Load value one by one from xml as3

Hi all,
i want to load value from xml.item.slika and use it to generate image link
xml file:
        <naslov><![CDATA[O.Å . Bratstvo - panel]]></naslov>
function ucitaneSlike(evt: Event): void {
    var xml = new XML(evt.target.data);
    var slika:String = '';
    var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();
        for each(var item in xml..item) {
            slika += item.slika;
            loader.load(new URLRequest(domen + 'podaci/igraci/slike/'+listaPodataka.lista.selectedItem["RB"]+ '/' + slika + "?" + new Date().getTime()));
            centralniText.htmlText = '<a href="javascript:popUp(\'' + domen +'podaci/igraci/slike/'+listaPodataka.lista.selectedItem["RB"]+ '/' + slika + '\')"><img             src="'+ domen +'podaci/igraci/slike/'+listaPodataka.lista.selectedItem["RB"]+ '/' + slika + '" height="50" width="50"></a>';
I get result:

oh, if you want your textfield to display all the links, use:
kglad wrote:
use the following to get the correct reference for each slika element.  whether the rest of those urls are correct or not, i didn't check:
 function ucitaneSlike(evt: Event): void {
    var xml = new XML(evt.target.data);
    var slika:String = '';
centralniText.htmlText = "";
    var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();
        for each(var item in xml..item) {
            slika = item.slika;
            loader.load(new URLRequest(domen + 'podaci/igraci/slike/'+listaPodataka.lista.selectedItem["RB"]+ '/' + slika + "?" + new Date().getTime()));
           centralniText.htmlText += '<a href="javascript:popUp(\'' + domen +'podaci/igraci/slike/'+listaPodataka.lista.selectedItem["RB"]+ '/' + slika + '\')"><img             src="'+ domen +'podaci/igraci/slike/'+listaPodataka.lista.selectedItem["RB"]+ '/' + slika + '" height="50" width="50"></a><br/>';

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    videoList.selectedIndex = 0;
    var vidList:Object = new Object();
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    (videoList.getItemAt(videoList.selectedIndex).data );
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    var duration:Number;
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    duration = obj.duration;
    function videoStatus() {
    amountLoaded = stream_ns.bytesLoaded / stream_ns.bytesTotal;
    loader.loadbar._width = amountLoaded * 297.9;
    loader.scrub._x = stream_ns.time / duration * 297.9;
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    loader.scrub.onPress = function() {
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    loader.scrub.onRelease = loader.scrub.onReleaseOutside =
    function() {
    videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100);
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    else {
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    else {
    Here is the XML
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <video url="
    desc="Come & Drink - Linda Faith" thumb="test.jpg" />

    Thanks for this response.
    Yes, i checked my source files which are not UTF-8. When i do keep these files on Japanese system, it displays Japanese characters but on any other system it displays garbage.
    My Oracle Database is on normal windows system hence it reads it as a garbage.
    Could you please suggest any method to change these files as UTF-8. I have 30,000 XML files for this loading.
    Is there any way to handle this issue in Oracle itself.
    Please suggest.

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    this works for me
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    You apparently didn't take the hint, Ian's or mine. What you've done may be correct, it unnecessarily involves too many functions. You could really do it more efficiently, like this
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    Please reply with sample codes of faces jsp, bean file and config.xml file

    But this is working for me,
         <h:selectOneMenu value="#{loadbean.grade}" >
              <f:selectItems value="#{loadbean.gradelist}" />
    private String grade;
    private List<SelectItem> gradelist;
    public String getGrade() {
              return grade;
         public void setGrade(String grade) {
              this.grade = grade;
         public List<SelectItem> getGradelist() {
              return gradelist;
         public void setGradelist(List<String> items) {
              gradelist=new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              gradelist.add(new SelectItem("daniel"));//this value can be from data base
              gradelist.add(new SelectItem("pspindia"));
              gradelist.add(new SelectItem("prelude sys"));
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  • Error editing task sequence: Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" From XML into WMI

