Loading web page in java

Any ideas on how to load a web page in an applet to
the memory (not opening a browser window)? I found
only getImage() and getAudioClip(), but not "getDocument()".

use a java.net.URL object : cautio, with an unsigned applet the web page must come from the same domain name as the applet.

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  • Safari cannot load web pages, but still communicates with the www

    I am using Safari 6.0.5 as my main web browser. Unexpectedly, a week ago it stopped loading web pages, though apparently the program somewhat still communicates with the world outside, since I can enter any text in the address bar and get responses in real time from Google.
    Other programs using the internet work regularly. I have already tried the usual set of solutions proposed in the official documents.
    Thanks in advance,

    16/07/13 08:32:44,048 SubmitDiagInfo[305]: Launched to submit Diagnostics and Usage
    16/07/13 08:34:58,455 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:34:58,455 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:34:58,456 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:36:20,212 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:36:20,215 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:36:20,216 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:37:40,026 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:37:40,028 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:37:40,029 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:39:24,687 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:39:24,688 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:39:24,688 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:40:31,347 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
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    16/07/13 08:40:37,797 apsd[72]: <APSConnectionNotificationQueue: 0x7fcb8484f1f0>: outstanding count -1 for com.apple.apsd-queue-port=com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push-user=501-env=production
    16/07/13 08:45:31,399 WindowServer[85]: CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
    16/07/13 08:45:31,419 loginwindow[57]: find_shared_window: WID -1
    16/07/13 08:45:31,419 loginwindow[57]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0xffffffff
    16/07/13 08:45:31,419 loginwindow[57]: find_shared_window: WID -1
    16/07/13 08:45:31,419 loginwindow[57]: CGSSetWindowTags: Invalid window 0xffffffff
    16/07/13 08:45:31,438 loginwindow[57]: ERROR | -[LWBuiltInScreenLockAuthLion preLoad] | guestEnabled is true, but guest mode is not set to a usable value
    16/07/13 08:45:31,782 WindowServer[85]: Created shield window 0x5a for display 0x04280380
    16/07/13 08:45:31,783 WindowServer[85]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x7feb82c49380(2000), shield 0x7feb82c24510(2001)
    16/07/13 08:45:31,873 WindowServer[85]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x7feb82c49380(2000), shield 0x7feb82c24510(2001)
    16/07/13 08:45:31,929 loginwindow[57]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:operation:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    16/07/13 08:45:31,930 loginwindow[57]: *** WARNING: -[NSImage compositeToPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] is deprecated in MacOSX 10.8 and later. Please use -[NSImage drawAtPoint:fromRect:operation:fraction:] instead.
    16/07/13 08:46:31,374 com.apple.time[11]: Next maintenance wake [Backup Interval]: <date: 0x7fd60be04910> Tue Jul 16 09:23:45 2013 CEST (approx)
    16/07/13 08:46:31,374 com.apple.time[11]: Requesting maintenance wake [Backup Interval]: <date: 0x7fd60be04910> Tue Jul 16 09:23:45 2013 CEST (approx)
    16/07/13 08:46:31,528 launchctl[319]: launchctl: Couldn't stat("/Library/LaunchAgents/com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist"): No such file or directory
    16/07/13 08:46:31,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
    16/07/13 08:46:34,000 kernel[0]: LE is supported - Disable LE meta event
    16/07/13 08:46:34,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    16/07/13 08:46:34,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    16/07/13 08:46:34,000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: EHC1
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: RTC: PowerByCalendarDate setting ignored
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: RTC: PowerByCalendarDate setting ignored
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: The USB device HubDevice (Port 1 of Hub at 0x1d000000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (2)
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'.
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: The USB device HubDevice (Port 8 of Hub at 0x1d100000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (3)
