Libumem complains on redzone violation in std::deque even with latest patch

HW: e2900 (USIV+ cpus), 5.10 Generic_118833-24
I've applied the latest libCstd patch 119963-08
CC +w -fast -erroff=hidef -V -PIC -mt -xtarget=ultra3 -xarch=v9a
CC: Sun C++ 5.8 Patch 121017-08 2006/12/06
cg: Sun Compiler Common 11 Patch 120760-11 2006/10/18
The attached code fails, when running under libumem on said machine
If I change the deque to a list, everything works smoothly, suggesting there is still something fishy inside the deque allocate/deallocate functions. I could not reproduce the fault on my (single-CPU) workstation, but on the 2900 it crashes immediately.
// file:
#ifndef DEPEND
#include <deque>
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>     // sprintf
#include <synch.h>
#include <sys/errno.h> // ETIME
#include <sys/time.h>  // gettimeofday
#include <thread.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#define ENSURE(expr) do { int rc = expr ; \
        if (rc != 0) \
            char buf[800]; \
            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: unexpected rc: %d", #expr, rc); \
            buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';  \
            throw std::logic_error(buf);\
    } while(0)
/** A simple mutex implementation. */
class Mutex
    friend class Condition; // needs access to my mutex
    Mutex() {
        ENSURE(::mutex_init(&_impl, 0, 0));
     * Destructor.
    ~Mutex() {
    void acquire() {
    void acquireRead() { this->acquire(); }
    void acquireWrite() { this->acquire(); }
    void release() {
    void releaseRead() { this->release(); }
    void releaseWrite() { this->release(); }
    inline bool tryAcquire();
    bool tryAcquireRead() { return this->tryAcquire(); }
    bool tryAcquireWrite() { return this->tryAcquire(); }
    mutex_t _impl;
  while(true) {
    int rc = ::mutex_trylock(&_impl);
    switch (rc)
    case 0: // ok, we got it...
        return true;
    case EBUSY: // nope, it was already taken...
        return false;
    case EINTR: // fork or signal, try again...
    case EINVAL: // The rest is faults, should not happend...
    case EFAULT:
        throw std::invalid_argument("Internal error, illegal adress");
        char msg[800];
        ::sprintf(msg, "::mutex_trylock: Unrecognized rc: %d", rc);
        throw std::logic_error(msg);
/** A simple condition variable implementation. */
class Condition
    enum WaitStatus { TIMEOUT, SIGNALED };
    Condition(Mutex &m) : _m(m) { ENSURE(::cond_init(&_impl, 0, 0)); }
    ~Condition() { ENSURE(::cond_destroy(&_impl)); }
    void signal() { ENSURE(::cond_signal(&_impl)); }
    void signalAll() { ENSURE(::cond_broadcast(&_impl)); }
    inline void wait();
    inline WaitStatus wait(unsigned long ms);
    Condition(const Condition&);
    const Condition& operator=(const Condition&);
    cond_t _impl;
    Mutex &_m;
    while(true) {
        int rc = ::cond_wait(&_impl, &_m._impl);
        switch (rc)
        case 0: // NoOp, all is well...
        case EFAULT:
            throw std::invalid_argument("Internal error, illegal adress");
        case EINTR: // fork or signal, we should still be sleeping
            char msg[50];
            sprintf(msg, "::cond_wait: Unrecognized rc: %d", rc);
            throw std::logic_error(msg);
Condition::wait(unsigned long millis)
    struct timeval tp;
    timestruc_t to;
    if(gettimeofday(&tp, 0))
    { // failed, use time() instead
        to.tv_sec  = ::time(NULL) + millis / 1000;
        to.tv_nsec = (millis % 1000) * 1000000; // 1e6 nanos-per-milli
    { // Ok, calculate when to wake up..
        to.tv_sec  = tp.tv_sec + millis/1000;
        to.tv_nsec = tp.tv_usec*1000 + (millis%1000)*1000000;
        if(to.tv_nsec >= 1000000000)
            to.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
    while(true) {
        int rc = ::cond_timedwait(&_impl, &_m._impl, &to);
        switch (rc)
        case 0: // NoOp, all is well... Someone told ut to wake up before timeout...
