Locating parallels files in time machine

I'm looking for specific files within my virtual machine (Windows XP) in my time machine back ups. Does anyone know how to locate files or folders within the .pvm?

Flydesign wrote:
It would be nice to be able to go back in timemachine to a document that you had 6 months ago and ressurect it.
You can do that easily.  If you can't view it via QuickLook, restore it to an alternate location, such as your desktop.  See Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #16.
I have been able to view documents in Time machine before.
Yes, some types of documents have always been viewable in TM backups.  TextEdit, Pages, Numbers, Preview, and no doubt others.  But some others aren't, and haven't been.
If bridge can view indesign documents, then Apple sure has the capability to add that as a feature to time machine.
Doubtful they'll do that for a 3rd-party app, but ask here:  http://www.apple.com/feedback/timemachine.html
In 30+ years of design, I have only a handful of times forgot to save my work as I go.
Neither have I, but (a) it only takes once, and (b) most users don't.  (Actually, most users don't even back up ).
Time Machine is not likely to change much in the forseeable future.  If it doesn't meet your needs, there are lots of other backup apps around. 

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    Hi Miax1,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that you are looking for a specific file in your Time Machine backup. It sounds like you are familiar with the interface but just cannot find the file. Just to make sure you are searching in the right area, I suggest reviewing the Restoring data from Time Machine backups section from the following article. Please let me know if you need further assistance.
    Mac Basics: Time Machine backs up your Mac
    Restoring specific files or folders
    Choose Enter Time Machine from the Time Machine menu. The restore interface appears. You can literally see your windows as they appeared "back in time."
    You can use the timeline on the right side of the window to reach a certain point back in time. The timeline shows the times of all backups on your backup drive. If you don’t know exactly when you deleted or changed a file, you can use the back arrow to let Time Machine automatically travel through time to show you when that folder last changed.
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    You can also perform a Spotlight search from the Finder. Simply enter a search term in the Spotlight search field, and use the back arrow to have Time Machine search through your backups to find what you are looking for.
    Before you restore a file, you can also use Quick Look to preview a file to make sure its the one you want. Highlight the file and press the Space Bar to bring up a quick look.
    To restore, select the file/folder and click the "Restore" button. The file will automatically be copied to the desktop or appropriate folder.  If the file you are restoring has another file in the same location with the same name, you will be prompted to choose which file to keep or keep both.
    I hope this helps,   

