LMS3.2: need Topolology Map Layout hint for lines

We want to give a more representive layout to our topology maps by manualy drag the devices over the drawing.
OK, the devices are no problem,but the lines. We need a hint, how to can remove or influence the line bucklings - make the lines straight, see screenshot. Many thx in advance.

For the FPM feature to work you will need PHDF files for the protocols you want to scan for to be loaded on your routers. The files can be downloaded from cisco's website. In your case you will have to download ether.phdf file.

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    policy-map type access-control p2
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    ip address
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    For the FPM feature to work you will need PHDF files for the protocols you want to scan for to be loaded on your routers. The files can be downloaded from cisco's website. In your case you will have to download ether.phdf file.

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    Unfortunately it is not possible to have multiple details layouts for your blog per site at this stage. 
    Kind regards,

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    Hi Jeff,
    I recently had a similar problem on an 8.82 implementation, having contacted and spoken to SAP Support multiple times these suggested fixes worked:
    The request to login to the database when you open or print preview a Crystal
    report is a known issue. To resolve this, I recommend you go through our Root
    Cause Analysis (RCA) guide. Please see attac hed Note 1676353 on where to find
    this. There are four Cases in this guide (which contain a number of Influences)
    - please go through all Cases and Influences.
    We also tried the following:
    STEP 1:
    Influence 2: Case 2 is to clear all the data for login (e.g. sa and
    password - delete them) and then ticked 'Integrated Security#.
    - Influence
    3: #: Check the current datasource is to update connection.
    - Retest opening
    the system reports on a workstation.
    - If they are still reporting an error
    try the next step
    - STEP 2:
    - Change the datasource location of
    the report from OLE DB to SAP Business One type and leave the
    information blank. Try running the report in Crystal, and then import to SAP.
    And also opened up the Crystal Report via the Edit button in SAP in Reports and Layouts Manager, we then clicked on the database connection and updated all the tables (even though they were the same) and these got the reports needed working. Speaking to SAP it is a known bug and they are releasing a hotfix to resolve it, but try explaining that to a customer !!!
    Hope these help.

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    web reference :REST
    Name :Yahoo Map
    URL :http://local.yahooapis.com/MapsService/V1/mapImage
    HTTP Method: GET
    Basic Authentication: No
    Add Parameter:
    Name       Type
    appid        String
    location    String
    Output Format: XML
    XPath to Output Parameters : /Result
    Output Parameter:
    Name       Path       Type
    Url          /text()      String
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    Operation: doREST
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    web reference :REST
    Name :Yahoo Map
    URL :http://local.yahooapis.com/MapsService/V1/mapImage
    HTTP Method: GET
    Basic Authentication: No
    Add Parameter:
    Name       Type
    appid        String
    location    String
    Output Format: XML
    XPath to Output Parameters : /Result
    Output Parameter:
    Name       Path       Type
    Url          /text()      String
    Then i tried to create form and report on webservice:
    Web Service Reference Type: Yahoo Map
    Operation: doREST
    All the fields i keep as default
    I tick the checkbox (url)in report Parameter
    After clicking next whereever required i click create button
    I get the following error
    ORA-20001: Unable to create form on table. ORA-02263: need to specify the datatype for this column.
    Please someone help to solve this as i need to fix it urgently.

    Looks like there is a 127-column limit on the number of report columns supported when using that wizard. Do you have more than that?

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    What are the easy and appropraite steps to provide my niece a "new" iMac (clean and free of my items) as well as protect my info so I can place on my new iMac?  Will I also need to de-authorixe audible for iTunes?
    Thank you for your help.  I know this is probably a very basic procedure but I want to get it correct and ensure I don't harm either iMac.