            return SIGNALED;
        case EFAULT:
            throw std::invalid_argument("Internal error, illegal adress");
        case EINTR: // fork or signal, we should still be sleeping
        case ETIME:
        case ETIMEDOUT:
            return TIMEOUT;
            char msg[50];
            sprintf(msg, "::cond_timedwait: Unrecognized rc: %d", rc);
            throw std::logic_error(msg);
/** Suitable for grabbing a mutex exclusively. The mutex will be
* released when the object dies.
template <class Lock>
class Guard
    Guard(Lock &l) : _l(l) { _l.acquire(); }
    ~Guard() { _l.release(); }
    Guard(const Guard&);
    const Guard& operator=(const Guard&);
    Lock &_l;
class Timer
    Timer() : _cond(_mutex), _isCancelled(false) { }
    ~Timer() { }
    /** Sleeps the specified no of secs, or until the timer is cancelled. */
    inline void sleep(const int millis);
    /** Cancels the timer. Ongoing sleeps will wakeup, new ones will not block.
    inline void cancel();
    inline bool isCancelled();
    Timer(const Timer& aTimer);
    Timer& operator=(const Timer& aTimer);
    Mutex     _mutex;
    Condition _cond;
    bool         _isCancelled;
void Timer::sleep(const int millis)
    Guard<Mutex> lock(_mutex);
    if (! _isCancelled)  // only wait one turn
void Timer::cancel()
    Guard<Mutex> lock(_mutex);
    _isCancelled = true;
bool Timer::isCancelled()
    Guard<Mutex> lock(_mutex);
    return _isCancelled;
// shouldn't this be available in STL somewhere???
template <class T>
struct Predicate : public std::unary_function<T, bool>
    virtual bool operator()(const T &x) const = 0;
/** A simple Producer Consumer Queue implementation. */
template <class T>
class PCQueue
    PCQueue(size_t aMaxLenght)
            : myMaxlength(aMaxLenght),
              myQNotFull(myQLock){ }
    void push(const T& aT);
    bool tryPush(const T& aT);
    T pop();
    bool tryPop(T& retVal, const unsigned int millis = 0);
    size_t size() const;
    bool isFull() const;
     * Atomically purges (removes) the FIRST element for which the supplied
     * predicate returns true.
    bool purge(const Predicate<T>& pred, T& theItem);
    typedef Guard<Mutex> MutexGuard;
    std::deque<T>        myQueue;
    mutable Mutex        myQLock;
    Condition            myQNotEmpty;
    Condition            myQNotFull;
    size_t               myMaxlength;
template <class T>
size_t PCQueue<T>::size() const
    MutexGuard g(myQLock);
    return myQueue.size();
template <class T>
void PCQueue<T>::push(const T& aT)
    MutexGuard g(myQLock);
    while (myMaxlength && myQueue.size() >= myMaxlength)
template <class T>
bool PCQueue<T>::tryPush(const T& aT)
    MutexGuard g(myQLock);
    while (myMaxlength && myQueue.size() >= myMaxlength)
        return false;
    return true;
template <class T>
T PCQueue<T>::pop()
    MutexGuard g(myQLock);
    T entry;
    while (myQueue.empty())
    entry = myQueue.front();
    return entry;
template <class T>
bool PCQueue<T>::tryPop(T& retVal, const unsigned int millis)
    MutexGuard g(myQLock);
    long long start = ::gethrtime();
    long remainder = millis;
    while (remainder > 0 && myQueue.empty())
        remainder = millis - (long)((::gethrtime() - start) / 1000000LL);
    if (myQueue.empty())  // timed out
        return false;
    retVal = myQueue.front();
    return true;
template <class T>
bool PCQueue<T>::isFull() const
    MutexGuard g(myQLock);
    if (myMaxlength == 0) // No limit on the queue
        return false;
    return (myQueue.size() >= myMaxlength) ? true : false;
template <class T>
bool PCQueue<T>::purge(const Predicate<T> &pred, T& theItem)
    MutexGuard g(myQLock);
    for (std::deque<T>::iterator i = myQueue.begin(); i != myQueue.end(); ++i)
        if (pred(*i))
            theItem = *i;
            return true;
    return false;
struct fifthBitSet : public Predicate<hrtime_t *>
    bool operator()(hrtime_t * const &i) const { return (bool) ((*i) & (0x1L << 4)); }