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0100 [x]
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: The USB device Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad (Port 2 of Hub at 0x1d180000) may have caused a wake by issuing a remote wakeup (3)
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: HID tickle 175 ms
    16/07/13 08:46:58,297 hidd[61]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: NVRM: 0x702a called in D3
    16/07/13 08:46:58,000 kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    16/07/13 08:46:58,878 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: releasing authw 0x7feb82c49380(2004), shield 0x7feb82c24510(2001), lock state 3
    16/07/13 08:46:58,878 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: err 0x0
    16/07/13 08:46:58,880 WindowServer[85]: Created shield window 0x5b for display 0x003f003d
    16/07/13 08:46:58,880 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: releasing authw 0x7feb82c49380(2002), shield 0x7feb82c24510(2001), lock state 3
    16/07/13 08:46:58,880 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: err 0x0
    16/07/13 08:46:58,880 WindowServer[85]: Created shield window 0x5c for display 0x003f003e
    16/07/13 08:46:58,880 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: releasing authw 0x7feb82c49380(2002), shield 0x7feb82c24510(2001), lock state 3
    16/07/13 08:46:58,880 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: err 0x0
    16/07/13 08:46:58,881 WindowServer[85]: Created shield window 0x5d for display 0x003f003f
    16/07/13 08:46:58,881 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: releasing authw 0x7feb82c49380(2002), shield 0x7feb82c24510(2001), lock state 3
    16/07/13 08:46:58,881 WindowServer[85]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: err 0x0
    16/07/13 08:46:58,923 loginwindow[57]: resume called when there was already a timer
    16/07/13 08:46:59,000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'IT'.
    16/07/13 08:46:59,000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
    16/07/13 08:46:59,061 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0-: DNS- Proxy- SMB-
    16/07/13 08:46:59,328 hidd[61]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
    16/07/13 08:47:00,000 kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: b8:c7:5d:05:67:5e  MAC AUTH succeeded
    16/07/13 08:47:00,000 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    16/07/13 08:47:00,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    16/07/13 08:47:00,000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to b8:c7:5d:05:67:5e
    16/07/13 08:47:00,000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
    16/07/13 08:47:00,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    16/07/13 08:47:00,651 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB+
    16/07/13 08:47:00,660 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: en0: Not probing 'Ayn Rand 5 GHz' (protected network)
    16/07/13 08:47:00,663 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0!: DNS Proxy SMB
    16/07/13 08:47:02,248 airportd[320]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Ayn Rand 5 GHz”. Bailing on auto-join.
    16/07/13 08:47:02,263 airportd[320]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “Ayn Rand 5 GHz”. Bailing on auto-join.
    16/07/13 08:47:32,956 com.apple.backupd[330]: Starting automatic backup
    16/07/13 08:47:33,107 com.apple.backupd[330]: Backup failed with error: 19
    16/07/13 08:47:33,107 com.apple.backupd[330]: Starting automatic backup
    16/07/13 08:47:33,000 kernel[0]: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1373957255
    16/07/13 08:47:33,000 kernel[0]: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1373957255
    16/07/13 08:47:33,552 com.apple.backupd[330]: Attempting to mount network destination URL: afp://***;[email protected]/Time%20Capsule%20di%20Valerio%20Fi l
    16/07/13 08:47:34,000 kernel[0]: AppleSRP started.
    16/07/13 08:47:36,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=339[ksadmin] clearing CS_VALID
    16/07/13 08:47:36,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=343[ksadmin] clearing CS_VALID
    16/07/13 08:47:42,707 com.apple.backupd[330]: Mounted network destination at mount point: /Volumes/Time Capsule di *** using URL: afp://***;[email protected]/***
    16/07/13 08:47:42,000 kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Time Capsule ***, pid 332
    16/07/13 08:47:42,000 kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_mount : succeeded on volume 0xffffff80df13a008 /Volumes/Time Capsule di *** (error = 0, retval = 0)

  • I'm using Safari 5.0.5 on a 13" MacBook Pro and can't get Safari to fully load web pages or pictures on web pages. Any suggestions?

