Load Balance HTTPS servers with redirection

I have been tasked with ACE configuration at work as the prior go-to guy for load balancing is no longer available. Trouble is, I have little idea what I’m doing when it comes to the ACE. So, forgive me if the question I have is super basic. After doing some research I put together a LB config, but its not working.
I was trying to load balance 10 servers, split into groups of 2 using 5 VIPS (1 VIP for each group of 2 servers). The servers serve an ssl web app.
Below is my configuration. What am I doing wrong? Does the config have any glaring errors? I've been staring at this thing on and off for a week  and searching these forums trying to figure it out.
Any help provided will greatly appreciated.
probe tcp probe_443
  port 443
  interval 30
  passdetect interval 5
probe https probe_https_test
  interval 30
  passdetect interval 5
  ssl version all
  request method get url /test.html
  expect status 200 200
rserver host QA-1.1
ip address
rserver host QA-1.2
ip address
rserver redirect QA-group_1_redirect_rserver
webhost-redirection 302
rserver host QA-2.1
ip address
rserver host QA-2.2
ip address
rserver redirect QA-group_2_redirect_rserver
webhost-redirection 302
rserver host QA-3.1
ip address
rserver host QA-3.2
ip address
rserver redirect QA-group_3_redirect_rserver
webhost-redirection 302
rserver host QA-4.1
ip address
rserver host QA-4.2
ip address
rserver redirect QA-group_4_redirect_rserver
webhost-redirection 302
rserver host QA-5.1
ip address
rserver host QA-5.2
ip address
rserver redirect QA-group_5_redirect_rserver
webhost-redirection 302
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_1_HTTPS
failaction reassign
predictor leastconns
probe probe_443
probe probe_https_test
rserver QA-1.1 443
rserver QA-1. 2 443
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_2_HTTPS
failaction reassign
predictor leastconns
probe probe_443
probe probe_https_test
rserver QA-2.1 443
rserver QA-2. 2 443
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_3_HTTPS
failaction reassign
predictor leastconns
probe probe_443
probe probe_https_test
rserver QA-3.1 443
rserver QA-3. 2 443
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_4_HTTPS
failaction reassign
predictor leastconns
probe probe_443
probe probe_https_test
rserver QA-4.1 443
rserver QA-4. 2 443
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_5_HTTPS
failaction reassign
predictor leastconns
probe probe_443
probe probe_https_test
rserver QA-5.1 443
rserver QA-5. 2 443
serverfarm redirect SF_ QA-group_1_REDIRECT
rserver QA-group_1_redirect_rserver
serverfarm redirect SF_ QA-group_2_REDIRECT
rserver QA-group_2_redirect_rserver
serverfarm redirect SF_ QA-group_3_REDIRECT
rserver QA-group_3_redirect_rserver
serverfarm redirect SF_ QA-group_4_REDIRECT
rserver QA-group_4_redirect_rserver
serverfarm redirect SF_ QA-group_5_REDIRECT
rserver QA-group_5_redirect_rserver
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_ QA-group_1_STICKY
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_1_HTTPS
timeout 30
replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_ QA-group_2_STICKY
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_2_HTTPS
timeout 30
replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_ QA-group_3_STICKY
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_3_HTTPS
timeout 30
replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_ QA-group_4_STICKY
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_4_HTTPS
timeout 30
replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_ QA-group_5_STICKY
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_5_HTTPS
timeout 30
replicate sticky
class-map match-all QA-group_1_HTTP
3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_1_HTTPS
3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_2_HTTP
3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_2_HTTPS
3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_3_HTTP
3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_3_HTTPS
3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_4_HTTP
3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_4_HTTPS
3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_5_HTTPS
3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_5_HTTPS
3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map type management match-any remote-management
2 match protocol http any
3 match protocol https any
4 match protocol icmp any
5 match protocol snmp any
6 match protocol ssh any
policy-map type management first-match remote-access
class remote-management
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_1_REDIRECT
class class-default
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_1_REDIRECT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_2_REDIRECT
class class-default
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_2_REDIRECT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_3_REDIRECT
class class-default
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_3_REDIRECT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_4_REDIRECT
class class-default
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_4_REDIRECT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_5_REDIRECT
class class-default
serverfarm SF_ QA-group_5_REDIRECT
policy-map multi-match SERVICE_VIPS
class QA-group_1_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy HTTPS_ QA-group_1_HTTPS _L7_BALANCED
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    nat dynamic 1 vlan 25
  class QA-group_1_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_1_REDIRECT
class QA-group_2_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy HTTPS_ QA-group_2_HTTPS _L7_BALANCED
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    nat dynamic 1 vlan 25
  class QA-group_2_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_2_REDIRECT
class QA-group_3_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy HTTPS_ QA-group_3_HTTPS _L7_BALANCED
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    nat dynamic 1 vlan 25
  class QA-group_3_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_3_REDIRECT
class QA-group_4_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy HTTPS_ QA-group_4_HTTPS _L7_BALANCED
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    nat dynamic 1 vlan 25
  class QA-group_4_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_4_REDIRECT
class QA-group_5_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy HTTPS_ QA-group_4_HTTPS _L7_BALANCED
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    nat dynamic 1 vlan 25
  class QA-group_5_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_4_REDIRECT
interface vlan 25
  ip address
    access-group input everyone
  service-policy input remote-access
  service-policy input SERVICE_VIPS
  no shutdown
ip route

