [IX_XML_Hold_values] ON #XML_Hold(BufferXml) -- Ryelugu 03/09/2015 - Primary Index , --There should exists a Primary for a secondary creation
    ---- FOR VALUE
    -- FOR PATH
    --PRINT '2'
    -- RETURN
    EventName ,
    Time_Stamp_EE ,
    ObjectName ,
    DbName ,
    ddl_Phase ,
    ClientAppName ,
    ServerPrincipalName ,
    p.q.value('@name[1]','varchar(100)') AS eventname,
    p.q.value('@timestamp[1]','datetime') AS timestampvalue,
    p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS objectname,
    p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_type"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') AS ObjectType,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="database_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS databasename,
    p.q.value('(./data[@name="ddl_phase"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') AS ddl_phase,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="client_app_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS clientappname,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="client_hostname"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS clienthostname,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="server_instance_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS server_instance_name,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="nt_username"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS nt_username,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="server_principal_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') AS serverprincipalname,
    p.q.value('(./action[@name="sql_text"]/value)[1]','Nvarchar(max)') AS sqltext
    FROM #XML_Hold
    CROSS APPLY BufferXml.nodes('/RingBufferTarget/event')p(q)
    WHERE -- Ryelugu 03/05/2015 - Perf Optimize - Filtering the Buffered XML so as not to lookup at previoulsy loaded records into stage table
    p.q.value('@timestamp[1]','datetime') >= ISNULL(@Prev_Insertion_time ,p.q.value('@timestamp[1]','datetime'))
    AND p.q.value('(./data[@name="ddl_phase"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') ='Commit' --Ryelugu 03/06/2015 - Every Event records a begin version and a commit version into Buffer ( XML ) we need the committed version
    AND p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_type"]/text)[1]','varchar(100)') <> 'STATISTICS' --Ryelugu 03/06/2015 - May be SQL Server Internally Creates Statistics for #Temp tables , we do not want Creation of STATISTICS Statement to be logged
    AND p.q.value('(./data[@name="object_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') NOT LIKE '%#%' -- Any stored proc which creates a temp table within it Extended Event does capture this creation statement SQL as well , we dont need it though
    AND p.q.value('(./action[@name="client_app_name"]/value)[1]','varchar(100)') <> 'Replication Monitor' --Ryelugu : 03/09/2015 We do not want any records being caprutred by Replication Monitor ??
    -- RETURN
    -- PRINT '3'
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[MN_DDLSchema_Changes_log]
    CASE WHEN T.nt_username IS NULL OR LEN(T.nt_username) = 0 THEN t.ServerPrincipalName
    ELSE T.nt_username
    #TEMP T
    /** -- RYelugu 03/06/2015 - Filters are now being applied directly while retrieving records from BUFFER or on XML
    -- Ryelugu 03/15/2015 - More filters are likely to be added on further testing
    WHERE ddl_Phase ='Commit'
    AND ObjectType <> 'STATISTICS' --Ryelugu 03/06/2015 - May be SQL Server Internally Creates Statistics for #Temp tables , we do not want Creation of STATISTICS Statement to be logged
    AND ObjectName NOT LIKE '%#%' -- Any stored proc which creates a temp table within it Extended Event does capture this creation statement SQL as well , we dont need it though
    AND T.Time_Stamp_EE >= @Prev_Insertion_time --Ryelugu 03/05/2015 - Performance Optimize
    AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [dbo].[MN_DDLSchema_Changes_log] MN
    WHERE MN.[ServerName] = T.server_instance_name -- Ryelugu Server Name needes to be added on to to xml ( Events in session )
    AND MN.[DbName] = T.DbName
    AND MN.[Event_Name] = T.EventName
    AND MN.[ObjectName]= T.ObjectName
    AND MN.[EE_Time_Stamp] = T.Time_Stamp_EE
    AND MN.[SQL_TEXT] =T.SqlText -- Ryelugu 03/05/2015 This is a comparision Metric as well , But needs to decide on
    -- Peformance Factor here , Will take advise from Lance if comparision on varchar(max) is a vital idea
    --PRINT '4'
    top 100
    ORDER BY [EE_Time_Stamp] desc
    -- select getdate()
    -- ** DELETE EVENTS after logging into Physical table
    -- NEED TO Identify if this @XML can be updated into physical system table such that previously loaded events are left untoched
    -- SET @XML.modify('delete /event/class/.[@timestamp="2015-03-06T13:01:19.020Z"]')
    -- SELECT @XML
    Rajkumar Yelugu

    @@Version : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5058.0 (X64)
        May 14 2014 18:34:29
        Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
        Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor)
    (1 row(s) affected)
    Compatibility level is set to 110 .
    One of the limitation states - XML columns with a depth of more than 128 nested nodes
    How do i verify this ? Thanks .
    Rajkumar Yelugu

  • What is the purpose of the Serial / Normal switch on the SUP-NS3S lens support.

