Load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem

I have a flash with AS3 and inside this swf i load in a AS2 swf.
to load swf works just fine, but the problem is when i load this i want to go to
a specific part of it, for example i want to go to frame 3 in the loaded swf.
i must control this from the AS3 swf, does someone know if this is possible?
thanks in advance

so can i do like this then to go to frame 3 in my loaded swf?
MovieClip(ldr.content).gotoAndStop(3); ?
sorry for being such an airhead
thanks for helping me out =)
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 10:25:09 -0600
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem
if, in your loaded swf, you have a function f1() on the loaded swf's main timeline and you load that swf using a loader (say ldr), use:
MovieClip(ldr.content).f1();   // to call f1() in the loaded swf

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    var urlrequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    function loaderListener(dispatched:IEventDispatcher){
    dispatched.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, assignSWF);
    function assignSWF(event:Event){
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    You can talk to loaded AVM1 (AS1/2) SWF using LocalConnection. I used Grant Skinner's SWFBridge class in the past and worked very well:
    Kenneth Kawamoto

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    "submitter" is a movie clip on the main timeline. this code is inside submitter layed out with a mc named "blackboard". blackboard has a mc named "innerBlackboard" inside of it.
    blackboard.clearChalk = function():Void {
        var cl = this._parent._parent.chalkLine;
        this.createEmptyMovieClip("chalkLayer", 0);
        this.chalkLayer.lineStyle(cl.thickness, cl.color, cl.alpha);
        this.drawings = [];
    blackboard.clearText = function():Void {
        this.createEmptyMovieClip("textLayer", 10);
        this.textfields = [];
    blackboard.clearAll = function():Void {
    blackboard.enterDrawMode = function():Void {
        this.innerBlackboard.onPress = this.startDraw;
    blackboard.startDraw = function():Void {
        var x:Number = Math.round(this._xmouse);
        var y:Number = Math.round(this._ymouse);
        var coordinates = [x + "," + y];
        this._parent.currentDrawing = coordinates;
        this._parent.chalkLayer.moveTo(x, y);
        this._parent.onMouseMove = this._parent.drawChalk;
        this.onRelease = function() {
            delete this._parent.onMouseMove;
    blackboard.endDraw = function():Void {
        delete this.onMouseMove;
        delete this.innerBlackboard.onRelease;
    blackboard.drawChalk = function():Void {
        if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) {
            var x:Number = Math.round(this._xmouse);
            var y:Number = Math.round(this._ymouse);
            this.currentDrawing.push(x + "," + y);
            this.chalkLayer.lineTo(x, y);
        } else {
    blackboard.enterTextMode = function():Void {
        this.innerBlackboard.onPress = this.startText;
    blackboard.startText = function():Void {
        var d:Number = this._parent.textLayer.getNextHighestDepth();
        var x:Number = this._parent._xmouse;
        var y:Number = this._parent._ymouse;
        this._parent.textLayer.createTextField("t" + d, d, x, y, this._parent.width - x, this._parent.height - y);
        var tf:TextField = this._parent.textLayer["t" + d];
        tf.type = "input";
        tf.multiline = true;
        tf.wordWrap = true;
        tf.restrict = "^'<>";
        tf.embedFonts = true;
        tf.text = "Type message";
        Selection.setSelection(0, tf.text.length);
        tf.onKillFocus = function() {
            this.type = "dynamic";
            this.selectable = false;
    blackboard.formatEntry = function():String {
        var tf:TextField;
        var d:Object;
        var entryXML    =  "<entry>";
        entryXML        +=         "<text>";
        for (var i:Number = 0; i < this.textfields.length; i++) {
            tf = this.textfields[i];
            entryXML    +=            "<field x='" + tf._x + "' y='" + tf._y + "' text='" + tf.text + "' />";
        entryXML        +=         "</text>";
        entryXML        +=         "<drawings>";
        for (i = 0; i < this.drawings.length; i++) {
            d = this.drawings[i];
            entryXML    +=            "<drawing coordinates='" + d.join("|") + "' />";
        entryXML        +=         "</drawings>";
        entryXML        += "</entry>";
        return escape(entryXML);
    blackboard.innerBlackboard.useHandCursor = false;
    blackboard.width = blackboard._width;
    blackboard.height = blackboard._height;
    draw_bn.onRelease = function() {
        text_bn.enabled = true;
        this.enabled = false;
    text_bn.onRelease = function() {
        draw_bn.enabled = true;
        this.enabled = false;
    clear_bn.onRelease = function() {
    submit_bn.onRelease = function() {
        var name:String = name_if.text;
        if (name == "" || name == "name (required)") return;
        var email:String = email_if.text;
        if (email == "" || email == "email (required)") return;
        entry = new LoadVars();
        entry.name = name;
        entry.email = email_if.text;
        entry.message = blackboard.formatEntry();
        returnEntry = new LoadVars();
        returnEntry.onLoad = traceReturn;
        entry.sendAndLoad("submitEntry.php", returnEntry);
    function traceReturn() {
        if (this.result == "success") {
    name_if.onSetFocus = email_if.onSetFocus = function() {
        this.text = "";
        delete this.onSetFocus;
    name_if.restrict = email_if.restrict = "^'<>";

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    Is there ANYONE that can help me out? I will list my code below, buy I am way beyond lost any help that can be provided, I would be so grateful!!!!
    On the main timeline I have the basic..
    stop(); -- I found the AS3 version, but I don't know what I'm looking at. I get "not_yet_set.stop()" and there are are 8 options I can choose from. I just want the timeline to stop until I tell it where to go next. And what is "not_yet_set"
    Then I have my buttons, which are, basically...
    on (release) {
    Or "gotoAndPlay("Whatever");"
    I also have buttons for scrolling...
    on (press) {
    on (release) {
    on (press) {
    on (release) {
    For the on(release) command, this is what I found as the AS3 version: not_set_yet.dispatchEvent()

    because that's really as1 code, you have steeper learning curve than going from as2 to as3.
    first, remove all code from objects, assign instance names to your buttons and you can then start on as3:
    // so, if you name your home button, home_btn:
    function homeF(e:MouseEvent):void{
    p.s.  the not_yet_set stuff is there because you tried to use script assist or some other actionscript shortcut.

