Lev mar parameter min value

When I use the Lev Mar curve fit, I get an error that says at least one of my input parameters is NaN or Inf.  There is a place in my fitting equation where I divide by the parameter and take the square root, so if it was either zero or negative, this would not work.
Is there a way that I could force Lev Mar to not choose values of 1 or zero for this parameter?  My initial guess is very small (on the order of 10^-4), but this parameter is time, so it should not be negative or zero anyways.

What is your LabVIEW version? The function has been renamed to "nonlinear curve fit" many versions ago.
There is a constrained nonlinear curve fit that lets you set parameter bounds. Use that instead.
Can you show us your code and some typical data? If you calculate the model with your paramter guesses, does it look anything like the data?
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Hey, I'm trying to use the advanced Lev-Mar fit vi to fit an exponential decay with an offset. I noticed that when I vary the initial condition for the time constant by 5% I get significant changes in my fit coeficient for the same parameter. However, when I multiply my input Y values by 10^4, the fit coeficients are more robust and change little with initial conditions that vary more than 10%. Also, the values now seem to match well with values I obtain when I perform the same fit in the Origin plotting program. Why is this? All my values are in double precision so I don't see how this could be a precision issue.

    The Lev-Mar has a well-known "bug" in the termination condition IF you fail to wire the "standard Deviation Input". In this case, the standard deviation is taken as 1, which is fine except for the case where your y-data is very small (e.g. all in microvolts or nanovolts). In this case, the function is considered converged after one iteration using the initial guesses.
    You have two options:
    (1) (not recommended) Edit the Lev-MAR.vi and make the diagram constant in the bottom center much smaller.
    (2) (RECOMMENDED!) Always wire a "standard deviation input array". In your case, just create an array with equal size as your data, initialized with numbers corresponding to the noise in your data. It does not need to be accurate, you could just take it as e.g. 10E-4 to 10e-6 times your y-range (y-max minus y-min).
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Curvefit of the reflectivi​ty with Lev-Mar

    I am a beginner with Labview and I need your help, I recuper the data of the reflectivity from the spectrometer (3648 points) and I am going to make the fitting to extract information about the thickness and refractive indices n and k (k in the general case it will be zero because the materials used are oxides and I work in the visible range.
    I want to use the model of Lev-Mar but I have the problem with the model, i have used the formula node to write the eqaution of the reflectivity, and currently I am block.
    column1 = Lambda
    column 2 : Reflectivity
    the substrate is Pyrex  ; n= 1,47
    the thin film is Ti-Nb, the index is like that of the titane(Antase) : ñ = 2,561 + i2,488
    Thank you very much.
    Nb: i know my english is so bad
    fit1.png ‏36 KB
    fit2.png ‏30 KB
    Data.txt ‏51 KB

    Thank you very much Lynn,
    I did what you told me to do and it works a better,
    I would like to know if you can help me, I have the values of the reflectivity R as a function of the wavelength (lambda) but the indices " n "  and " k " are also a function of lambda.
    R = (n,k,d,lambda )   and  the dispersion equation n(lambda) and k(lambda)
    With the curvefit Lev-Mar is possible to define these parameter ? if you have ideas that will be cool

