Link Action in datatable header not working!!!

hi all
i want to sort the datatable rows when link in the header of a column in datatable is clicked. I am using Sun Creator but it doesnot provide functinality to directly add link action in header. So i changed the jsp page to add the following code
<h:dataTable binding="#{SearchResults.dataTable1}" headerClass="list-header" id="dataTable1" rowClasses="list-row-even,list-row-odd" style="left: 24px; top: 24px; position: absolute" value="#{SearchPage.searchResultsDataModel}" var="currentRow">
<h:column binding="#{SearchResults.column1}" id="column1">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:commandLink action="#SearchResults.linkActionApplicantIDHeader_action}"
binding="#{SearchResults.linkActionApplicantIDHeader}" id="linkActionApplicantIDHeader">
<h:outputText binding="#{SearchResults.linkActionApplicantIDHeaderText}" id="linkActionApplicantIDHeaderText" value="Applicant ID"/>
</h:column>................... other columns of table(bold is what i added )
if i check through the IDE application outline window that which action handler is associated with my header link action, it takes me to proper method. but while running it doesnot go to the proper method and hence doennot fire the event.
what should i do??
plz help

hi all
i want to sort the datatable rows when link in the
header of a column in datatable is clicked. I am
using Sun Creator but it doesnot provide functinality
to directly add link action in header. So i changed
the jsp page to add the following code
<h:dataTable binding="#{SearchResults.dataTable1}"
" headerClass="list-header" id="dataTable1"
rowClasses="list-row-even,list-row-odd" style="left:
24px; top: 24px; position: absolute"
<h:column binding="#{SearchResults.column1}"
<f:facet name="header">
" id="linkActionApplicantIDHeader">
xt}" id="linkActionApplicantIDHeaderText"
value="Applicant ID"/>
</h:column>................... other columns of table(bold is
what i added )
if i check through the IDE application outline window
that which action handler is associated with my
header link action, it takes me to proper method. but
while running it doesnot go to the proper method and
hence doennot fire the event.
what should i do??
plz help
thanksI had a similar problem w/ links in a datatable that didn't work. I had to do two things:
1. Initialize the SearchPage.searchResultsDataModel property in the constructor of the bean (this is because I use request scope).
2. Remove the rendered property from the surround h:panelGroup tag that I have around my table. I haven't been able to get the rendered property to work with the datatable links.
Hope this helps!