    I bought a MacBook Pro in October of 2010 and it's been running greatly up to this month. Now I am experiencing problems with Safari loading web pages. Sometimes it will load web pages just fine and other times it doesn't load web pages at all. This only seems to happen with certain sites. Also, on some web pages Safari won't load pictures (only the blue "?" is visible). I've experienced the same problem when I use the Mac App Store. In addition to these problems, when I visit sites that have problems loading, sometimes I just get a notice saying "Not connected to the internet" or "Safari cannot find the server." I am beginning to wonder if the problem could be some setting with my wireless router. I'm really hoping my MacBook hasn't gotten a virus. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Try putting these numbers in Network>TCP/IP>DNS Servers, for the Interface you connect with...
    Then Apply

  • Firefox will not load web page (I also have Internet Explorer 8 installed).

    Fire Fox will not load web pages. It may have something to do with proxy settings but I have reset this to Auto-Detect which is where it has always been in the past but still nothing. Something has reset my proxy settings in the past which caused a similar problem but doesn't seem to be the issue this time. I have Internet Explorer 8.0 installed on computer right now and it seems to work.

    After looking into this further I checked firewall settings in Panda A.V. For Firefox they were set to Custom settings which effectively disabled it. I changed setting to Outbound only like Internet Explorer and other programs and Firefox seems to work fine now. Hope this helps others who have experienced this problem. I have teenage children who use computer a lot (Face Book, etc.) so the root of the problem may have been Malware, Adware, or something else but hopefully Panda has taken care of this.

  • Help!  Safari won't fully load web pages until I refresh!  Why and any suggestions on how to retify this??

    For several months now safari has not been loading web pages properly (not them all, it is a bit random, but maybe every 3rd or 4th page I open?).  The blue loading bar gets to about 1.5 inches from the end and stops.  I can then click on the bar and refresh and it loads no problems but this is highly inconvenient and I can't seem to fix it. 
    I have reset safari, updated all software, I am on a mac book pro, I have Version 5.1.5 safari. 
    Would this be an internet problem rather than a software problem?  How would I check.
    It's not very convenient when you're doing something important like trying to get tickets for an event and then it jams, and you know you need to refresh but if you refresh you've lost the tickets...
    Any suggestions welcome

    Hi Krisztina ..
    Using OpenDNS can help when pages won't load properly.
    Use OpenDNS for better speed, more security, includes anti phishing filters, prevents browser redirects, blocks the flashback trojan, and it's free.
    Open System Preferences / Preferences then select the Network tab. Click the Advanced tab then click the DNS tab.
    Click +
    Enter these addresses exactly as you see them here.
    Click +
    Then click OK.
    Apple suggests using OpenDNS here >  Safari 5.0.1 or later: Slow or partial webpage loading, or webpage cannot be found

  • Having issues with loading web pages after using migration assistant

    Last week my old macbook pro died and i purchased a new 13" mbp. I brought it home the first day i bought it and just turned it on and started playing with it and the internet was blazing fast, no issues at all. I then brought it back to the apple store where they peformed a migration from my old hdd to my new macbook pro. I then took it back to my dorm and connected to the same exact internet and now i am having problems loading web pages. Sometimes the page will load on the first try (click) and other times it will hang there loading but never fully load the page, and if it does load somewhat certain things are missing from the page. So i have to click the link again, and again, and sometimes again for it to finally load correctly. I dont know what is wrong but i have a feeling it is files from my old system conflicting with new ones when it comes to loading web pages. Everything is up to date the OS and firefox and i am having the same issues in safari. Also my ipad and blackberry have no problem connecting to the wifi so that is not the issue. I really hope someone can help me out because this is really starting to drive me crazy.

    If your still having problems, or anyone else......
    For future info, your in the wrong forum, your need the MBP area, this is the MacPRO area, no big deal, I can barely keep up with the M & B & P, etc...
    Sounds like when it migrated over your old settings it may have gotten corrupted? It has been known to work if you were to just make another "Location" and just re-enter the information again and sometimes that will help. You might take it back to the store and see if it does it on their connection also. The silly person should have tested it first before letting you go.
    Hope you got it fixed...

