Links in TextEdit 1.4

I have a TextEdit file containing a link to another file in the same folder. It looks like a html link and clicking on it opens the target file.
Another TextEdit file contains a picture which can be clicked on to open another file.
I made these files myself some months ago as demonstrations, but I didn't include explanatory notes and now I forgot how I did it! As far as I know, there is no provision in TextEdit to include links. Is that correct?
I tried to open the files in Firefox to see if it was html, but I couldn't open them (Firefox kept asking me to choose an app to open these files)
Mac mini running tiger

To make text in the form of an URL into a clickable link, control-click it and choose Make Link from the menu which appears. To make other types of text and pictures into a clickable link, highlight it and choose Link... from the Text section of the Format menu. Provide a target for the link.

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    You don't need Automator for this. First, go to System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts. Then, add a new shortcut (by pressing the "+"), and select TextEdit as the application. Enter "Link…" as the Menu Title (without the quotes) - the ending of that command is an ellipse, not 3 periods (you can insert that character from the Special Characters dialog). Key in the Keyboard Shortcut that you want to use (command-L, or whatever), and there you go.

  • Clickable Link in TextEdit

    Can you make a URL in TextEdit Clickable
    With this Script there is no Clickable link. Did not see anything in the dictionary but thought some Shell Script or something.
    tell application "Safari"
    set myUrl to URL of front document
    set Toy to name of front document
    end tell
    tell application "TextEdit"
    if document 1 exists then
    set text of document 1 to text of document 1 & Toy & return & myUrl & return & "===============================" & return
    make new document
    set text of document 1 to text of document 1 & Toy & return & myUrl & return & "===============================" & return
    end if
    end tell
    Made this for X-Mas Shopping but need to do some refining

    The way I would do this is to make an HTML document (Webpage) and use AppleScript to edit it. Here's how.
    First, run the following script to make the file.
    set mypath to (path to desktop) & "GiftList.html" as string
    set thefile to open for access file mypath with write permission
    write "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
    <html xmlns=\"\">
    <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />
    <title>Xmas List</title>
    " to thefile
    close access thefile
    Set myPath where you want the file. Change the "Xmas List" text to the name of the document as you want it to appear in the title bar of Safari.
    Next, replace the entire TextEdit part of your script with the below (keep your Safari script above this).
    set giftPath to (path to desktop as string) & "GiftList.html"
    set giftFile to open for access file giftpath with write permission
    set giftText to read giftFile
    set oldD to AppleScript's text item delimiters as string
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "</body>" as string
    set bBody to first text item of giftText
    set aBody to return & "</body>" & return & second text item of giftText
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldD as string
    set toAdd to "<p>" & Toy & "<br/>" & return & "<a href=\"" & myUrl & "\">Link</a>" & "<br/>" & return & "<hr/>" & return & "</p>"
    set eof of giftFile to 0
    write bBody & toAdd & aBody to giftFile
    close access giftFile&lt&
    Set giftPath to the path you used earlier (where you put the file you made).
    This will make a new paragraph with the text of your Toy variable. Then, on a new line, it will put a link to the site in your myUrl variable. It will also add a horizontal bar between toys.
    To add more items, just run the second script again. Added entries will appear below existing ones.
    Let me know if you have any questions or want help modifying this.
    Good luck!

  • Hyperlinks/URLs in TextEdit

    Clicking on a hyperlink reveals the target file in the Finder, opening the enclosing folder.
    I would like to create a link that opens that file in it's default application.
    I know I can write (file:///Users...), and right-click, to select 'Open URL' from the contextual menu.
    But it would be neater to just click the link and have the file open.
    Thanks in advance,

    Dennis Seitz wrote:
    Yes, I know that.
    You know Safari can't open Excel files.
    Yet you "try to open an Excel file with Safari".
    Does that make sense to you?
    we're trying to find a way to make a link in TextEdit that will open a file in the local file system
    What's that got to do with Safari?
    "Open a file" means "open an arbitrary file". If you succeed in making a link in an RTF document in TextEdit open an arbitrary file in the local file system, then you've exposed a major feature in TextEdit and Mac OS X. The kind of feature that made Windows the famously secure OS it is.