  • Finding the min value in a hashtable

    I'm trying to work out the lowest value contained in a hashTable. So far I've got.
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class StoreValuesDouble extends Statistic {
          * Each object of the class (StoreValuesDouble) will have these attributes.
          * When you call the StoreValuesDouble class you can use
          * myDoubleValues (a Vector holding Double types),
          * Hashtable (a Hashtable using Double types as values and keys) and
          * nullValues (an Double currently set to 0.0).
         Vector<Double> myDoubleValues; //declare a variable myDoubleValues that is of data type Vector
         Hashtable<Double, Double> myValues; //declare a variable myvalues that is a data type Hashtable
         Double nullValues = 0.0; //Double attribute to count the number of null values contained in the vector
          * pass myDoubleValues to inValues
          * @param Vector /<Double/> a vector holding Double values
          * @param inValues the values in the vector
          * @return
         public void DoubleStat(Vector<Double> inValues) {
              myDoubleValues = inValues;
          * calculate the mean of myDoubleValues
          * @return mean of myDoubleValues as a double
         public double meanDouble() {
              double mean = 0;
              Double currentDouble;
              double nonNull = 0;
              for (double j = 0; j < myDoubleValues.size(); j++)
                   currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int) j);
                   if (currentDouble != null) {
                        mean += currentDouble.doubleValue();
              return mean / nonNull;
          * calculate the standard devitation of myDoubleValues
          * @return standard devitation of myDoubleValues as a double
         public double standardDeviationDouble() {
              double m = meanDouble();
              double t = 0.0;
              Double currentDouble;
              double n = 0;
              for (double j = 0; j < getDoubleValues(); j++) {
                   currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int)j);
                   if (currentDouble != null) {
                        n = currentDouble.doubleValue();
                        t += (n - m) * (n - m);
              return Math.sqrt(t / (myDoubleValues.size() - 1.0));// n - 1 as sample varience
          * return the number of values of myDoubleValues to help calculate the mean & standard deviation
          * @return the size of myDoubleValues as a Double
         public double getDoubleValues() {
              return myDoubleValues.size();
          * compute the number of null values
          * @return a double value representing the number of null values
         public Double getDoubleNull() {
              Double nbNull = 0.0;
              // test if myIntValues is null
              if (myDoubleValues == null) {
                   System.out.println("Please enter values that are not null!");
                   return 0.0;
              // if not null, parse all values
                   // for each value, test if it is null or not
                   Double currentDouble;
                   for (double i = 0; i < myDoubleValues.size(); i++) {
                        currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int)i);
                        if (currentDouble != null) {
                             /// nothing to do
                        else {
              return nbNull;
    //find the MIN values in the Hashtable to give us the range (with the MAX value)
         public Double MinDouble()
              Double MinDouble = null;
              Double currentValue;
              for (double j = 0; j < myDoubleValues.size(); j++)
                   currentValue = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int) j);
                   if (currentValue != null){
                   if (currentValue <= MinDouble) {
                        MinDouble = currentValue;
              return MinDouble;
         /*find the MAX value in the Hashtable to give us the range (with the MIN value)
         public double MAX()
          * Create an instance of StoreValuesDouble to hold vector values and number of times the values
          * appear. StoreValuesDouble automatically contains the variables defined above
          * (myDoubleValues, myValues and nullValues) we have to initialise myDoubleValues and myValues
          * as they have been defined but not initialised. nullValues has been defined (int) and initialised (0).
          * @param Vector /<Double/> a vector holding Double values
          * @param inValues the values in the vector
          * @return
         public StoreValuesDouble(Vector<Double> inValues) {
              myDoubleValues = inValues; //the attribute myDoubleValues defined in the StoreValuesDouble class
              //is the inValues parameter, this allows us to store the Vector in inValues
              myValues = new Hashtable<Double, Double>(); // create an instance of/initialise Hashtable
          * Now define the methods to make the instance StoreValuesDouble do what we want it to do
          * (ie parse all the double values of the myDoubleValues Vector attribute.
         public void computeDoubleValues() {
              Double currentDouble;//local variable to store the current read Double object
               * Use a for loop to read through all the values contained in the vector
              for (double i = 0; i < myDoubleValues.size(); i++) {
                   currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int)i);
                   //currentDouble is now the Double object stored at i
                   //to check that i is not null we use the if statment
                   if (currentDouble != null) {
                        //i is not null so we want to add it to the hashtable. Rather than writing a lot of code
                        //here to do checking and adding we just call a method that can be written seperately
                   else {
                        //i is null so we just count it by adding it to our nullValues attribute
          * Update the current distribution of Doubles
          * @param Double for the value of the key
          * @param inDouble for the value entered into the Hashtable (the object)
         public void updateDoubleTable(Double inDouble) {
              //First test that variable inDouble is not null
              if (inDouble != null) {
                   //update the table myValues this involves two tasks
                   //1)see if the double object has already been seen
                   //so we create a local variable to test the Hashtable
                   boolean alreadyPresent;
                   alreadyPresent = myValues.containsKey(inDouble);
                   //here we check whether inDouble is already in myValues
                   if (alreadyPresent) {
                        //if it is present we need to increase the counter
                        Double counter = myValues.get(inDouble);
                        //local variable counter to get the value associated to the key inDouble
                        Double newCounter = new Double(counter.intValue() + 1.0);
                        //update counter values and then ...
                        myValues.put(inDouble, newCounter);
                        //put into myValues
                        //as Hashtable can store only Objects, we cannot use primitive types
                        // so we use Objects related to primitive types as Integer, Float, Double
                        // or Boolean (here, we use Double)
                   } else {
                        //store the double and set it's counter to 1
                        myValues.put(inDouble, new Double(1));
              } else {
                   //do nothing
         //now we want to display the values
         public void displayDoubleTable() {
              // to display the distribution, we need to parse all the keys of the
              // hashtable and access to the value associated to each key
              Enumeration<Double> keys = myValues.keys();
              Double currentKey;
              Double currentValue;
              System.out.println("Hashtable Information:");
              System.out.println(myDoubleValues.size() + " Double objects in initial vector");
              while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
                   currentKey = keys.nextElement();
                   currentValue = myValues.get(currentKey);
                   System.out.println("The value " + currentKey.doubleValue()
                             + " has been seen " + currentValue.doubleValue()
                             + " time(s) in the initial Vector");
              System.out.println("There were " + nullValues
                        + " null Double object(s) in the inital Vector");
         }As part of the StoreValuesDouble class. And to display it.
    package statistics;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class TestStatDouble {
         static Vector<Double> doubleVector;
          * Create and initialise a vector of values and compute the mean,
          * standard deviation, distribution and MIN/MAX values.
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               // initialise the values in initValues
              // create an instance of StoreValuesDouble taking double as the parameter
              StoreValuesDouble is = new StoreValuesDouble(doubleVector);
              //Display the results
              System.out.println("Number of null values: " + is.getDoubleNull());
              System.out.println("Number of non-null values is: " +(is.getDoubleValues() - is.getDoubleNull()));
              System.out.println("Number of all values: " + is.getDoubleValues());
              System.out.println("The mean is: " + is.meanDouble());
              System.out.println("Standard deviation is: " + is.standardDeviationDouble());
              System.out.println("The lowest value is " + is.MinDouble());
               * now I want to display the results from the displayTable method in the StoreValuesDouble
               * class so I create an instance of StoreValuesDouble and use the computeDoubleValues and
               * displayDoubleTable methods.
              StoreValuesDouble storeValues = new StoreValuesDouble(doubleVector);
          * create the class method initValues() to add values to the Vector doubleVector
         public static void initValues()
              doubleVector = new Vector<Double>();
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.9));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(15.95));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(17));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(1));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(4));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.499));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.4999));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(17));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(-15));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(14));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(20));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(-3));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(9));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(1.5));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.22));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(15.23));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(17.91));
          * class method to print values contained in the vector doubleVector to the console.
          * @param doubleVector the Vector to be displayed
         public static void displayVectorContent(Vector doubleVector)
              Double currentDouble;
              System.out.println("Double values within the Vector:");
              for (int i=0; i<doubleVector.size();i++)
                        currentDouble = (Double) doubleVector.elementAt(i);
                        if (currentDouble != null)
                             System.out.print(currentDouble.toString() + " ");
                   catch(ClassCastException cce)
                        System.out.print(cce.getMessage() + " ");
         It compiles fine but when I try and run it I get a
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at statistics.StoreValuesDouble.MinDouble(StoreValuesDouble.java:139)
         at statistics.TestStatDouble.main(TestStatDouble.java:37)
    TestStatDouble 37 is
    System.out.println("The lowest value is " + is.MinDouble());139 is
    if (currentValue <= MinDouble) {I guess the problem's in my if loop but I'm not sure why. Any help would be appreciated.
    Message was edited by:

