Limiting processor power for a process or all processes

Hi, I'm having overheating and crashing issues (even with all updates installed). I'd like to limit the amount of power that my processors consume for any particular process (or all processes, for that matter).
Is there a terminal command to do this?

You mean like a RAM check? Passed with flying colors. I also have a new harddrive. Still the same problems. I don't think I can check anything else. Is there RAM onboard the motherboard?
Do you think a mac store test if it has overheating problems?

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    kindly tell me alternate path.

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    Go to one of the authorized computers and de-authorize it individually.
    The one year limitation is ONLY for the de-authorize all option.

  • Create a CR for multiple processing with me as the current processor

    How to create a change request for multiple processing with myself as the current processor.
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    Display help shows the below
    For the upload you need a change request that has the status Considered
    and Approved or To Be Revised and ideally has a type that does
    not have the property Object List Is Binding. If the
    change request does have this property, all the entities that are uploaded must
    already be assigned to this object list.
    Please can someoen guide me on how to fix this.
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    Hi Prateek,
    Please can anyone give any pointers on how to set the status of change request (for multiple processing):-
    For assigning the statuses to the change request:-
    Go to t code:- MDGIMG->General settings>Process Modeling>Change Request>Edit status of change request.
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    how can i set myself as the processor.
    tcode: MDGIMG->General settings>Process Modeling>Change Request>Create Change request type. Ucheck the single object checkbox and assign your userid for that CR step.
    Single object is already Unchecked  and I am using BRF+ so when I am the processor First approver is say X, I am not sure if we have any place where we can set ourselves as the user. Please let me know if I missed sumting
    Hi Shephalika,
    Yes I am trying to upload a file and Single object is Unchecked in the Change request type.

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    Thank you for the suggestions.
    I had previously tried all of the above but the airport/wireless thought. Unfortuneately, none of these things made a difference, including the wireless suggestion.
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    reset all settings
    settings-general-reset-reset all settings
    now reconnect to wifi
    settings- wifi- click network name- enter password - join
    if issue persist back up and restore as new via iTunes
    Peace, Clyde

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    Put it into DFU mode - hold the sleep/wake button and home button until the screen goes black (ignoring the slide to turn off slider). When the screen goes black release the sleep/wake button but hold the home button. Continue holding the home button for 10 seconds, then release it. The screen should stay black. Plug it into iTunes and it should come up with this message "iTunes has detected an iPhone in recovery mode. It must be restored before use", that's when it is successfully in DFU mode. Now press the restore button in iTunes and it should run smoothly :)

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    He Experts,
    The customer is running a job which is not using all the dialog processes that are available for parallel processing. It appears to use up the parallel processes (60) for the first 4-5 minutes of the job and then maxes out about 3-5 processes for the remainder of the job.
    How do I analyze the job to find out the issue from a Basis perspective?

    Hi Daniel,
    Thanks for replying!
    I don't believe its a standard job.
    I was thinking of starting a trace using ST05 before the job. What do you think?

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    You're welcome. As to checking speed go to and it will choose the closest server for you. BTW, whatever you do, don't click on the robot icon that says "Start Scan" or MacKeeper below that. Only use the speed test in the middle that has the button BEGIN TEST on it. It will run a download speed test first and then an upload speed test. The download test will give a much faster response.

  • Which Mac Mini for word processing?

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    I was wondering if anyone had any particular advice on what to look out for – otherwise it would just be a case of seeing what the cheapest device on offer is at a local second-hand computer shop.
    These would be the requirements:
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    2.  It must be secure, i.e. not liable to break/malfunction easily.  (My partner is writing a novel, so she doesn't want to lose it half way through!)
    3.  It must be able to start up quickly.
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    Any thoughts welcome!

    Adding an aftermarket SSD drive won't help keep the cost down though.  To some extent, often startup doesn't matter much as many people never shut their Macs down.  My MBP has not been turned off for more than a few days in 4 years - I'll sleep it when away from it, and the hard drive and screen are timed out to sleep, but I don't bother shutting it down and rebooting it often.  And the difference in boot time for an SSD versus a HDD is likely going to be under one minute on any machine made in the last 3-5 years, so is it worth the cost for that, especially if you are only rarely restarting the machine?  To my mind that answer is no, but everybody is different.
    If I/O is an actually bottleneck or high activity issue on a machine, that is when an SSD becomes worth the extra cost, to my mind.  For word processing, I/O will not be a limitation at all, even with an older 5400rpm conventional HDD, so using an SSD is largely paying for something without any real benefit.  Even in terms of reliability, SSDs are hardly error free or not prone to failure, and in real world use or MTBF type ratings, a good quality conventional HDD is just as reliable as any decent SSD (and sometimes is more so for certain types of failures under heavy use read/write conditions).
    Buying used is fine, if you know the place you are buying from and can trust them to only offer decent items.  As long as you backup regularly so you can recover, a used item may suit your budget and needs just fine.
    In the tight budget scenario though, it is hard to beat some of the available Windows PC consumer machines, and many of those are pretty good quality.  MS Word is MS Word by and large, whether on OS X or Windows.  Keep in mind for the PC route, the cost of decent AV (although many of the free tools are very good and more than enough if you are educated and savvy about what to do and not do with email or web sites&links).

