Lightroom Setup

I recently upgraded from Lightroom 1 and now have 2 and have installed 2.3 I have multiple drives on my IMac G5 including a RAID for backing up files. I wanted to keep my photos on an external drive and then back those up to the RAID. When I go to my library I notice that all of my photos are listed with a question mark. When I try to retrieve the photos from my external hard drive they are copied to my main drive. Is there any way for me to be able to keep my RAW files on my external drive and not have them copied again to my main internal drive? I must be doing something wrong.
Any thoughts.

LR should be installed to you main drive, that is where you OS is located.If you have installed it anywhere else, uninstall it, delete your preferences and reinstall accepting the default instillation folder and disk.You will need plenty of free space on this for LR to run. Files need to be imported to a drive with enough space for them, so you will need a drive with lots of space. You may have to get a new drive either an internal drive or an external drive.

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    what version is that and where did you get the installation file(s)?

  • Best Practice(s) for Laptop in Field, Server at Home? (Lightroom 3.3)

    Hi all!
    I just downloaded the 30-day evaluation of Lightroom, now trying to get up to speed. My first task is to get a handle on where the files (photos, catalogs, etc.) should go, and how to manage archiving and backups.
    I found a three-year-old thread titled "Best Practice for Laptop in Field, Server at Home" and that describes my situation, but since that thread is three years old, I thought I should ask again for Lightroom 3.3.
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    I gather I can't keep a catalog on the server, so I gather I'll need two Lightroom catalogs on the laptop: one for pictures that I import to the laptop, and another for pictures on the home server -- is that right so far?
    If so, what's the best procedure for moving some/all photos from the "on the laptop catalog" to the "on the server catalog" -- obviously, such that I maintain adjustments?
    Thanks kindly!  -Scott

    Hi TurnstyleNYC,
    Yes, I think we have the same set-up.
    I only need 1 LR-catalog, and that is on the laptop.
    It points to the images wherever they are stored: initially on the laptop, later on I move some of them (once I am am fairly done with developing) within LR per drag&drop onto the network storage. Then the catalog on the laptop always knows they are there.
    I can still continue to work on the images on the network storage (slightly slower than on laptop's hard drive) if I still wish to.
    While travelling, I can also work on metadata / keywording, although without access to my home network the images themselves are offline for develop work.
    2 separate catalogs would be very inconvenient, as I would always have to remember if I have some images already moved. No collections would be possible of images including some on the laptop, some on the network.
    Remember: a LR catalog is just a database with entries about images and the pointer to their storage location.
    You can open only 1 DB of this sort at a time.
    There is no technical reason for limiting a LR-catalog - I have read of people with several hundert thousand images within one.
    The only really ever growing part on my laptop with this setup is the previews folder "<catalog name> Previews.lrdata". I render standard previews so that I can do most of the work for offline-images while travelling.
    The catalog itsself "<catalog name>.lrcat" grows much slower. It is now 630 MB for 60'000+ images, whereas previews folder is 64 GB.
    So yes, I dedicate quite a junk of my laptop hard disk to that. I could define "standard"-previews somewhat smaller, fitting to the laptop's screen resolution, but then when working at home with a bigger external monitor LR would load all the time for the delta size, which is why I have defined standard-preview-size for my external monitor. It may turn out to be the weakness of my setup long-term.
    That is all what is needed in terms of Lightroom setup.
    What you need additionally to cover potential failure of drives is no matter of LR, but *usual common backup sense* along the question "what can be recreated after failure, if so by what effort?" Therefore I do not backup the previews, but very thoroughly the images themselves as well as the catalog/catalog backups, and for convenience my LR presets.
    Message was edited by: Cornelia-I: sorry, initially I had written "1:1-previews", but "standard previews" is correct.