class StressTest
    StressTest(int consumers, int producers);
    void start();
    void stop();
    void sleep(int seconds) { timer_.sleep(seconds * 1000); }
    void consume();
    void produce();
    static void * consumer(void *arg);
    static void * producer(void *arg);
    static void joinThread(thread_t tid);
    Timer         timer_;
    PCQueue<hrtime_t*> queue_;
    vector<thread_t> consumers_;
    vector<thread_t> producers_;
StressTest::StressTest(int c, int p) : queue_(501), consumers_(c, 0L), producers_(p, 0L)
    hrtime_t *val = NULL;
    while (queue_.tryPop(val, 0))
        delete val;
StressTest::joinThread(thread_t tid)
    void * status;
    int rc =  thr_join(tid,
    if (rc != 0)
        char buf[80];
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "thr_join: unexpected rc: %d", rc);
        throw std::logic_error(buf);
    for (int i = 0; i < consumers_.size(); ++i)
        thread_t tid = 0L;
        thr_create(NULL, NULL, &consumer, this, NULL, &tid);
        consumers_ = tid;
for (int i = 0; i < producers_.size(); ++i)
thread_t tid = 0L;
thr_create(NULL, NULL, &producer, this, NULL, &tid);
producers_[i] = tid;
for (int i = 0; i < consumers_.size(); ++i)
for_each(producers_.begin(), producers_.end(), joinThread);
for_each(consumers_.begin(), consumers_.end(), joinThread);
void *
StressTest::consumer(void *arg)
StressTest * test = reinterpret_cast<StressTest *>(arg);
return NULL;
void *
StressTest::producer(void *arg)
StressTest * test = reinterpret_cast<StressTest *>(arg);
return NULL;
while (! timer_.isCancelled())
hrtime_t *ptime = queue_.pop();
while (ptime != NULL)
hrtime_t now = ::gethrtime();
if((now - *ptime) > 1000000000)
ostringstream os;
os << "Too old request: " << ((double)(now - *ptime)) / 1.0e9 << endl;
cerr << os.str() << flush;
delete ptime;
ptime = queue_.pop();
while (! timer_.isCancelled())
hrtime_t *pnow = new hrtime_t;
*pnow = ::gethrtime();
bool qIsFull = ! queue_.tryPush(pnow);
while (qIsFull)
hrtime_t *pToRemove = NULL;
if (queue_.purge(fifthBitSet(), pToRemove) == false)
ostringstream os;
os << "Queue full, failed to make room, rejected call:" << *pnow << endl;
cerr << os.str() << flush;
delete pnow;
if (pToRemove)
ostringstream os;
os << "Queue full, removed 1 item: " << *pToRemove << endl;
cerr << os.str() << flush;
delete pToRemove;
qIsFull = ! queue_.tryPush(pnow);
main(const int argc, char *argv[])
StressTest test(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]));
Message was edited by:
Forgot to include the libumem log:
%>env | fgrep UMEM
%>(setenv LD_PRELOAD /usr/lib/64/ ; ./a.out 8 8 400)
umem allocator: redzone violation: write past end of buffer
buffer=1007c3aa0 bufctl=1007c81f0 cache: umem_alloc_48
previous transaction on buffer 1007c3aa0:
thread=d time=T-0.000430640 slab=100799e10 cache: umem_alloc_48'?? (0xffffffff7f216278)'?? (0xffffffff7f2166d0)'?? (0xffffffff7f2130ec)'?? (0xffffffff7ec08810)
a.out'?? (0x100006df4)
a.out'?? (0x1000046ec)
a.out'?? (0x100003c04)'?? (0xffffffff7e7cd2f8)
umem: heap corruption detected
stack trace:'?? (0xffffffff7f21471c)'?? (0xffffffff7f213574)'?? (0xffffffff7ec0786c)
a.out'?? (0x100006e70)
a.out'?? (0x1000046ec)
a.out'?? (0x100003c04)'?? (0xffffffff7e7cd2f8)
Abort (core dumped)
%>mdb core
> ::umem_verify
Cache Name Addr Cache Integrity
umem_magazine_1 100720028 clean
umem_magazine_3 100722028 clean
umem_magazine_7 100724028 clean
umem_magazine_15 100728028 clean
umem_magazine_31 10072a028 clean
umem_magazine_47 10072c028 clean
umem_magazine_63 100730028 clean
umem_magazine_95 100732028 clean
umem_magazine_143 100734028 clean
umem_slab_cache 100738028 clean
umem_bufctl_cache 10073a028 clean
umem_bufctl_audit_cache 10073c028 clean
umem_alloc_8 100742028 clean
umem_alloc_16 100748028 clean
umem_alloc_32 10074a028 clean
umem_alloc_48 10074c028 1 corrupt buffer
umem_alloc_64 100750028 clean
10074c028::umem_verifySummary for cache 'umem_alloc_48'
buffer 1007c3aa0 (allocated) has a corrupt redzone size encoding

