Linking Form to a report ----- Please tell me where i am wrong

I have followed the steps as mentioned in the following forum
Re: Danger in using commitAndResume?
Can anyone tell me why this code is not working. Please.
mProject_Id NUMBER;
Rep_Url Varchar2(2000);
mProject_Id := p_session.get_value_as_number(
p_block_name=> 'DEFAULT', p_attribute_name=> 'A_PROJECT_ID');
Rep_url := '';
When I click the button i get the following error
Error: (WWV-00000) without opening the actual report window.
Also the address window shows the following!PORTAL.wwa_app_module.accept

Your code seems to be fine. Looks like there is some problem with your report. Are you able to run the report
Please try a simple one with department like this. It works fine for me.
mdeptno NUMBER;
Rep_Url Varchar2(2000);
mdeptno := p_session.get_value_as_number(
p_block_name=> 'DEFAULT', p_attribute_name=> 'A_DEPTNO');
Rep_Url :=
This code I have entered in the success section of the form.
If even this does not work, then there is a problem in your build.

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    Dear All,
    I am writing one procedure, that inserts records into one table. I used nativ dynamic sql in
    my procedure.
    Here Is Details;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PRAT(mstring in varchar2, mconditions in varchar2)
    -- vyearqtr NUMBER := myearqtr;
    -- vyearnum NUMBER := myearnum;
    vstring VARCHAR2(1000) := mstring;
    vnum     VARCHAR2(10);
    vconditions VARCHAR2(4000) := mconditions;
    v_strvar varchar2(32767);
    CURSOR c1 is
    FROM TABLE(CAST(split(vstring,',')as split_tbl)) a;
    OPEN c1;
    FETCH c1 INTO vnum;
    exit when c1%notfound;
    v_strvar:= 'INSERT INTO ibs_cbs_temp3';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' select a.YearQtr,a.cgs_name Groupname,a.Code,a.Name1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(bSum1, 0) + nvl(cSum1, 0) + nvl(dSum1, 0) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' nvl(eSum1, 0) + nvl(fSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as TOTAL,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(bSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(cSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode2,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(dSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode3,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(eSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode4,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(fSum1, 0)) / 10000000) as MaturityCode5,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(gBank, 0)) / 10000000) as sBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(hBank, 0)) / 10000000) as SPrivate,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(iBank, 0)) / 10000000) as SPublic,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Round((nvl(i1Bank, 0)) / 10000000) as SUnallocated';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from    (Select  distinct';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' cg.cgs_name,aq.CTY_Code as Code,aq.CTY_Name as Name1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr as yearqtr';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from Ibs_Countrygroups cg';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_CountryMaster aq ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on cg.cgs_id=aq.cty_ctygrpid and cg.cgs_active=1 ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' and aq.cty_active=1';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_org_bankdata ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON aq.CTY_Code =ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_bankmaster bk ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on ibs_org_bankdata.bd_bkcode = bk.bnk_code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_countrymaster cm ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on bk.bnk_countryofinc = cm.cty_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_ALCategory ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_alcd = IBS_ALCategory.Alc_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr = '|| vnum ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' group by cg.cgs_name,aq.CTY_Name,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' aq.CTY_Code,ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)a';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' left join';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 1 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as bSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 2 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as cSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case when';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 3 AND '||vconditions;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr) else 0 end)) as dSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 4 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as eSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd = 5 AND '||vconditions;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as fSum1,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 0 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as gBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 1 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as hBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 2 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as iBank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' sum((case';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' when IBS_Sector.SEC_Parent = 3 AND '||vconditions ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' then';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' getvalueininr(Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_bal) +';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' Abs(ibs_org_bankdata.bd_fc_int),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' (select ibs_currencymaster.cur_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' from ibs_currencymaster';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where ibs_org_bankdata.bd_curcd =';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_currencymaster.cur_code),';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr)';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' else';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' 0';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' end)) as i1Bank,';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd as Cty_Id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' FROM IBS_CountryMaster aq';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN ibs_org_bankdata ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON aq.CTY_Code =ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' inner join ibs_bankmaster bk ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on ibs_org_bankdata.bd_bkcode =bk.bnk_code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' inner join ibs_countrymaster cm ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' on bk.bnk_countryofinc = cm.cty_id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_Sector ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_sectcd =IBS_Sector.Sec_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_ALCategory ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_alcd =IBS_ALCategory.Alc_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_ALTypes ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_typecd =IBS_ALTypes.Act_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' INNER JOIN IBS_MaturityCodeMaster ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ON ibs_org_bankdata.bd_matcd =IBS_MaturityCodeMaster.MCM_Code';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' where';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' ibs_org_bankdata.bd_yrqtr = '||vnum ;
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' group by ibs_org_bankdata.bd_councd) ';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' l on a.Code = l.CTY_Id';
    v_strvar:= v_strvar ||' order by total desc';
    CLOSE C1;
    The paramers that i am passing while executing the procedure are as follows;
    mstring = '20052,20051'
    mconditions = (CTY_Code='IN' and (((bd_forcd='IN' and ALC_Code in ('11','21','31') and bd_councd <>'IN'  and bd_sectcd <>'11') or (bd_forcd<>'IN' and ALC_Code in ('11','21','31') and bd_councd <>'IN' )))) or ((CTY_Code<>'IN' and  CTY_BIS_REPORTING_CBS='Y') and ALC_Code in ('11','21','31')  and bd_councd=CTY_Code) or ((CTY_Code<>'IN' and  CTY_BIS_REPORTING_CBS='N') and ALC_Code in ('11','21','31') and  bd_councd<>'IN'))
    The procedure compiled successfully. but while executing the procedure I got
    missing right parenthesis error.
    The parametr mconditions that I passed is as follows;
    '(CTY_Code=''IN'' and (((bd_forcd=''IN'' and ALC_Code in (''11'',''21'',''31'') and bd_councd <>''IN''  and bd_sectcd <>''11'') or (bd_forcd<>''IN'' and ALC_Code in (''11'',''21'',''31'') and bd_councd <>''IN'' )))) or ((CTY_Code<>''IN'' and  CTY_BIS_REPORTING_CBS=''Y'') and ALC_Code in (''11'',''21'',''31'')  and bd_councd=CTY_Code) or ((CTY_Code<>''IN'' and  CTY_BIS_REPORTING_CBS=''N'') and ALC_Code in (''11'',''21'',''31'') and  bd_councd<>''IN'')'
    please help me.
    Thanks In advance.

    DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line has its limitations. You can't
    just use it to print out v_strvar:
    ORA-20000: ORU-10028: line length overflow, limit of
    255 chars per lineNot in 10g ;)
    SQL> declare
      2    mytext varchar2(2000) := RPAD('0',2000,'1');
      3  begin
      4    dbms_output.put_line(mytext);
      5  end;
      6  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    I bought this very nice iMac. The first time I ever use a Apple product. Can someone please tell me where the delete key is on the keyboard. I cannot think for one moment that Apple did not provide for such a key. Please help.

    The delete key does a backward delete because it is the natural way to delete while typing. May not be to you and the millions of youngsters who grew up with windows computers. When you are typing and want to delete that which you just typed you are already at the end and you delete back to where you want to re-type. When you go back to a document and want to delete a selection, you have to go to the end of the selection instead of the beginning. it's just the way its always been done on macs. it takes some getting use to.
    If you select text to be deleted with your mouse then the delete key deletes the selected text. same for either delete key method.
    It is not convenient when you tab to fields in a form. That why fn-delete does a forward delete.
    Macs have a couple of keyboards. The small "wireless keyboard" only has the (backward) delete (fn-delete forward). The larger "Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad" has both a Delete (backwards) key beside the = abd it has the "delete >" key in the groups with fn, home, end, Pg up and Pg dn. This keyboard is best for users who have switched from windows or are familiar with the windows forward delete.