Thank you so much for your reply.
At this point I can get to the real server IP's via ping and https in a browser from my PC. I can also ping the gateway and all the real server IP's from the ACE context i'm working on. However, the VIPS are not working. When I attempt to use one of the VIPS in the browser, the request times out. When I issue the command ":show service-policy"  I see a hit count (which increments every time I try and reach the VIP via the browser) but the dropped counter is equal to the hit counter. I will paste the running config from the context I’m working in along with the output from the show service-policy command.
Any suggestions on how I can get this working would be greatly appreciated.
csc#  show run
Generating configuration....
access-list Servers line 3 extended permit tcp any any eq https
access-list Servers line 5 extended permit tcp any any eq www
access-list everyone line 1 extended permit ip any any
access-list everyone line 2 extended permit icmp any any
probe tcp probe_443
  port 443
  interval 30
  passdetect interval 5
rserver host QA-1.1
  ip address
rserver host QA-1.2
  ip address
rserver host QA-2.1
  ip address
rserver host QA-2.2
  ip address
rserver host QA-3.1
  ip address
rserver host QA-3.2
  ip address
rserver host QA-4.1
  ip address
rserver host QA-4.2
  ip address
rserver host QA-5.1
  ip address
rserver host QA-5.2
  ip address
rserver redirect QA-group_1_redirect_rserver
  webhost-redirection 302
rserver redirect QA-group_2_redirect_rserver
  webhost-redirection 302
rserver redirect QA-group_3_redirect_rserver
  webhost-redirection 302
rserver redirect QA-group_4_redirect_rserver
  webhost-redirection 302
rserver redirect QA-group_5_redirect_rserver
  webhost-redirection 302
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_1_HTTPS
  failaction reassign
  predictor leastconns
  probe probe_443
  rserver QA-1.1 443
  rserver QA-1.2 443
serverfarm redirect SF_QA-group_1_REDIRECT
  rserver QA-group_1_redirect_rserver
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_2_HTTPS
  failaction reassign
  predictor leastconns
  probe probe_443
  rserver QA-2.1 443
  rserver QA-2.2 443
serverfarm redirect SF_QA-group_2_REDIRECT
  rserver QA-group_2_redirect_rserver
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_3_HTTPS
  failaction reassign
  predictor leastconns
  probe probe_443
  rserver QA-3.1 443
  rserver QA-3.2 443
serverfarm redirect SF_QA-group_3_REDIRECT
  rserver QA-group_3_redirect_rserver
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_4_HTTPS
  failaction reassign
  predictor leastconns
  probe probe_443
  rserver QA-4.1 443
  rserver QA-4.2 443
serverfarm redirect SF_QA-group_4_REDIRECT
  rserver QA-group_4_redirect_rserver
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_5_HTTPS
  failaction reassign
  predictor leastconns
  probe probe_443
  rserver QA-5.1 443
  rserver QA-5.2 443
serverfarm redirect SF_QA-group_5_REDIRECT
  rserver QA-group_5_redirect_rserver
serverfarm host SF_QA-group_HTTPS
serverfarm host SF_QA-group__HTTPS
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_QA-group_1_STICKY
  serverfarm SF_QA-group_1_HTTPS
  timeout 30
  replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_QA-group_2_STICKY
  serverfarm SF_QA-group_2_HTTPS
  timeout 30
  replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_QA-group_3_STICKY
  serverfarm SF_QA-group_3_HTTPS
  timeout 30
  replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_QA-group_4_STICKY
  serverfarm SF_QA-group_4_HTTPS
  timeout 30
  replicate sticky
sticky ip-netmask address source SRC_QA-group_5_STICKY
  serverfarm SF_QA-group_5_HTTPS
  timeout 30
  replicate sticky
class-map match-all QA-group_1_HTTP
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_1_HTTPS
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_2_HTTP
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_2_HTTPS
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_3_HTTP
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_3_HTTPS
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_4_HTTP
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_4_HTTPS
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map match-all QA-group_5_HTTP
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq www
class-map match-all QA-group_5_HTTPS
  3 match virtual-address tcp eq https
class-map type management match-any remote-management
  2 match protocol http any
  3 match protocol https any
  4 match protocol icmp any
  5 match protocol snmp any
  6 match protocol ssh any
policy-map type management first-match remote-access
  class remote-management
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_1_REDIRECT
  class class-default
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_2_REDIRECT
  class class-default
    serverfarm SF_QA-group_2_REDIRECT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_3_REDIRECT
  class class-default
    serverfarm SF_QA-group_3_REDIRECT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_4_REDIRECT
  class class-default
    serverfarm SF_QA-group_4_REDIRECT
policy-map type loadbalance first-match QA-group_5_REDIRECT
  class class-default
    serverfarm SF_QA-group_5_REDIRECT
policy-map multi-match SERVICE_VIPS
  class QA-group_1_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_1_REDIRECT
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
  class QA-group_1_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_1_REDIRECT
  class QA-group_2_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_2_REDIRECT
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
  class QA-group_2_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_2_REDIRECT
  class QA-group_3_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_3_REDIRECT
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
  class QA-group_3_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_3_REDIRECT
  class QA-group_4_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_4_REDIRECT
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
  class QA-group_4_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_4_REDIRECT
  class QA-group_5_HTTPS
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_5_REDIRECT
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
  class QA-group_5_HTTP
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy QA-group_5_REDIRECT
interface vlan 25
  ip address
  access-group input everyone
  service-policy input remote-access
  service-policy input SERVICE_VIPS
  no shutdown
ip route
csc# show service-policy SERVICE_VIPS
Status     : ACTIVE
Interface: vlan 25
  service-policy: SERVICE_VIPS
    class: QA-group_1_HTTPS
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_1_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : ENABLED
        VIP state: OUTOFSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: DISABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 122      
        dropped conns    : 122      
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 122       , client byte count: 6164               
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_1_HTTP
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_1_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : DISABLED
        VIP state: OUTOFSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: DISABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 58       
        dropped conns    : 58       
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 58        , client byte count: 3628               
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_2_HTTPS
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_2_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : ENABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 13       
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 74        , client byte count: 7648               
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_2_HTTP
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_2_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : DISABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 3        
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 12        , client byte count: 1398               
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_3_HTTPS
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_3_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : ENABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 34       
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 201       , client byte count: 23495              
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_3_HTTP
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_3_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : DISABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 5        
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 20        , client byte count: 1907               
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_4_HTTPS
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_4_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : ENABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 0        
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 0         , client byte count: 0                  
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_4_HTTP
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_4_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : DISABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 2        
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 8         , client byte count: 697                
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_5_HTTPS
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_5_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : ENABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 0        
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 0         , client byte count: 0                  
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        
    class: QA-group_5_HTTP
        L7 loadbalance policy: QA-group_5_REDIRECT
        VIP Route Metric     : 77
        VIP Route Advertise  : DISABLED
        VIP ICMP Reply       : DISABLED
        VIP State: INSERVICE
        VIP DWS state: DWS_DISABLED
        Persistence Rebalance: ENABLED
        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 0        
        dropped conns    : 0        
        conns per second    : 0        
        client pkt count : 0         , client byte count: 0                  
        server pkt count : 0         , server byte count: 0                  
        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0        
        bytes_in  : 0                          bytes_out : 0                  
        Compression ratio : 0.00%
                Gzip: 0               Deflate: 0        
      compression errors:
        User-Agent  : 0               Accept-Encoding    : 0        
        Content size: 0               Content type       : 0        
        Not HTTP 1.1: 0               HTTP response error: 0        
        Others      : 0        