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    <%-- jsf:pagecode language="java" location="/src/pagecode/eservice/" --%><%-- /jsf:pagecode --%>
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                   var idElem = document.getElementById(id);
                        idElem.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.color = color;
                        setTimeout('switchColor(\'' + id + '\', \'#8A7C5B\', ' + timeout + ')', timeout);
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                        setTimeout('blinkThis(\'' + id + '\', \'#FF3030\', ' + timeout + ')', timeout);
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    <hx:scriptCollector id="scriptCollector1">
         <h:form id="form2">     
              <div class="header-top">
                   <h:outputText value='#{nls["eservice_label_title"]}'></h:outputText>
              <c:forEach items="${requestScope.REQ_ESERVICE_LIST_BY_CAT}" var="categoryVOs" varStatus="catIndex">
                   <table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                             <td> </td>
                             <td class="gray1" height="30px">
                                       <c:out value="${categoryVOs.value.category.categoryName}" escapeXml="false"></c:out>
                             <td width="2">
                                  <div align="right">           
                                       <img src='<%= imageRootDir + "dot.png"%>' width="4" height="1" />
                             <td width="100%" >
                                  <table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                       <c:forEach items="${categoryVOs.value.eservice}" var="service" varStatus="serviceIndex">
                                            EServiceVO serviceObj = (EServiceVO) pageContext.getAttribute("service");
                                            String action = null;
                                            int serviceId= -1;
                                                 action = serviceObj.getServiceAction();
                                                 serviceId = serviceObj.getServiceId();
                                            if(action!=null && action.startsWith("$"))
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_serviceName" value="${service.serviceName}" scope="request"/>
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_url_en" value="${service.serviceAction}" scope="request"/>
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_url_ar" value="${service.serviceActionAr}" scope="request"/>
                                            <td height="17">                         
                                                 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">                              
                                                           <td width="95%" id="extMoreCell_${catIndex.index}_${serviceIndex.index}">                                                                      
                                                                <img src='<%= imageRootDir +"arrow1.png"%>' width="15" height="16" border="0"/>
                                                                <h:commandLink styleClass="links menu-txt" action="#{pc_EServiceView.doExternalLinkAction}">
                                            <h:outputText value="#{jstl_to_jsf_serviceName}" styleClass="menu-txt"/>
                                                 <f:param name="PARAM_ESERVICE_URL_EN" value="#{jstl_to_jsf_url_en}"></f:param>
                                                 <f:param name="PARAM_ESERVICE_URL_AR" value="#{jstl_to_jsf_url_ar}"></f:param>
                                                 <f:param name="JSP_ACTION" value="ACT_EXTERNAL_ESERVICE"></f:param>
                                                 <script type="text/javascript">
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '53'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_3', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '54'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_4', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '55'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_5', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '56'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_0_8', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '57'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_8_8', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '59'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_1_8', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '58'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_5_6', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                           <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '28'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_1_4', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                           <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '20'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_5_3', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                           <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '60'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_6', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                            <td bgcolor="#FAF9FA" background='<%= imageRootDir + "line-bg-eservices.png"%>'><img src='<%= imageRootDir +"line-bg-eservices.png"%>' width="2" height="1" border="0"/></td>
                                       else if(action!=null)
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_serviceName" value="${service.serviceName}" scope="request"/>
                                       <wps:urlGeneration contentNode="${service.serviceAction}" allowRelativeURL="false" keepNavigationalState="true">
                                       //String urlC = "http://"+renderRequest.getServerName()+":"+renderRequest.getServerPort()+wpsURL;
                                       String urlC = "" + wpsURL;
                                       <c:set var="url" value="<%=urlC%>" scope="request"/>
                                            <td height="17">                         
                                                 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                                           <td id="intMoreCell_${catIndex.index}_${serviceIndex.index}">
                                                           <img src='<%= imageRootDir +"arrow1.png"%>' width="15" height="16" border="0"/>     
                                                           <hx:outputLinkEx styleClass="links menu-txt" value="#{url}">
                                                                <h:outputText value="#{jstl_to_jsf_serviceName}" styleClass="menu-txt"></h:outputText>
                                            <td bgcolor="#FAF9FA" background='<%= imageRootDir + "line-bg-eservices.png"%>' ><img src='<%= imageRootDir +"line-bg-eservices.png"%>' width="2" height="1" border="0"/></td>
              <h:messages styleClass="messages" id="messages1"></h:messages>

    1) Throw your code away and use h:dataTable instead of c:forEach to render a table of dynamic size.
    2) Hand-assign every UIInput and UICommand element inside the loop an unique ID. E.g. "commandLinkId" + loopIndex

  • Command Link in ADF table is not working/ PPR event not getting fired

    Hi All,
    I am having ADF Table, in that one column is with command link if click on command link, it is not navigating to corresponding page or method of a bean. If i give same command link out of the table it working fine, this issue i am facing is in IE9.
    if i use IE in compatibility mode the links works fine, even in IE8 version also.
    Browser: IE 9
    Jdev version:
    I tried all possible things, but nothing workout for me.
    showPopupBehavior not working in IE9 for af:table buttons (jdev11.
    Partial page rendering not working in ie9
    Command Link in ADF table is not working

    please file a bug if you have a customer support contract and provide a testcase

  • Link for territory mgmt is not working

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    We have territory management configured for three custom attributes.
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    Any hint how we can solve this issue?
    Thanks and Regards,

    How are you resetting the password?
    Resetting User Password in Lion, Mountain Lion & Mavericks
    Boot into your Recovery Partition by hold down the Command and R keys whilst booting.
    When the Recovery screen appears, go to the Utilities menu and open Terminal.
    In Terminal, type:
    ...a small app will open and allow you to choose the user for whom you want to change the password. If you are the admin, be certain that you choose your admin user. Type in your new password twice and give yourself a good hint. Click OK (or Done or whatever) and reboot, enjoying the use of your new, hopefully memorable, password.
    Good luck,

