Lightroom cc will not launch

I upgraded Lr 5.7 last evening to add the latest Lr CC features. I now have two Lr buttons on my quick start bar. One launches Lr 5.7, which works normally and will show that I need an upgrade if I go the Help>Check for updates screen. This application has none of the new CC features.
The other one does nothing at all though right clicking on it, and opening the properties, shows that it was installed yesterday.
If I go to the Cloud Control Panel, all my Adobe applications are shown as being up to date.
How do I launch the new Lr CC application?

I found this linke,, which did resolve the problem.
New Hampshire Residents: Please take a minute to sign the petition asking Governor Hassan to intercede in the Kinder Morgan pipeline. Thu, 23 Apr 2015 04:11:04 -0700

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    That worked:
    1. Close Adobe Creative Cloud completely.
    2. Empty the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SLCache
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    I get a message saying "Application unable to start (0xc000007b)

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    Donald J Kipke, EA
    DJK Taxation & Financial Services
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    Please refer to Error "License store does not allow writing" | Install log | CS5, CS5.5.
    There are some important information in :
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    I had this issue with Photoshop on Windows from the very beginning of my subscription -- i.e. since end of last year. Now, after latest update Adobe managed to introduce same problem with LR 5.5. Here is how I "solved" it on Windows:
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    rd "%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\adobe\slcache\slconfigs" /q /s
    echo *** Start the sucker ***
    pushd %programfiles%
    "Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.5\lightroom.exe"
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    Good luck,

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    From the console:
    6/18/14 3:51:13.407 PM[228]: Icon filename entry missing from bundle info dictionary for bundle at URL: file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/InternetAccounts.framework/Versions/A/XPCService s/
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    Close Lightroom and go to your Lightroom catalog folder.
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