Similar Messages

  • Load Balancing Linux servers with CSS 11050 series

    We would like to load balance Linux FTP and Web servers with a CSS 11050 series device. Does the content switch use SNMP to load balance the servers? If so, which MIBs need to be loaded on the servers?

    I dont believe that the CSS supports any SNMP load balancing mechanism.
    There is basically two factors involved in load balancing. One: the state of the servers which can be done via a range of mechanisms including ping, TCP connection, Application request, etc. Two: the way a server is chosen when a request comes in including round-robin, least connections, ACA etc.
    Checkout these links:-

  • Load Balancing Directory Servers with Access Manager - Simple questions

    We are in the process of configuring 2 Access Manager instances (servers) accessing the same logical LDAP repository (comprising physically of two Directory Servers working together with Multi-Master Replication configured and tested) For doing this, we are following guide number 819-6258.
    The guide uses BigIP load balancer for load balancing the directory servers. However, we intend to use Directory Proxy Server. Since we faced some (unresolved) issues last time that we used DPS, there are some simple questions that I would be very grateful to have answers to:
    1. The guide, in section 3.2.10 (To configure Access Manager 1 with the Directory Server load balancer), talks about making changes at 4 places, and replacing the existing entry (hostname and port) with the load balancer's hostname and port (assuming that the load balancer has already been configured). It says that changes need not be made on Access Manager 2 since the LDAPs are in replication, and hence changes will be replicated at all places. However, the guide also states that changes have to be made in two files, namely AMConfig.properties, and the serverconfig.xml file. But these changes will not be reflected on Access Manager 2, since these files are local on each machine.
    Question 1. Do changes have to be made in AMConfig.properties and serverconfig.xml files on the other machine hosting Access Manager 2?
    Question 2: What is the purpose of putting these values here? Specifically, what is achieved by specifying the Directory server host and port in AMConfig.properties, as well as in serverconfig.xml?
    Question 3. In the HTTP console, there is the option of specifying multiple primary LDAP servers, as well as multiple secondary LDAP servers. What is the purpose of these? Are secondary servers attempted when none of the list in the primary list are accessible? Also, if there are multiple entries in the primary server list, are they accessed in a round robin fashion (hereby providing rudimentary load balancing), or are other servers accessed only when the one mentioned first is not reachable etc.?
    2. Since I do not have a load balancer setup yet, I tried the following deviation to the above, which, according to me, should have worked. If viewed in the HTTP console, LDAP / Membership / MSISDN and Policy configuration all pointed to the DS on host 1. When I changed all these to point to the directory server on host 2 (and made AMConfig.properties and serverconfig.xml on host 1 point to DS of host 2 as well), things should have worked fine, but apparently Access manager 1 could not be started. Error from Webserver:
    [14/Aug/2006:04:30:36] info (13937): WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-machine_1_FQDN] at [search]
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: Exception in thread "EventService" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.services.ldap.event.EventServicePolling.run(EventServicePolling.java:132)
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
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    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceManager.<clinit>(ServiceManager.java:74)
    [14/Aug/2006:04:31:48] warning (13937): CORE3283: stderr: ... 2 more
    In effect, AM on 1 did not start. On rolling back the changes, things again worked like previously.
    Will be really grateful for any help / insight / experience on dealing with the above.

