Local variable fail when using SIT

Dear all,
I am using SIT (Simulink Interface Toolkit) to obtain data generated by the model of  Simulink.  I need to use the local variable of the indicator to get the data out.
The interface with the mappings seems to work fine. The problemn is that the local variable of the waveform (this waveform is an indicater which mapped to the output signal of simulink and it can displays the signal from simulink)didn't work. I cann't obtain any data from the local variable, but the waveform which the local variable belonges to seems to work fine.
I also found an interesting thing that, when I hightlighting the execution process, the local variable  seems like didn't work at all, because there is no data flows from it.
The software version is Matlab simulink R2011b, Labview 2011.
Below is a simple test model in simulink. It is a sine signal.
Below is the local variable from the waveform which mapped to the signal of simulink. To check there is any data in the local variable, I put a waveform to check.

The local variable of the waveform is going to be empty to start.  The writing of the local variable called Waveform to the indicator called Local Variable is going to happen right away.  Only later does the waveform get any data.  But by then the first part has already exectued never to be run again.
I would recommend looking at the online LabVIEW tutorials
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Three Hours
LabVIEW Introduction Course - Six Hours

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    Revision: 16147
    Revision: 16147
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-05-17 06:18:38 -0700 (Mon, 17 May 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fix a few more regression tests on the 4.x branch that were failing when using Spring integration.
    Modified Paths:
        blazeds/branches/4.x/qa/apps/qa-regress/WEB-INF/src/runtimeconfig/remoteobjects/ROMessage Destination.java
        blazeds/branches/4.x/qa/apps/qa-regress/WEB-INF/src/runtimeconfig/remoteobjects/RuntimeCo nfigurator.java

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    Java != JSP.
    The <bean:define> and <bean:write> tags are custom tags meant to appear in the HTML section of a JSP file, as opposed to the scriptlet section. They actually get turned into java code as part of the translation process.
    The <bean:write> tag naturally just writes out what you tell it to.
    The <bean:define> tag defines a local variable, and gives it a value.
    this should do it.
    <bean:define id="theStatus" name="detailService" property="status" type="java.lang.String"/>
      String currentStatus = theStatus;
    %>With the advent of JSTL, you shouldn't really need to use scriptlet code anymore. Personally I am for 0% scriptlet code in any jsp I write.