    pshdawg1 wrote:
    I've just purchased a new iMac for myslef and am gifting my "old" iMac to Niece.  Original iMac has Snow Leopard upgrade (came with Leopard) as well as Word for Mac -student addition.  I also have an external backup drive and use Time Machine as specified.
    Well I don't think your niece is going to rob you blind or sell your company secrets to the highest bidder, so a full 7x- 35x government grade overwrite and operating install is likely overkill.
    Just likley some personal files, pictures and videos, stuff like that you want to make sure doesn't get seen.
    My suggestion is to clean out your user level files manually in each of your Documents, Pictures etc folders, any bookmarks in browsers (reset Safari, clear cache) and emails you don't want carried on.
    Then download and run the cleaning aspects of OnyX, followed by a Disk Utility > Erase Free Space option. (in your Applications/Utilities folder)
    You can create another Admin account in her name/nick and delete the first one with your name and all that.
    If you really want to get rid of your name from everywhere in the comptuer, then the only option is a c boot from the installer disk, Disk Utility Erase with Zero (7x or even 35x overwrite) and then resintall OS X and shutdown the machine,
    When this is done, OS X boots into the first "Welcome to OS X" video you saw when you first setup the machine. Of course you lose Word as that's not on the installer disk. But LibreOffice is free and much much better.
    pshdawg1 wrote:
    Will I also need to de-authorixe audible for iTunes? 
    Your allowed up to 5 computers with your iTunes content, but you can deauthorize the computer in iTunes so it doesn't take one of your authorizations.
    Also before you do anything, make a MANUAL backup of your data to another drive just in case Time Machine/Migration ***. etc doesn't screw the new pooch on you like it's been known to do.
    I always c boot off the new installer disk on new machines and Disk Utility Erase with Zero option the entire boot drive then reinstall OS X, it's not that I'm paranoid, it's that drives are not checked for bad sectors at the factory, they just slap OS X on it and off it goes, problems appear later on as people use the drive or can't read the software correctly off the drive.
    So I map off the bad sectors ahead of time, so the software is on good sectors and never have a post issue like others do with new machines.
    If you ordered a Mac with custom software installed, obiously your going to need to reinstall it after this.

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    A quick google search for gardening apps gave a surprisingly large number of hits. I saw at least three distinct garden planner apps (from $2 to $10) without half trying. These are mostly for iOS - iPad and/or iPhone - though there may be equivalents for Mac OS.
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  • Need to configure output type for adobe form

    Hello All,
    I need to configure output type for Adobe Form thru NACE. What would be print program and how do I call my form from that program? and, what would be the FORM routine for that form in NACE?
    I'm little confused, Pls I need your help.
    Thanks in advance,

    Just before few weeks we did this task.
    Say for example if you want to print PO details through ADOBE form instead of normal sapscript layout or standard MEDRUCK, you can follow the following steps.
    1. Design the form in SFP tcode, by passing the necessary inputs through form interface.
    2. Then use tcode tcode NACE and select EF as application and click output types button on the          application tool bar. Select NEU output type and double click processing routines on left side.
    3. Then, in the right side of the screen we can see the calling program and the form (may be sapscript or smartform) whatever used.
    4. For form names we have two options in NACE tcode.
    One is Form and the otherone is PDF/Smartform Form. If you are using adobe form give your form name under PDF/Smartform and also select PDF under the type option in the same screen.
    This worked perfectly for us. But pass the required parameters to the form from the routine used in standard program.
    If any queries please post it.

  • How do I map a drive for file adapter

    I am using a File adapter in XI, and would like to read files from a different server. 
    In the file adapter, there is no place for a username/password, so I need to map a drive first, then use the drive letter in the file adapter.
    eg Source Directory = G:\FTP-Data\sapgms\GMSToXI
    On the source server (call it DATASERVER), there is a local user created with rights to the appropriate data directory.
    I can logon to the XI server as the XI user (eg xidadm) and map a drive, entering username of DATASERVER\username, put in password, and  marking as "Reconnect at logon"
    The problem is that when logging back in, the system prompts for the password.  This is no good for the XI application service.
    A NET USE command in the startup directory works when I log on myself (eg net use Z:
    dataserver1\CorpData /USER:dataserver1\xid_user password1) , but still does not make the drive available for the XI application.
    The XI user (eg xidadm) is local to the XI server, so cannot be given access on the data server.
    I have been using FTP successfully, but have suddenly found that the administrators do not want FTP running on the production data server...
    So my question is:
    is there any place I can map a drive with a specified username/password, and make that drive available to the file adapter in XI?
    Message was edited by: Michael Inglis

    Hi Michael,
    We are trying to configure similar scenario using Sender File (NFS) adapter from SAP server directory to XI.
    We have done the following steps:
    1) Map the SAP drive (
    SERVER\interface\ACH) <b>in XI system</b> windows explorer. It created an entry "Ach on SERVER\interface" and I can see all files in SAP directory from XI.
    2) Created SAPServiceXID user <b>in SAP system</b> with the same password as in XI.
    We tried all source directory names, but in Adapter Monitoring we still get error saying that Directory doesn't exist.
    What is the sharename in the directory you mentioned?? (In
    In our SAP system (SERVER) files are under following directory d:\interface\ACH and in XI we mapped it under G drive which shows as "Ach on SERVER\interface"
    Are we missing anything here??
    Hi Wouter,
    Did you guys make this thing work?? We are having the same problem. If you figured it out..please let me know.
    Thank You,
    Indrasena Janga

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    I second LibreOffice as it's the most recent fork, however NeoOffice and OpenOffice will also work.
    Just say No money to Redmond!
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