    Update to the above, incase anyone is reading:
    We setup a similar setup in Windows, and it worked. Here is a detailed account of what was done:
    1. Host 1: Start installer, install automatically, chose Directory server, Directory Administration server, Directory Proxy server, Web server, Access Manager.
    All installed, and worked fine. (AMConfig.properties, serverconfig.xml, and the info in LDAP service, all pointed to HOST1:389)
    2. Host 2: Start installer, install automatically, chose Directory server, Directory Administration server, Directory Proxy server, Web server, Access Manager.
    All installed, and worked fine. (AMConfig.properties, serverconfig.xml, and the info in LDAP service, all pointed to HOST2:389)
    3. Host 1: Started replication. Set to Master
    4. Host 2: Started replication. Set to Master
    5. Host 1: Setup replication agreement to Host 2
    6. Host 2: Setup replication agreement to Host 1
    7. Initiated the remote replica from Host 1 ----> Host 2
    Note that since default installation uses abc.....xyz as the encryption key, setting this to same was not an issue.
    9. Started webserver for Host 1 and logged into AM as amadmin.
    10. Added Host 2 FQDN in DNS Aliases / Realms
    11. Added http://HOST2_FQDN:80 in the Platform server (instance) list.
    12. Started Host 2 webserver. Logged in AM on Host 2, things worked fine.
    At this stage, note the following:
    a) Host 1:
    AMConfig.properties file has
    serverconfig.xml has:
    <Server name="Server1" host="host1_FQDN" port="389" type="SIMPLE" />
    b) Host 2:
    AMConfig.properties file has
    serverconfig.xml has:
    <Server name="Server1" host="host2_FQDN" port="389" type="SIMPLE" />
    c) If one logs into AM, and checks LDAP servers for LDAP / Policy Configuration / Membership etc services, they all contain Host2_FQDN:389 (which makes sense, since replica 2 was initialized from 1)
    Returning back to the configuations:
    13. On Host 1, login into the Admin server console of the Directory server. Navigate to the DPS, and confgure the following:
    a) Network Group
    b) LDAP servers
    c) Load Balancing
    d) Change Group
    e) Action on-bind
    f) Allow all actions (permit modification / deletion etc.).
    g) any other configuations required - Am willing to give detailed steps if someone needs them to help me / themselves! :)
    So now, we have DPS configured and running on Host1:489, and distributing load to DS1 and DS2 on a 50:50 basis.
    14. Now, log into AM on Host 1, and instead of Host1_fqdn:389 (for DS) in the following places, specify Host1_fqdn:489 (for the DPS)--
    LDAP Authentication
    MSISDN server
    Membership Service
    Policy configuation.
    Verified that this propagated to the Policy Configuration service and the LDAP authentication service that are already registered with the default organization.
    15. Log out of AM. Following the documentation, modify directory.host and directory.port in AMConfig.properties to point to Host 1_FQDN and 489 respectively. Make this change in AMConfig.properties of both Host 1 as well as 2.
    16. Edit serverconfig.xml on both hosts, and instead of they pointing to their local directory servers, point both to host1_FQDN:489
    17. When you start the webserver, it will refuse to start. Will spew errors such as:
    [https-host1_FQDN]: Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP5 B06/23/2005 17:36
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: CORE3016: daemon is running as super-user
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: CORE5076: Using [Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, Version 1.5.0_04] from [Sun Microsystems Inc.]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [amserver]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: WEB6100: locale-charset-info is deprecated, please use parameter-encoding
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [ampassword]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: WEB6100: locale-charset-info is deprecated, please use parameter-encoding
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [amcommon]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [amconsole]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: WEB6100: locale-charset-info is deprecated, please use parameter-encoding
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: WEB0100: Loading web module in virtual server [https-host1_FQDN] at [search]
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: netscape.ldap.LDAPException: error result (32); matchedDN = dc=sun,dc=com; No such object (DN changed)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: Got LDAPServiceException code=-1
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.services.ldap.DSConfigMgr.getConnection(DSConfigMgr.java:357)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.services.ldap.DSConfigMgr.getNewFailoverConnection(DSConfigMgr.java:314)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.services.ldap.DSConfigMgr.getNewConnection(DSConfigMgr.java:253)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.services.ldap.DSConfigMgr.getNewProxyConnection(DSConfigMgr.java:184)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.services.ldap.DSConfigMgr.getNewProxyConnection(DSConfigMgr.java:194)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.initLdapPool(DataLayer.java:1248)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.(DataLayer.java:190)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.getInstance(DataLayer.java:215)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ums.DataLayer.getInstance(DataLayer.java:246)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.SMSLdapObject.initialize(SMSLdapObject.java:156)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.identity.sm.ldap.SMSLdapObject.(SMSLdapObject.java:124)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:39)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:27)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:494)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:350)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:303)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.identity.sm.SMSEntry.(SMSEntry.java:216)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchemaManager.(ServiceSchemaManager.java:67)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.am.util.AMClientDetector.getServiceSchemaManager(AMClientDetector.java:219)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.am.util.AMClientDetector.(AMClientDetector.java:94)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.mobile.filter.AMLController.init(AMLController.java:85)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.getFilter(ApplicationFilterConfig.java:262)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.setFilterDef(ApplicationFilterConfig.java:322)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterConfig.(ApplicationFilterConfig.java:120)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.filterStart(StandardContext.java:3271)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3747)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebModule.start(WebModule.java:251)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1133)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:652)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1133)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(StandardEngine.java:355)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(Embedded.java:995)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.start(WebContainer.java:431)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.startInstance(WebContainer.java:500)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: warning: CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.server.J2EERunner.confPostInit(J2EERunner.java:161)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: failure: WebModule[amserver]: WEB2783: Servlet /amserver threw load() exception
    [https-host1_FQDN]: javax.servlet.ServletException: WEB2778: Servlet.init() for servlet LoginLogoutMapping threw exception
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(StandardWrapper.java:949)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(StandardWrapper.java:813)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(StandardContext.java:3478)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3760)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebModule.start(WebModule.java:251)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1133)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:652)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1133)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(StandardEngine.java:355)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(Embedded.java:995)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.start(WebContainer.java:431)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.startInstance(WebContainer.java:500)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.server.J2EERunner.confPostInit(J2EERunner.java:161)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: ----- Root Cause -----
    [https-host1_FQDN]: java.lang.NullPointerException
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.sun.identity.authentication.UI.LoginLogoutMapping.init(LoginLogoutMapping.java:71)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(StandardWrapper.java:921)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(StandardWrapper.java:813)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(StandardContext.java:3478)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(StandardContext.java:3760)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebModule.start(WebModule.java:251)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1133)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(StandardHost.java:652)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(ContainerBase.java:1133)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(StandardEngine.java:355)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded.start(Embedded.java:995)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.start(WebContainer.java:431)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.web.WebContainer.startInstance(WebContainer.java:500)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: at com.iplanet.ias.server.J2EERunner.confPostInit(J2EERunner.java:161)
    [https-host1_FQDN]: info: HTTP3072: [LS ls1] http://host1_FQDN:58080 [i]ready to accept requests
    [https-host1_FQDN]: startup: server started successfully
    The server https-host1_FQDN has started up.
    The server infact, didn't start up (nothing even listening on 58080).
    However, if AMConfig.properties is left as it originally was, and only serverconfig.xml files were changed as mentioned above, web servers started fine, and things worked all okay. (Alright, except for some glitches when viewed in /amconsole. If /amserver/console is accessed, all is good. Can this mean that all is still not well? I am not sure).
    So far so good. Now comes the sad part. When the same is done on Solaris 9, things dont work. You continue to get the above error, OR the following error, and the web server will refuse to start:
    Differences in Solaris and Windows are as follows:
    1. Windows hosts have 1 IP and hostname. Solaris hosts have 3 IPs and hostnames (for DS, DPS, and webserver).
    No other difference from an architectural perspective.
    Any help / insight on why the above is not working (and why the hell does the documentation seem so sketchy / insecure / incorrect).
    Thanks a bunch!

