Load User to People picker in infopath form

I am having an issue with populating user name to people picker in infopath form.
Based on some rules when an ID matches with the ID in list i am populating some fields to the form to make the user work easy. But i have a single line text field with all the user names when i populate the user it shows error that it cannot be found. I
know directly copying the user name to people picker doesn't work but tried querying before copying and tried couple of things. Nothin works is there any way to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Cameron,
My data feed in to the form comes from a list. When a certain criteria is met the form should load the values from the list and one such field is user name from list to people picker in infopath form. But the user name column type in list a single line text
box not a people picker. So while copying the data how do i feed the username to people picker on to the form.

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    This would be easy to do with groups that can access specific sections of the form and then use SharePoint or AD groups to govern access, but unfortunately it does not work in InfoPath. 
    One alternative possibility is to set up a list in SharePoint and enter the names of the smaller group of people into that list (Person field).
    The InfoPath form has a data connection to that list. The form has one section with a people picker and another section with a calculated field that shows the value of the people picker. 
    When opening the InfoPath form, check if the current user exists in the list and hide the section they should not see.
    cheers, teylyn

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    Hi Sophie,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to send InfoPath form to  the individual  selected in the people picker via email. 
    I am afraid you cannot. Due to the limitation of connecting InfoPath forms  to a SharePoint Online web service, you cannot get the individual's email address and then cannot send email to him.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Add Users from people picker field to sharepoint group

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    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
    Thank you,

    You ll be able to achieve this by placing people picker in repeating table control in the form, below url may help you. 

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    Under the Developer tab in Infopath you can manage Loading Events, unfortunetly i dont have Visual Studio on this PC so i cant laborate, but i believe it's rather simple to figure out.
    Edit: Found a easier way, through Data > Default Values.

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    Hi srabon,
    I may not make myself clear. After you opened a new SharePoint Form Library in InfoPath, then in the Controls ribbon, expand it and add the File Attachment in Objects section.
    Now the form only contains file attachment control, we could use it to test if attachment control works in your SharePoint site. Then save the form and publish it with creating a new form library. Here is the shot cut:
    And could you see the small clip as command menu button hanging alongside the attachment? Could you double-click the attachment and download the attachment?
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Infopath 2010: How To Seperate Multiple Users Selected In People Picker With A Semicolon

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    Here is the result I would like to see. This way the text box gets upload into Sharepoint so I can use it in other places.
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    eval(eval(Person, 'concat(/my:myFields/my:PersonTraveling/pc:Person/pc:AccountId, "; ")'), "..")
    XPath (advanced):
    xdMath:Eval(xdMath:Eval(/my:myFields/my:PersonTraveling/pc:Person, 'concat(/my:myFields/my:PersonTraveling/pc:Person/pc:AccountId, "; ")'), "..")

    Hi methitical,
    Please change your XPath (advanced) to
    xdMath:Eval(xdMath:Eval(/my:myFields/my:PersonTraveling/pc:Person, 'concat(pc:AccountId, "; ")'), "..")
    to make it work.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Emir Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • SharePoint People picker control in Windows form

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    I have a requirement wherein, I have to create an outlook add in to save data into sharepoint list. I have created a sample outlook add in to save the data into sharepoint list (all columns are of text) using windows form and it works fine. However there
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    Thanks in advance.

    PeoplePicker control is part of the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll, it will only work on SharePoint hosted pages. 
    Here is a link about how to use PeoplePicker control:
    Anyway, you can fetch Active Directly users as the link below:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    -Lyssa Prince

    I must not be explaining this very well, and I apologize for that.
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    The javescript in below link works for me.
    However, I'd like to set default user for people picker only when user checks a checkbox. 
    I am new to  development. Could you please help me on this requirement ?
    Thank you very much. 

    Use this link to to validate checkbox value, if true then set the person or group value (i.e. as posted in your link).
    Hope it could help
    Hemendra:Yesterday is just a memory,Tomorrow we may never see
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

  • Access denied Error while calling Web Service form Infopath Form 2010.

    Hi Dear All,
    I have been facing an error while calling an GetUserProfileByName() web service method from InfoPath 2010 from.
    i have FBA(Forms Base Authentication )configured . After Infopath form published to site collection when i select an user from people picker control i want to get Email Id of Selected user for that i am calling getUserProfileByName() Web Method, but 
    i am getting Access denied error code 500.
    Any Help would be more than welcome.

    Greetings. Please check 
    Check the IE settings. Click Internet Options> Security>Custom level. Make sure that the ‘Access data source across domains’ is enabled. Make sure that you have permission to the web service and to the content which the web service tries to modify.
    For more information, please refer to this site:
    "Access is denied." error in Infopath 2007 form + ASMX: http://us.generation-nt.com/answer/access-denied-error-infopath-2007-form-plus-asmx-help-65808252.html
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • SharePoint 2010 - InfoPath form not opening in browser but prompts to open or save the xml

    I have 6 site collections for a web app. An InfoPath form has been deployed which is filled by users from each subsite under these site collections. Until recently the form is working fine but recently it stopped opening the form in browser on 4 out of
    6 site collections. On the site collections it's not working, when users try to open the InfoPath form, they get the option to save or open the .xml file. This form hasn't been changed since Dec. Not sure what broke this. Can any one help?

    1.Check whether feature is activated for the infopath form on site collection level. if it is not activate and it will open form in browser.
    2.You need to set Browser
    File Handling  to Permissive.
    Open Central Administration -> Manage Web Applications
    -> Select web application -> General Settings >>
    Browser File Handling >> set to Permissive .
    Rajendra Singh
    If a post answers your question, please click Mark As Answer on that post and Vote as Helpful

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    Hi In, you'll experience various types of issues when not using IE due to lack of support for functionality. The following links seem to be related to your problem and might give you a workaround:
    cameron rautmann

  • Infopath form people picker not working in outlook 2010

    I have created custom task form which has reassign feature. If the form is opened in IE, people editor control is working but in outlook account names are not resolved and dictionary also not working. There should be some work around as OOTB  approval
    task form could able to do it.
    So, Question is, why people picker is not working in Outlook? and how to make it work? If I store user profile in InfoPath form, people editor in outlook is working. but how to make a dynamic soap connection ?

    Don't mark your own post as an answer when you obviously didn't understand the question...
    Dharnima mentioned it is working in IE but not working in Outlook, so it's obviously not because the
    "Requested By" field is in read only otherwise it wouldn't work in IE either.
    Like Navid.R mentionned, the problem is indeed when going through the "Reassign Task" button, but coming from Outlook.
    I have the same problem where the people picker validator and the people directory button doesn't work, only when coming from Outlook. I do click on Reassign Task, but I am unable to valide or open the people directory with both people picker buttons, simply
    nothing happens.
    I tried adding a native SharePoint Approval workflow to my list, and this one works fine. I can click the "Open Task" button in Outlook, click "Reassign Task" and then the people picker works perfectly fine.
    However my custom workflow (that has default forms) does not work when prompted from Outlook.
    I even tried to delete both forms and republish my workflow, so SharePoint can regenerate the forms by itself, it did generate new forms, but no luck either.

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