    Couple of points about your code:
    1. Don't declare your instance variables as solid types, declare them using their interfaces (where applicable), so in your case don't specifiy that you are using Vector or Hashtable, use List and Map. This will allow you to easily change your code to use a different collection, if and when appropriate. Also the unnecessary overhead of Vectors synchronisation means that you should use ArrayList instead of vector (that means that you will have to use get(int) instead of elementAt() but that's a very small price to pay.
    2. Declare local variables as close to their point of usage as possible. (Unless you need to do this for your course work, in which case you don't have a choice).
    3. Use the appropriate data type. For your count of null values you should be using an int or a long (you can't have a fractional count value!) Also, this should have been obvious to you, when you had to cast the value to an int for use with your lists. (Using double as an index is a very bad idea... And before you go posting the question, do a search on why floating point precision may not give you the results you expect)
    4. Code defencively... e.g. in your meanDouble() method, you set nonNull to 0, and then you do a division using that value. What do you think is going to happen if your loop doesn't execute once? Division by zero... You should handle these cases, rather than letting them fail ignominiously.
    5. If you are doing code like this...    if (currentDouble != null) {
            // / nothing to do
        } else {
        } Why have the empty block? You should just do the inverse.
        if (currentDouble == null) {
        } Far simpler, and expresses exactly what you are trying to do, not what you are not trying to do.
    6. Enumeration --- What version of java is that course being run in? I can see that you are using autoboxing, so it has to be 1.5 so, WHY is your lecturer encouraging the use of Vectors, Hashtables, and Enumerations!?!?!
    Anyway, that should be enough to be going on with.