  • Blue banner bar not loading web pages

    I'm having or have had for some time a problem with pages fully loading on Safari 3.2.1. Even now as I write this the blue banner bar only loads to about 75% and stops. Other times is less than 50%.
    I have 12.1 GB out of 40.0 GB free on my iBook. I run updates and do disk utility weekly or as needed when things get updated.
    Not sure if it's something in the system that gets stuck trying to search and load RSS feeds, but it seems to start there. Especially starts up when I use Gmail. When using Gmail the banner never completes and when I sign off the banner bar just does not ever fully load. I have to close out Safari and start over.
    I'm at a lose as to what is going on.
    I can understand that when I'm at a hotel using a low speed Wi-Fi that things go slow or don't work the right. But, at home where I have high speed airport it doesn't make sense.
    Any thoughts what I can do?

    capt_smiley wrote:
    Hope someone can help me on subject problem. My 5530XM suddenly cannot load web pages nor web feeds for some reason. WLAN connection is active and I'm able to browse the web using Opera but the default browser just cant open any web page.
    Allow all content and enable javascript in the default browser settings.
    ‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
    N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

  • Safari not loading web pages

    My mom's Powerbook is no longer able to load web pages through Safari. Her email works, as does iChat, so it isn't her internet connection. Other users on the same network can load web pages, so it isn't the service provider. I have had her reset safari, as well as remove the preferences file, and the same thing happens (the 'loading' message appears but nothing ever loads).
    Any suggestions what to try next?

    HI Brian,
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Empty Cache.
    If that doesn't help, go to ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/ Move the Cache.db file to the Trash
    If that didn't help...
    Go to ~/Library/Internet Plugins and /Library/Internet Plugins. If there are plugins in either of those folders, move them to a temporary location on the Desktop. With Safari open, from the Menu Bar, click Safari/Preferences and click the Security tab. Make sure Enable Plugins is selected. See if Safari can load web pages. If not, move those files back to the appropriate folder.
    Go to /Library/Input Managers. Move any input managers from that folder to the Desktop and relaunch Safari.
    Might be a web clip causing the problem. Open Dashboard and remove any web clips.
    If she is running Tiger 10.4.11, open System Preferences/Software Updates - Installed Updat4es and make sure she has the 2009-002 Security update installed. If not, download and install it here.
    If her PowerBookG4 has the original hard drive, 40 or 60GB?, it might be a lack of free disk space.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon. Click Get Info. In the Get Info window you will see Capacity and Available. *Make sure you always have a minimum of 10% to 15% free disk space at all times.*

  • Browsers not loading web pages.

    Hi there I'm hoping someone can help me with this.
    This evening I logged on to my mac to find that none of my browsers (Safari, Chrome and Firefox) could load web pages. My MacBook Pro connects to the Internet via wifi. All other devices (wired and wireless) connected to the router work and even when the mac is hard wired it works. I have a bootcamp install of windows that works fine.
    I tried loading all 3 browsers on another users account to no avail as well as attempting it in a guest account. I also attempted to load pages whilst booted in safe mode again to no avail. The strange thing is, when I connect to my universities VPN the browsers all work fine.
    I have also noticed that applications installed that show in the menu bar (weather, Dropbox etc) do not work unless the mac is hard wired (or connected to the VPN wirelessly).
    Can anyone help with this problem please?

    First contact your ISP.  You need to confirm that the issue is not on their end.
    Change your router channel.  Sometimes this is all you will have to do.
    Power cycling the router.  Read the router's user manual or contact their tech support for instructions.
    System Preferences/Internet & Network/Network
    Unlock the padlock
    Locations:  Automatic
    Highlight Airport
    Click the Assist Me button
    In the popup window click the Diagnostic button.
    System Preferences/Network- Unlock padlock.  Highlight Airport.  Network Name-select your name.  Click on the Advanced button.  Airport/Preferred Networks-delete all that is not your network.
    Place a check mark next to "Remember networks this computer has joined."  Click the OK button and lock the padlock.  Restart your computer.
    http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1920 Mac OS: How to release and renew a DHCP lease
    No internet connection (wireless)
    Check to see if an extra entry is present in the DNS Tab for your wireless connection (System Preferences/Network/Airport/Advanced/DNS).
    Delete all extra entries that you find.
    Place a check mark next to "Remember networks this computer has joined."
    Other resources to check into:
    Configuring 802.1X in Mac OS X Lion and Later
    Non-responsive DNS server or invalid DNS configuration can cause long delay before webpages load
    How to diagnose and resolve Wi-Fi slow-downs
    Pv6 troubleshooting
    OS X Mountain Lion: Check the status of your network connections
    OS X Mountain Lion: Requirements for wireless Internet access
    What Affects Wireless Internet?
    Solutions for connecting to the Internet, setting up a small network, and troubleshooting
    If using one of Apple's Airport routers, read its user manual or post in its forum area. If using a 3rd party router, read its user manual, contact their tech support department/website or post in its forum area.  Another possible solution - read mammothsuziq response https://discussions.apple.com/message/22082360#22082360

