Linux on Mac Pro

Has anyone had any success installing Linux on the Mac Pro under Parallels? If you have been able to do it without any extensive "under the hood" tinkering, please post the name and version of distro that works. I've tried and failed with Fedora Core 6 and Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10. I haven't tried on my MBP yet, but I don't have enough space there to waste on a Linux distro.
P.S. I know this is sort of off-topic, but the Parallels forums are not helpful on this and whatever I've been able to Google parallels (no pun) my experience.

Hang on shutdown is a known ACPI bug with Parallels. They promise a fix in the next point release.
This is similar to what happens when you run a modern linux distro on a non-acpi motherboard. The system doesn't respond correctly to the power off request, so it hangs. No big deal; filesystems have been re-mounted RO and all disk caches are flushed at this point, just wait a few seconds (for paranoia's sake) and power off. If you're REALLY bothered by this, you could build a custom kernel without ACPI and use APM instead; it would probably work. Maybe. Haven't tried it, so I can't be sure
BTW, I just installed FC6 without much hassle; the video works differently than ubuntu (different x build or different build options perhaps?), only a problem if you want to support multiple resolution switching within the VM (changing from primary resolution causes a garbled display). I'm not too worried about it, as I typically run full screen on 2nd monitor.
Ubuntu installs much less cruft by default than FC, IMHO - I'm an old Debian hack, so I prefer apt over yum. Personal preference.

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    Red Hat (server or desktop) will most definitely run just fine in a VM using either VMWare's Fusion product or Parallels. In this way, RH Linux would run simultaneously on the MacPro. Trust me, there is PLENTY of horsepower on a MacPro to run both simultaneously no problem. You most likely could also utilize BootCamp and run RedHat directly from boot. I would poke around on the Bootcamp threads and Apple documentation on that. I happen to believe strongly in VM's, they provide the greatest flexibility by running multiple OS's in parallel at the same time, and in cases like Red Hat, with no degradation of performance. Fusion is around 70 dollars for the software btw...not a big investment.
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    Someone here once thought they knew EFI and Open Firmware a little, and used some commands from OF library that an Intel EFI Apple system didn't like. New logicboard.
    Of course to run or boot OS X and see video you need EFI based card. The presence of some PC cards can block OS X from booting.
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    Not a cause for warranty issues. Go to the site to learn everything you need to install Linux on a Mac (or any other computer.)

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    Unless there is a seachange, and graphics changes quickly while Apple stays a generation behind the curve.

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    You could even run Windows natively and still run your VM servers.
    I have seen reports and such on MacRumors and elsewhere - run Windows natively as well as VMs (can also do testing and run Mavericks in a VM under Mavericks)
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    If you familiar with any of the above questions, please help. Any comments and suggestions are appreciated.
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    Thanks you very much for your kindly help.

    I cannot help with the screen sharing, although I have just tried it with a RealVNC client on an iPad and it seemed to work OK.
    However on the disk showing on all users desk tops have you unchecked the "ignore ownership on this volume" check box? You can check the drives permissions with CMD i command.