  • Curve Fit of ODE, should I use Lev-Mar or Constrained Nonlinear Optimization?

    I wanna do a curve fitting of differential equations, following is the equations:
    dx/dt = u*x-a*x
    ds/dt = b*u*x+c*x
    dp/dt = d*u*x+e*x+f*p
    and u = um*s/(km+s+s^2/ki)
    I've tried "nonlinear curve fit( Lev-Mar)", but I met difficulties when writing the f(x,a) of Lev-Mar.
    Then I tried "Constrained Nonlinear Optimization", I found that the example "Estimate Nonlinear Spring Constant.vi"
    in the "labview\examples\math\curvefit.llb" was similar to the fitting I tried to do, but there was only one parameter
    need to estimate in this example,but what I need is to estimate 3 parameters.
    However,I modified the example to my equations, it failed again.
    How can I achieve this? is it possible to do this fit only using Labview VIs or need Matlab Script Node?
    Any help will be appreciated.

    I forgot to mention that in the equations above,  a,b,c,d,e,f is constant,
    and the data of x,s,p corresponding with the data of time is already known,
    and which parameters I wanna identify is um,km,and ki
    帖子被myafu在12-22-2006 01:33 AM时编辑过了

  • Error Inconsistent input parameter (parameter: i_sid,value 0)

    Hi ,
    i got this error "Error Inconsistent input parameter (parameter: i_sid,value 0)" after i execute the query that i have created. How can i solve this problem?

    (I know, the answer is a year late, but at least it will be documented for the future: i've recently had the same error in my system)
    I have debugged the problem and found that the exception happens somewhere after Include LRSDRC_INFOCUBEF06, form BASIC_QUERY_DATA_GET_ROLAP and  PERFORM check_for_request0.
    You can also get this error if you execute the transaction LISTCUBE for the Infocube, or if you click on "display data" in the context menu of an InfoCube in RSA1.
    The reason for the problem seems to be the missing "initial" record in the InfoObject "REQUID".
    This InfoObject tracks all the requests/data packages in your BW system, and usually has the similar contents:
    select * from /BI0/SREQUID
    REQUID                                            SID         CHCKFL DATAFL INCFL
                                                                    0          X     X     X
    REQU_4D9N9016ZEBZXYL3FKRS5Z5BK    8             
    ODSR_4D9N908VICXPGL4JLEU4G141C     9
    However, if the initial record with SID = 0 is missing, you may get the described error.
    The problem can be fixed by adding this record to two tables:
    (example for adding this record from the DB2 SQL interpreter; syntax may be slightly different with other DB platform)
    insert into "/BI0/SREQUID" values ('',0,'X','X','X')
    insert into "/BI0/RREQUID" values (0,'')
    (NOTE: the '' are two single quotes without any value between them, and not the double quote mark   )
    Hope this helps.
    Kind regards,
    Sergiy Malikov.
    SAP BI on DB2 for Linux, Unix and Windows
    Edited by: Sergiy Malikov on Mar 27, 2009 1:53 PM

  • How to constrain parameters in Lev-Mar?

