Lion creates hidden files prefixed by ._

When I copy files to a USB drive, Lion creates files which are prefixed by "._"  , e.g. I  copy the file mymovie.avi, it also creates ._mymovie.avi. The extra file is not visible on my computer, but on my DVD-player. It was not like this in Snow Lion. Can anyone tell me how to turn this off? Since the GUI on my dvd player is not so great, this completely messes up the navigation...

How is the USB drive formatted? I'm guessing it's formatted FAT32 for a PC. Unless you need to have the drive formatted to use with Windows, then you need to repartition and reformat the drive for OS X:
Drive Preparation
1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
This will erase the entire drive, so if you have files you wish to preserve then copy them elsewhere until after you complete the reformatting.

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    This happens in part with some Mac files that contain both a resource and a data fork. Windows doesn't know how to handle these files and breaks them apart. Also, Mac OS creates certain hidden files used by the Finder that also get transferred but are no longer hidden on Windows because Windows does not recognize the "." preceding a filename as the Unix shorthand for "invisible."
    There are a number of free utilities you will find at VersionTracker or MacUpdate that can prevent this and the hidden files from appearing on the Windows drive.
    Zipping files before transfer will also prevent the problem from occurring.

  • Creating hidden files

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    Any file with a . at the start of the name is invisible ...
    You might do better creating a password protected folder, here's how:
    Launch /Applications/Applescript/Script Editor
    Paste this in:
    on opening folder This_Folder
    tell application "Finder"
    set dialogresult to display dialog "Restricted Folder. Please enter the password to access folder:" buttons {"Ok", "Close"} default button 1 default answer "" with hidden answer
    copy the result as list to {PWText, button_choice}
    set button_choice to the button returned of dialogresult
    if button_choice is equal to "Ok" then
    set PWText to the text returned of dialogresult
    if not PWText = "your password" then
    display dialog "Access Denied" buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
    display dialog "Access Granted" buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
    exit repeat
    end if
    else if button_choice is equal to "Close" then
    tell application "Finder"
    close folder This_Folder
    exit repeat
    end tell
    end if
    end tell
    end repeat
    end opening folder
    Click 'Compile' then 'Save As'
    (Where it says "your password" insert the one you want)
    Then CTRL-click on a folder / (Enable Folder Actions if not on) / Configure Folder Actions / Activate and select your script.

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    I think the problem is Quick Time Player. I am using OS 10.6.8 by the way.
    I tried it out again.
    I had about 26 GB of space before I played an .avi video.
    After the movie started to play (it was slow to load), I got a warning message that my startup disk was full. I opened Disk Utility and it told me I had no space left (about 20 MB or something like that was left).
    I watched to the end of the movie.
    Then I quit Quicktime Player.
    And I shut down the computer.
    I turned on the computer and checked Disk Utility. I have about 26 GB of space.
    I think for some reason Quicktime Player uses up a lot of the disk space when it runs movies that are problematic. This movie I was watching did not open with vlc.
    I normally use vlc to watch movies.
    Probably it doesn't use up this much space when the movie is OK.
    I think there's a problem with this particular movie. It is about 50 MB so it's not that big a file. I watch .smi subtitles with it. The Quicktime Player automatically loads the subtitle file in this case because the subtitle file has the same name as the movie file.
    I watched about 10 movie files from the same series that I downloaded together and did not have any problem watching them. I watched them on vlc. But this latest movie had problems I think (as I repeat). It did not load on vlc even though I waited for a minute, and normally movies load instantly on vlc. 
    So I think that movie file caused problems. It made QT player use up a lot of hard disk space.
    I had better avoid watching that movie in the future. I don't want it to wreck my hard drive.
    So to sum up, everything is back to normal. I have the hard disk space that I should have. However, I am scared of damaging my hard drive due to shonky movie files that eat up all the space when they are played using QT player, and so I will not watch those files in the future, as I do not know why the files do that.

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    Please say what PDF creator you have including version
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    THANK YOU in advance for your help.

    First WOW what a quick response, are Mac users always this quick to help each other out - Never got such a rapid response in all my PC using years.
    Second it is an NTFS drive, Other non-hidden files are still there and still accessible it's just the "hidden" ones that have vanished. As I said this is my first ever Mac so I can't figure out how to unhide them if that is at all possible and if that is in fact what has happened here.

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    Open finder
    > Press Cmd-F
    > Under where it says "search" and "this mac" select the drop down menu called "Kind"
    > Under the "Kind" drop down menu, select "other..."
    > Select "System Files" and then "OK."
    > Choose system files from the "Kind" drop down menu. Make sure it says system files "are included"

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    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Triple-click the line below to select it, then drag or copy the text — do not type it — into the Terminal window and press return:
    diskutil list
    Post any lines of output that appear below what you entered — the text, please, not a screenshot.