  • Dual Core Mac only using 30% processor power.

    I'm running Motion on a Dual-core 2.3GHz G5 Power Mac. My Motion renders are really slow - and bring the whole system to a crawl.
    Using Activity Monitor and Menu Meters, I can see that Motion is only using, at most, 50% processor power between the two cores.
    The machine has 4GB of RAM so that shouldn't be an issue, and I've run the same Motion files on my old 2.0 Dual G5 at home and the renders use 95% of each processor and are much faster.
    Is Motion not dual core aware?

    CPU processing in Motion is not the workhorse. GPU does all the heavy lifting. What graphics card are you using?
    See this thread for a comparison of various cards:

  • FBU Internal Job Queue Full for Synchronous Processing of Print Requests

    Hello All,
    We are getting a lot of errors in system log (SM21) with the
    Error : FBU Internal Job Queue Full for Synchronous Processing of Print Requests
    User :SAPSYS
    Documentation for system log message FB U :
    If a spool server is to process output requests in the order they were
    created using multiple work processes, the processing of requests for a
    particular device can only run on one work process. To do this an
    internal queue (limited size) is used.
    If too many requests are created for this device too quickly, the work
    process may get overloaded. This is recognized when, as in this case,
    the internal queue is exhausted.
    This can only be solved by reducing the print load or increasing
    processor performance or, if there is a connection problem to the host
    spooler, by improving the transfer of data to the host spooler.
    Increasing the number of spool work processes will not help, as
    requests for one device can only be processed by one work process. If
    processing in order of creation is not required, sequential request
    processing can be deactivated (second page of device configuration in
    Transaction SPAD). This allows several work processes to process
    requests from the same device thus alleviating the bottleneck.
    Enlarging the internal queue will only help if the overload is
    temporary. If the overload is constant, a larger queue will eventually
    also be overloaded.
    Can you please tell me how to proceed.
    Best Regards,

    Solution is here:
    412065 - Incorrect output sequence of output requests
    Reason and Prerequisites
    The following messages appear in the developer trace (dev_trc) of the SPO processes or in the syslog:
    S  *** ERROR => overflow of internal job queue [rspowunx.c   788]
    Syslog Message FBU:
    Internal job queue for synchronous request processing of output requests full
    The "request processing sequence compliance" on a spool server with several SPO processes only works provided the server-internal job queue (see Note 118057) does not overflow. The size of this request queue is prepared using the rspo/global_shm/job_list profile parameter. The default value is 50 requests. However, if more output requests arrive for the spool server than can be processed (and the internal request queue is full as a result), more SPO processes are used to process the requests (in parallel), and the output sequence of the requests is no longer guaranteed.
    Increase the rspo/global_shm/job_list profile parameter to a much larger value. Unfortunately, the value actually required cannot be found by "trial and error" because this queue contains all the incoming output requests on a spool server, not just the "sequence compliant" requests. A practical lower limit for this value represents the maximum sequence-compliant output requests for the above generated output device. If, for example, 1000 documents that should be output in sequence are issued from an application program to an output device, the queue must be able to hold 1000 entries so that it does not overflow if the SPO process processes the requests at a maximum low-speed.

  • Dbus-daemon & udisk-daemon utilize ~50% of processor power

    For about few months after some updates I experience dbus and udisk daemons are eating almost half of my processor power.
    It is happening suddenly when I'm opening directory explorer from firefox to attach a file from my home directory for instance. Same thing is happening very randomly in different circumstances, but still somehow related with my filesystem. The only way is to reboot, because dbus restart does not help at all. This thing is happening about twice a day.
    My main partitions are ext3, also I have 2 external hard drives running on USB.
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3058]: Version 2010.3.6 external FUSE 28
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3058]: Mounted /dev/sda1 (Read-Write, label "", NTFS 3.1)
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3058]: Cmdline options: rw
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3058]: Mount options: rw,silent,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,fsname=/dev/sda1,blkdev,blksize=4096
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3058]: Ownership and permissions disabled, configuration type 1
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3061]: Version 2010.3.6 external FUSE 28
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3061]: Mounted /dev/sda2 (Read-Write, label "", NTFS 3.1)
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3061]: Cmdline options: rw
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3061]: Mount options: rw,silent,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,fsname=/dev/sda2,blkdev,blksize=4096
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3061]: Ownership and permissions disabled, configuration type 1
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3064]: Version 2010.3.6 external FUSE 28
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3064]: Mounted /dev/sdb1 (Read-Write, label "", NTFS 3.1)
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3064]: Cmdline options: rw
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3064]: Mount options: rw,silent,allow_other,nonempty,relatime,fsname=/dev/sdb1,blkdev,blksize=4096
    May 9 22:47:13 skywalker ntfs-3g[3064]: Ownership and permissions disabled, configuration type 1
    May 9 22:47:14 skywalker ntfs-3g[3067]: Version 2010.3.6 external FUSE 28
    May 9 22:47:14 skywalker ntfs-3g[3067]: Mounted /dev/sdb2 (Read-Write, label "", NTFS 3.1)
    I don't know where is the flaw and how to detect it.
    I figured it out.
    The problem was with high defragmention of the ext3 partitions. Some says that ext3 is not defragmenting, but if this filesystem is not checked regurarly dbus and udisk is getting crazy. Partitions of my external hard drives were checked not on regular basis, some mounted 150 times other even 205 times without check.
    Last edited by Kardell (2010-06-09 22:27:35)