  • CommandLinks and CommandButtons in Datatable do not work

    I have read the threads about this issue and am aware of the fact that there is a problem, if the backing bean is in request scope. However, my backing bean is in session scope and it still does not work - my action methods are never called. What's more, I have another backing bean in session scope, where it works perfectly and I cannot see any difference between them.
    Here's the code, my backing bean is dms:
    <h:form rendered="#{dms.documents.rowCount > 0}">
    <h:dataTable rowClasses="..." headerClass="..." value="#{dms.documents}"
    columnClasses="..." var="item" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:commandLink action="#{dms.test}" value="#{item.docName}"/>
    <f:facet name="header"/>
    <h:commandButton id="foo" value="View" action="#{dms.test}"/>
    <h:commandLink action="#{dms.test}" value="Clickme"/>
    Here is the code in the backing bean:
    public String test() {
    return "mainPage";
    And this in faces-config.xml:
    Only the last link, the one outside the datatable and titled "Clickme", works. I can see "Hooray" in the logfile and am redirected to the main page. If I click any of the links or buttons in the datatable, nothing is written to the log and the same page is loaded again, but only the static content is displayed, i.e. no JSF tags are evaluated, they are just dropped. There are, however, a few hidden input fields called javax.faces.ViewState, which I don't know where they are coming from.
    As I said, I have another backing bean in session scope, which is modelled exactly like that and it works there. Maybe JSF apps are supposed to have only one controller?
    Many thanks in advance for any pointers,
    Edit: It doesn't change anything if I put the backing bean in application scope. I did have the same problem before with my other backing bean, but could solve it there by putting it from request scope to session scope.

    <h:dataTable value="#{dms.documents}">How do you load this list? This list should not be null during the INVOKE_APPLICATION phase.
    Try stubbing the List right in the getDocuments() method and see if it works.

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    When I publish the project, the link works when I am in the published PDF file but it does not work when I am in the published SWF or HTM file. Can someone give me some advice on what I may be doing wrong? IF this has been addresssed elsewhere, I am sorry for the duplication. I have searched and could not find anything.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi there
    "Whitelisting" is a process that is used to identify something as being a "safe" or "trusted" source. I believe what is meant in this context is that you need to add the location to the trusted locations list in the Flash Player as described in the link below:
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Command link in adf table is not working..

    Hi All,
    I am having ADF Table, in that one column is with command link and,if click on commnad link it is not going to coorsponding action or actionListener methods of bean. If i give same command link out side of the table it working fine.But i have to pass some perameters on click of button.
    I am getting same problem in many places , if i delete the page and page-def files again if i create some times it is working but some times not working. Is there any specific reason for this.Following is the code snippet...
    <af:column sortProperty="GlobalDealId" sortable="false"
    <af:commandLink text="#{row.GlobalDealId}" id="cl1" action="#{pageFlowScope.editProfileCompleteness.sample}" immediate="true" partialSubmit="true">
    <af:setActionListener from='"#{row.GlobalDealId}"'
    <af:setActionListener from='"#{row.CustName}"'
    <af:setActionListener from='"#{row.IsSaDeal}"'
    Even i tried with out immediate="true" partialSubmit="true" also.
    And i set ChangeventPolicy = ppr for Iterator in page defnation file.
    Awaiting for ur reply.

    the real problem of the original poster seems to be <af:commandLink text="#{row.GlobalDealId}" id="cl1" action="createMDM" immediate="true" partialSubmit="true"> having immediate set to true in which case the request goes from restore view to render response. You usually use immediate=true on a command item to cancel an action (bypassing all the other JSF lifecycle steps).
    you don't give us much information about your case. So if the problem is IE9 and you verified IE9 is supported for the version of JDeveloper you use, then - in case you have a support contract - my best advise is to file a service request and have support looking at it just in case you hit a defect that should be filed as a bug