    It's a common case for non-linear fitting.
    How can it be done in LabView's Lev-Mar?

    The provided LabVIEW implementation does not contain options for parameter bounds.
    One solution would be to re-parametrize your code in terms of unconstrained variables that cause a constraint on your original parameters.
    Some transformations for one-sided or two-sided parameter bounds are given here:
    The link also lists references with more details.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Lorentz fit of a curve with Lev-Mar

    Hello everybody! I am trying to set of data to a Lorentz curve to calculate a Q value (resonance.) I found a program on a thread from this forum that appears to work with the sample data set from the thread. However, when I try to run the program using my data set with known fitted coefficients as the initial guesses, we get an error in the Lev-Mar sub-VI -- something like “the input matrix is singular”. There’s a screenshot of my data in in the attached zip folder, as well as the text file containing my data.
    My data curves down (reaching a minimum) instead of up, as in the sample data set, but it seems like that should be accounted for by the different initial guesses. I am thinking that something else is going on; hopefully it is something simple that I am just missing. Any help y'all can provide would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!
    Lorentz Fit.zip ‏1992 KB

    Hello Lynn,
    Yes, there are quite a few potential peaks in that data set. The peak you identified was the one that we are trying to fit (The peak should be trimmed by the cursors.) We used origin to fit that same peak in order to get the initial guesses for the coefficients in the screenshot. When it runs, we get the error message: "Error -20041 occured at NI_Gmath.lvlib: Nonlinear Curve Fit LM.vi:2 Possible reason(s): Analysis: The system of equations cannot be solved because the input matrix is singular." 

  • Lev-Mar template missing

    I am trying to fit A*sin(w*t+phi) to some noisy data (amplitude, frequency, and phase are all to be detrmined from the matched sine). When I looked at the Lev-Mar fitting VIs I could not locate the template for the LM model function and gradient VI template mentioned in the Help file. labview\vi.lib\gmath\opti.llb\numerical is empty. (Help says this template should be there). The figure in the help file shows a cluster called Output Control as an input to the VI, but does not specify the elements of the control. I also could not find a way to put the formula into the String Formula version. Is there a listing of the available functions and syntax? The help did not seem to lead me to it.
    LV8.0.1 on Mac OS X
    Maybe it is just too late on Friday afternoon.

    Sarah, Christian,
    I had looked at that link and several others. I was hoping to find some reference where someone had made some practical suggestions reagrding optimizing the initial guesses, or at least some clues as to how to go about it.
    My data has a frequency range of about 2.5:1 so I was hoping I could just set the initial guess at the middle of the range. In my testing an initial guess 20% above or below the actual frequency resultis in erroneous values about 80-90% of runs with noise at 10% of signal amplitude which is better than the real data. With initial amplitude and phase equal to the data parameters and initial frequency guess at 1.2 times the actual I recorded two runs with the fit frequency at 99.9%. Eight others produced: 160%, 180%, 210%, 160%, 160%, 130%, 60%, and 160%. With the initial frequency at 80%, the results were somewhat worse.
    My suspicion is that because the partial derivatives of the model equation are also sines and cosines, the algorithm tends to find some kind of local minimum and converges to that even though it is a really poor fit.
    Here is my modified Lev-mar VI and the simple sine model VI (LV8). The default values are fairly typical of the data sets we will be getting.
    Thanks for the help.
    Nonlinear Fit Lev-Mar.Berry.vi ‏41 KB
    simple sine model.vi ‏21 KB

  • Report parameter field value has a single quote. need to escape before pass

    Report has a parameter whose value might have a single quote in it. If I pass that value directly into the SQL Command... like
    where ... user_name = {?parm_user_name}...
    which would translate to
    user_name='O'Donnel Honda'
    I am getting an error... so would like to convert this parameter value into 'O''Donnel Honda' before passing into the query.
    I created a formula called parse_user_name with following:
    Replace ({?parm_user_name}, "'", "''")
    And used in the query like
    where ... user_name = {@parse_user_name}...
    I am getting an error like invalid SQL92 character...