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    ConfigMgr Error Object:instance of SMS_Extended Status{Description = "Failed to load dynamic properties for class \"SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction\" from XML into WMI";Error Code = 2147943746;File = "e:\\qfe\\nts\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\ssptspackage.cpp";Line = 3454;Operation = "ExecMethod";ParameterInfo = "SMS_TaskSequencePackage";ProviderName = "WinMgmt";StatusCode = 2147749889;}
    Coinciding with this error, I show the following entries in the TaskSequenceProvider.log file: 
    [PID: 7608] Invoking method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml
    Failed to protect memory buffer, hr=0x80070542
    Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" from XML into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load node Apply Windows Settings from XML into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "PostInstall" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "Execute Task Sequence" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load children steps for node "" from XML 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    Failed to load XML for the task sequence into WMI 0x80070542 (2147943746)
    [PID: 7608] Done with method SMS_TaskSequence.LoadFromXml
    Setting status complete:  status code = 0x80070542; Failed to load dynamic properties for class "SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" from XML into WMI
    I exported the task sequence and checked in "object.xml" for the "ApplyWindowsSettingsAction", to see if there was something odd in the xml, but I don't find anything that jumps out as being wrong.  Here's the section of XML for
    that step.  I've removed identifying info, and replaced it with a generic term in bold.
    <step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyWindowsSettingsAction" name="Apply Windows Settings" description="" runIn="WinPE" successCodeList="0" runFromNet="false"><action>osdwinsettings.exe /config</action><defaultVarList><variable name="OSDLocalAdminPassword" property="AdminPassword"></variable><variable name="OSDComputerName" property="ComputerName">%_SMSTSMachineName%</variable><variable name="OSDProductKey" property="ProductKey"></variable><variable name="OSDRandomAdminPassword" property="RandomAdminPassword">false</variable><variable name="OSDRegisteredOrgName" property="RegisteredOrgName">COMPANY NAME</variable><variable name="OSDRegisteredUserName" property="RegisteredUserName">COMPANY NAME</variable><variable name="OSDServerLicenseConnectionLimit" property="ServerLicenseConnectionLimit">5</variable><variable name="OSDTimeZone" property="TimeZone">Central Standard Time</variable></defaultVarList></step><step type="SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyNetworkSettingsAction" name="Apply Network Settings" description="" runIn="WinPEandFullOS" successCodeList="0" runFromNet="false"><action>osdnetsettings.exe configure</action><defaultVarList><variable name="OSDDomainName" property="DomainName">DOMAIN.COM</variable><variable name="OSDJoinPassword" property="DomainPassword"></variable><variable name="OSDJoinAccount" property="DomainUsername">DOMAIN ACCOUNT</variable><variable name="OSDEnableTCPIPFiltering" property="EnableTCPIPFiltering" hidden="true">false</variable><variable name="OSDNetworkJoinType" property="NetworkJoinType">0</variable><variable name="OSDAdapterCount" property="NumAdapters" hidden="true">0</variable></defaultVarList></step>
    Is there any other log I should check for a clue on this issue?  What could be causing this error?

    Thanks for sharing that!  I tend to save contacting MS support until after I've exhausted other options.  I'm always afraid that I'll spend the $500 to open a case and then it turns out to be something simple that I would have found if I had just
    kept working on it myself a little longer.
    It looks like that link is for an update released in February as KB3023562.  I downloaded and installed it. I'll try opening/editing/saving the task sequence a few times today to see if the issue is resolved.  
    After I had already installed it, I thought to look up that update in configmgr.  The update is listed as superseded by 2 other updates.  The newest of those is KB3046049, which just installed last night with the other March patches, so it's possible
    that I didn't need to install KB3023562 after all.  

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    How to find cause of the error ?

    Tkank you for the simple but good advice :)
    unfortunately even google didn't find many answers :
    LPX-00222 + APEX ... NOTHING
    LPX-00222 + ORA- ... 2 pages of something like
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    I want to setTimerEvent while sending data from xml to flex, one row at a time.
    I have attached the xml.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Greg,
    Thanks for the reply. You must have seen the xml which i have attached.Here is the .mxml code which i have written:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="accountData.send()">
    import mx.controls.*;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var AccountInformation:ArrayCollection;
    private function AccountHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void
        AccountInformation = evt.result.xml.AccInfo;
    private function faultHandler(evt:FaultEvent):void
        var faultMessage:String = "Could not connect with XML file";
        Alert.show(faultMessage, "Error opening file");
    <mx:HTTPService id="accountData" url="pgm1.xml" result="AccountHandler(event)" fault="faultHandler(event)"  />
    <mx:DataGrid x="20" y="24" width="950" dataProvider="{AccountInformation}" />
    This reads and displays all the rows. But I want to display single row at a time with sometime time gap between the display of two consecutive rows.I am new to flex and this is my first code, so need your help on this.
    I hope i have made myself clear. If there is anything else please let me know.
    Looking forward to some solution.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Generating multiple target xmls from one source xml using xslt mappings

    I need to create more than one xml file from one source xml file using xslt mappings in file to file scenario.
    Can you please let me know how this can be achieved.