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    Let me make my self more clear.
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    Tks for the help. Tried to eliminate duplicates. Copy below.
    6/11/14 3:07:33.458 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Found 2332 files (193.66 GB) needing backup
    6/11/14 3:07:33.488 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: 219.71 GB required (including padding), 539.32 GB available
    6/11/14 3:09:42.200 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Copied 1201 items (51.5 MB) from volume Macintosh HD. Linked 2894.
    6/11/14 3:10:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:30.072 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/2013 Trip To Kate and Jason - Large 1.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:10:44.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:10:57.327 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/2013 Trip To Kate and Jason - Large.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:11:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:11:22.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:11:22.394 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/IMG_0378.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:11:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:12:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:12:09.872 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Home Videos/IMG_0398.m4v to (null)
    6/11/14 3:12:44.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:12:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:05.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:05.959 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/AAA 2.4.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:13:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:13:51.325 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Air Sharing 3.4.3.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:14:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:21.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:14:51.289 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Angie's List 3.0.2.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:15:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:15:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[422]:  SecErrorGetOSStatus unknown error domain: com.apple.security.sos.error for error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.security.sos.error error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[267]:  SecErrorGetOSStatus unknown error domain: com.apple.security.sos.error for error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.security.sos.error error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[267]:  securityd_xpc_dictionary_handler EscrowSecurityAl[581] DeviceInCircle The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.security.sos.error error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:34.517 PM secd[422]:  securityd_xpc_dictionary_handler EscrowSecurityAl[580] DeviceInCircle The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.security.sos.error error 2 - Public Key not available - failed to register before call)
    6/11/14 3:15:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:15:51.643 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/AP Mobile 6.2.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:15:54.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:19.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:19.908 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Apple Store 120269.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:16:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:16:50.710 PM com.apple.backupd-helper[533]: Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup: Backup already running
    6/11/14 3:16:53.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:00.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:00.552 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Archetype 1.6.2.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:17:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:17:49.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:28.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:18:40.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:06.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:43.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:19:56.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:11.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:36.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:20:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:21:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:28.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:22:53.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:06.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:19.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:31.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:23:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:22.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:24:50.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:15.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:25:47.887 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Bloomberg 3.0.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:26:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:13.942 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Calculator 3.4.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:26:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:26.509 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Camera Zoom 3.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:26:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:26:52.108 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Cards 2.0.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:27:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:27:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:27:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:27:29.606 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Casino 2.5.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:27:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:00.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:00.327 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Clear Day 2.6.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:28:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:28:56.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:21.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:34.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:29:59.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:12.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:24.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:37.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:49.085 PM xpcproxy[629]: assertion failed: 13D65: xpcproxy + 3438 [D559FC96-E6B1-363A-B850-C7AC9734F210]: 0x2
    6/11/14 3:30:49.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:30:50.194 PM syncdefaultsd[628]: Fixing push token
    6/11/14 3:30:52.507 PM xpcproxy[632]: assertion failed: 13D65: xpcproxy + 3438 [D559FC96-E6B1-363A-B850-C7AC9734F210]: 0x2
    6/11/14 3:31:02.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:27.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:31:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:05.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:42.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:32:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:33:58.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:21.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:34:49.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:02.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:35:30.676 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Collection HD 1.7.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:36:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:36:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:36:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:36:29.651 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/eCardExpress 2.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:36:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:14.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:52.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:37:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:30.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:38:45.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:08.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:46.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:39:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:40:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:04.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:39.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:41:54.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:17.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:19.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:54.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:42:57.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:09.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:34.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:43:47.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:12.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:25.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:44:50.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:25.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:28.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:40.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:45:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:20.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:45.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:46:58.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:10.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:23.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:35.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:47:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:00.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:48:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:49:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:49:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:49:21.393 PM WindowServer[128]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04280300 device: 0x7f8ef9d04e00  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
    6/11/14 3:49:21.731 PM launchservicesd[52]: Application App:"System Preferences" asn:0x0-44044 pid:509 refs=7 @ 0x7fb5b9443730 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontApps ( ( "LSApplication:0x0-0x45045 pid=513 "com.apple.prefs.backup.remoteservice"")), so denying. : LASSession.cp #1481 SetFrontApplication() q=LSSession 100019/0x186b3 queue
    6/11/14 3:49:21.731 PM WindowServer[128]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to System Preferences, psn 0x0-0x44044, securitySessionID=0x186b3, err=-13066
    6/11/14 3:49:21.733 PM WindowServer[128]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x7f8ef9e94e00(2001)
    6/11/14 3:49:21.795 PM WindowServer[128]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x0(0), shield 0x7f8ef9e94e00(2001)
    6/11/14 3:49:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:50:48.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:50:48.546 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/GarageBand 1.1.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:51:01.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:13.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:26.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:38.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:51:51.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:03.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:16.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:29.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:41.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:52:55.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:07.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:07.747 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Glympse 2.22.444.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:53:20.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:32.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:53:32.869 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Stopping backup.
    6/11/14 3:53:32.869 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Error: (-36) SrcErr:YES Copying /Volumes/Media/itunes Media/Mobile Applications/Golf Channel 3.7.2.ipa to (null)
    6/11/14 3:53:33.357 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Copied 127 items (2.24 GB) from volume Media. Linked 0.
    6/11/14 3:53:33.376 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    6/11/14 3:53:34.607 PM com.apple.backupd[532]: Backup failed with error 11: 11
    6/11/14 3:55:53.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:56:05.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:56:18.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
    6/11/14 3:56:33.000 PM kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.

  • Is it possible to delete files from time machine?

    Is it possible to delete files from time machine? I had a drive crash, restored the files to a new drive, and now the old versions and the new versions of the files are both backed up, taking up a mountain of drive space. Do I just have to wait 'til the drive gets full and then tell it what to delete first?

    Hi, I need help in a related problem. I have 500gb time capsule. I needed larger hard drive, so I now use TM to back up to a different 1tb hard drive. So I don't need the TC as a TM back up device. But I want to use the TC's hard drive as an extra external hard drive. I deleted the files that were on it. but it still shows it has a sparsebundle file with a size of over 400gb ( probably the size of the old backups). When I use disk utility to try to erase it, I am not offered the erase tab. This "disk" does show on the desk top as a mounted disk (I think) with only 53 gb free. How can I set this up so all the disk space is free and I can use it for storing files, not as a back up? Thanks

  • How do you delete file from time machine back up?

    How do you delete file from time machine back up?

    This from Apple KB Article  If Time Machine is not in your Dock, you can enter Time Machine from the Menu Bar or System Preferences.
    Deleting data from a Time Machine backup
    To delete all backups of one or more items from a Time Machine backup, follow these steps:
    Click the Time Machine icon on your Dock to enter the Time Machine restore interface.
    Click on the item you would like to delete. Command-click to select multiple items.
    Control-click (or right click) the highlighted item(s) and select "Delete All Backups of..." from the contextual menu, or select "Delete all backups of..." from the Action Item menu.
    Authenticate with an administrator password when prompted.