  • Web Browser 5530XM Not Loading Web Pages

    Hope someone can help me on subject problem. My 5530XM suddenly cannot load web pages nor web feeds for some reason. WLAN connection is active and I'm able to browse the web using Opera but the default browser just cant open any web page.

    capt_smiley wrote:
    Hope someone can help me on subject problem. My 5530XM suddenly cannot load web pages nor web feeds for some reason. WLAN connection is active and I'm able to browse the web using Opera but the default browser just cant open any web page.
    Allow all content and enable javascript in the default browser settings.
    ‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
    N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

  • Issues loading web pages on brand new machi after using migration assistant

    ast week my old macbook pro died and i purchased a new 13" mbp. I brought it home the first day i bought it and just turned it on and started playing with it and the internet was blazing fast, no issues at all. I then brought it back to the apple store where they peformed a migration from my old hdd to my new macbook pro. I then took it back to my dorm and connected to the same exact internet and now i am having problems loading web pages. Sometimes the page will load on the first try (click) and other times it will hang there loading but never fully load the page, and if it does load somewhat certain things are missing from the page. So i have to click the link again, and again, and sometimes again for it to finally load correctly. I dont know what is wrong but i have a feeling it is files from my old system conflicting with new ones when it comes to loading web pages. Everything is up to date the OS and firefox and i am having the same issues in safari. Also my ipad and blackberry have no problem connecting to the wifi so that is not the issue. I really hope someone can help me out because this is really starting to drive me crazy.

    First place to look is your System Preferences/Network DNS Server Settings ...
    If you haven't been provided with any by college IT then use the ones suggested here:

  • Serious delay in loading web pages, not network,  but  safari issue

    After my last software update, I am experiencing delays in loading web pages, 30sec-minutes on safari. This occurs rather frequently, I'd say about 20%-30% of the times I visit certain web pages.
    One example web location I noticed this happening is (but its not the only one):
    Once I visit this page, sometime it loads fine, other times it takes forever (the load indicator stays on in the tab). Also, once the delay occurs, opening up new widows or new tabs to ANY other address are also delayed. It seem like all of safari is stuck waiting for responses. (safari itself is still running ok, it is responsive and there is NO spinning wheel of death).
    It is not a network issue. Often while waiting for safari to load, I launch firefox, visit the same page and read, meanwhile Safri still loading, even after trying to refresh...I also do other network tasks, ssh, ftp, email with no problem.

    Thanx! The numbers didn't help me anything, but your post reminded me: I found the DNS numbers that my ISP had provided that I had put in the Ethernet TCP/IP section in Network Preferences, and just copied and pasted them into my airport TCP/IP section. Worked great!

  • Just moved to ISP PLUSNET and now loading web pages is dead slow

    Just moved to ISP PLUSNET and now loading web pages is dead slow.
    Like loading google will sometimes take 30 seconds to 1 minute but it used to load in a fraction of a second on my previous ISP.
    Sometimes a new URL will take over a minute so I hit Stop Loading This Page and then try again and sometimes it might load instantly, or if not, it might continue to just drag on again.
    It's so frustrating it's like being back on dial-up connection - but worse.
    It feels like PLUSNET have put something on my Mac to slow it down.
    PLUSNET has a restriction on how much I can use per month, which my previous ISP did not have, but according to PLUSNET's usage checker I am nowhere near the max, ie, I am allowed 10GB per month but the checker is showing I have used less than 100 MB so far this month.
    I wonder if the PLUSNET usage checker is slowing down my usage coz it's really noticeable that it has only started to run slow since I moved to PLUSNET.
    When I run a broadband speed check it always shows the feed coming in at around 5500 kbps or so which should be OK.
    PLUSNET told me to go through their test page and I got to the part where it says install a Virus checker and an Adware checker but I'm not sure which ones to use coz I heard some of those checkers are themselves plants that infect you with a virus or keystroke logger.
    Also I have Block Pop UP Windows running on Safari but yesterday a window popped up so that blocker seems to have been compromised somehow.
    I have 17GB available on my HD of a total of 38GB.
    Can anyone help me with this problem please?