  • Load Balancing HTTP requests to ABAP App Servers options?

    Looking at SAP Documentations, SAP recommends to use the Web Dispatcher to load balance HTTP requests to multiply ABAP App servers. 
    My question is that the only solution? or can we use hardware such as the F5 BigIP to perform the same job?
    Any thoughts?

    In collaboration with SAP and SAP customers, F5 Networks has created a solution that delivers security, high availability, and improved performance for SAP web and portal technologies.
    By deploying F5 Networks solutions with SAP NetWeaver, enterprises extend their control over their Network and Application traffic, and ensure the fast and secure delivery of their applications.
    Benefits of F5 for SAP NetWeaver and Enterprise SOA
    u2022 Cuts SAP Enterprise Portal login time by more than half for WAN users
    u2022 Speeds document downloads
    u2022 Reduces SAP server CPU utilization by 44%
    u2022 Provides a 20x reduction in the number of SAP server-side connections
    Further details, case studies and deployment guides on;
    F5 certification information on SAP Website
    Hope this helps. Thanks

  • Load balancing HTTP requests for an OC4J instance w/multiple JVMs

    Hello everyone,
    I am using OAS and wish to load balance HTTP requests across an OC4J group of one or more OC4J instances, where each like named OC4J instance may have multiple JVMs or it may just have one JVM.
    My mod_oc4j.conf file would contain the following directives :
    Oc4jSelectMethod roundrobin:local
    Oc4jRoutingMode Static
    Oc4JMount /xyz/* xyz
    In the degenerate case, I would like to have an OC4J group with a cluster size of one, and have that one OC4J instance have two or more JVMs. I would like to be able to receive a request within my web application, determine that the JVM that has been sent the request is the wrong JVM to process the request, and then call HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect("/xyz"). Then, when the browser receives the HTTP 302 response and issues the subsequent HTTP request, have that request sent to a different JVM than the previous JVM that issued the sendRedirect().
    What I have seen is that the subsequent request is sent back to the same JVM that issued the sendRedirect(). I also call invalidate() against the HttpSession prior to calling sendRedirect(), but that does not seem to affect the behavior that I see.
    In the full blown case, I would have an OC4J group with a cluster size > 1, and each of those OC4J instances would have at least one JVM. In that case, I wish the sendRedirect() call to allow the subsequent request to be sent to any one of the OC4J instances in the group, and any one of those JVMs within all of those OC4J instances.
    Can anyone verify that my mod_oc4j mount directive is appropriate given the select method and routing mode? What else might I need to do to have a chance to have a different JVM respond to the request that results from a sendRedirect()?
    Thank you,

    I should clarify that in the full blown environment, the OC4J instances that form a group will each be housed within a separate OAS instance that resides on its own machine.
    So ideally, a request could be inbound to say OAS instance 1 on machine A, OC4J instance AA, JVM 2, and I need to force a redirect so that the request can actually be serviced by OAS instance 3 on machine C, OC4J instance AA, JVM 1, and I need to be able to call sendRedirect() against an HttpServletResponse from within a JVM until the subsequent request from the browser, Internet Explorer in my case, is serviced by that JVM.