  • Get a 'Server Busy' message pretty much every time I start Lightroom

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    Lightroom version: 5.7.1 [994254]
    License type: Creative Cloud
    Operating system: Windows 7 Business Edition
    Version: 6.1 [7601]
    Application architecture: x64
    System architecture: x64
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 2.9 GHz
    Built-in memory: 7127.1 MB
    Real memory available to Lightroom: 7127.1 MB
    Real memory used by Lightroom: 639.7 MB (8.9%)
    Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 608.8 MB
    Memory cache size: 86.3 MB
    Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 4
    System DPI setting: 96 DPI
    Desktop composition enabled: Yes
    Displays: 1) 1440x900, 2) 1280x1024
    Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7.1
    Library Path: C:\Users\Desktop\Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom 5 Catalog.lrcat
    Settings Folder: C:\Users\Desktop\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom
    Installed Plugins:
    1) Flickr
    2) HDR Efex Pro 2
    3) Nikon Tether Plugin
    4) Perfect Effects 8
    Config.lua flags: None
    Adapter #1: Vendor : 10de
        Device : dc4
        Subsystem : 23601462
        Revision : a1
        Video Memory : 977
    AudioDeviceIOBlockSize: 1024
    AudioDeviceName: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
    AudioDeviceNumberOfChannels: 2
    AudioDeviceSampleRate: 44100
    Build: Uninitialized
    CardID: 3524
    Direct2DEnabled: false
    GPUDevice: D3D
    MaxTexture2DSize: 8192
    OGLEnabled: true
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
    ShaderModel: 11.1
    Vendor: Nvidia
    VendorID: 4318
    Version: 10de:0dc4:23601462:00a1
    What does this mean and how can it be stopped?

    No reply? No fix? I have the same annoying issue and its persistent. I has rendered LR totally unusable. WTF is going on? Force quit --> Re-open  --> Same error --> Force quit --> etc.

  • How do I restart setup???

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    Same as in another thread: Installs have nothing to do with user configuration. Such things need to be deleted manualyl and the program will create them from scratch. Anyway, you'll probably get better answers on the LR forums...

  • Recovering Lightroom settings

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    The catalog will be either wherever you located it (you can choose and best on a drive other than where either the OS or the image files are if possible), or if you just used the default location in the My Pictures folder. It ends in .lrcat.
    Your preferences file will be Documents and Settings/[username]/Application Data/Adobe/Lightroom/Preferences folder on XP.
    See the FAQ

  • Working with libraries and setting up on two computers

    I have been trying Lightroom on my PC and just now took the plunge and bought it (for home use: family and amateur photography). I have installed it on both the PC and laptop (Mac). Sadly the first time I tried using 1.2 having been using 1.0 and 1.1 it said there was a problem reading the library and had to check it... a bit scary...
    I am trying to work out how to set-up my system. I intend to have files on an external drive which I can then move from Mac to PC as necessary (i.e. only using one at a time): the PC is mine, the Mac is my wifes, and this seems to be the only way of allowing us to share the photos in a way which is not hugely complicated and confusing.
    Any changes we make to the photos on each machine should be visible on the other. From my understanding, that means the library has to be on the external drive, not just the image files?
    At the moment the image files and library are on my PC internal drive, imported "at their present location". Is it possible to change the kind of import (to move the image files directly into the library)? Of course it is possible to re-import from scratch, but as there are keywords already organised, and some files have been edited in PS I would lose all that, wouldn't I? Is there a more sophisticated way of changing how the files are organised?
    And when I get the external drive, can I just move the libraries and image files and then tell Lightroom about the move, or is it going to be more difficult than that?
    thanks in advance

    Reading over your message, I am a little unclear about how far along you are in sharing your LightRoom setup with the Laptop. I am going to assume that right now Lightroom and the pictures are both on the PC and on an internal Hard Drive. And except for the scary message you had at the beginning of changing to ver 1.2, everything is working ok. Yes?
    What I'd do is wait until you get the external drive up and working. Once you are satisfied that the system works ok, and you have tested it with whatever diagnostic software you use, you are ready to start moving your images to the new drive.
    Do a good backup of your images to your backup drive.
    Move them to the hard drive from within Lightroom: Use the '+' symbol in the heading of the Folders panel to tell LR to add a new folder from the external drive to the LR folders panel, and then drag and drop the folders already in LR over to their new home.
    This way the LR Catalog will always know where the files are.
    Then when you are sure that all the image files are on the external drive and LR sees them all and everything is working correctly, exit from LR and copy the catalog file over there.
    I used to use windows systems, although I converted to Mac a few years ago. You should be able to double-click on that catalog file that is on the external drive and it should start Lightroom and you should be good to go.
    I just used the word "should" three times meaning I'm not really positive about that last step; if I'm wrong I hope someone on a PC will post a correction.
    Once it is working OK on the PC with the external drive Load LR on the Laptop.
    Best Wishes!