  • Using Captivate 4: Link to other project is not working

    I am using Captivate4. I want to give action to the click button to open other project, but it is not working. What should I do, any specific settings, so that it start working.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi again
    Ideally, yes. You typically see the best and most predictable result when linking like to like. If you are willing to live with the idiosyncracies of mixing output formats, you are also free to link EXE to SWF or Vice Versa.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • MS Word 2010 to PDF, links to other PDF's not working

    I've go a Word .docx in which I've created hyperlinks to existing PDF's. The hyperlinks work within the .docx.
    When I save to PDF and attempt the hyperlink I get the following message... "This document is trying to connect to:" and it lists the hyperlink in not exactly how I specified it. Even if I click "Remember this action" and Allow the hyperlink does not work
    The hyperlinks in the TOC work... and links to emails or websites work... just not the ones to the PDF's

    Adobe Reader 10.1.2 cannot convert DOC files to PDFs. You will need Adobe Acrobat to do this.
    Save As > Adobe PDF feature is using Microsoft's PDF converter. You may need to follow up with them regarding the same.

  • Redirection using header not working..

    I've created a simple insert page and after insert i want it
    to be redirected to another page which has list of entries.
    Somehow the header redirection is not working. I tried site
    relative name in the after insert go to option and then gave tried
    the full path name but no relief. I tried the redirect at the top
    of the page(plain redirection as soon as the page is loaded) and it
    worked. I have attached the code. Can some one spot what am i
    missing here?

    The page is not redirected it stays in the same page after
    the insert action.
    the page is in the location <<
    after the submit form it should be redirected to the <<
    but the result is
    I tried the exit function after the header and i got
    connection reset error..
    <<The connection to the server was reset while the page
    was loading.>>

  • Link in pdf-file does not work on Ipad

    With my site I offer visitors the free possibility to see (and download) sheetmusic, from music written by me. These are pdf-files. But they can not only SEE the sheetmusic; the music on that pdf-files can also be PLAYED. That's done bij clicking on a link in that pdf-file to a mp3-file of the music on my site.
    This works fine on a pc. When I try this on the Ipad of my wife it DOES NOT WORK!
    So my question is: how come? And what to do to make this work also fine on an Ipad.
    This is important for me, because I want this sheetmusic to place as Ipad-apps for free.

    It works!
    But not with a pdf-file. The Ipad does not recognize links in a pdf-file.
    Te solution is found by making a htm-file with emdedding a quicktime-player and images of the music. This is my first Ipad product. On a pc the player starts immediately; on the Ipad it has to be started.
    Now I have to work on a solution to change this to an app

  • Dynamic Action with field DIVGV not working

    We have built the dynamic action below to default values from infotypes 0007 and 0008 behind the screnes in infotype 0491 Payroll Outsourcing. The issue that we are having is that the dynamic action will not work for field P0008-DIVGV, but will work with all the other fields.
    The only difference between the DIVGV field and the rest of the other fields mentioned in this dynamic ation is that it seems to be a free text field (which you can modify), even though the values are pulled from the work schedule rule in infotype 0007. We have also hidden the DIVGV field in 0007 per client requirement.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this working. Do we need to populate these values in any of thh HR tables first?
    06     10     *     *** COP 0491 US PAYROLL OUTSOURCING ***
    06     12     P     T001P-MOLGA='10'
    06     14     I     COP,0491,,,(P0008-BEGDA),(P0008-ENDDA)/D
    06     16     W     P0491-OTF06='PS TYPE'
    06     18     W     P0491-OTV06=P0008-TRFAR
    06     20     W     P0491-OTF07='PS AREA'
    06     22     W     P0491-OTV07=P0008-TRFGB
    06     24     W     P0491-OTF08='WORK SCHEDULE RULE'
    06     26     W     P0491-OTV08=P0007-SCHKZ
    06     27     W     P0491-OTV09='WORK HOURS/PERIOD'
    06     28     W     P0491-OTV09=P0008-DIVGV

    Hi Damas,
      it seems to be no specific reason for not updation P0008-DIVGV only.Please cross check whether field is populating or not in Infotype 0008, before dynamic action triggered, other that that there is no reason.