This issue has been filed as bug 6514832, and will be visible at in a day or two.

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    CC: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3 Patch 111685-12 2002/12/16
    purify -versionVersion 2002a.06.00 Solaris 2
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    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888 at Tue Feb 18 16:42:31 2003)
    * Purify 2002a.06.00 Solaris 2 (32-bit) Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Rational Software Corp. All rights reserved.
    * For contact information type: "purify -help"
    * For TTY output, use the option "-windows=no"
    * Command-line: ./string
    * Options settings: -max-threads=2500 -follow-child-processes=yes \
    -leaks-at-exit=yes -chain-length=16 -report-pmrs=yes -threads=yes -purify \
    -always-use-cache-dir \
    -cache-dir=/home/rational/src/experiments/string/cache \
    -purify-home=/usr/local/software/rational/releases/purify.sol.2002a.06.00 \
    -threads=yes -use-internal-locks=yes -thread_stack_change=0x4000 \
    * License successfully checked out.
    * Command-line: ./string
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    FMR: Free memory read:
    * This is occurring while in:
         long __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__references()const [string_ref:193]
         void std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__unLink() [string:913]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() [string:297]
         main [string.cpp:15]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * Reading 4 bytes from 0xa6d30 in the heap.
    * Address 0xa6d30 is 24 bytes into a freed block at 0xa6d18 of 47 bytes.
    * This block was allocated from:
         malloc [rtlib.o]
         c2n6Fi_Pv___1 []
         void*operator new(unsigned) [rtlib.o]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__getRep(unsigned,unsigned) []
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(const char*,const std::allocator<char>&) []
         main [string.cpp:9]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:
         free [rtlib.o]
         c2k6FPv_v___1 []
         void operator delete(void*) [rtlib.o]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::operator=(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&) []
         main [string.cpp:13]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    FMR: Free memory read:
    * This is occurring while in:
         pthread_mutex_destroy []
         RWSTDMutex::~RWSTDMutex() [stdmutex.h:167]
         __rwstd::__string_ref_rep<std::allocator<char> >::~__string_ref_rep #Nvariant 1() [string.cpp]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~__string_ref() [string.cpp]
         void __rwstd::__destroy<__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >(__type_0*) [memory:177]
         void std::allocator_interface<std::allocator<char>,__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >::destroy(__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*) [memory:513]
         void std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__unLink() [string:915]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() [string:297]
         main [string.cpp:15]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * Reading 2 bytes from 0xa6d18 in the heap.
    * Address 0xa6d18 is at the beginning of a freed block of 47 bytes.
    * This block was allocated from:
         malloc [rtlib.o]
         c2n6Fi_Pv___1 []
         void*operator new(unsigned) [rtlib.o]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__getRep(unsigned,unsigned) []
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(const char*,const std::allocator<char>&) []
         main [string.cpp:9]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:
         free [rtlib.o]
         c2k6FPv_v___1 []
         void operator delete(void*) [rtlib.o]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::operator=(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&) []
         main [string.cpp:13]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    FMW: Free memory write:
    * This is occurring while in:
         pthread_mutex_destroy []
         RWSTDMutex::~RWSTDMutex() [stdmutex.h:167]
         __rwstd::__string_ref_rep<std::allocator<char> >::~__string_ref_rep #Nvariant 1() [string.cpp]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~__string_ref() [string.cpp]
         void __rwstd::__destroy<__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >(__type_0*) [memory:177]
         void std::allocator_interface<std::allocator<char>,__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >::destroy(__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*) [memory:513]
         void std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__unLink() [string:915]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() [string:297]
         main [string.cpp:15]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * Writing 2 bytes to 0xa6d1e in the heap.
    * Address 0xa6d1e is 6 bytes into a freed block at 0xa6d18 of 47 bytes.
    * This block was allocated from:
         malloc [rtlib.o]
         c2n6Fi_Pv___1 []
         void*operator new(unsigned) [rtlib.o]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__getRep(unsigned,unsigned) []
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(const char*,const std::allocator<char>&) []
         main [string.cpp:9]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:
         free [rtlib.o]
         c2k6FPv_v___1 []
         void operator delete(void*) [rtlib.o]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::operator=(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&) []
         main [string.cpp:13]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    FMW: Free memory write:
    * This is occurring while in:
         pthread_mutex_destroy []
         RWSTDMutex::~RWSTDMutex() [stdmutex.h:167]
         __rwstd::__string_ref_rep<std::allocator<char> >::~__string_ref_rep #Nvariant 1() [string.cpp]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~__string_ref() [string.cpp]