  • ACE to load balance Citrix servers

    Have anyone configured ACE Modules to load balance Citrix Servers (HTTP) ?
    Any special considerations needed?
    Many thanks,

    HI Javier,
    There is one complete design guide available on ciso site.
    Kindly go through the below mentioned URL for complete config for ACE to load balance CITRIX as follows:
    You will get othe design guides also which can be very useful:
    Sachin Garg

  • Load balancing sftp servers on css11503

    I have an 11503 and I am trying to load balance sftp servers behind it. not sure why it's not working.
    here is the content rule:
    content test_sftp
    add service www1_sftp
    add service www2_sftp
    port 22
    protocol tcp
    balance aca
    advanced-balance sticky-srcip
    vip address
    here are the service rules:
    service www1_sftp
    ip address
    protocol tcp
    keepalive port 22
    keepalive type tcp
    service www2_sftp
    ip address
    protocol tcp
    keepalive port 22
    keepalive type tcp
    couple of questions:
    1) do I need to set up a source group like I would have to for ftp? Does the return traffic from the servers need to be NAT'd back out as the VIP?
    2) the content rule and service rules are all set for port 22 only....is that enough ports open for the control and data channels? I think sftp uses port 22 for both.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    You definitely need a group to nat the data-channel.
    But I'm not even sure that will make it work.
    You can give it a try so.

  • Load balancing outgoing mail with 3 outgoing servers

    We are trying to balance our mail out with 3 separate mail servers from our incoming server. Our organization sends alot of mail and we wanted to balance it with 3 outgoing SMTP servers. We have them all working, in the zone for the primary DNS and incoming mail server. And we can get mail to go out on the three servers, BUT and this is a problem if the mail includes any messages to the network (hence the incoming server) then the SMTP servers complain they cannot find it and give a error message about not being able to connect to deliver any local mails out of the bulk mail we send. Any ideas how to get the SMTP to see the incoming mail server (which is the DNS server for network) and deliver mail to accounts on the network? Maybe we are doing something that OS X SNL server cannot do? Any ideas.
    I will post the error message later but I need to leave for meeting for now.

    Here is error message we get:
    Mar 17 21:34:45 mailout1 postfix/smtp[32307]: connect to mail.vineyardil.net []:25 Operation timed out
    Mar 17 21:34:45 mailout1 postfix/smtp[32307]: DE90A1AF591: to =<[email protected]>, relay=none, delay=23732, delays=23701/0.01/30/0, dsn4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mail.vineyardil.net []:25 Operation timed out)
    To explain mailout1 is the first one in priority of outgoing separate SMTP servers we set up in the zone of mail.vineyardil.net which is the DNS server. They send out ok all outgoing mail to other addresses as we wanted them (rather than having mail.vineyardil.net do it) but when we send to an address with vineyardil.net on it then we get this same message.
    It seems like mailout1 cannot send to the incoming server. Note the ip address it gives is the ip of the cable modem on this network not the ip address locally in the net we have.
    Our MX records all look good and things work with mail if we use it both as incoming and outgoing (SMTP) but when we use the secondary servers for outgoing they seem to not be able to send to this server. Is there something we should look for?
    Is SL server not capable of what we are trying? Any feedback would be most appreciated. We would like to really use this setup as I explained to do load balancing of mail as part of our attempt on this new network to get our bulk mailing split up between the 3 outgoing servers so we will not be labeled spam by the security systems out there these days like it was on our old network.
    Thanks for your time.
    Russ Jacobson

  • Load Balancing Forms Services with an effective healthcheck

    I am in the process of configuring two forms 11.1.2 servers running with weblogic 10.3.5 with multiple forms applications clustered across both physical servers. We are looking to load balance to the various forms applications using a hardware load balancer. Can anyone comment on their experience with setting up effective application healthchecks using either hardware or software load balancers?
    For example say that we have 3 applications clustered across 2 servers with the following
    We would need a checking mechanism on the load balancer that could tell if myapp2 was down on say server01 and therefore block traffic to that application yet keep traffic open for the other 2 apps on the same server.
    A specific difficulty with forms is that when the database behind the application is down forms services will return an error message within a displayed error form. From the load balancer's point of view the forms services are "up". We need to find a way of detecting that the application is actually available and not just that the forms services themselves are available. To detect that the forms services are available we might normally use the status check:
    however this will only tell use the availability of the forms services on a physical server and not whether any actual applications are available.
    I am aware that f5 do a BIGIP offering that includes some Oracle Forms specific components. Can anyone comment on how they have setup Oracle Forms healthchecks using various load balancing methods. In particular if a load balancer is limited to using WGET commands to check HTTP returned content is there a way of checking a forms application's availability and if not how have other people achieved an effective healthcheck?
    Many thanks,