  • Simple question: calling URL link with WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT is not working

    Hi folks,
    this should be an easy question, but I have no idea why it's not working :-(.
    In one of my form, I would like to place an URL link behing button.
    For this purpose I'm using below code:
       WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT('','_blank');But when above code is executed, nothing happens :-(.
    Could it be because I'm using it within modal type of window?
    I'm using Oracle Forms 10g

    have you checked with using self instead of blank to see if it will replace your current page with the one you are tyring to call?
    Have you got any other firefox plugins running such as Ad block? can you try disabaling all addons and even the internal pop-up blocker jus to see if this will work?
    if self works but blank does not how about having the main app called from a multi frame page. one frame with the app in and the other frame with some javascript that can be called to open a new window? dont know if that will work and its late so probably not thought it thorugh fully :)

  • Crystal Report orange link arrow to SAP B1 not working

    I couldn't find a way to insert the actual "arrow" icon into a Crystal report so I copied one from one of the Crystal Reports imbedded in SAP B1 9.0.  I subsequently edited the hyperlink to point to the document number I wanted.
    From the Format Editor dialog box, Hyperlink, the hyperlink website address is:
    There was a formatting button to the right of the website address line.  Clicking on it yielded a formula workshop dialog box that I edited as follows:
    The Crystal Report runs fine in B1 and shows the link arrows.  Hovering the cursor above the hyperlink in print preview yields the specific information for that record. For example, when the report shows A/P Invoice #4394 the screen shows a small pop-up with "http://$b1$/link?table=OPCH&key=4394".  Clicking on the arrow brings up a window with a blank! A/P invoice with the cursor located in the "Vendor Invoice No." box (OPCH.NumAtCard field).
    Why is this not working to bring up the correct A/P invoice?  There are no errors indicated.
    Thanks for any assistance.

    Thank you, Nagarajan.
    Those instructions are exactly what I've done with my report.  However, the instructions start with the phrase "manually insert link arrow into Crystal report".  OK, I did a Google search on "insert link arrow" and "crystal" and "reports" and "SAP" and there was only ONE webpage with these words on the ENTIRE internet--the page you sent me to.  Crystal reports online help has nothing relating to a "link arrow".  If there's some special aspect of this link arrow that I'm missing, it sure is a secret because there's nothing out there on this subject.  I guess I'll have to copy the graphic from previous reports each time I need to do this.
    In any case, I was able to resolve the issue by changing the text in the formatting dialog box from OPCH.DocNum to PCH1.DocEntry and it worked.  Why it worked is beyond me.  Guessing seems to be the one defining feature of doing work with SAP B1.

  • In SSRS , after exporting report in excel,wrap text property for cell and freeze column for SSRS table header not working in Excel

    I am working no one SSRS my table headers are freeze cangrow property is false and my report is working perfect while rendering data on RDL and i want same report after exporting in Excel also , i want my table header to be freeze and wrap text property
    to work after exporting in my report in excel but its not working ,is there any solution ? any patch ? any other XML code for different rendering ? 

    Hi Amol,
    According to your description, you find the wrap text property and fix column is not working after exporting into Excel. Right?
    In Reporting Services, when exporting to excel file, it has limitation for textbox.
    Text boxes are rendered within one Excel cell. Font size, font face, decoration, and font style are the only formatting that is supported on individual text within an Excel cell.
    Excel adds a default padding of approximately 3.75 points to the left and right sides of cells. If a text box’s padding settings are less than 3.75 points and is just barely wide enough to accommodate the text, the text may wrap in Excel.
    In this scenario, it supposed to be wrap text unless you merge cells. If cells are merged, word-wrap does not work correctly. If any merged cells exist on a row where a text box is rendered with the
    AutoSize property, autosize will not work. For the Fix Data Property, it can't be working in Excel. These are features when exporting to Excel. We can't change it because it's by design.
    Exporting to Microsoft Excel (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

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