  • Delete large file from Time Machine backup drive?

    I recently selected to exclude my Aperture.library file from Time Machine, but only after it had done about 8 backups already... the file doesn't exist in the latest folder on my TM hard drive but it is there in previous ones.
    how can i delete this file from my TM backups and regain 40gb? (it won't let you delete it in finder)

    Let me make my self more clear.
    Because of the Apple KB article regarding Aperture and Time Macine, that's exactly why i chose to EXCLUDE my aperture.library file from time machine.
    Please don't read any negative tone in this, i'm just trying to explain myself.
    But hind sight is 20/20, so i was looking for a way to delete the old previous version of the aperture.library that was sitting on my backup time machine drive (useless taking up space)
    I apologize for not searching out that KB article, but i didn't think i'd have to do that. I assumed Apple would know how to have Aperture play nice with Time Machine....
    Any way all is good. we're all educated now

  • I am trying to download lion with the thumb drive how do i back up my files is time machine good enough or must i transfer everything to my hard drive

    I am trying to download lion with the thumb drive how do i back up my files is time machine good enough or must i transfer everything to my hard drive

    A erase of the drive or boot partition is not always necessary.
    Flashing question mark at boot could be a easy fix, sometimes it's the firmware that simply forgot what bootable volume to boot from.
    Try holding the Option key down while booting the machine, a choice of bootable options appears, select your OS X and boot up.
    When you get in, head to System Preferences > Startup disk and set it again new. This will tell the firmware what to boot from. Test it to see.
    Now if you don't have a selection of bootable options, it could be that the drive is dead, or OS X is erased or corrupted so it can't boot.
    You'll have to run through this list of fixes to see what's going on, if you need a hardware fix or what, I've also included links if you can't fix it and need to recover your data etc.
    (If it's not remmebering your boot selection then also run through the list to reset things.)
    Step by Step to fix your Mac

  • Restoring files from Time Machine after installing Maverick

    I have an older MacBook Pro and while installing Maverick my aged hard drive gave out. I got a new hard drive installed by an authorized Mac dealer and now I'm trying to restore files from Time Machine. I haven't done anything at all yet with Maverick. I followed the Migration Assistant directions and have the backup connected to my laptop. The backup icon appeared on my desktop. I hit continue and followed directions and reached the point where it said "looking for source" and there is a spinning ball. That was an hour ago. Is it just taking a long time to sort through the large volume of material in my Time Machine backup, or is something wrong? What should I be doing, if anything? Thank you for your help.

    I have an older MacBook Pro and while installing Maverick my aged hard drive gave out. I got a new hard drive installed by an authorized Mac dealer and now I'm trying to restore files from Time Machine. I haven't done anything at all yet with Maverick. I followed the Migration Assistant directions and have the backup connected to my laptop. The backup icon appeared on my desktop. I hit continue and followed directions and reached the point where it said "looking for source" and there is a spinning ball. That was an hour ago. Is it just taking a long time to sort through the large volume of material in my Time Machine backup, or is something wrong? What should I be doing, if anything? Thank you for your help.

  • Can't restore files from Time machine backup?

    I kinda successfully restored my files from Time Machine after a clean re-install of Snow Leopard (Time Machine thought they were new files, though, so backed up the 26 GB... waste of space), but now I'm trying to restore the files of the other user on the computer. In her pictures folder, I can't copy the iPhoto Library because I don't have permission to access it! The same problem occurred on my account too, but I was able to go to my Time Machine drive and manually change the permissions for the files I wanted, which doesn't work on her account.
    I have made a Youtube video of the error:
    Can anyone assist me in restoring the files? That's all I need help in. Thanks

    wrongusername wrote:
    But if I transfer everything with the Setup Assistant, won't I once again be experiencing the problems I had?
    If the problems were caused by your data. But that's extremely unlikely. It may have been an app, or, much more likely from your description, something corrupted in the Leopard OS. That's one of the problems with upgrading a sick system without knowing what or where the causes are. It's a bit like a brain surgeon operating on himself: if he isn't in tip-top shape to start with, his condition is likely to change, and not for the better.
    Most of us would have recommended first simply doing a +*Repair Disk+* on your internal HD; if that didn't help, installing the "combo" Leopard update; if that didn't work, doing an +Archive and Install+ and re-installing the "combo."
    After a clean re-install of Snow Leopard, my Mac worked fine again (except for the TM trouble). So it probably had something to do with my old files.
    Probably not. Much more likely OSX was somehow damaged. And you got a whole new one.
    How come I could read the files on my external HD and yet not be able to copy the files?
    Time Machine uses special "deny everybody everything" permissions on it's backups, among other things, in an attempt to keep us mere mortals from moving, changing, or deleting things and corrupting them.

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