    If you must use the XSL Transformation then you can find a nice simple example here.  It's based on the Xalan XSLT Processor which to my knowledge is incorporated in PI7.1.  I've not actually tried this but it makes for an interesting mapping case so please let us know the results: 
    [XSLT Split for multiple XML file output|http://abbeyworkshop.com/howto/xslt/xslt_split/index.html]
    The XSL file will require a namespace addition:
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:redirect="http://xml.apache.org/xalan/redirect" extension-element-prefixes="redirect" version="1.0">
    The redirect prefix is used for the write tags in the XSL file.
    The details cover the transformation of the source file:
       2:    <student id="1">
       3:        <name>George Washington</name>
       4:        <major>Politics</major>
       5:        <phone>312-123-4567</phone>
       6:        <email>gw_at_example.edu</email>
       7:    </student>
       8:    <student id="2">
       9:        <name>Janet Jones</name>
      10:        <major>Undeclared</major>
      11:        <phone>311-122-2233</phone>
      12:        <email>janetj_at_example.edu</email>
      13:    </student>
      14:    <student id="3">
      15:        <name>Joe Taylor</name>
      16:        <major>Engineering</major>
      17:        <phone>211-111-2333</phone>
      18:        <email>joe_at_example.edu</email>
      19:    </student>
    Using this transformation:
    2:<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
    3:    xmlns:redirect="http://xml.apache.org/xalan/redirect"
    4:    extension-element-prefixes="redirect"
    5:    version="1.0"
    7:<xsl:output method="xml"/>
    9:<xsl:template match="/">
    10:    <xsl:apply-templates />
    13:<xsl:template match="student_list">
    14:    <xsl:apply-templates />
    17:<xsl:template match="student">
    18:    <xsl:variable name="filename" select="concat(@id,'.xml')" />
    19:    <redirect:write select="$filename">
    20:        <student id="{@id}">
    21:            <xsl:apply-templates />
    22:        </student>
    23:    </redirect:write>
    26:<xsl:template match="name | major | phone | email">
    27:    <xsl:copy-of select="." />

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    Hi curtismoxam,
    Please try these troubleshooting steps: [[Fix problems connecting to websites after updating Firefox]]

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    Csound1 What Ive been trying to explain is that I have been running bootcamp, I open the app where the first screen is the introduction, i hit continue, the first time I select "download the latest windows support software fromm Apple" then I return and instead select "Install Windows 7." Then hit continue. The third screen is where I "Create a Partition for Windows" I set Windows to 80 gigs then hit INSTALL. As stated before Bootcamp cannot find the install drivers saying "The installer disc could not be found." My windows software is on a USB drive not a disc, I tried using a virtual disc reader to make it appear that the windows software was running on a disc, still no luck. What I would like to know is how to install windows on bootcamp.

  • SSIS-How to pass multiple value to stored procedure from table row one by one using ssis package??

    I want to execute a stored procedure using ssis.But the problem  I am having is that there is a table with 200 rows with only
    single column.Now i want to execute stored procedure using value one by one from table .once the stored procedure is executed with top value from table i also want to delete that topmost column value and execute with next table value.and store the result in
    text file.
    please help me..or provide a package.

    If you want to do it in SSIS, a way to do this is by using For Each Loop as mentioned above.
    Create 1 OBJECT type variable (list of values) and one STRING type variable (one value at a time)
    Use EXE SQL Task with ResultSet = FULL RESULT SET and query = SELECT COL FROM TABLE ORDER BY COL ASC...output this to the OBJECT type variable 
    Next, a For Each loop container with Foreach ADO Enumerator, ADO object source variable = Object type variable and map that to String type variable with index = 0.
    Within your for each loop container, select another EXEC SQL Task and pass in an input parameter (the String type variable) and query = EXEC PROC ? -- WHERE ? = String type variable.
    This will execute your store procedure just for that one value out of the whole list.
    Now within the same For Each loop, select another EXEC SQL Task and again pass in an input parameter (the same String type variable) and query = DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE COL = ? -- WHERE ? = the current value 
    The above process should A) get the list of values from the table B) pick one value at a time and execute the proc and delete and right after delete that value from the table.
    Hope this helps.
    -- some further investigation/tweaking may require but it should help you get started.

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    I can't download songs from my account because I now live in Mexico. How do I get my music from Icloud and down load new ones to my computer?

    Hi gene98,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like you still need to change the country for your iTunes Store account. Please review the attached article for information and instruction on how to do so.
    Change the country of your iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store account
    Have a great day,

  • Passing data from one UIX XML page to another UIX XML page

    What are the various ways of passing data from one UIX XML page to another UIX XML page?
    (a) If no bc4j is used.
    (b) If bc4j is used.
    (c) If my event handler calls:-
    public static EventResult handleMyEventEvent( BajaContext context, Page page, PageEvent event) throws Throwable
    then how can I pass data to the next UIX XML page?

    What are the various ways of passing data from one UIX XML page to another UIX XML page?
    (a) If no bc4j is used.For forwarded URLs; HttpServletRequest attributes [request], HttpSession attributes [session], ServletContext attributes [application].
    For redirected URLs; HttpServletRequest parameters url, HttpSession attributes [session], ServletContext attributes [application].
    (b) If bc4j is used.For forwarded URLs; BC4J Session properties.
    For redirected URLs; BC4J Session properties IF release mode is NOT stateless.
    (c) If my event handler calls:-
    public static EventResult handleMyEventEvent( BajaContext context, Page page, PageEvent event) throws Throwable
    then how can I pass data to the next UIX XML page?Return a UIEventResult (extends EventResult) from your event handler that has a data provider attached.
    This data provider will be accessible in the next page with the name "ctrl:eventResult", where "ctrl" is the short prefix for the namespace "http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/controller".
    John Fallows
    Oracle Corporation.

Maybe you are looking for