    What is the purpose of the Serial / Normal switch on the SUP-NS3S lens support.

    Hello Dkaer,
    The SUP-NS3S lens support is a very specific product and handled a bit differently than our consumer [and even professional] level equipment.  Meaning, we will need to consult with our broadcast lens engineers to provide a complete answer.  Once they respond back to us, the response will be posted either back to this forum thread, or relayed via email directly to you. 
    Thank you for your patience on this matter.  We hope you have a great day. 
    Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

  • Hi, I downloaded the app for macbook "Lens Flare for Final Cut" and I've struggled a lot to install this app at final cut . Someone could help me ? i´m from Mexico i speak spanish

    Hi, I downloaded the app for macbook "Lens Flare for Final Cut" and I've struggled a lot to install this app at final cut . Someone could help me ? how i can install this app in Final Cut? this app cost me money and not is working to me, i am disappointed sorry if a write bad, i´m from Mexico i speak spanish

    This is a user2user board for FCPX - maybe better you discuss your issues with the makers of that 'plug in'
    Seems for me a  bit 'fishy', isn't it? - other professional plug-in makers deliver with an installer... That advice at AppStore, how to install it, is ... rare:
    How install it ? – click the launch button. Motion 5 will start itself. When Motion is open click save as. Write a generator name - Lens Flare and choose category RGB HOUSE or make it. Click Publish and you are done. If you don’t have Motion 5 look at support site - how to install in FCP.
    How it works ? – In Final Cut Pro you will find in Generators RGB HOUSE group, where will be Lens Flare. Drag this generator above all clips in timeline. When it’s there remember to change blending mode to Screen (in video section). You can adjust color, steak color, glow, intensity, scale - apacity and blur of artifacts, position. Any parameter could be stored as a keyframe, so You can easily animate the flare.
    so, I don't speak Spanish, lets have some fun with translate.google...:
    Cómo instalarlo? - Haga clic en el botón de inicio. Motion 5 comenzará Misma. Cuando el movimiento está abierto clic en Guardar como escribir un generador de nombres -. Resplandor del objetivo y seleccionar categoría RGB CASA o hacerlo. Haga clic en Publicar y ya está. Si usted no tiene el movimiento 5 vistazo a sitio de soporte - cómo instalar en FCP.
    Cómo funciona? - En Final Cut Pro se encuentra en el grupo generador RGB CASA, donde serán destello de lente. Arrastre este generador por encima de todos los clips en la línea de tiempo. Cuando es allí te acuerdas de que cambiar el modo de fusión a la pantalla (en la sección de vídeo). Usted puede ajustar el color, color carne, brillo, intensidad, escala - falta de definición apacidad y artefactos de su posición. Cualquier parámetro podría almacenarse como un fotograma clave, por lo que puede animar fácilmente la antorcha.
    Hope it makes at last a little sense... I don't trust these automatic translators
    (the German translation is ... awesome funny!)
    Finally: it's from 2012! Needs probably an update - contact the dealer!

  • Java usb support for  windows

    Hello All
    I do no know if this is the right place to post this topic, but does anyone know of an api that provides usb support for windows. I was looking a jusb, but the documentation says it only has support for linux. So far the best I have found is Mr Stahl's thesis which provides very limited support for windows. I was wondering if there was anything more stable (free or not)