    Did you ever Get this to work?
    I am having some problems trying to load balance with Oracle Forms, Discover and reports Oracle Application Server Release 10g ( and I was wondering if you could help. Has any one ever got this to work consistently? We are an ERP product written mostly in forms (904) and are trying to implement are largest customer there performance issue so we need the load balancing to work. Will also accept other recommendation as cost effective as solutions.
    Site 1:
    A: SERVER –
    •     Host as1.xyzco.local
    •     Version
    •     Installation Type Identity Management and Metadata Repository
    •     Oracle Home E:\oracle\inf_1012
    •     Farm as1db.xyzco.net
    o     HTTP_Server
    o     Internet Directory
    o     OC4J_SECURITY
    o     Single Sign-On:orasso
    o     Management
    B SERVER –
    •     Host as2. xyzco.local
    •     Version
    •     Installation Type Business Intelligence and Forms
    •     Oracle Home E:\oracle\mid_904
    •     Farm as2db. xyzco.net
    o     Discoverer
    o     Forms
    o     home
    o     HTTP_Server
    o     OC4J_BI_Forms
    o     Reports Server
    o     Web Cache
    o     Management
    C SERVER –
    •     Host as3. xyzco.local
    •     Version
    •     Installation Type Business Intelligence and Forms – Discoverer and Reports
    •     Oracle Home E:\oracle\mid_904
    •     Farm as2db. xyzco.net
    o      Discoverer
    o     Forms
    o     home
    o     HTTP_Server
    o     OC4J_BI_Forms
    o     Reports Server
    o     Web Cache
    o     Management
    All servers Are:
    •     Windows 2003 Standard Server with current service packs
    •     Xeon Dual Processor with 4GB ram
    •     Raid 0 drives 2 for OS and 2 for Oracle
    Daniel Brody
    [email protected]

  • Load balancing http server

    Hi There,
    I want to implement a load balancer (linux virtual server) into our htmldb configuration. We currently run the http server on the same machine running oracle/htmldb. I want to split this out and use 2 seperate machines running http server behind the load balancer, both these http servers will be pointing to the same oracle database.
    The load balancer will not be using persistent sessions, therefore client requests will be sent evenly to each http server. My main question is, will I have problems with user sessions, or (as I imagine) is all the session information written to the database ?
    Thanks in advance.

    There are a few things you need to consider
    1: Availability of http server. ie how many are you going to have. How are you going to access them. Load balancer, DNS round robin. These should be on different servers to the database.
    2: How are the http servers going to connect. For RAC you'll need to specify TNS connections. I'd also recommend that you look at using application partitioning using services in the RAC cluster. That way you can have Apex using a subset of nodes in the cluster .
    3: If you are going down the RAC path then I'd assume availability is a priority. You''ll need to think of standby configuration. Again this is possible with TNS configuration.
    You can do it all with Apex. RAC and Standby but it will take planning and testing.

  • ACE to load balance proxy servers

    i have a set of 4 proxy servers that are already load balanced. But they are using a incorrectly configured health probe on the ace. I need to know a good configuration for a heath probe that will send a http request over port 80 , wait for response, and read it?  I searched the forum and the cisco pages but could not find a proper answer.        
    the current probe is as follows:
    probe http HTTPGET
      description Tests that www.gmail.com returns 302 redirect
      interval 10
      request method get url http://www.gmail.com
      expect status 302 302

    Hi Gordon,
    This is what you want to achieve :
    I need to know a good configuration for a heath probe that will send a  http request over port 80 , wait for response, and read it?
    So ideally you have to choose what content you want to request and what you expect as response.
    Any HTTP request will assume that the request is going to the web server or the device can understand HTTP and respond accordingly.
    If you ask me I would say that the probes which you are using make sense.
    If the probe fails that means the proxy is unable to reach "www.gmail.com" which is almost as good as proxy is not working.
    Let me know your thought about it.
    Ajay Kumar

  • Using ACE to load balance HTTP/S traffic between client & proxy server using tcp 8080

    I have a scenario where ACE is in load balancing connections to a bunch of Websense servers in a one-armed topology.  ACE presents a single VIP to web browser clients and each client's browser proxy configuration is populated with the VIP DNS name.  Traffic then gets load balanced between the Websense servers.  The problem arises due to Websense requiring the 'X-Forwarded-For' HTTP header in order to obtain the source IP of the client.  
    ACE inserts this header into the standard HTTP 'proxied' traffic but doing this for HTTPS traffic has required the configuration of the ACE SSL proxy client server.
    So the problem I have is this:
    How to configure ACE to load balance both HTTP & HTTPS applications using a single VIP and tcp port number ie tcp 8080
    The ACE hardware being used is ACE20-MOD-K9  -  MODULE
    I have attempted to use a L7 class map to match all ciphers and attach this to a L7 Policy-Map but the documentation highlights the fact the 'match cipher' configuration is only available on the ACE appliance.  
    I believe I am on the correct track.  The HTTPS traffic must be identified and used to match against PolicyA and HTTP traffic matched against PolicyB
    I'm looking for ideas!  I'm hopeful someone must have solved this problem previously!!

    Hi Simon,
    The classification has to work on different ports. Whether client types http or https doesn't matter to client. His request will reach VIP which will classify the traffic based on port, protocol first and then it can look into further detail to send the traffic to appropriate serverfarm.
    You can class-map match-any xxxxx
    2 match virtual-address x.x.x.x tcp any
    and then you configure further classification on the basis of L7 like  url, header etc. 
    But again, you will still need SSL termination on ACE.
    Note: Please mark answers if they are helpful.

  • Error while load balancing two servers

    i have two Solaris servers running 9iAS R2 OC4j.
    current patch level is
    i'm trying to load balance the instances according
    to the instructions in this document:
    Oracle9i Application Server: mod_oc4j Technical Overview
    all i should need to do is run the command:
    dcmctl addOPMNLink <IP>:<PORT>
    but when i do this i get this error:
    i could not find any info on this error with searches of:
    Google, Google Groups, Oracle MetaLink, Oracle OTN.
    ideas? suggestions? anything?

    i just tried running a "dcmctl getError", and got this:
    This Oracle9iAS instance is currently using a database repository to store configuration information. The OPMN link functionality is not supported when a database repository is being used. An Oracle9iAS cluster should be created to associate Oracle9iAS instances when using a repository.
    the two OC4J instances in question are associated with an Infrastructure instance on their respective servers. do i need to de-couple the OC4J instances? or create a "cluster of one" instance?