    I think you should use the condition like this
    where ... user_name = '{?parm_user_name}'
    keep the parameter in single quote at the command level itself.
    Now use the same formula like
    This works only if the parameter is a single value parameter but not multi value parameter.

  • Is there an easy way to make JSpinner wrap around at max/min values?

    I have several pages with a couple dozen JSpinners to set various values - mostly numeric, but some are not.
    I would like to make them wrap around when either the max or min values are reached.
    Is there an easy way to do this?
    I was hoping for something like an "enableWraparound" property, but I haven't found such an animal.
    I suspect I could add value change listeners to all the components and do it by brute force,
    but there are too many spinners scattered around to make that an option I would like to take.
    Any suggestions?

    Ok, it looks like custom spinner models are the way to go.
    Hopefully, I can create a couple that are generic enough to meet my requirements without too much pain.
    It looks like the ones I have already created will be easy enough to modify.
    Thanks for the feedback.

  • How can we use C# to read dynamic parameter's value list from .rpt?

    I'm using Cystal Report 2008. We know starting from CR XI we can create dynamic parameters, the list of items of this kind of parameter are fetching from database. So in general the SQLs to get the list of values for dynamic parameters are stored in the .rpt.
    In Crystal Report Designer, if I preview a report with dynamic parameters, it will first query the database and then show the input dialog with list of values from database for user to choose. My question is can we implement the same thing by our C# code? I'm planning to use C# code to read this dynamic parameter's value list from .rpt and render them on the web page. Then pass back the user selected values to the .rpt to run the report after user make the choice. I didn't find any APIs can do this. Is it possible?
    Thanks in advance!!

    Can you explain a bit in detail, I have similar scenario. I am using the following code but not getting the Column name for dynamic parameter list.
    foreach (ParameterFieldDefinition prm
                              in reportDocument.DataDefinition.ParameterFields)
                        string vParameterFieldName;                   
                        *vParameterFieldName = prm.ParameterFieldName.ToString();*

  • How to use a parameter field value as a substring in a "like" statement?

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to use a parameter field in a Record selection formula where the parameter field value would be a substring of the data stored in the field.
    My parameter field (SlctResearcher) is constructed as follows:
    Type: string
    List of Values: static
    Value Field: (Reports) RptAuthors
    (in Value Options) Allow custom values?: True
    {Reports.PubDate} in DateTime (2009, 04, 01, 00, 00, 00) to DateTime (2010, 03, 31, 23, 59, 59) and
    {Reports.RptAuthors} like "*{?SlctResearcher}*"
    When I hit F5 to generate the data, I get no results (and the parameter prompt field does not even come up...)
    If I modify the formula to put a hard-coded string, like
    after the 'like', I get results (all the reports where "Jones" is a substring in the RptAuthors string.) If I modify the formula to just use the parameter field without the quotes/stars like:
    {Reports.PubDate} in DateTime (2009, 04, 01, 00, 00, 00) to DateTime (2010, 03, 31, 23, 59, 59) and
    {Reports.RptAuthors} like {?SlctResearcher}
    I do get the parameter prompt field, but still no results even if I put in a valid substring value (since it is not searching for a substring anymore...)
    How can I do this?