  • Display data in a custom container

    Hi All,
    My requirment is to just display data in a custom container.
    I could able to display data in change mode but not display mode.Can you please let me now how can i do that.
    Thanks in Advance

    Im using cl_gui_custom_container.
    In PBO
    here is my code whihc is fine for Change/Edit mode.
      create control container
        CREATE OBJECT g_editor_container
                container_name = 'DISP_CONT'
                cntl_error = 1
                cntl_system_error = 2
                create_error = 3
                lifetime_error = 4
                lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        do nothing
      create calls constructor, which initializes, creats and links
       a TextEdit Control
        CREATE OBJECT g_editor
             parent = g_editor_container
             wordwrap_mode =  cl_gui_textedit => wordwrap_at_fixed_position
             wordwrap_to_linebreak_mode = cl_gui_textedit=>TRUE
              OTHERS = 1.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        do nothing
    In PAI
    CALL METHOD g_editor->get_text_as_r3table
          table  = Text_table
          OTHERS = 1.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    Text_table contains messages which r supposed to be displayed.
    Based on certain logical operations i will display the messages.

  • ALV Operations In Webdynpro for ABAP

    Hello Experts,
                          I have a requirement in ALV table in which I want To make one column as link. On clicking of that link a textedit UI element should be created on the same page on top of ALV Table. Please Suggest me how to display textedit on the same page above the ALV table and also how to create link of the column.

    To create all the cells of a column as a link follow this thread:
    Re: Creating hyperlink in column based on data, in ALV Web Dynpro ABAP
    You have to set the cell editor as linktoaction. The corresponding click you can capture in event ON_CLICK ( define your own event handler for this ALV event ).
    You can create a textedit box whose visiblity is bound to a context attribut of type wdy_boolean, on the event handler of click you can just change this attribute property and set it to true and bind it back.
    Manas Dua

  • Can I hyperlink text to open an email in Apple Mail?

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    I'm thinking this must be possible because in Spotlight results you can click on an email and it will open up.
    I hope this is clear.  Anybody know how to get this done?

    Found this answer on another forum
    Since 10.5 Mac OS has the ability to create links to email messages in the Mac Mail client.
    The link looks like this:
    message://<message id>
    There are a few ways to create these links
    1) Easiest way: Drag and Drop an email message from Mac Mail into TextEdit.
       This creates an "message:" link.
       When you click on it, that particular email message opens up in Mac Mail
       Some other apps, such as iCal, also accept emails dropped onto them via drag-and-drop
    2) Create link manually:
        First, find the Message-ID:
       - View the message as either raw source (Command-Option-U), or with long headers (Shift-Command-H). Find the line that looks something like this:
        Message-Id: <6a73er$[email protected]>
       - You can link to this message from other applications with a URL of this form:
         message://<6a73er$[email protected]>
         To test this, try pasting your link into Safari; it should open message in Mail.
         Note that browsers other than Safari may not behave the same way
    Which apps support the message:// link?
      - TextEdit
      - iCal
      - maybe more
    Which apps do not support it?
    I could not get these links to work in Pages or MS Word
    This article provides more information about the new "message:" url scheme:
    Sharing it here in case someone else would like to do this (although it seems I'm the only one).
    Final analysis is that these links can be made but they only work in iCal and Text Edit.  If they won't work (easily) in the programs that I use e.g. Word and Excel etc. then it doesn't work.   Pity.

