Lightroom 5.6 64 Bit Error 2

Hello I am gettting Error(2) during the attempt to import Videos from my CompactFlash card
The Error Message is: unknown error during Import (Sorry it is in German)
Ein unbekannter Fehler ist beim Lesen der Videodatei aufgetreten. Das Herstellen einer Verbindung zu Dynamic Link-Server ist fehlgeschlagen. (2)
Any suggestions?
regards Chris

Translated to English by Google, the error message is:  “An unknown error occurred while reading the video file. The Connecting to Dynamic Link server failed. (2)”
You can find some forum threads about it, and some people fixed last year by uninstalling Quicktime on Windows:

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    Based on user suggestions and feedback we have updated our documentation on this issue with some new solutions.
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    Hi Prettymermaid,
    Please use the below link to download the DLL files. in-pars/procedure/proc_par/step_0/step_par/download/file.res/
    Extract the files and then copy the mscvcr80.dll and mscvcr100.dll in the location C:\Windows\System32. If it gives you a prompt to replace the files please do so.
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    Well, the quick summary that you are not going to like: This system is pretty short on RAM and processor power, your graphics driver is outdated and you are using two screens with different resolutions, which eats up all graphics acceleration plus your card has only 256 MB of VRAM in the first place, which doesn't meet the requirements. You will never be able to use 3D under those conditions.

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    Seems to be the following "classic" LR 3.x problem:
    In short: You tried to create a new catalog with the name of an existing JPEG file ("DSC0024.JPG"). Perhaps you wantet to open/import that file and accidentally used the wrong command (create new catalog). Solution: 1) Rename the file. 2) Start LR, let it create the catalog in a folder named as the original file, 3) close LR, 4) delete the newly created folder containing the new catalog, 5) Start LR again - it will probably ask you for your catalog (select the catalog you are really working with). 6) Re-rename your JPEG file again.
    Edit: P.S: LR 3.2 is a rather old version. The latest update for 3.x is 3.6 (free of charge), download it here: (Note: This bug is not fixed in LR 3.6. It is fixed in LR 4).

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    Here's the blow-by-blow:
    Launch LR4
    Error Box:  The catalog at location (C:.....) [catalog address on old machine] could not be found.  Would you like to open an existing catalog or use the default one?
    Select:  Use Default Catalog
    LR4 Launches, everything is fine
    Catalog Settings --> General says I am using a catalog at c:\Users\Gian\Pictures\Lightroom named Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat
    Preferences --> General --> "When starting up, use this catalog:" --> Load Most Recent Catalog
    Quit Lightroom
    Re-Launch LR4
    Same error message, referencing location of catalog on old PC
    Select:  Choose a Different Catalog
    Highlight Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat in c:\Users\Gian\Pictures\Lightroom.  Tick box at bottom of screen:  Always load this catalog on startup.
    Click "Open"
    LR opens, everything works fine
    Catalog Settings --> General says I am using a catalog at c:\Users\Gian\Pictures\Lightroom named Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat
    Quit Lightroom
    Re-Launch Lightoom
    Error Box:  The catalog at location (C:.....) [catalog address on old machine] could not be found.  Would you like to open an existing catalog or use the default one?
    Use Default Catalog this time...
    LR opens, everything works fine
    Catalog Settings --> General says I am using a catalog at c:\Users\Gian\Pictures\Lightroom named Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat
    Now I try changing Preferences --> General --> Default Catalog --> "When starting up, use this catalog:" --> Load Most Recent Catalog, specifing c:\Users\Gian\Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom 4 Catalog.lrcat
    Hit OK
    Quit LR
    Relaunch LR
    Error Box:  The catalog at location (C:.....) [catalog address on old machine] could not be found.  Would you like to open an existing catalog or use the default one?
    What am I missing?

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    Hello, I am trying to download the evaluation version of Lightroom but i have an error message.My "plate forme" is not allowed.  I have a Mac OS version 10.8.6 . Thanks for helping!

    Hi Barbara Satre,
    Kindly check System requirements | Lightroom
    Atul Saini

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