    Im trying to connect 2 computers using USB or Parallell port. On one computer I want to install a printer (regular windows printer) that prints through either USB or the Parallell port. On the other computer I want to listen on the Parallell port/USB port and receive the input and write it to a file.
    Does anyone have a some sample code to do this? I've tried the following code (rxtx) but it cant find more than 2 ports (one parallel and one serial - no USBs even though I have 5 USB ports). Since I could only find the USB I tried to listen on the Parallell port. Problem is that I dont receive any data.
    <---THE CODE--->
    Enumeration port_list = gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
    while (port_list.hasMoreElements ()) {
    CommPortIdentifier port_id = (CommPortIdentifier)port_list.nextElement ();
              if(port_id.getPortType () == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_PARALLEL) {
                   System.out.println("Found port "+port_id.getName()+ "id "+port_id);
                   CommPort commPort = port_id.open("",2000);               
                   InputStream is = commPort.getInputStream();
                   byte buffert[]=new byte[1024];
              int len;
              System.out.println(">>>>>>>>len "+is.read(buffert));
                   is = commPort.getInputStream();
                   System.out.println(">>>>>>>>len "+len);

  • [Consolidation-Locked] Please add RAW support for the Nikon D600 to Lightroom as soon as possible!

    My Fair Adobe,
    Please add RAW support for the Nikon D600 to Lightroom as soon as possible!
    ViewNX lets me get to the images, but come on!!! I know Lightroom, and you, ViewNX, are no Lightroom.
    Yes, I see everyone else ASKING for D600 support. I'm here to beg for it! Don't make me wait much longer!
    Message title was edited by: Brett N
    Message title was edited by: Brett N

    Rob, my reading of your site is that this plug-in copies settings from raw to jpeg, does it work the other way around as well?
    Rob Cole wrote:
    One of the great things about the new 0-based defaults and linear tone curve is:
    You can develop the jpegs now, in Lightroom, and then sync the settings to the raws later (e.g. using RawPlusJpeg), and provided you select a matching camera profile, they will look almost the same (white balance won't translate over, but everything else will, more or less). Beware lens corrections applied to the raws might alter the registration of precision local adjustments.
    Note: I recommend shooting with ADL off in order for this to work better, and consider turning sharpening off in camera as well, and noise reduction and everything else to whatever extent is possible.

  • Installing a lens profile for a Samyang 14mm

    Installing a lens profile for a Samyang 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC on a Canon EOS 5D Mark II
    I downloaded http://www.photo-worx.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=49
    I edited the .lcp file and set
    so it should work for my raw .DNG file
    I created a folder for it, and put the Samyang14mm.lcp file in
    F:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.4\Resources\LensProfiles\1.0\Samyang
    and restarted LightRoom5.4
    But under Lens Corrections, when I tick Enable Profile Corrections there is no Make Samyang appearing, and I cannot find the profile.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Does anyone have a RAW profile for the Samyang 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC that works?

    Referencing: Victoria Bampton (Lightroom Queen)
    Your Develop Defaults, Lens Defaults and Custom Point Curves are stored at...
    Windows—C: \ Users \ [your username] \ AppData \ Roaming \ Adobe \ CameraRaw \
    Mac—Macintosh HD / Users / [your username] / Library / Application Support / Adobe / CameraRaw /
    I am guessing if you move them to the correct location they will show up.

  • No lens profile for camera.

    I have a Canon G16 
    Bought Lightroom to use with this and RAW photograph processing.
    I have the latest ver of Lightroom 5.5   and RAW 8.5
    Import detects and accepts "Canon Powershot G16"   so have the latest profiles, but under Lens Correction ... it does not List G16  (does show G15)
    Do we (or can we ) request support for the G16    ?

    The G16 already has a built-in lens profile that is always on.  That is why you cannot find it in the list to select.
    Here is what a uncorrected image looks like.  Note the barrel distortion near the outside edges:
    And here is what the ACR 8.5 plug-in for Photoshop says about the built-in lens profile--something I wish they'd add to Lightroom, too, so as to avoid questions like yours:

  • Lens correction for Hasselblad V series lenses

    Lightroom does not provide lens correction for Hasselbald V series lenses, e.g. Carl Zeiss Planar 2,8/80. Hasselblad Phocus program does but Lightroom ignores Phocus metadata in FFF files imports. Is there any posssibility to achieve lens correction for these lenses in Lightroom? Thanks a lot in advance for help.

    Here's a list of the currently supported lenses: http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/lens-profile-support-lightroom-4.html
    If your lenses aren't supported, you can check the Lens Profile Downloader to see if anyone else has created a profile, or you can create your own using the Lens Profile Creator.  You'll find the downloads for those here: http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/photoshop/extend.displayTab2.html#resources

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