  • Quark Files seen as unix executables after upgrade

    Upgraded to Tiger from 10.3.9 (Panther). We store all work files on another mac (as a server). During upgrade (using archive and install) ran out of disk space. Had to reboot in OS9. Moved the Previous system folder that had been created to another partition. Then deleted from main drive I was installing to to make more disk space (G4 has 3 partitions).
    Then restared with Tiger disk and did an upgrade install. Also ran all current updates. Only way I can seem to connect to server is by using Go>Connect to server>typing in TCP/IP address (afp://192.....). The server is still running 10.3.9. (Can't seem to see the other computers on network any other way. If I do see the icons for other computers, they only show up as alias, which when clicked say can't find file).
    When I connect, I seem to see all files (inlcuding some hidden, or at least they weren't seen before the upgrade). I also see all my quark files as unix executable files (icon looks like terminal window). I tried to do a get info and change what they open with to Quark, but it wouldn't let me. Haven't had a chance to repair permissions yet, but if that doesn't work does anyone have any other suggestions?
    (Note: files on server are perfectly fine and seen by other computers on the network correctly)
    Also why when I connect to server am I seeing hidden files?
    Since this is a work computer I won't be able to try things until Monday, but please post any possible solutions and what may be causing this.
    PS. I still have the Previous system folder on the other drive. Also have Drive Genius and Disk Warrior
    iMac G5 20 in   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  
      Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

    3. Deleting the, and then
    That one should have worked. Did you wait until restarting to delete the trash?
    6. Assigning the files to open with another app like
    TextWrangler then changing it back again
    Did you use the Change All option when you did it? This should have worked too.
    I'm afraid I'm at a loss here. You did say it shows being linked to TextEdit in the Info box and opening in that when double clicked? Have you tried resaving the document to see if the right icon shows up? Bit of a hassle though if you have a lot of them.
    Did you try repairing permissions or using Disk Warrior to rebuild the directory?
    One option is you can download CandyBar:
    This is a hassle but I have no other possible solution: When you open it click on App Extras then drag TextEdit to where it says to drag app. It will show all the icons the app uses, change the main one to something else, anything at all. Click apply, it will say to restart the Finder to change the icons but you really have to log out then log back in. Check if the files all have whatever icon you placed in there. If you don't like that icon open CandyBar again and drag TextEdit to it then just drag the icon you used out of the box so it goes back to default then log out and in again and see if all TExtEdit files are back to normal.

  • Add hyperlink to Notes app?

    Does the Mountain Lion notes app allow you to add hyperlinks like you could back in Snow Leopard 10.6.8/when notes was part of the mail app?  Thanks for any insight!

    colby2 wrote:
    The only way I can do this & retain my own text for the hyperlink is to create the link in TextEdit:
    That's what I've been doing, and it's really frustrating (not to mention a waste of time) that I have to use multiple editors to achieve these mundane tasks. I use Notes because it syncs across my IOS devices and I love the sidebar, but in what reality do you remove features and call it an "upgrade"? With the Mac Experience based on simplicity and ease of use, it's really sad that I still need MS Word, BBEdit, EverNote & Pages just to format some words.
    Eventually, they'll merge Notes & TextEdit into one, and market it as a some revolutionary magical super-app. And because it probably won't work on older devices, you'll have to take a trip to the Apple Store and buy some new hardware. A few years back, it seemed technology was advancing at breakneck speeds but now it's evolving so slooooooooow, I feel like I'm living in the stone age. I had such high hopes for the future...
    But this is more likely

  • Possible to launch apps from Notes?

    Previously I had posted this question:
    I was wondering why VooDooPad could launch applications via links and TextEdit couldn't. It was explained that because TextEdit is the default system editor it wasn't secure to allow it to do this.
    Now I've begun using the Notes application quite a bit and I have the same question again. When I drag a file into Notes I get an icon that links to the file and will open it. I would like to be able to do the same with applications, or at least be able to make a link that will reveal the application in Finder.
    Is this possible?

    You want Open Office to launch a command entry screen? Or you want Microsoft Excel to do that? As far as I can tell that's what you're asking. But then you're asking this in the Java Programming forum, so there must be some Java angle to the question. Damn if I can figure out what it is.
    Here's a suggestion: if you're trying to explain something to people, and that something is pretty simple, and nobody gets it, you need to try explaining in some other way. That's what seems to be happening here.

  • Why can't TextEdit open more than 5 links at a time in Yosemite?