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    Posted? or found in new builds?
    BCA should really just pull whatever the latest drivers are when run. 
    If it is with how it partitions and sets up nMP and its partition for Windows that is another matter and makes sense.
    Some people want UEFI native booting in Windows, and my experieince with that on PCs has been that it boots faster and runs well, but has different partitions that it wants. For one thing, there is now a backup "system reserved" partition, just as Apple GUID has some volume information blocks and backup and areas that were once optional (and if format erase was not able to, it would not create one) are now mandatory.
    Windows 8.1 is req'd, reason a backup should be a big must - is it might overwrite and use another OS's  partition table entries.  Especially when doing UEFI install.
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    I know this was a lot to read, but I sincerely hope someone will take the time to answer my questions:
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    Now I’m an IT guy, so I have a pretty atypical setup at home. I’m currently running both Windows and Linux on all my computers. Rather than dual boot or use virtualization software I have a pretty intricate system in which I use a product called Acronis Trueimage to experiment with operating systems. What I do is perform a a clean install on an operating system, tweak it as needed for security and to use resources on my LAN than back up the customized OS install to a server a an image file. I have pre-built images for XP, Vista, Ubuntu and OpenSuSE that I can roll out to one of my machines in an average of 15 minutes whenever I get the urge to switch operating systems. I also serve all my data off a NAS box, so since data and OS are kept separate on the network I don’t have to worry about erasing something when I swap between Linux and Windows (as loading an image literally destroys the previous OS install).
    So you can see I’m pretty highly specialized. I even have things down to the point to where I have custom images for specific purposes. For instance I have one XP image customized for development, one XP image customized for gaming, etc. Naturally if I got the Mac Pro I’d like to have the freedom to create a similar set of custom OS deployment images (Windows, Linux and OSX) for it as well. In researching the Mac Pro I have some concerns my current system might not work if I go that route. Am I correct in assuming that in order to run an alternative operating system on a Mac I’ll have to run boot camp or something like it? Or upon unboxing my Mac and tweaking Leopard will I be able to use disk imaging software to make a backup image of my preinstalled Leopard hard drive and then do a clean install of Windows XP or Ubuntu and set it up to function like a PC? I guess I’m asking if it’s possible (now that Macs are Intel-based) to run Windows or Linux exclusively on the Mac hardware?
    Also I have some concerns about the proprietary nature of the Mac platform. From what I can gather in my research it seems the hardware is pretty locked in. One area that has me really concerned is gaming. I pretty much use Ubuntu exclusively at home for productivity and web surfing. However I still like to load that XP image every now and then to play some games on the LAN with my buddies. I’m not a fan of virtualizing for gaming because of the obvious performance hit you take, so I’d have to be able to run Windows XP free and clear. Also I checked Nvidia’s site and I see no OSX drivers listed there for their cards. Under the Windows platform they are always releasing driver updates to squeeze more game performance out of your card. What if I want to upgrade my video card? How do drivers work on OSX? Does Apple just integrate drivers for just a few specific video cards into the OS? Will I be stuck only able to pick from a handful of video cards approved by Apple?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer advice!
    Message was edited by: ZeusABJ

    Hi Zeus
    I may be able to answer some of your questions. And sorry in advance if this sounds like yet another of those "religious conversion" stories
    I'm a software developer/architect, mostly doing Microsoft .NET/C#/Web Services coding. I'd been a loyal Microsoft guy since I started on the original IBM PC back in the 80's. Like a lot of people (or so it seems) I just got fed up with Microsoft's high-handed and self-important ways. More importantly, the company always seemed to be lagging behind technically. Looking at beta versions of Vista did not bode well for the future - it just seemed awful. When Vista came out it it was the last straw - I just could not get enthusiastic about this bloated, slow, mess of an operating system. I really hated it. Still do. Even with a top-spec machine, Vista didn't run in the snappy, responsive way it I thought it should. Nothing seemed well thought out.. yuck!
    Then, by chance, I was staying for a few days with somebody who had a Mac. Now, for years and years I not even considered Macs as remotely serious machines. My only experience of them was in the late 80's when somebody at work had one. He took delight in pushing a floppy disc into the machine so that it would respond "Ah, it's so big!". Great, just a toy. Not for serious programming work. So, encountering Mac OS X Tiger on my friend's iMac was something of a shock. It was so responsive, clean and elegant. When you turned it on it only took about 30 seconds or so for the thing to be ready for use, etc, etc.
    Long story short, I bought an iMac, then a newer, bigger, faster iMac, then a MacBook Pro and now I have a Mac Pro. I still have to work with Windows to do my .NET-related day job. But 95% of the time I work on the Mac using various VMWare virtual machines. I can switch between Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP in a few seconds and still be working in a Mac environment. And the performance of running Windows inside VMWare is even better than on my dedicated top-spec Windows laptop! I have a selection of virtual machines to choose from and, because these virtual machines are just files, I can back them up, revert to saved copies, etc. I've tried Bootcamp but it's much less convenient and performance inside the virtual machines is never an issue (although I don't do any gaming). So, you could keep virtual machines on your NAS box or local Mac hard drive.
    With regard to graphics drives, etc. I've never had any problems whatever in this respect. For example, when I installed Windows XP on VMWare it automatically recognised all my hardware (including some obscure audio interfaces, USB-based MIDI interfaces, etc.) and made it available. I must admit that when I was new to the Mac I expected to have driver issues, but never have had... So, my guess is that you'll be able to run all your Windows and Linux distros on the Mac without too many problems.
    You mention Apple's hardware as being "locked-in". I don't think that's the case. Certainly the consumer Mac models like the iMac can't be upgraded (by you or me) internally, expect for memory. The Mac Pro though is very easy to upgrade - though there may be some limitations with regard graphics cards.
    Re your questions about graphics card drivers. Yes, these come with OS X in just the same as as with Windows. Because I've also used the card that comes "with the box" this has not been an issue for me. However, unless you get a Mac Pro you can't swap-in your existing graphics card. And even then I think you may find restrictions. However, other, more knowledgeable Mac users on this forum may have other thoughts.
    Overall though, the experience of using the Mac in terms of software is very much the reverse of Windows - the OS is very open and well documented. It really is an IT person's dream machine - so much to fiddle around with (particularly if you know anything about Unix!). Unlike Microsoft who charge a FORTUNE for their development tools, Apple give them to you for free. And very good they are too!
    Finally, one bit of advice. If you are considering buying a new Mac, join the Apple Developer Connection scheme as a Select member. It'll cost you around $400 to join but they give you a hardware discount for Apple-store purchased items that will save you a ton of $$$'s - absolutely definitely worth doing.
    Hope this helps (and good luck)!