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    thanks again!

    check that code in your last thread:
    What is the  code to load a .swf file in AS3 on the same layer?

  • Load as2 swf in as3 swf

    Hi All,
    I am new to this forum.
    Can anyone tell me how to load as2 swf in as3?
    If this is possible,can anyone give me some sample example?

    You can talk to loaded AVM1 (AS1/2) SWF using LocalConnection. I used Grant Skinner's SWFBridge class in the past and worked very well:
    Kenneth Kawamoto

  • Convert AS2 swf to AS3 swf

    I have a swf (written in AS3) that loads other swfs into it.
    There are no issues when loading other AS3 swfs but there is a
    problem loading AS2 swfs. I get the following error:
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
    flash.display::AVM1Movie@35d3a51 to flash.display.MovieClip.
    Is there any way to convert the AS2 swf into a AS3 swf so it
    will be compatible with my loader? I cannot go back and change the
    AS2 swfs because I do not have the fla files. Or is there any way
    to incorporate AS3 code that will load AS2 swfs properly? It seems
    hard to believe that Adobe would neglect this backwards
    compatibility issue. Thanks

    Hello Andrei1,
    Thanks for looking at my simple AS3 code. The AS2 swfs that
    I've been working (and having difficulties) with are components
    that I've purchased from places like www.flashden.com. Some are
    image transitions (such as "Dynamic Image Draw found at
    while another is used to create a looped banner rotator animation
    (IMG_loop, a free d/l from www.afcomponents.net). I have another
    that uses an .xml file to configure a slideshow animation.
    You mention "needing to do more" if AS2 scripts inside its
    swf are to be run by the parent AS3 fla; what would these lines of
    code be?
    In researching my problem further I've since realized that
    most of these issues deal both with the version of AS used, as well
    as the version of the Flash player the fla is set up to animate
    for. In particular, the "Dynamic Image Draw" component requires
    that Flash Player 8 or 9 be used with AS2.
    Given that many of my purchased components are like this,
    I've since changed my main fla movie from AS3 back to AS2 and have
    learned that the scripting needed to call individual multiple swfs
    into it at various points in the timeline is MUCH simpler!!!!! One
    single, easily interpreted, line of code vs. 5 lines using
    variables and much more arcane (to me) function calls.
    I started my file with AS3 figuring that I'd be better off
    learning the new version of the language; much stress and
    forehead-rubbing later, I've seen just how much easier and
    understandable AS2 is to learn.
    I recognize that there are likely very strong arguments for
    the more structured coding approach used by AS3, but for someone
    like me who wants to generate customized Flash presentations with
    little fuss, I'm not qualified to make them.
    Perhaps this is a no brainer for those many flash gurus out
    there, but for me this tiny bit of wisdom has been hard fought for!
    That being said, is there an easy way to convert a swf file
    created using AS2 to something that AS3 can work/interact with?
    I've come across a free d/l product called actionscript bridge, but
    haven't been able to understand how to get it to work.

  • Communication between AS2 Template and AS3 Swf

    I created a template in AS2 which loads as2 swf's. i want to load as3 swf. then how can load as3 swf.within as2 template.
    please help me to find out this...

    Look at package SDYNAMICDOCUMENTS, or look for DD_* ( This is Dynamic Documents  Tamplates ) in SE38.
    Marcelo Ramos.

  • AS2 .swf to AS3.swf

    This may have been posted somewhere else however I have created a series of AS2 .swfs and now that I am using captivate 5 i need to convert them to as3.swf
    Can anyone help

    That's going to depend on whether or not there's any AS2 code in your SWFs and how complex that code is.
    Did you create these SWFs in Flash?  If so, what version?  If it's Flash CS3 or above you should be able to open the original FLA files and change your publish settings to output as AS3.
    If you've programmed a lot of interactivity into these SWFs as AS2 and you don't know AS3, you'll need to either learn it yourself or pay someone that does.

  • Need help with loading child .swf into parent .swf

    I am having trouble with an external .swf that isbeing loaded
    into the master.swf. All of the files loads perfectly. However the
    .swf that has the contact form movieclip in it will not work. The
    combobox does that display any of the items listed and the form is
    not being sent to the server. Can anyone give me a hand with

    can you post your code

  • Need help loading and positioning a swf into a swf

    This is the swf  I'm trying to load.
    These actions load and position a small simple swf just fine and the trace in the onLoadProgress function indicates that it loads completely
    but I can't see it.  What am I doing wrong?
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    var my_listener:Object = new Object();
    my_listener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    target_mc._x = 150;
    target_mc._y = 100;
    my_listener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    trace(target_mc.getBytesLoaded() + " out of " + target_mc.getBytesTotal());
    var my_loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    //my_loader.loadClip("little.swf", container_mc);
    my_loader.loadClip("cam01.swf", container_mc);

    do you see a rotated swf if you use:
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", 1);
    var my_listener:Object = new Object();
    my_listener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    target_mc._x = 150;
    target_mc._y = 100;
    target_mc._rotation = 22;
    var my_loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    my_loader.loadClip("cam01.swf", container_mc);
    if yes, either:
    1.  you are repositioning your swf and for some reason don't recognize that or
    2.  you're changing container_mc or one of its parents _x,_y properties elsewhere.

Maybe you are looking for

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