    Why can't TextEdit open more than 5 links at a time in Yosemite? In the previous OS, I could highlight many links at a time, right click and then select "Open URL" to open the links in Safari. Now, if I select more than five links at a time (and sometimes with five links) it will only open the first five and TextEdit pops up with the alert, "The 'Open URL' service could not be used."
    I'm running 10.10.1 on a MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009), 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, 500 GB HD.
    TextEdit is Version 1.10 (319).

    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.

  • How can I do to prevent TextEdit showing a LINK when UNWANTED ?

    Hello to all,
    What happens to me may amuse you and seem funny, but I need help.
    I'm writing an important letter to and these words appears
    immediately as a link (blue and underlined).
    What do I have to do to obtain "" identical to the normal text ?
    Thank you for your help, anybody !
    With my kind regards
    Olivier Herrbach
    PS : Help crashes very often in TextEdit. What can I do to avoid that ?

    Open the affected document, go to Edit -> Substitutions and uncheck Smart Links. That's unchecked by default in all new documents in TextEdit for me. If you're having different behavior, I'm not sure how to change that.

  • TextEdit are linking words...Please, HELP!

    I have a little small problem....When I use TextEdit, when typing words, the program is linking them together.....For example, when I try to write "How do you do", after a few seconds, it shows me "Howdoyoudo"...So basically my problem is that whenever I write words in TextEdit, the program itself are linking words...
    Any hints??
    Many thanks in Advance,
    I'm running a Macbook with Snow Leopard 10.6.2 (TextEdit version is 1.6)

    have you perhaps enable some text substitutions that replace spaces by empty strings? that would be done in system preferences->language&text->text. if that's not it try trashing TextEdit preferences. quit textedit and delete the file home directory/libray/preferences/ then start TextEdit and see if it still does this.

  • In Textedit, how do I copy a hyperlink url, but only copy the link location and not the link text?

    Suppose I have a list of hyperlinked internet URL's. I want to extract their Internet addresses -- the link locations --  which are essentially hidden in the link text. Is there any way to select and copy the list of hyperlinks, but only copy the link locations, and not the link text?
    For example, with the links:
    The White House
    One of my previous posts
    What I really want to copy are: "", "", and "".

    I figured out how to do it. First, copy the hyperlinks onto a blank RTF document in TextEdit and save the file.
    Second, open the file from within TextEdit, and make sure that the box "Ignore rich text commands" is checked in the open file dialog box. In the open document, the hyperlinks from my example in my first post will look like this:
    {\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times-Roman;}
    {\author Garald P. Weller}
    {\*\copyright Garald P. Weller}}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww20000\viewh14400\viewkind0
    \f0\fs24 \cf0 \
    {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 The White House}}\
    {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 Google}}\
    {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf2 \ul \ulc2 One of my previous posts}}\
    Third, use the Automator function, "Get URLs From Text," to create a service, which I called "Get URLs From Text," that receives text from any window, gets the URLs, and copies the result to the clipboard:
    Fourth, select the entire page above, and go to TextEdit > Services to activate the "Get URLs" service.
    Fifth, create a new TextEdit document, and paste the result.
    The output is exactly what I wanted, the URLs -- i.e., the link locations -- of the three web pages, without the link text.
    Another utility that will extract URLs is CopyPaste Pro, which has an innate ability to extract Internet addresses from either web pages or text pages.

  • Links that open a new window with javascript:void(null); do not work in 3.1

    I've been noticing that any site I go to that opens content in a new window with "javascript:void(null);" will be ignored by Safari 3.1. The links work in Firefox and used to work in Safari as well. Any suggestions?

    General rule of thumb in the Mac universe...
    When Safari is updated most if not all third party add-ons break. That's because most don't play by the rules. The developer thinks they know how to do it better than Apple so they just do it their way. So the first rule of survival is to KNOW what you have installed on your machine at all times. Use something like textedit to create a document listing all of the third party stuff you have installed and religiously update the list. Second rule is to wait a few days before applying an update. Third rule is to visit your third party developers' sites and make sure their little gadget is compatible with the new Safari update.
    Being aware of things will make life much easier for you in the long run.

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