  • AE not working with Leopard and fed up

    It happened a while ago, and set it up again, and again, again.
    It all stated after upgrading to Leopard
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    Today I spend more than 2h simply trying to set it up again.
    It took 4 or 5 hard reset before Airport Utility finally found the AE.
    When I clicked on continue, 9 time out of 10 I got
    Base Station Error
    Airport Utility was unable to find Apple wireless device
    while it is was obliviously showing before
    and back to hard reset.
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    I tried to switch off the firewall with no success either.
    I looked at my local wireless networks using iStumber, and once again find some new network with the same channel as mine, so I changed mine to a channel not used. I did this a month ago already.
    As I said some how after 2h of wasted time etc, I finally managed to get it going, and started to listen to some radio with Airfoil. After about an hour of listening, it when dead again.
    Airport Utility doesn't find the device any more, like at the start of the day. iTunes doesn't make it available, my green light is on, my router shows it as connected, and of course I cannot print any more.
    I am getting really fed up. It has been working ok for a couple of years with Tiger, but with Leopard it just works when either it wants.
    After all these are Apple products, are not cheap, and don't work.
    All are with last firmware, last upgrade etc..
    Please tell me why all this is happening, why there isn't any fixes. We are 10.5.6 more than 18 month after launch of Leopard, with snow leopard about to become available. Is it because I am using a non intel machine?
    Many thanks

    Reading over your message, I am a little unclear about how far along you are in sharing your LightRoom setup with the Laptop. I am going to assume that right now Lightroom and the pictures are both on the PC and on an internal Hard Drive. And except for the scary message you had at the beginning of changing to ver 1.2, everything is working ok. Yes?
    What I'd do is wait until you get the external drive up and working. Once you are satisfied that the system works ok, and you have tested it with whatever diagnostic software you use, you are ready to start moving your images to the new drive.
    Do a good backup of your images to your backup drive.
    Move them to the hard drive from within Lightroom: Use the '+' symbol in the heading of the Folders panel to tell LR to add a new folder from the external drive to the LR folders panel, and then drag and drop the folders already in LR over to their new home.
    This way the LR Catalog will always know where the files are.
    Then when you are sure that all the image files are on the external drive and LR sees them all and everything is working correctly, exit from LR and copy the catalog file over there.
    I used to use windows systems, although I converted to Mac a few years ago. You should be able to double-click on that catalog file that is on the external drive and it should start Lightroom and you should be good to go.
    I just used the word "should" three times meaning I'm not really positive about that last step; if I'm wrong I hope someone on a PC will post a correction.
    Once it is working OK on the PC with the external drive Load LR on the Laptop.
    Best Wishes!

  • I want to setup Lightroom on my new laptop.  I have my latest serial number but it is the upgrade serial number for LR5.  I do not have the original serial number from my purchase of LR3.  How can I recover the serial number from my original purchase of ?

    I want to setup LR on my new laptop.  I have the serial number from my latest purchase but not the original purchase of LR3.  How can I recover the serial number from my original LR purchase?

    If you did register it back then, open your Adobe account with your Adobe ID and you will find it there: Find your serial number quickly
    If you still have it installed, open the System info in Help menu or look here:
    C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Lightroom\Lightroom xy Registration.lrreg

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    so i bought the 9.99 a month photoshop (with lightroom) and then installed CC when i went to the app tab both PS and LR said "try" instead of install is that how setup usually goes? or well it ask me later for serial numbers?

    Oscarf16161909 for information on how to resolve the connection error preventing the active membership from authorizing please see Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later.  If you have any questions regarding the steps listed in the document you are welcome to update this discussion.

  • I have a dual monitor setup.  When I paste develop settings from one image to another, Lightroom switches the active window.

    Strange problem.  Lightroom 5.5.  Windows 8.1. Dual monitor setup.
    I'm processing a large batch of photos.  I have Monitor #1 set as my main develop window, with Monitor #2 set only to display a larger version of the image I'm working with. If I copy the develop settings off of one image and try to paste them onto another image, Lightroom will switch from Monitor #1 to Monitor #2 as the main develop window, and will not display anything on Monitor #1.
    If I then try to paste develop settings onto another image on Monitor #2, LR will then display a larger version of the image I'm working with on Monitor #1.
    To work the way I want to, I have to continually drag my develop window back to Monitor #1 every time I try to paste develop settings onto a new image. How can I make this stop?