         void __rwstd::__destroy<__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >(__type_0*) [memory:177]
         void std::allocator_interface<std::allocator<char>,__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > >::destroy(__rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*) [memory:513]
         void std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__unLink() [string:915]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() [string:297]
         main [string.cpp:15]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * Writing 2 bytes to 0xa6d18 in the heap.
    * Address 0xa6d18 is at the beginning of a freed block of 47 bytes.
    * This block was allocated from:
         malloc [rtlib.o]
         c2n6Fi_Pv___1 []
         void*operator new(unsigned) [rtlib.o]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__getRep(unsigned,unsigned) []
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(const char*,const std::allocator<char>&) []
         main [string.cpp:9]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:
         free [rtlib.o]
         c2k6FPv_v___1 []
         void operator delete(void*) [rtlib.o]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::operator=(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&) []
         main [string.cpp:13]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    FMR: Free memory read:
    * This is occurring while in:
         unsigned std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::length()const [string:1346]
         void std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__unLink() [string:916]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() [string:297]
         main [string.cpp:15]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * Reading 4 bytes from 0xa6d38 in the heap.
    * Address 0xa6d38 is 32 bytes into a freed block at 0xa6d18 of 47 bytes.
    * This block was allocated from:
         malloc [rtlib.o]
         c2n6Fi_Pv___1 []
         void*operator new(unsigned) [rtlib.o]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__getRep(unsigned,unsigned) []
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(const char*,const std::allocator<char>&) []
         main [string.cpp:9]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * There have been 0 frees since this block was freed from:
         free [rtlib.o]
         c2k6FPv_v___1 []
         void operator delete(void*) [rtlib.o]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::operator=(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&) []
         main [string.cpp:13]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    FUM: Freeing unallocated memory:
    * This is occurring while in:
         free [rtlib.o]
         c2k6FPv_v___1 []
         void operator delete(void*) [rtlib.o]
         void std::allocator<char>::deallocate(void*,unsigned) [memory:396]
         void std::allocator_interface<std::allocator<char>,char>::deallocate(char*,unsigned) [memory:493]
         void std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__unLink() [string:916]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string() [string:297]
         main [string.cpp:15]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * Attempting to free block at 0xa6d18 already freed.
    * This block was allocated from:
         malloc [rtlib.o]
         c2n6Fi_Pv___1 []
         void*operator new(unsigned) [rtlib.o]
         __rwstd::__string_ref<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >*std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::__getRep(unsigned,unsigned) []
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::basic_string(const char*,const std::allocator<char>&) []
         main [string.cpp:9]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    * There have been 1 frees since this block was freed from:
         free [rtlib.o]
         c2k6FPv_v___1 []
         void operator delete(void*) [rtlib.o]
         std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::operator=(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >&) []
         main [string.cpp:13]
         _start         [crt1.o]
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    Current file descriptors in use: 5
    FIU: file descriptor 0: <stdin>
    FIU: file descriptor 1: <stdout>
    FIU: file descriptor 2: <stderr>
    FIU: file descriptor 26: <reserved for Purify internal use>
    FIU: file descriptor 27: <reserved for Purify internal use>
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    Purify: Searching for all memory leaks...
    Memory leaked: 0 bytes (0%); potentially leaked: 0 bytes (0%)
    Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks)
    Blocks Bytes
    Leaked 1 47
    Potentially Leaked 3 107
    In-Use 26 123707
    Total Allocated 30 123861
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    Thread Summary : 1 threads in existence
    * Thread 0 [main thread]
    Stack Limit : (0xff3f0000 0xffbf0000), size = 0x800000
    **** Purify instrumented string (pid 13888) ****
    * Program exited with status code 0.
    * 6 access errors, 6 total occurrences.
    * 0 bytes leaked.
    * 0 bytes potentially leaked.
    * Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    331996 code
    92532 data/bss
    131072 heap (peak use)
    1856 stack
    * Shared library memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    1456 (shared code)
    252 (private data)
    2255839 (shared code)
    28588 (private data)
    54269 (shared code)
    24688 (private data)
    139048 (shared code)
    1224 (private data)
    3968 (shared code)
    0 (private data)
    132888 (shared code)
    26192 (private data)
    1105144 (shared code)
    111036 (private data)
    2404 (shared code)
    4 (private data)
    13192 (shared code)
    932 (private data)
    31866 (shared code)
    2044 (private data)
    44541 (shared code)
    6104 (private data)
    14112 (shared code)
    0 (private data)