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    SCP is part of SSH. SSH requires the exchange of authorization keys to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
    When you log in the first time you may see a prompt like:
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    This might be where your script fails. Since it prompts only the first time, you may just have to do one interactive SSH login to create an entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
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    You may find the following interesting:
    Oracle Linux 5 Howto: Installing and using cURL with support for SCP and SFTP
    OL5 Howto: Installing and using cURL with support for SCP and SFTP
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    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for ur reply.
    here is my code with Variables:
    Procedure populateCountryTrafficDetails(pWeekStartDate IN Date , pCountry IN d_geography.country_code%TYPE) is
    startdate date;
    AR_OrgId number(10);
    Cursor cTraffic is
              l.actual_date, nvl(o.city||o.zipcode,'Undefined') Site,
              g.country_code,d.customer_name, d.customer_number,t.contrno bcn,
              Decode(p.Product_code,'820','821','821','821','801') Product_Code ,
              Decode(p.Product_code,'820','Colt Voice Connect','821','Colt Voice Connect','Colt Voice Line') DProduct,
              from d_calendar_date l,
              d_geography g,
              d_customer d, d_contract t, d_subscriber s,
              d_retail_dest r, d_product p,
              CPS_ORDER_DETAILS o,
              f_retail_revenue f
              l.date_key = f.call_date_key and
              g.geography_key = f.geography_key and
              r.dest_key = f.dest_key and
              p.product_key = f.product_key and
              --c.customer_key = f.customer_key and
              d.customer_key = f.customer_key and
              t.contract_key = f.contract_key and
              s.SUBSCRIBER_KEY = f.SUBSCRIBER_KEY and
              o.org_id(+) = AR_OrgId and
              g.country_code = pCountry and
              l.actual_date >= startdate and
              l.actual_date <= (startdate + 90) and
              o.cli(+) = s.area_subno and
              p.product_code in ('800','801','802','804','820','821')
              group by
              o.city||o.zipcode, g.country_code,d.customer_name, d.customer_number,t.contrno,r.dest_level3, p.product_code;
    Type CountryTabType is Table of country_traffic_details.Country%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type CallDateTabType is Table of country_traffic_details.CALL_DATE%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type CustomerNameTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Customer_name%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type CustomerNumberTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Customer_number%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type BcnTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Bcn%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type DestinationTypeTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.DESTINATION_TYPE%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type ProductCodeTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Product_Code%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type ProductTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Product%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type DurationTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Duration%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type DebamounteurTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.DEBAMOUNTEUR%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    Type SiteTabType is Table of Country_traffic_details.Site%Type index by BINARY_INTEGER;
    CountryArr CountryTabType;
    CallDateArr CallDateTabType;
    Customer_NameArr CustomerNameTabType;
    CustomerNumberArr CustomerNumberTabType;
    BCNArr BCNTabType;
    DurationArr DurationTabType;
    DebamounteurArr DebamounteurTabType;
    SiteArr SiteTabType;
         startdate := (trunc(pWeekStartDate) + 6) - 90;
         Exe_Pos := 1;
         Execute Immediate 'Truncate table country_traffic_details';
         Exe_Pos := 2;
         /* Set org ID's as per AR */
         case (pCountry)
         when 'FR' then AR_OrgId := 81;
         when 'AT' then AR_OrgId := 125;
         when 'CH' then AR_OrgId := 126;
         when 'DE' then AR_OrgId := 127;
         when 'ES' then AR_OrgId := 123;
         when 'IT' then AR_OrgId := 122;
         when 'PT' then AR_OrgId := 124;
         when 'BE' then AR_OrgId := 132;
         when 'IE' then AR_OrgId := 128;
         when 'DK' then AR_OrgId := 133;
         when 'NL' then AR_OrgId := 129;
         when 'SE' then AR_OrgId := 130;
         when 'UK' then AR_OrgId := 131;
         else raise_application_error (-20003, 'No such Country Code Exists.');
         end case;
         Exe_Pos := 3;
    dbms_output.put_line('3: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
    dbms_output.put_line('4: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
         Exe_Pos := 4;
         Open cTraffic;
         Exe_Pos := 5;
              INTO CallDateArr, SiteArr, CountryArr, Customer_NameArr,CustomerNumberArr,
              BCNArr,DESTINATION_TYPEArr,PRODUCT_CODEArr, PRODUCTArr, DurationArr, DebamounteurArr LIMIT arraySize;
              EXIT WHEN CallDateArr.first IS NULL;
                   Exe_pos := 6;
                        FORALL i IN 1..callDateArr.last
                        insert into country_traffic_details
                        values(CallDateArr(i), CountryArr(i), Customer_NameArr(i),CustomerNumberArr(i),
                        BCNArr(i),DESTINATION_TYPEArr(i),PRODUCT_CODEArr(i), PRODUCTArr(i), DurationArr(i),
                        DebamounteurArr(i), SiteArr(i));
                        Exe_pos := 7;
    dbms_output.put_line('7: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
         EXIT WHEN ctraffic%NOTFOUND;
    Exe_Pos := 8;
    dbms_output.put_line('8: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_CUSTNO ON country_traffic_details (CUSTOMER_NUMBER)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_BCN ON country_traffic_details (BCN)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_PRODCD ON country_traffic_details (PRODUCT_CODE)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_SITE ON country_traffic_details (SITE)';
              lSql := 'CREATE INDEX COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_DETAILS_DESTYP ON country_traffic_details (DESTINATION_TYPE)';
              Exe_Pos:= 9;
    dbms_output.put_line('9: '||to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MI:SS'));
         When Others then
         raise_application_error(-20003, 'Error in populateCountryTrafficDetails at Position: '||Exe_Pos||' The Error is '||SQLERRM);
    End populateCountryTrafficDetails;
    In the above procedure if i substitute the values with hard coded values i.e. AR_orgid = 123 & pcountry = 'Austria' then it runs faster.
    Please let me know why it is so ?
    Thanks in advance.