    I just tried what I think you’re saying you’re doing and I don’t have the problem with LR 5.5 on Windows 7 SP 2.
    Does the same thing happen whether you use the key shortcuts vs the Settings / Copy/Paste options on the menu?
    I ask this because if you’re using the keyboard shortcuts, maybe you have some display-manager program that has bound itself to the Ctrl-Shift-V (paste settings) to the function of move-to-other-monitor which would do at least part of what you describe.
    You can also test this theory by doing a Ctrl-Shift-V with an application other than LR as the active window and see if it moves.  I suppose Ctrl-Shift-C might also play into it so try both of these hot-key combinations with a program that isn’t LR.
    If none of this sheds any light on the situation, then give a more detailed description of the low-level functions you’re doing to accomplish the copy-paste of settings, so someone else could replicate the steps exactly.
    Specific detailed steps, like:
    left-click on source photo’s thumbnail in the filmstrip
    press Ctrl-Shift-C to copy the settings
    click Check-None
    enable the white-balance and calibration checkboxes
    click Ok
    left-click on destination photo's thumbnail in the filmstrip
    click on Settings / Paste Settings in LR’s menus to paste the settings to the selected photo

  • Recently bought a samsung NX30 camera which came with lightroom 5, after several hours of googling i got it setup properly with the correct camera raw to be able to access my raw images. I found my old laptop was very slow when processing the hundreds of

    recently bought a samsung NX30 camera which came with lightroom 5, after several hours of googling i got it setup properly with the correct camera raw to be able to access my raw images. I found my old laptop was very slow when processing the hundreds of images I usually take on a weekly basis.  I bought a new faster laptop but when I looked for the cd with the software and serial I could not find it in the Xmas clutter.  I downloaded a trial version of lightroom and got it working on my new laptop. Is there a way to access the serial number from my previously installed version and insert it into the trail version to make it work for me?

    Mea culpa
    While i registered all my cs2 thru 6 versions and my lightroom 2 thru 4 versions and recorded the serials and saved the adobe registration emails.  Since this came as a freebee with the camera i neglected this vital step.  I have the instslled version on my old laptop but want to install it on my new one.  Thanks to Jim Hess I got the serial so all is well in my world and I will register it with ADOBE

  • Lightroom workflow - HD setup and file locations

    Has anyone waxed poetic about catalog and image file locations or workflow? How do you go about conceptualizing a drive and file storage strategy for a Lightroom workflow? Of course this will vary depending on the equipment you have, but I'd appreciate and links to stories that run through various configuration setups and the possible workflows and locations for catalog, master files and backup locations. Here's my setup:
    - Mac Pro (3GHz 8 Core) with two 750GB internal drives (one for OS X) the other for Apps and content storage); two empty drive bays for now.
    - PowerBook G4 1.2GHz w/160GB internal drive that I use on location, or as an in-lab Flash card reader if the Addonics external, Firewire card reader attached to the Mac Pro fails to see a camera card (as it sometimes does). This second in-lab scenario adds some complexity to the workflow, although the machines are linked with Cat 6, gigabit Ethernet.
    - OWC Mercury Elite Pro with two 750GB drives configured as a mirrored, software RAID on Firewire 800 for backups.
    Should I set up the Lightroom catalog on the internal "content" drive and store all the actual image files there, reserving the RAID drive strictly for backups? This would mean that the RAID would only be used a redundant backup system (which is fine and what I originally planned) since it's probably slower than the single, internal drive. The problem is this: remembering to back up the files from the main content drive to the software RAID drive.
    Or should I be using the slower, mirrored RAID for main content (master image file and catalog) storage.

    John, Andrew and others:
    Thanks for your thoughts. Do you also use Lightroom to manage all "working" versions of Photoshop files (multiple version - edits - of files in progress)?
    During my first couple of projects, I ended up creating a "Working" folder for each project outside the Nikon folder-oriented hierarchy of the original image files. I did this only out of habit rather than workflow planning, but ended up with a second workflow outside of Lightroom.
    Does anyone think it's better to simply save these files (with or without the "working" folders) into the same folder hierarchy with all the Nikon originals? I'm just trying to figure out how to organize the workflow for the in-progress files.
    Again, before Lightroom, I managed these files in separate folders on the hard drive, and usually moved them to a new location for final storage. Clearly, that won't work for Lightroom, but what does? I'm getting into a bit of trouble trying to manage file (and working folder) locations as I try to transition to a new, database-driven workflow.