    I was blaming external USB hard drives, however same thing is happening when I want to get access to e.g. home directory from app like Gnome to save a .png file.
    In the same time mounted encrypted Truecrypt partition via Truecrypt is giving me these errors without end until I kill truecrypt:
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: New owner :1.3493 for volume monitor org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor connected to the bus; seeding drives/volumes/mounts
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: invoking List() failed for type GProxyVolumeMonitorGdu: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: New owner :1.3495 for volume monitor org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor connected to the bus; seeding drives/volumes/mounts
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: invoking List() failed for type GProxyVolumeMonitorGdu: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: New owner :1.3497 for volume monitor org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor connected to the bus; seeding drives/volumes/mounts
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: invoking List() failed for type GProxyVolumeMonitorGdu: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: New owner :1.3499 for volume monitor org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor connected to the bus; seeding drives/volumes/mounts
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: invoking List() failed for type GProxyVolumeMonitorGdu: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: New owner :1.3501 for volume monitor org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor connected to the bus; seeding drives/volumes/mounts
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: invoking List() failed for type GProxyVolumeMonitorGdu: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)
    (truecrypt:13607): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: New owner :1.3503 for volume monitor org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor connected to the bus; seeding drives/volumes/mounts
    Dbus & udisk behave same way. Arch is jammed by these two processes. Restart needed