    I've run this same testcase with -xarch={generic,v8,v8a,v8plus,v8plusa,v9,v9a}, which are the only architectures I can try. Both -xarch=v8plus and -xarch=v8plusa generate code which has the issues identified above. All of the other targets are OK according to purify. What I don't understand is that the symlinks in the SUNWspro/lib/{arch} directories for all of the v8 variants point to the same libCstd in /usr/lib.
    I've also upgraded to the newest version of purify from Rational:
    purify -versionVersion 2003.06.00 Solaris 2
    Could someone from Sun please see if they can reproduce this problem?

  • Firefighter - SoD Violations Report - not showing any data

    We have ECC6 and GRC 5.3 with latest patch. Our RAR is working well also. We recently installed firefighter. All reports are working fine except following two reports,
    1: SoD Violations Report
    2: Critical Transactions
    We want to use RAR critical table and SoD data, therefore In our configuration table we have following paramter set as:
    Critical Transaction Table from Compliance Calibrator (VRAT) = YES
    Could someone please direct in right direction how to get it fixed. Is there any SAP Note suggesting configuration setup etc.
    Thanks in Advance
    Masood Akhter

    There are a number of settings to be made in order to get this working. The note is helpful but effectively you need the following:
    In ECC
    TCP/IP RFC Dest created with a unique report name.
    This RFC mentioned in the /VIRSA/ZRTCNFG transaction
    In RAR
    The Report name entered into the RAR connector.
    The SAP gateway mentioned in the RAR Connectior.
    The RAR connector marked as outbound connection.
    The SAP Adapter activated.
    In SPM (ECC)
    Set the "Connector ID for Risk Analysis" parameter to the name of the RAR Connector in the SPM configuration table.
    You may also have to do a Java system Restart if you encounter error messages when activating the SAP adapter in RAR.

  • When try to import a packaged class it alway complain package does not exis

    when try to import a packaged class it alway complain package does not exisist??
    pls help

    when try to import a packaged class it alway complain
    package does not exisist??Even with the bootstrap classes? "import java.lang.Double;" gives you the same error?
    If not, please check your classpath.

  • Outlook clients periodically trying to connect to hard-coded autodiscover links ...