  • Lightroom user - Multiple SSD setup & SATA III availability - suggestions?

    Ok, this is a convoluted question (in my mind), but I'm going to ask it anyway. Also, I realize that none of this is probably going to make a ton of difference, but every little bit helps.
    This is my current setup:
    -120gb Corsair Force GT - Windows 7, Lightroom 5 and CS6 (among a few other programs)
    -240gb Corsair Force GS - Lightroom catalog and working files
    -7200rpm Seagate HDD - Final copy jpg storage
    -Other specs: i7 2600k, 24gb RAM, GTX 560
    The SSD with Windows & Adobe software usually runs pretty close to 20gb free, so I'd like to get a larger & faster SSD to clone to. I'm thinking of getting a Samsung 840 Pro 256gb.
    So, assuming I keep the exported files on the HDD, I'd have the 3 SSDs (all fast, but the Samsung would be the fastest) at my disposal. Here are my questions regarding the SSDs:
    1) Would it be advantageous to split up the Lightroom catalog and the working files onto two separate SSDs? Or would you suggest keeping them together?
    2) Should I use the Samsung 840 Pro for the OS & programs? Or would a different use help to maximize overall performance?
    A second part to this scenario - my motherboard only has 2 internal SATA III connections (the rest are SATA II obviously). If I don't pursue a new mobo, which I'm not going to at this time, which of the two SSDs (and associated purposes) would you put on the SATA III connections?

    Are you experiencing performance issues with your current LR System and in what areas (Develop module, Export, etc.)?
    Your current 3.4GHz  i7 2600k quad core processor should be provide good LR performance. There is also no guarantee that moving to a higher-performance  4 , 6, or 8 core processor will improve things inside LR. We've actually had cases in the LR forum where performance is worse with certain high-performance processors (6 and 8 core).
    Multiple SSDs don't add much LR performance improvement on a properly functioning system. Running all your SSDs on SATA III versus SATA II ports is unlikely to produce any "measurable" LR performance improvement since you're already at the point of diminishing returns.

  • What is the cleanest Lightroom Dropbox backup setup?

    I have a 1TB Dropbox account and want to use it to backup my photos. As Lightroom 5 simply references the image files, I've got them saved inside a 'Pictures' folder, by date taken, inside my Dropbox folder, so all images are (slowly) being uploaded to the cloud. I also have my Lightroom catalogue and previews files saved in the same location. And I have Lightroom set to automatically import photos taken on my iPhone from the Dropbox 'Camera Uploads' folder, and save them into my library. I thought I had all my bases covered.
    The problem is, even with a cable internet connection, it is taking forever for everything to upload. And I'm not completely sure, but it seems to be prioritising uploading the Lightroom previews ahead of the actual image files in the library. And the fact that it's uploading both the original photos and the previews makes me wonder if I should have the Lightroom files saved outside of my Dropbox folder.
    Can anyone suggest a Lightroom > Dropbox backup setup that works for them? I really want to set it up so that it just backs up automagically and I don't have to do anything manually except import photos.

    sda56336 wrote:
    Am I to understand that I can't obtain any information from users in the forum unless I am using the "ideal Apple approved setup with a Time Capsule"?? Doesn't make sense. Someone other than I must be in a similar situation...
    Yes, there are lots of threads here by folks having trouble with them.  But there are very few of us who have much, if any, experience with them.  And, of course, each maker has different software and procedures.
    And, since most of our experience is helping with problems, we're not exactly wild about the idea. 
    Most of the ones I've been involved in start out with something like "I've contacted <NAS maker> and Apple several times, and nobody can help."
    If you're not technically proficient, think long and hard.  If you are, well, do the same.  If you decide to do it anyway, be sure to have secondary backups.
    For a taste, skim this 6-day saga (not clear how much earlier it started): I can't find my old backups.
    The lady was a novice (at the beginning -- not any more ), so it's much longer than usual, but that's far from the only one here.

Maybe you are looking for