  • Has anybody gotten a RocketRAID 640 working in a Mac Pro?

    I have a RocketRAID 640 I purchased, based on the fact that it "had OS X drivers". Unfortunately l'm running into a bit of a snafu here.
    The English website ( shows for the RR640 drivers that "Mac drivers are available at". This is their Chinese website of all places (why, if it has Mac drivers are they not listed on the English site?). I recently was contacted by their tech support, and they appear to be totally clueless why their driver isn't working.
    Ya see, the one they link to is this one:
    But it's on the Chinese website. Yay?
    So here's the issue: The .kext file's info.plist shows an IOPCIPrimaryMatch entry of "6441103". Breaking that down, the 1103 is the Marvell 9128 SATA controller (there are two on the card, oddly at x1 link width). The 644 is the ID of the card the driver is looking for in order to load. In other words, the driver (RR64x.kext), from the installer packaged labeled "RR644M" (for RocketRAID 644 Mac), will only see the RR644, but not the RR640 which I have. Unfortunately, injecting the proper IOPCIPrimaryMatch entry into the .kext file renders the .kext useless as it becomes a file that has "been installed incorrectly and cannot be used", because a user (me) modified it.
    Has anybody gotten this card to work in a Mac Pro in OS X (it works fine in Windows on a Mac Pro) other than the inability to use CTRL-H to activate its BIOS configuration utility at bootup)? And if so, what driver are you using?
    I've lost three days worth of work/"fun time" to trying to figure this out. I don't know why the card is so hard to get working, since functionally it's identical to the 644, only instead of eSATA ports they're all internal. Even the controllers used are the same, as is the link width of the card itself (but apparently not the firmware?).
    I knew HighPoint had ridiculously bad support, but their hardware in general is rock solid (once you get it up and running). I kind of want my Vertex 3s to finally run speedy. I'd really hate to have to get a 6Gbps SAS card instead (and it'd have to be bootable which is EXPENSIVE) in order to plug into my Mac Pro 1,1's SAS cable that it uses to control the four internal HD bays (though that would give the HD bays native 6Gbps speed!).

    Highpoint RR Quad eSATA for Mac is sold on Apple Store
    with 4 favorable comments, from one that flashed the firmware for EFI32 to be bootable (odd, as they said they had "Early 2008" which does not jive), a few with 2010 models.
    Sonnet, FirmTek or other with 6G PCIe controller IF it does not need to be bootable (you said you wanted that); and, you aren’t going to be pushing for really high performance with a single SSD.
    If you want to stay with Highpoint (exchange?) HPT links to Apple product page -
    RocketRAID Quad eSATA 6Gb/s for Mac $249
    What I did find were these Highpoint downloads:
    Driver version 1.0 - which you already have .dmg
    There is an EFI zip file, maybe you need to flash yours.
    Highpoint Mac support page: from 9/2009
    Lion compatible products page:
    Highpoint Lion Support Mac
    Amazon (USA) also sells the same card carried by Apple Store -
    Barefeats 6G SSD (ATTO Express R644, RocketRAID 2721) support for 6G SSD
    Barefeats older 3G RocketRAID
    And what I found about RR640 (I have 620s in my PC but the extra 40 seconds to the boot time and stability were a no-go for me)
    The Highpoint RocketRAID 640 is a PC card (only).
    Windows – Linux – FreeBSD driver support (only)
    Apple Community –
    Has anybody gotten a RocketRAID 640 working in a Mac Pro?