  • Unable to find an Output Post Processor service to post-process request

    Hi experts,
    Users complaining that they could not able to generate the PDF.
    User Complaint:
    The program does not generate the PDF. The program just generates the XML output. The logfile shows that “Unable to find an Output Post Processor service to post-process request 25852905.”
    EBS: 12.1.2
    OS: RHEL 5.5
    Steps that we tried:
    1. Increased the OPP process to 16
    2. Increased Concurrent:OPP Response Timeout to 750
    3. There is no issue in manager log file.
    4. Concurrent Requests Fail Due to Output Post Processing (OPP) Timeout (Doc ID 352518.1)
    5. Restarted CM. Ran CMclean.
    6. Re: Output Post Processor
    7.Unable to View pdf Output File Created by XML Publisher
    But we dont find any solutions over the above.
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    Forcing NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to: '.,' for XDO processing
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    Enter Password:
    REP-0004: Warning: Unable to open user preference file.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  AfterPForm_Trigger +
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  Multi Org established.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  AfterParam_Procs.Get_Country_Details
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  Get_Country_Description.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  AfterParam_Procs.Switch_On_Debug
    MSG-00100: Running in debug mode
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  AfterParam_Procs.Get_Trx_Number_Low
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  AfterParam_Procs.Get_Trx_Number_High
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  AfterParam_Procs.Get_Tax_Option
    MSG-00103: lp_trx_date_clause =  and a.trx_date = a.trx_date
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  BeforeReport_Trigger.Build_Where_Clause
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  P_Choice:  SEL
    MSG-00500: DEBUG:  About to build WHERE clause.
    MSG-00500: DEBUG:  WHERE clause built.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  Choice is other than ADJ, setting ORDER BY.
    MSG-00500: DEBUG:  Table 1:          AR_ADJUSTMENTS                         COM_ADJ,
            AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES                   P,
            RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST               REC,
            RA_CUSTOMER_TRX                        A,
            HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS                       B,
            RA_TERMS                               T,
            RA_TERMS_LINES                         TL,  
            RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES                      TYPES,
            AR_LOOKUPS                             L_TYPES,
            HZ_PARTIES                        PARTY,
            HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES                     A_BILL,
            HZ_PARTY_SITES                         PARTY_SITE,
            HZ_LOCATIONS                           LOC,
            HZ_CUST_SITE_USES                      U_BILL
    MSG-00500: DEBUG:  Table 2:          RA_TERMS_LINES                         TL,  
            RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES                      TYPES,
            AR_LOOKUPS                             L_TYPES,
        HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS                       B,
            HZ_PARTIES                        PARTY,
            HZ_CUST_SITE_USES                      U_BILL,
            HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES                     A_BILL,
            HZ_PARTY_SITES                         PARTY_SITE,
            HZ_LOCATIONS                           LOC,
            AR_ADJUSTMENTS                         COM_ADJ,
            RA_CUSTOMER_TRX                        A,
            AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES                   P,
            RA_TERMS                               T
                                       'INV', 0,
                 = COM_ADJ.PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID(+)
    AND NVL(P.TERMS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,nvl(TL.SEQUENCE_NUM,0))=nvl(TL.SEQUENCE_NUM,nvl(p.terms_sequence_number,0))
    AND A_BILL.party_site_id = party_site.party_site_id
    AND loc.location_id = party_site.location_id
                                       'INV', 0,
                 = COM_ADJ.PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID(+)
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  AfterPForm_Trigger -
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  BeforeReport_Trigger +
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  BeforeReport_Procs.Populate_Printing_Option
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  BeforeReport_Procs.Populate_Tax_Printing_Option
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  BeforeReport_Trigger.Get_Message_Details
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  BeforeReport_Trigger.Get_Org_Profile.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  Organization Id:  26
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  BeforeReport_Trigger -
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Trx No... 8414037
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  Get_Country_Description.
    MSG-00010: 12:03 1 Transaction: 8414037
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  Get_Country_Description.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG:  Get_Country_Description.
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Remit To Address....
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address Style:   
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 1:        11000 IH-35 NORTH
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 2:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 3:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 4:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  City:             AUSTIN
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  County:          
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  State:            TX
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Province:        
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Postal Code:      78753
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Territory:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country_Code:     US
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Customer Name:   
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Bill To:         
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  First Name:      
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Last Name:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Mail Stop:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country Code:     US
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country Desc:    
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Print Home Flag:  N
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Width:            40
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Height Min:       6
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Height Max:       6
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Remit To Formatted...   11000 IH-35 NORTH
    AUSTIN TX 78753
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Bill To Address....
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address Style:   
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 1:        2481 ROSS CRES
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 2:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 3:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 4:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  City:             NORTH BATTLEFORD
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  County:          
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  State:           
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Province:         SASKATCHEWAN
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Postal Code:      S9A3R3
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Territory:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country_Code:     CA
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Customer Name:    VAUGHN FAUTH
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Bill To:         
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  First Name:       VAUGHN
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Last Name:        FAUTH
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Mail Stop:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country Code:     US
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country Desc:    
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Print Home Flag:  N
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Width:            40
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Height Min:       8
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Height Max:       8
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Bill To Formatted... VAUGHN FAUTH
    2481 ROSS CRES
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Ship To Address....
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address Style:   
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 1:        2481 ROSS CRES
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 2:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 3:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Address 4:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  City:             NORTH BATTLEFORD
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  County:          
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  State:           
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Province:         SASKATCHEWAN
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Postal Code:      S9A3R3
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Territory:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country_Code:     CA
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Customer Name:    VAUGHN FAUTH
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Bill To:         
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  First Name:      
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Last Name:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Mail Stop:       
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country Code:     US
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Country Desc:    
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Print Home Flag:  N
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Width:            40
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Height Min:       8
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Height Max:       8
    MSG-05000: DEBUG:  Ship To Formatted...   VAUGHN FAUTH
    2481 ROSS CRES
    Report Builder: Release - Production on Wed Sep 25 12:03:07 2013
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    +------------- 1) PUBLISH -------------+
    Unable to find an Output Post Processor service to post-process request 25854362.
    Check that the Output Post Processor service is running.
    +------------- 2) PRINT   -------------+
    Not printing the output of this request because post-processing failed.
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Can any one please guide me for this issue.?.

    FNDOPP log file
    9/25/13 10:47:48 AM] [Thread-31] Service thread starting up.
    [9/25/13 10:47:48 AM] [EXCEPTION] [OPPServiceThread0] java.sql.SQLException: ORA-24067: exceeded maximum number of subscrib
    ers for queue APPLSYS.FND_CP_GSM_OPP_AQ
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_CP_OPP_IPC", line 85
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.SQLStateMapping.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.newSQLException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.receive(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.doOall8(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CCallableStatement.executeForRows(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleCallableStatement.execute(
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.execute(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPAQMonitor.initAQ(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPAQMonitor.init(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPAQMonitor.initialize(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread.init(
    [9/25/13 11:04:11 AM] [EXCEPTION] [OPPAQMON:876235] ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object
    [GC 20321K->4065K(63360K), 0.0137050 secs]

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