  • Load Balance https based on url

    I am trying to configure ACE 4710 to load balance base on the URL, If it matches the specific URL ( /456/ ), the traffic will be sent to server farm 456 else the traffic will be sent to server farm 123.
    I attached an image of the topology.
    Ace Config:
    rserver host SRV01_123
      ip address
    rserver host SRV02_123
      ip address
    rserver host SRV01_456
      ip address
    serverfarm host farm_123
      rserver SRV01_123
      rserver SRV02_123
    serverfarm host farm_456
      rserver SRV01_456
    class-map match-all VIP_Application
      2 match virtual-address tcp eq https
    class-map type http loadbalance match-all L7_server_456
      2 match http url /456/
    policy-map type loadbalance http first-match LB_Application
      class L7_server_456
        serverfarm farm_456
      class class-default
        serverfarm farm_123
    policy-map multi-match ServerGroup1_PM
      class VIP_Application
        loadbalance vip inservice
        loadbalance policy LB_Application
        loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    interface vlan 70
      bridge-group 1
      no shutdown
    interface vlan 700
      bridge-group 1
      service-policy input ServerGroup1_PM
      no shutdown

    Hi John,
    If you want to do the offload in the ACE also called SSL termination, it is a two step process:
    1- You need to upload your certificate and key to the ACE using FTP or one of the available methods.
    2- Create the the SSL proxy service where you add these two files and finally add this service under the policy-multimatch for the VIP in question.
    You also need to decide whether you want to keep your server listening in the encrypted port (that would be a two way encryption process called End-to-End SSL) or you can change the port to 80 and leave all the decyption process to the ACE (this would be transparent to the client, the site will show up as HTTPS all the time).
    Here you can take a look at the SSL termination process (using clear text port in the backend servers).
    Oficial Configuration Example
    Cisco Wiki Example

  • FRM-92101: Load Balancing Forms 10g with Web Cache

    I´m having some problems with Oracle Forms and Webcache 10g and I was wondering if you
    could help.
    Machines: (Pentium IV 2.6 GHz; 2GB RAM; 80GB HD)
    A. Red Hat Linux AS 2.1
    Oracle AS 10g - Infrastructure Installation
    B. Windows 2000 Server - Service Pack 4
    Oracle AS 10g - BI and Forms Installation (Using Infrastructure on machine A)
    C. Windows 2000 Server - Service Pack 4
    Oracle AS 10g - BI and Forms Installation (Using Infrastructure on machine A)
    I didn´t apply any Patchsets of Oracle AS 10g. My current version is .
    Use Oracle Webcache 10g on machine B for Load Balancing an Oracle Forms Application
    on machines B and C.
    The Oracle AS 10g installation on the 3 machines was made without problems.
    The Forms Applications are running without problems on both Forms servers in machine B and C.
    I´m getting the following error when I try to acces the forms application through Webcache:
    FRM-92101: There was a failure in the forms server during startup.
    This could happen due to invalid configuration.
    Please look in the web-server log file for details.
    But, this error happens ONLY when BOTH OC4J_BI_Forms instances (machines B and C) are
    When just one of the OC4J_BI_Forms is running everything works fine.
    Webcache Configuration:
    I´ve followed Metalink note 207668.1: Configuring Web Cache as a Load Balancer for Application Servers
    step by step to make the configuration of the following components:
    1. Configuration of the origin servers
    2. Configuration of Site definitions
    3. Configuration of Site to server mapping
    After that, I´ve follwed the Metalink note 229900.1: Integrating and using Web Cache with Forms 9i for Load Balancing
    step by step to make the configuration of the following components:
    4. Session Binding
    Then I try to test the Load Balancing and I got the error FRM-92101 when both OC4J_BI_Forms
    instance were running.
    I´ve searched Metalink and found note 268830.1: Webcache Won't Load Balance 2 Forms Instances.
    Following the note instructions I did the following changes:
    Added these lines at the end of HTTPD.conf (machine B):
    CookieTracking On
    CookieName myformscookie1
    Added these lines at the end of HTTPD.conf (machine C):
    CookieTracking On
    CookieName myformscookie2
    In Webcache configuration:
    I´ve Changed the default session binding from JSESSIONID to "ANY SET COOKIE" for the
    site's session binding.
    But even after these changes I´m getting FRM-92101 error on the same conditions.
    How can I solve this problem ?
    Thank you in advance.
    Marcus Santos.
    ([email protected])

    Just ran into this problem last Tuesday, Nov.30 and applied the changes today.
    My configuration is similar to yours: 9.0.4 web cache on machine A, 9.0.4 10gAS forms and reports standalone on machine B and C (not a cluster, no infra).
    I appended the Cookie lines you mentioned in httpd.conf located in $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf in both machines B and C.
    One important thing you may have missed. After changing httpd.conf in each 9iAS instance, you need to make the change known to dcmctl so issue:
    dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs
    Then do the following for each 9iAS instance and it should be ready for webcache:
    dcmctl stop
    dcmctl start
    Setup Any-set-Cookie in webcache instead of JSESSIONID and the whole thing should now work. You can run a form through machine A which will load balance to either machine B or C (which can both be up). Then, try shutting down 9iAS on machine B or C and run a form again. They now all work.

Maybe you are looking for

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