    1st thing... Make a copy of your report before doing anything!!!
    To use a SQL Command, you'll want to open the Database Expert and look at the Current Connections. Expand the data source and the 1st option you see is the Add Command option.
    To find the SQL That CR is currently using, choose Database from the menu bar and select Show SQL Query...
    You can copy this and paste it directly into the command window. (If you you can write your own SQL you don't need copy CR's, it's just an option.)
    You'll also want to take not of any parameters that you have, you'll need to add them the the Parameter List of the command as well... be sure to spell them EXACTLY as they are in the design pane.
    Anyway, once the SQL statement is in the Command window you'll be able to alter the WHERE clause to use the wild cards.
    For future reference... What type of database are you reporting against???

  • Update a table based on Min value of a column of a Another Table.Pls Help.

    Dear All,
    Actually I need update statement some thing like below scenario...
    Data in table is like below:
    I wrote a query to fetch data like below ( actually scenario is each control number can have single or multiple PO under it ) (i used rank by to find parent to tree like show of data)
    Table: T20
    Control_no        P_no  Col3
    19950021     726473     00
    19950036      731016     00
    19950072     731990     00
                     731990 01
    19950353     734732     00
                     734732 01
    19950406     736189     00
                 736588     01
                 736588     02
                 736588     03                
    Table : T30
    Control_no      P_no              col3
    19950021     726473 
    19950036     731016
    19950072     731990     
    19950353     734732     
    19950406     736189     
      Now requirement is I need to update Table T30's col3 (which do have values in T20 but not this table) in such a way that , It should take MIN (COL3) from T20 and then update that value to related Col3)
    Better I can explain through below new data format in T30 after update:
    After update it should like:
    Table : T30
    Control_no       P_no    col3 (this is updated column)
    19950021     726473   00  -- as this is min value for Pno 726473 belongs to Control NO 199950021 in Table T20 above
    19950036     731016   00  -- as this is min value for Pno 726473 belongs to Control NO 199950021 in Table T20 above
    19950072     731990   00  -- see here..both Pno should updated as '00' as MIN value col3 in Table T20 related to this
                 731990      00     record is '00'  (out of 00,01 it should select 00 and update that value here)
    19950353     734732      00  -- same again both Pno should updated as '00' as MIN value col3 in TableT20 related to this
                 734732      00     record is '00'  (out of 00,01 it should select 00 and update that value here)
    19950406     736189      00  -- As there is single col3 value in T20, 00 should be updated here.
                 736588      01  --  Here it should update col3 as '01' since for this pno(736588)
                 736588      01  --  Here too it should update col3 as 01 per requirement ,minimum value of this pno in T20
                 736588      01  --     same here too.. Sorry if my post formatting is not good...
    Hope i am clear in my requirement..(update T30 col3 based on min value of col3 of related records)
    Please suggest some update sql for this...(ideas would be great)
    I am using oracle 10 g version soon will be migrated to 11g..
    Edited by: Onenessboy on Oct 20, 2010 12:13 PM
    Edited by: Onenessboy on Oct 20, 2010 12:15 PM

    Onenessboy wrote:
    I am really sorry, my post so nonsense in look..
    I used to use for actuall code..
    the out put i tryped, i used [pre] , [/pre] but still does not look good..
    hmm..thanks for your suggestion hoek..
    so any ideas about my requirement...I would suggest spending a bit more time trying hoek's suggestion regarding {noformat}{noformat} tags instead of repeatedly asking for more help.
    Because to understand your requirement, people are going to have to read it first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • How to find out the max/min value of one field corresponding to a second field in HANA through graphical way.

    I am trying to find out the latest delivery date(EINDT)  for each purchasing document (EBELN) through graphical way.
    The view contains other fields apart from the above mentioned two fields.
    When only the two fields (EBELN, EINDT) are there, then in semantics, I can select 'Max' as aggregation to get the maximum value for each document.
    If I do like this, then I need to join more than 3 views and also so many joins in calculation view. Taking so much time for data preview.
    Hence , please help me in getting the solution while the view contains other fields also.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sreehari/Vinoth,
    Thank you for your replies.
    if only two fields are then I can get the max/min values of one field corresponding to other field.
    But more than two fields are there with different values, then let me know how to find out the max/min value of a particular filed corresponding to the 2nd field with other fields also should be in the output.
    I hope you understood my issue.Please revert in case of questions.
    Thanks & Regards,

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