    We have an different internal and external domain names, e.g., company.local and respectively. All our users have both @company.local and e-mail addresses but is the
    primary SMTP address. We have two AD sites, s1 and s2. Our SCP records appear to be fine and point to and and we have DNS entries for them.
    For various reasons, we use a first-time logon script with Redemption Profman to create the Outlook profile with a specific name. It works fine, the profile is created the first time the user logs on.
    However, if we scan the firewall logs, we see that *some* clients are periodically trying to connect to "" as well as autodiscover-s1/ and we can't understand why. We don't have DNS entries for "".
    Strangely, the clients appear to work fine, the users don't complain about anything.
    Presumably, that comes from the right-hand side of the user's email address. Can anyone explain why Outlook is doing that for users on domain-joined PCs?
    We migrated from Exchange 2003; we have Exchange 2010 latest SP/RU and Outlook 2010 with latest patches too. The issue affects Outlook 2011 Mac users too.
    If we use the autodiscover instead of the logon script, it does create a working profile. The Test Configuration in Outlook doesn't show any problems either or mention This problem seems to happen when Outlook uses autodiscover
    to connect periodically and scan for changes (the "outlook layer" and "MAPI layer" in the documentation). Repairing or re-creating the profiles doesn't change anything.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions,
    - Alan.

    This is the order of autodiscover search in outlook
    1. Try to access DC to get the autodiscover scp
    2. Local DNS to locate
    3. Local XML
    4. SRV record
    If the user is not joined to domain or out of domain network outlook will search for
    May be you might have mentioned external DNS in your PCs or it may be logs of external user access

  • Unable to use complex libraries in 64bits?

    hello all,
    i have this short program:
    #include <complex.h>
    int main()
            complex z(1,2), zz(3, 4);
            complex zzz = z + zz;
    }calypso-henry% CC -compat -m32 -o comp1 comp1.C -I/opt/SUNWspro/include -L/opt/SUNWspro/lib -lcomplex -lm
    calypso-henry% CC -compat -m64 -o comp1 comp1.C -I/opt/SUNWspro/include -L/opt/SUNWspro/lib -lcomplex -lm
    CC: Warning: -compat=4 is not supported with -xarch=sparc, -compat=4 turned off
    "comp1.C", line 5: Error: complex is not defined.
    "comp1.C", line 7: Error: complex is not defined.
    2 Error(s) detected.
    where am i wrong?
    I'm using Sun Studion with latest patches, on Solaris 10 (sparc and amd64!)
    thanks in advance for help,

    First of all, there is no need to specify complier installation directory in -I and/or -L options; compilers knows where to look for its own libraries and includes. In fact, -I/opt/SUNWspro/include -L/opt/SUNWspro/libwill interfere with compiler's algorithms of libraries/includes lookup and cause unwanted side effects.
    Replace those with
    -library=complexas CC(1) suggests. libm will be linked automatically.
    Now, to the difference between compat=4 (-compat) and compat=5 (no -compat option). compat=4 implies very old, pre-standard C++ syntax and semantics. Is there a solid reason for using it, especially in modern Solaris 10 environment? Also, as the warning suggests, compat=4 is not supported with 64-bit sparc (-xarch=v9).
    I'm not sure why your code does not compile in -m64 (with proper compiler options), but I think I know the right way to arrange things:
    1. Use C++ includes instead of C-style includes:
    #include <complex>2. Since C++-style headers inject names into std namespace, you'll have to write std::complex; also, complex is a template class, so you'll need to write std::template<float>, for example, or provide typedefs.
    3. Do not use -compat; in fact, it is better to switch to STLport library (-library=stlport4) than continue using outdated (but provided for backward compatibility libCstd). In short, add this to compilation line:
    -library=stlport4To summarize: here's the code that works and correct compiler parameters
    $ cat
    #include <complex>
    int main()
            typedef std::complex<float> complex;
            complex z(1,2), zz(3, 4);
            complex zzz = z + zz;
    $ CC  -m64 -library=stlport4 -library=complex

  • S10 U3 on Dell Optiplex 745

    Has anyone gotten this to work? It "almost" seems to with some
    poking of the driver aliases etc. Can get the bge interface to be
    UP but not RUNNING and the ethernet addr is 0:0:0ish. Have
    put in the latest kernel patch and 125412-01.
    The NIC is either a BROADCOM 5751 or 5754 depending on who
    you beleive.