    (First, if yours is an Intel Mac, check that Safari is not running in Rosetta, which is enough to slow it to a crawl. If you are running Snow Leopard, run Safari in 32 bit not 64 bit.)
    Adding DNS codes to your Network Settings, should gives good results in terms of speed-up:
    Open System Preferences/Network. Double click on your connection type, or select it in the drop-down menu. Click on TCP/IP and in the box marked 'DNS Servers' enter the following two numbers:
    (An explanation of why that is both safe and a good idea can be read here: http://www.labnol.org/internet/tools/opendsn-what-is-opendns-why-required-2/2587 /
    Open DNS also provides an anti-phishing feature: http://www.opendns.com/solutions/homenetwork/anti-phishing/ )
    Wikipedia also has an interesting article about Open DNS:
    Whilst in System Preferences/Network you should also turn off 'IPv6' in your preference pane, as otherwise you may not get the full speed benefit (the DNS resolver will default to making SRV queries). If you want to know what IPv6 is:
    This is Apple's guidance on iPv6:
    Click on Apply Now and close the window.
    Restart Safari, and repair permissions.
    If that didn't do it, then try this as well:
    Empty Safari's cache (from the Safari menu), then close Safari.
    Go to Home/Library/Safari and delete the following files:
    form values
    Then go to Home/Library/Preferences and delete
    Repair permissions (in Disk Utility).
    Start up Safari again, and things should have improved.
    More useful information here:
    Less likely, but possible, is that the slowness is caused by a Trojan such as the one called 'DNSChanger' or 'OSZ.RSPlug', which can alter the DNS settings of your network connection. This particular Trojan can be inadvertently installed if you have come across certain Quicktime movies where got a window stating that you have to download and install a particular codec in order to see the video.
    If you have agreed to that installation, your system can be infected and your DNS settings altered, which results in your system using the wrong DNS servers, which can slow web surfing to a crawl.
    This can be fixed by downloading and running a freeware utility called DNSChanger Removal Tool which you can download from here:
    Once you have run that utility you have to re-boot your Mac, then reset Safari, and re-enter your DNS settings in System Preferences/Network.

  • How to embed 3D models in web page using JAVA?

    I'm doing a project at University to create a virtual tour of a village. I am creating the buildings in MAYA using polygon planes and cubes and then exporting to VRML.
    I plan to embed each individual model into a separate web page. Then when the user clicks on a location in a 2D map they will be taken to the web page containing that building.
    However, I can't work out how to embed these 3D models into web pages using JAVA. Can anyone help me with this, please?
    Also, I've been told to use JAVA 3D to interact with the project but am unclear as to how JAVA 3D would be used in this project - aqny ideas/suggestions welcome!

    If you use Java-plugin, you can embed Java3D in a web page.
    Here is the URL(http://www.geovista.psu.edu/products/demos/LorenzAttractor3D/index.html) which used Java3D.
    I hope this helps.

  • Firefox 8.0 will not load web pages for multiple Windows XP users

    We're running Windows XP 5.1 SP3 with two user accounts. After upgrading to Firefox 8.0, Firefox will no longer load web pages for the second user when the first user is logged in and running Firefox. (We typically use "Switch User" as opposed to logging out when taking turns at the computer.)

    I guess that was a possibility
    I gave up on version 8
    I uninstalled it, googled version 7 and installed that and now it runs fine when I switch user to user
    Thanks for the help I'll take it into consideration if I update again

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