  • 802.1X PEAP fails when using special characters in login

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    However, when I introduce Unicode special accented characters in the login name or password such as French é/ù or Spanish ñ then after accepting the server cert authentication fails with "Incorrect username or password for <WLAN name>". Windows 7 and CentOS 6.5 laptops have no problem authenticating to the same setup with either "English" credentials or ones with special accented characters. I also tried an old iPod touch on ancient software version and that fails, so its not something recently introduced.
    I tried using a different access point (TP-Link instead of Ruckus) and had exactly the same issue, so highly unlikely this is an AP issue.
    Then I setup FreeRadius with and see exactly the same issue, so its highly unlikely to be a MS AD/NPS issue.
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    Enterprise support:
    Call enterprise support  (866) 752-7753  to create  a case ID number
    Get an account at
    http://developer.apple.com/  then submit a bug report to http://bugreporter.apple.com/
    Once on the bugreporter page,
       -- click on New icon
       -- See if you need to attach a log file or log files, clicking on Show instructions for gathering logs.  Scroll down to find the area or application that matches the problem.
       -- etc.
    "Submitting Bugs and Feedback
    Your feedback goes a long way towards making our products even better. With Apple Bug Reporter, you can submit bug reports or request enhancements to APIs and developer tools."

  • Redeployment fails when using WLP + WLS 10.2 + hibernate

    Hi all,
    When using WLP, WLS 10.2 version, Oracle 10g database and application which uses hibernate as JPA, redeployment fails:
    <10.9.2008 11:44:11 EEST> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149265> <Failure occurred in the execution of deployment request with ID '1221036201093' for task '4
    '. Error is: 'java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect'
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
    at org.hibernate.dialect.DialectFactory.buildDialect(DialectFactory.java:101)
    at org.hibernate.dialect.DialectFactory.buildDialect(DialectFactory.java:65)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.determineDialect(SettingsFactory.java:460)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.buildSettings(SettingsFactory.java:155)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings(Configuration.java:2101)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
    at org.hibernate.dialect.DialectFactory.buildDialect(DialectFactory.java:101)
    at org.hibernate.dialect.DialectFactory.buildDialect(DialectFactory.java:65)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.determineDialect(SettingsFactory.java:460)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory.buildSettings(SettingsFactory.java:155)
    at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSettings(Configuration.java:2101)
    Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Persistence.xml looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" version="1.0">
    <persistence-unit name="abc_order" transaction-type="JTA">
    <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"/>
    <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup"/>
    <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.JTATransactionFactory"/>
    <property name="hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion" value="true"/>
    <property name="hibernate.transaction.auto_close_session" value="true"/>
    And included persistence libs are:
    In hibernate.orgs resolution on the weblogic side is add weblogic-application.xml descriptor the following:
    which helps to this error but then you have to undeploy you application and restart the server before you can deploy the application again.
    This slows down the development of applications and in addition of that when your environment has two portal applications it is impossible to deploy both applications in that environment.
    Is there any solution for this kind of problems ? Or do we have wrong configuration or librarys in our environment ?

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      if (<some test>)
        s = "whatever";
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    It has nothing to do with it being "nested". Even without the if, the variable is not used. It's only assigned to. But you never use it. You never pass it to a method, or assign it to any other variable.
    You can
    * Get rid of the variable, since you're not using it for anything.
    * Use it.
    * Ignore the warning.
    * Turn off that warning in eclipse's settings. (Not recommended, IMHO.)

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    When using xp or windows server 2003 we can connect with no problems.
    We can connect using a non-ssl port
    Does anybody have an idea as to why this might be happing
    we are using oid version 10.1.4

    This should of some help:
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  • Import Fails When Using Transport Manager ID

    Hi Experts,
    When carrying out an import request in NWDI in Change Management Service under
    'Consolidation' with an ID (ztesttpt) which has been assigned only 'NWDI.Operator' Role
    we are getting the below errors and import fails.
    'TCSDeployException_Communication: Server cdbaxd08 did not accept
    login request as apiadmin on port 50018'
    'Caller ztesttpt not authorized, only role administrators is allowed to access JMX'
    Note that as per the SAP NWDI document 'How To setup NWDI Permissions and Roles', we
    have assigned the following actions to the 'NWDI.Operator' Role.
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    Is there any additional actions/roles that need to be assigned to the ztesttpt ID?
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    check this link
    Bala Duvvuri

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    Hi dmv@Morgan and welcome to the forums!
    Here's what I've found to be true for my LMS:
    If you set a default value for the variable in the variables panel, then the variable will be reset to that default value when the course resumes. 
    If you don't set a default value, then the LMS suspend data (aka resume data) will populate the variable with the previous value from the previous attempt.
    Let us know how it goes,
    Jim Leichliter