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    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    can you please tell me where i find the spellchecker...............if not on here already how do i download it.
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows Vista
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    == Plugins installed
    *-Default Plug-in
    *Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
    *Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) plug-in for Mozilla browsers
    *Google Update

    See [[Using the spell checker]] and make sure you have spellchecking enabled and a dictionary is installed.
    From the [[Options window - Advanced panel]] article:
    * '''Check my spelling as I type''': When this preference is enabled, Firefox will check your spelling and offer possible corrections as you type in web forms. Note that you may need to download a dictionary; to do so, right-click on any text field, enable spellchecking if necessary, and then use the provided Languages menu to download a dictionary.

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    Hi, could someone please tell me where I could get a new front glass for my IPod touch.  It was dropped and the whole glass cracked. I live in Gauteng. 

    Apple will exchange your iPod for a refurbished one for this price. They do not fix yours.
    Apple - iPod Repair price
    A third-party place like maybe less. Google for one near you.
    Replace the screen yourself
    iPod Touch Repair – iFixit
    It has sources for the parts. You can just Google for screens too.

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    Do you already have created a Sync account?
    You need to create a sync account one one computer (click Create ...) and click the Connect button on the other computer.
    *Firefox/Tools > Set Up Sync

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    Voronello volume license installation files are available under the end user or deploy to account at

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    All I See Is the CC Version, which  Never Works Well With My School Assignments.  Please Tell Me Where I Go to Find this Cuz the PullDown Arrow Is No Longer Available.  BTW - I Didn't See It Listed Under Previous Versions Either.

    Lyleb64687719 have you utilized the steps listed in CC desktop lists applications as "Up to Date" when not installed - to verify the Creative Suite 6 version was not available?  What type of a Creative Cloud membership do you have?
    You can also download the Creative Suite 6 installation files from Download CS6 products.  Installing any of the applications or suites which include Bridge CS6 should allow Bridge CS6 to install.

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    Did you tap the Videos app icon?  
    Swipe left of your Home screen then type in the name of the movie.

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    Unfortunately,I didnot do any project on sap.
    Until Last Week,I have the chance to do it.
    so I have to visite SAP sites ,
    but It must use the S-User ID and password.
    Could you please tell me where can I ask for it.
    Best regards,

      after compelting the certiification sap will provide the suser is and password along with sap certificate, generally it will take 4 -5 weeks to get the certificate if u still not received contact sap education locally

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    You can get games from the itunes store, but they're not free.
    iPodArcade has some quiz things, but they are nothing like the games you can purchase.

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    Please download OSM and Design Studio software and documentation from and it will provide you the OSM's architecture, installation and even the basics about the application. Concept guide will provide you an overview of the OSM product.
    If you have any questions on any topic we can help.
    Anand Gopinath
    OSM Product Management

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    Apps (like other synced media like music) are not included in the backup that iTunes makes. Thus, restoring from backup if the apps are not in the iTunes library there are no apps to restore to the iPod.
    Redownload the apps into your iTunes library.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    And then restore from backup.
    Make sure that in iTunes>Preferences>Devices the box that say "Prevent iPods..." is checked otherwise when you connect the iPod to the computer the previous backup (with your app data) might be overwritten.

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  • Ios7 bookamrking web application to home screen via Safari crashes after login and when we try to open any link inside. Can anyone please tell me if there is any scheduled fix for this bug in safari?

    ios7 bookmarking web application to home screen via Safari, crashes after login and when we try to open any link inside from the icon that gets created on the home screen. Can anyone please tell me if there is any scheduled fix for this bug in safari?
    From what i understand i see that - Cookies are not transferred between your website and your webapp when installing the icon on the home screen (for authentication purposes for example). It was working until 6.1 and now it’s not working anymore.
    Can someone please tell me if this bug will be fixed in any future release, if so the ticket number of some kind that i can track, or if there is a workaround for this issue?

    ios7 bookmarking web application to home screen via Safari, crashes after login and when we try to open any link inside from the icon that gets created on the home screen. Can anyone please tell me if there is any scheduled fix for this bug in safari?
    From what i understand i see that - Cookies are not transferred between your website and your webapp when installing the icon on the home screen (for authentication purposes for example). It was working until 6.1 and now it’s not working anymore.
    Can someone please tell me if this bug will be fixed in any future release, if so the ticket number of some kind that i can track, or if there is a workaround for this issue?

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