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    found shareware program that was able to extract files correctly called UnRarX

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    Depending on what directory or directories you were erasing from you've certainly erased important system files and perhaps important applications files as well. If you have been using TimeMachine to back your computer up you should reboot into recovery mode (restart and hold Command + R until you see the Apple icon) and perform a restore.
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    Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X
    If the files you are referring to are in your home directory's Library then rather than enabling all hidden files just use the Finder Go menu, Go To Folder..., and enter ~/Library and click the Go button.
    If you want to make the Library visible then launch Terminal (in Utilities) and copy/paste the following line:
    chflags nohidden ~/Library
    The hit returned and relaunch the finder.
    You can reverse this operation to hide it again using:
    chflags hidden ~/Library

  • How do I not copy hidden files associated with photos

    I want to put photos on my new digital picture frame. It can be plugged into a USB port and looks like a disk drive.
    I select and drag the photos I want to the device, but there is a hidden file for each one that gets copied as well. The device doesn't know what to do with those files. They don't cause a problem, but do take up space.
    How can I keep from copying those files?

    I'd like to be able to see the hidden files in the Finder so that I (hopefully) could select them and delete them before transferring the files to my digital photo frame.
    When you saw and deleted them using Terminal, were they present on your HD, or did you only look at the files already transferred to the USB photo frame device?
    The hidden "._" files are "resource fork" files, and when you make hidden files visible in Finder you might find that they exist only on the USB device, having been created there by the transfer process itself - see:
    *Apple Double Format Creates File Name With the Prefix '._'*
    Also take a look at [Blue Harvest|].
    They don't cause a problem, but do take up space.
    How much space? If not excessive, then leaving them alone would also be an option!

  • My iBook doesn't show the hidden files on my pen drive

    Hi there,
    I have a 1 Gb Kingston pen drive to transfer files from/to my work PC (which is a Windows PC).
    The pen drive works seamlessly on the Windows PC. But when using it on Mac iBook G4 it always leaves some "markers" of the files used like "._trash". These are not very big, but I wonder:
    1) Why does Mac create those apparently useless files?
    2) Why can I only see those apparently useless files on Windows PCs but not on Mac? (i.e. if I didn't have to regularly use a Windows PC my pen drive would get filled up with useless information without me even knowing)
    3) Why can I add or alter files from Mac to pen drive, but I cannot simply delete files on the pen drive using my Mac (again, I need to retort to my olde Windows PC to do such a "basic" operation).
    I always press the eject button before unplugging my pen drive.
    I always find annoying that external devices that work just fine and as expected on Windows PCs create endless problems and issues when connected to Mac (have similar issues with my Sony digital camera).
    Thank you for your help and time

    Hello Soave
    Hope to answer some Qs.
    1) The files aren't useless to OS X. Please follow this link to read more.
    2) Mac OS X is based around Unix. In Unix, the convention to hide files is to prefix a full-stop. Windows does not recognise this as a hidden file and hence will simply show them with the preceding full-stop.
    3) I can't answer this one as I can see no reason why you should be allowed to alter them but not delete them. It's obvious you have write access to them. I use a thumb drive on my Mac and I have no such problems.
    I haven't personally used it, but this program might be of use to you.

  • How do I find and free the hidden files on external drive?

    I cannot see , or free, space on my external drive.
    It is a Seagate Freeagent 500 GB disk. I am using 100GB for photos and music. Only 38 MB are reported free. How can I reclaim the rest of the space?
    I had used in the past as Time machine backup. To create space I moved to trash the file Backups.backupd (as I now have another disk for Time Machine). I can't see this file in the Trash, and I can't see the space in Finder. How do I find / free the space?
    The disk format is MAC OS Extended journaled. Disk utility reports no errors. I have run verify and fix, and also erase free space, with no result.
    Thank you for your help.

    Erase free space only wipes clean the 38 MBs that are already free. Click here to see hidden files.
    However, I'd just make a copy of the 100 GBs in use, and then complely wipe the disk.
    Don't try to delete the Backups.backupd folder by Finder. It's not a good idea to mix Finder and TM.

  • TS2167 i'm getting an error message.. can't create the file "header.jpg." The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have suuficient access priveleges.

    I need to publish to a local folder on my desk top and I am getting this error message.
    can’t create the file “header.jpg.” The disk may be damaged or full, or you may not have suuficient access priveleges.
    Please help... I need to copy to a disk... it was working fine until I attached a big project, I tried to delete the project, but still not workng.

    Try the following:
    1 - delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iWeb's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
    User/Home/Library/Caches/ folder (Snow Leopard and Earlier).
    3 - launch iWeb and try again.
    NOTE:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.

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