  • Unable to see local variable values when debugging java

    I am using JDev 10.1.2 with java version 1.4.2_04.
    I have been using JDev to debug my java programs. But suddenly from this morning I am unable to see local variable values. I am able to see class and instance variables. This has happened to me before and I had restarted my machine couple of time, to get this sorted. But this time, nothing helps. Going thru the forum I found out that Include Debug information (Project Properties -> Compiler Option) need to be turned ON. It is already turned ON for me.
    I would greatly appreciate if you could let me know how to crack this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    No. The local variables 'used' to show up during debugging. But erratically it doesn't show up local variable values. I had to restart my machine couple of times whenever this happens, inorder to see the local variable values. But this time even restarting doesn't help.
    Is there any preference setup that need to be turned on/off to see local variables?
    Also I can't step into a static method now. Any idea why this happens?

  • Kerberos local DC problem when using screen sharing

    this is a brand new Mac Mini server with preinstalled ML and Server.app 2.2.1.
    I started the following services: DNS (automatic), OpenDirectory, Sharing, Web and Mail. One additional user and that was it.
    After this configuration session, Kerberos seems to be in a non-operable state. See the information below. I can log in locally, can access a share (similar LKDC related error message as below), mail and screen share. But screen share takes ages to start and gives some nasty error messages.
    I have almost no knowledge of Kerberos and could use any help to fix-up the Kerberos configuration, preferably without reinstalling.
    If there is anything else you need to see about the server configuration, please ask.
    Turnin OD off and on again did not change anything. Keeping it off removes the error (obviously) but I think this will not be good for server operations.
    Regards, Andreas
    Problem statement: accessing the server from a ML client gives the following KDC error sequence before the authentication succeeds. This can take 20-30 seconds.
    26.02.13 15:31:21,001 kdc[2321]: Got a canonicalize request for a LKDC realm from
    26.02.13 15:31:21,001 kdc[2321]: Asked for LKDC, but there is none
    26.02.13 15:31:21,001 kdc[2321]: Got a canonicalize request for a LKDC realm from fe80::426c:8fff:fe37:6b28%en0:59300
    26.02.13 15:31:21,001 kdc[2321]: Asked for LKDC, but there is none
    26.02.13 15:31:21,021 kdc[2321]: Got a canonicalize request for a LKDC realm from
    26.02.13 15:31:21,021 kdc[2321]: Asked for LKDC, but there is none
    26.02.13 15:31:21,021 kdc[2321]: Got a canonicalize request for a LKDC realm from fe80::426c:8fff:fe37:6b28%en0:59302
    26.02.13 15:31:21,021 kdc[2321]: Asked for LKDC, but there is none
    26.02.13 15:31:32,079 kdc[2321]: Got a canonicalize request for a LKDC realm from
    26.02.13 15:31:32,079 kdc[2321]: Asked for LKDC, but there is none
    26.02.13 15:31:32,080 kdc[2321]: Got a canonicalize request for a LKDC realm from fe80::426c:8fff:fe37:6b28%en0:59307
    26.02.13 15:31:32,080 kdc[2321]: Asked for LKDC, but there is none
    26.02.13 15:31:32,214 screensharingd[83904]: Authentication: SUCCEEDED :: User Name: Administrator :: Viewer Address: :: Type: DH
    Apparently there is something seriously wrong with the Kerberos local data cache:
    sudo ./checkLocalKDC
    krbtgt/LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C818D04161E8547E9D485D004F224@LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C 818D04161E8547E9D485D004F224 doesn't exist, are you sure LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C818D04161E8547E9D485D004F224 is a realm in your databaseThe kadmin check failed.
    configureLocalKDC did not fix this. There are Kerberos config files but I cannot determine if they were created before or after starting any of the services.
    sudo ls -l krb5kdc/
    total 48
    -rw-------  1 root  wheel    61 21 Feb 19:33 acl_file.MARVIN.DOMAIN.DE
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 root  wheel   330 26 Feb 20:17 kdc.conf
    -rw-------  1 root  wheel  4555 20 Feb 19:24 log
    -rw-------  1 root  wheel   111 20 Feb 19:24 m-key
    -rw-------  1 root  wheel    78 21 Feb 19:33 m_key.MARVIN.DOMAIN.DE
    sudo ktutil list (limited to vnc)
    1  aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96  vnc/LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C818D04161E8547E9D485D004F224@LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C81 8D04161E8547E9D485D004F224       
      1  aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96  vnc/LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C818D04161E8547E9D485D004F224@LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C81 8D04161E8547E9D485D004F224       
      1  des3-cbc-sha1            vnc/LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C818D04161E8547E9D485D004F224@LKDC:SHA1.F0454A755D0C81 8D04161E8547E9D485D004F224       
      1  aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96  vnc/[email protected]                                                                         
      1  aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96  vnc/[email protected]                                                                         
      1  des3-cbc-sha1            vnc/[email protected]
    The Kerberos part of the server open directory settings:
    dirserv:kerberizedRealmList:availableRealms:_array_index:0:dirNodePath = "/LDAPv3/"
    dirserv:kerberizedRealmList:availableRealms:_array_index:0:realmName = "MARVIN.DOMAIN.DE"
    dirserv:kerberizedRealmList:defaultRealm = "MARVIN.DOMAIN.DE"
    So far all fits AFAIK and the domain is also correct.