  • I am thinking of using a Mac pro for share trading. Can anyone share their experience and suggest specs for 30 -40 monitors etc

    I am thinking of using a Mac Pro for share trading.
    I am proposing to start small but want to be able to expand up to 30+ monitors.
    It must be super quick.
    Any help with hardware would be appreciated.
    Software is secondary at this point , but open to advice.
    I have an iphone and ipad so feel it will better intergrate usung Apple

    There is no desktop machine that I know of that will support 30+ monitors as is.
    Fill the 3 or 4 PCIe slots of any logic board with three port graphics cards and you have the physical cap without additional hardware.
    Software is secondary at this point
    No, without software, how can you control more than the monitor limit of the OS?
    How can you set up the monitors to display the various programs that you will wish to use simultaneously?
    Software is a major consideration.
    Matrox (and others) have solutions for additional monitors beyond the physical capabilities of generally offered graphics cards.
    The caveat here, however, is support software is typically reserved for Windows and Linux systems.
    Matrox has a single 8 display card:
    Matrox has solutions specifically targeting the finance market:
    Though the Mac Pro has more than adequate processing power, I think that you will find (through research) that building a solid machine capable of using several multi monitor cards is going to be what you will need to support more than 8-10 monitors with conventionally offered hardware.
    Fun stuff:

  • Does anyone have any info re 3.5mm jack microphones on the Mac Pro?

    Please, don't refer me to the working on that, in the meantime i'm looking for anyone that might have OTHER information or suggestions regarding this issue...
    Bought a GE PC Microphone, a very simple on with a 3.5MM jack. The package specifically says "Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems"
    I plug it into the Audio Line In on the back of my Pro (just purchased barely a few weeks ago) and the nothing sound is registered or recorded.
    I've gone to preferences pane and selected "Line In" as opposed to "Digital Line In", and nothing....
    Is there some silly thing I'm over looking. When I read the Mac Pro User Manual regarding that particular port it refers to use of:
    " Analog audio line-in port
    Connect self-powered microphones, MP3 and CD players, and other devices with analog
    The mic is simple, has no power source, only the 3.5MM jack...should it not work?
    Any help (other than the already perfectly obvious contact the mfr of the mic, or plain old return/exchange the mic" will be greatly appreciated. If that's what i have to do ,it's what i'd have to do, but i'd like some validation that there is NOT anything I am missing before doing so.

    Hi JamilMereck,
    first of: you can edit previous posts in a time-frame of some minutes (haven't measured it ...).
    After that they become non-editable.
    I admit I have used microphones some years back with and without PCs (have switched to Macs 2.5 years ago).
    But I always had the mics connected to a mixing desk, which provided Phantom Power.
    Since I gave up my 'Singing Career' (wasn't good enough) I also abandoned the use of microphones.
    To your questions:
    It might be that PCs with specified Microphone-In ports are also providing power to them or the microphones themselves do not need any power.
    And the 'compatible with...' refers to the usage on computers in general.
    The iMic from Griffin works with OSX 10.5 (scroll down on the webpage to 'Product Compatibility' the left icon symbolizes OSX 10.5).
    As said above, I am no longer up-to-date in usage of microphones, but when you want to use a microphone with the standard connector you have to get either a microphone preamp or a mixer.
    If you use the mic only (really only) with your Mac Pro, you might wanna look for USB-connected mics from Samson or Audio Technica for example.
    And don't get upset, I understand you fully and any kind of 'insult' is for the manufacturers and not for me

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    Hello All, I am getting "Oracle process running out of OS kernel I/O resources (1)" error message in DBWxx.trc files on AIX 5.3 platform, Please can anybody help me? Regards, Ajay

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    hi friends i have a problem with my tab page canvase. the width of my canvase is very large and i need horizontal scroll bar form my canvase,but the horizontal scroll bar of window cannot use forn tab page canvase. i appretiate any suggestion. thanks