    I tried to plug the OS11 bge driver into Sol10 but
    failed. I tried several methods,
    but all ended up with the modinfo entry showing
    version v0.49 of the broadcom
    driver being loaded. Weird. I've just finished trying the above, too. The problem you had
    can be avoided by moving aside the Solaris-10 bge driver files
    before installing the SUNWbge package. The S10U3 bge files
    are in /platform/i386/kernel/drv/ and .../drv/amd64/.
    However, even after the above, the SUNWbge driver fails to load
    on S10U3, complaining of many missing symbols. Likely this is
    due to the S11 bge driver having been moved into the new GLD
    network driver framework (so aggregation, etc. will be supported).
    I think the S10U3 kernel just isn't ready for SUNWbge yet, apparently
    not even with kernel patches up to today's level (125101-09).
    Note, however, that I did get the Broadcom-supplied bcme driver
    to work on the Optplex 745. This is the one downloaded from
    their "server" site, since there is no Solaris driver on their "desktop"
    driver section. I downloaded BRCMbcme package from:
    It was necessary after installing the BRCMbcme package, to:
    update_drv -a -i '"pciex14e4,167a"' bcme
    After that, things are working normally.

  • Outlook 2007 Print Preview/Print error after KB2509470

    Are others running into print preview or print error message after installing MS KB2509470?  Our environment XP Pro 32bit, running Office 2007 Std SP2 with latest patches from MS.  Ricoh and HP Printers.  If we uninstall this KB, problem is
    Error Message:
    There is a problem with the selected printer.  You might need to reinstall this printer.  Try again, or use a different printer.

    Patch is severely broken, can not be backed out. Set for removal on the WSUS server and now users are receiving an error box "The following updates were not installed: Update for Micorsoft Office Outlook 2007 (KB2509470). Tried to remove using MSIEXEC /x
    KB2509470 with no luck. Throws error 1603 in event logs.
    When the patch is re-issued, will we be able to install on top of a broken uninstall.
    Microsoft - we could really use your help in mitigating this issue ASAP.
    We too could not uninstall KB2509470 on some computers.  Ended up turning on the Installer logging and found error:  DEBUG: Error 2259:  Database:  Table(s) Update failed
    We then found which sent us to
    After installing the package and rebooting, we were then able to uninstall KB2509470.

  • ALOM problems: WARNING: SC is not responding

    I attempted to update the ALOM on my SunFire V250 (Solaris 9 with latest patch bundle as of August), but the first step failed (the boot image file &#91;alombootfw&#93; download). The download completed, but the verification failed. I was updating from v1.4 (if I remember correctly) to v1.5.4.
    The amber light came on and the following error popped up in the /var/adm/messages log after a reboot:
    WARNING: SC is not responding
    Now I can't access the ALOM at all. It doesn't respond to the #. sequence and the scadm command just returns the following error message:
    scadm: unable to send data to SC
    Any idea what I can do to get out of this bind?

    Well, in case anyone is interested, the problem seemed to disappear over the long weekend. Santa's elves must have come and fixed it for me. The SC/ALOM was responding and showed the two different versions (boot and main) which reflected the state in which I had left it on Thursday:
    BEFORE main image download:
    root&#64;myhost# scadm version -v
    SC Version v1.2
    SC Bootmon Version: v1.5.4
    SC Bootmon checksum: F08ACA76
    SC Firmware Version: v1.2.0
    SC Build Release: 10
    SC firmware checksum: 9B8270EE
    SC firmware built: Jul 14 2003, 12:46:38
    SC System Memory Size: 8MB
    SC NVRAM Version = a
    SC hardware type: 1
    So, after recording a bunch of info using scadm, I downloaded the main image in an effort to complete the process. This time, it didn't complain during verification. I rebooted just to be sure and here's the version output now:
    AFTER main image download:
    root&#64;myhost# scadm version -v
    SC Version v1.4
    SC Bootmon Version: v1.5.4
    SC Bootmon checksum: F08ACA76
    SC Firmware Version: v1.4.0
    SC Build Release: 06
    SC firmware checksum: EAC2EF86
    SC firmware built: Feb 23 2004, 15:17:59
    SC System Memory Size: 8MB
    SC NVRAM Version = a
    SC hardware type: 1
    Not sure why it took so long to complete the first "download", but I suppose patience is a virtue (sometimes).
    This is definitely no help to anyone else in this forum, unless you have elves working for you.
    I'm hoping the lack of responses are due to the rare nature of this issue.

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