    After a night of experimentation, I found a workaround but do not know if this simply avoids Kerberos authentication or what is going on.
    It can be a domain problem except for the checkLocalKDC error that needs to be fixed anyway.
    Above I used the server occurrence in a Finder window, which I presume takes as a name marvin.local.
    Then I used a Go to Server vnc://marvin which worked without a Kerberos error. Also marvin.fritz.box (router) works fine.
    marvin.local looks up the machine via Bonjour, right? Can this be the reason for the difference in authentication?
    My domain setup is likely illegal at the moment:
    local DSL router does the DNS/DHCP for local devices
    server marvin has its own dns for marvin.domain.de (reason below) alone and otherwise uses the router dns
    domain.de is a registered domain (mine) with fixed ip and server behind
    Reason: the domain.de server will be replaced by a DynDNS provider forwarding any request to my dsl router, which acts a firewall and port forwarder.
    So my reasoning was that the new server marvin should be in domain.de as from the point of view of the internet, it is the machine at domain.de. Except that during setup and tests, it is not.
    The client accessing marvin however has no idea about marvin.domain.de! It uses the router as the dns.
    If anyone has done a similar setup (server behind router-ISP-DynDNS), I would appreciate examples how you setup the dns such that the server acts properly from the outside world of view.
    And yes, there is a MX at domain.de and SMTP requests will be forwared to marvin also.

  • Introspection Failed when using FBean.Register_Bean() and JInitiator

    I am posting this for the benefit of others who might run into it when using the 'enhanced JavaBeans support' in Forms 9i. Under certain circumstances, an FBean.Register_Bean() might silently fail.
    Those circumstances include:
    <li> the JavaBean you are attempting to register extends {font:Courier}javax.swing.JPanel{font}
    <li> the runtime environment is JInitiator Version
    Whether this is affecting you or not can be determined by using FBean.Set_Logging_Mode('MyBeanArea',1,FBean.LOG_ALL) as described in the help topic {font:Courier}How to Add JavaBeans using Enhanced JavaBeans Support -> Working In Debugging Mode{font}. If you do this, you might get output like the following in JInitator's console.
    Failed to introspect class: class package.TestBean java.lang.NullPointerException
    for example:
    Forms Applet version is : 90290
    *** VBean null PropertyManager for id = FOREGROUND
    *** VBean Got FOREGROUND = null
    *** VBean null PropertyManager for id = BACKGROUND
    *** VBean Got BACKGROUND = null
    *** VBean null PropertyManager for id = FOREGROUND
    *** VBean Got FOREGROUND = null
    *** VBean null PropertyManager for id = BACKGROUND
    *** VBean Got BACKGROUND = null
    *** VBean Setting debugMode to ALL
    *** VBean Setting beanName to au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean
    *** au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean Registering properties
    *** au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean     int pWidth
    *** au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean     int pDebugGraphicsOptions
    *** au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean     int pHeight
    *** au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean     boolean pOpaque
    *** au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean     javax.swing.InputVerifier pInputVerifier
    *** au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean     Failed to introspect class: class au.com.thrivesoftware.comet.hackery.TestBean java.lang.NullPointerException

    I extended BeanWrapper in my bean class that did the trick.

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