Lion Wallpapers

At first attempt of Lion upgrade (download from Mac App Store and install) i noticed that my Snow Leopard Wallppers still there in their respective location with added new few pictures courtesy of Lion. Since i feel my system become sluggish and a lot garbage happen in Launchpad....i decided to do clean install. Erase my HD and install Lion directly from CD i made. After finish installation i try to change wallpaper but my snappy Snow Leopard wallpapers is gone....left with Lion it gone or directed to other folders? is there anyway i can take back SL wallpapers or any download sites?

Hey Ghard Diene,
      If you search Google for "Snow Leopard Wallpapers", you will be able to download them to your computer. Another solution is to go back to Snow Leopard, find the wallpapers folder, copy them to an external drive, and then move them back once in Lion. Lion's wallpapers are pretty cool, you you should check them out as well! Also, Lion makes it unbelivably easy to set any photo as your wallpaper. Simply right click the photo, and click "Set as Background".
Best of luck,
Lion Developer

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    You need to upgrade and buy Mountain Lion Server from the app store for $20.

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    Alberto Ravasio wrote:
    tal1971 wrote:
    When you say "You must authenticate to put files in that directory". Does this mean I would be presented with a password prompt where I would then need to enter my password before the files would be allowed to be copied to the folder you mentioned?
    Yes. That's correct.
    If you are using an admin user it will be asked for the password only. Otherwise if you are using a standard user, you must provide both an admin username and its password.
    But as others suggested, it is better to keep a wallpapers' dedidicated folder inside your user folder.
    Thanks very much for the help Alberto its much appreciated.
    I would be setting up only one account on the iMac, and this would be an Admin account/user. Myself and my girlfriend would just share this one account, which is what we've done for years on our current Windows PC.
    I agree, it is going to be easier to have a dedicated folder for placing my own wallpapers, like what sbriss suggested earlier. I can give this folder a descriptive name such as Custom Wallpapers, so that it would be easy to find. Thanks again for the help everyone, its been much appreciated

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    Kind regards

    ok just found this
    and at least it solves the problem but it's a workaround.
    Coming from linux I find this level of non-customisability quite irritating, especially when it's a basic function of the os.
    Kind regards

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    This looks like a bug. Are any of you able to reproduce this?
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    2,3 Ghz Intel Core i5
    4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
    Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)
    Best Regards,

    what i believe is the problem with your date profile
    to make the time as user time zone ,you need to make following settings
    Customer Relationship Management--->Basic Functions--->Date Management---->Define Date Profile
    Here for a Date Profile, u need to create the reference object adn then assign this object to your date type
    the date profile works in following way ,first we have to create our date type and assign the date rule to it and then assign this date type to the date profile
    so in similar way u need to first do changes in the refernce object ,which will be user user time zone in time
    and then assign it to the date profile
    Also after this just check inside the T code ZTAC
    hope it will end ur probs
    best regards

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    have had the same problem. also not a computer buff - mine had not been in for work when it would go to sleep after i had shut if down. happened a few times then i lost photos, lots of them. took it to local APPLE repairs and they found nothing, 21 days later.
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    any advice?

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    I am not sure, but I think that you can move a Wallpaper Wizard image into the folder from which wallpapers are selected. But I do not want to load my SSD with such unimportant material.
    Thank you for your replies

    Hi RoystonfromBrighton,
    This issue about the "change wallpaper" has been fixed in Mountain Lion and the new Wallpaper Wizard update has been sent to MacAppAtore.
    As soon as it's checked - the update will be available for downloading.
    Also you can download the update version from site -
    Extremely sorry for the inconvenience.
    If you have more questions - email at [email protected], please

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    Yes! And there is no new Mountain Lion picture, I mean the real thing, the animal.
    If you want to have Andromeda back:

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    Thanks for your reply
    I tried Disconnect devices and network cables nothing
    I can't Perform a Safe Boot i press shift key but nothing
    I tried Reset the NVRAM / PRAM nothing
    Now  i am downloading lion os again "god help me"
    For  this step Start from your Mac OS X Install disc; use Disk Utility
    (why apple stop  Mac OS X Install disc ??? it is not a good idea )
    Check your cables and power source
    It is ok
    Remove third-party RAM and internal hardware
    Did not upgrade
    Is there another fixes  in case i couldn't download Lion os

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    I am using it as my wallpaper now. Absolutley stunning. Any help guys?

    There isn't an email address for such a purpose. And Apple could not accept unsolicited content such as a photo in any case. If you know the photographer or image house that owns the copyright to the photo, you can suggest its use to Apple via their feedback page:
    and include the information for them to find and obtain the photo.

  • How add Desktop picture Art to X Lion

    I have installed new OS X  Lion. but I can not find my old desktop picture "Art" any more. How can I add this set of pictures to my Desktop background? Any help is much appreciated.

    This folder is gone from the Apple wallpapers in Lion. If you still have a backup of your old system or a good friend still running Snow Leopard, navigate to Macintosh HD/Library/Desktop Pictures and you shall find the Art folder there alongside many others that are "missing" in Lion.

  • Package contains the wallpapers?

    What is the name of the package on the installation DVD that contains the wallpapers?
    And how do I extract them from the DVD?

    I want the wallpapers without having to be installing leopard, snow leopard, lion and mountain lion, so I copy everything to a folder and use it on my leopard and tiger.
    I do not want google images because they change shades of color.

  • Where does apple get their wallpapers from

    Where does apple get their wallpapers from and how can you contribute.

    Apple seems to use a wide source for their screen images...some were from NASA (such as Lion and Mountain Lion), some may have been photo pros.
    If you want, contact Apple by way of feedback, and at corporate:

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