Locking Computer for public use

I need to lock a computer so only one program can be used. The public will be using a particular program but that is it. I don't want them to be able to leave the program.

You could setup the account to use a simple finder (System Preferences-Accounts, choose the account, select Parental Controls, Configure the Finder & System, select Simple Finder). With it you can also choose the application that you want them to use. When you log into their account, the dock will be locked so that items cannot be removed. There will be a documents folder as well as an applications folder. In the applications folder, it will contain the applications you chose for the account to use. The use cannot remove them.
If you want an application to startup at login, first start the application, then click and hold the mouse button on the application when it appears on the dock, and select Open at Login. As far as keeping them from being able to leave the application, I'm not sure if that can be done.
Once extra step you can take as well is to setup a login script so that the account is refreshed every time it logs in. Meaning that no matter what they do (save documents, whatever) to the account, once it has been logged out and is logged back in, all the settings you had previously set, will come back. For that I found useful information at the following:
http://www.bombich.com/mactips/workshop.html (download the PDF)

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    janvaletin wrote:I can see how I would be able to set up a regular file deletion with cron. How would I be able remove installed applications while protecting ones I installed?
    There's a few ways you could do this, you could save the list of packages you installed and periodically spit out a new list, then diff that with the old list, remove packages that aren't on both.  Unless you give out the root password, or put people in sudoers, people aren't going to install software.  Your issue will be more that people will mess with the configuration settings to stuff, which will result in a periodically less and less usable desktop, or just some embarrassing bookmarks.  If you use a dedicated guest account for people logging in, you could just periodically delete and recreate the account to revert it back to a "clean" state.  Somebody claimed there's a "kiosk mode" for Xubuntu, I'd look into that, it sounds like something useful for you.
    janvaletin wrote:As far as the hard drive goes, I only need enough to run the OS, and since I will be building the computers, I figured I should aim for the cheapest solution possible.
    The cheapest, new, spinning-platter drive you are going to find is going to be 80GB, I assumed that machine came with a 500GB drive because that's what the linked spec-sheet indicated.  If it doesn't, and you want to consider other options you could do something like:
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    I think my control would be a candidate for a style-2 approach if the method was moved up to Parent as you suggested. If I understood it all right then I'm glad you have been pushing for this, and I'm glad David has been persuaded :)
    I've got basic skinning for my component working, but I'm stuck on the getUserAgentStylesheet() method.
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    public class NavigationToolbar extends Control implements NavigationListener
        private BooleanProperty backAllowed;
        private BooleanProperty forwardAllowed;
        public NavigationToolbar()
            this.backAllowed = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
            this.forwardAllowed = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
        ... getters/setters ...
        protected String getUserAgentStylesheet()
            return "styles/nav-toolbar.css";
    }Then I have created Skin in the same package, which is basically my real view (what I previously had in the NavigationToolbar class before I made the unfortunate decision to make it nice an skinnable :) ):
    public class NavigationToolbarSkin implements Skin
        private NavigationToolbar navigationToolbar;
        private HBox root;
        private Button backButton;
        private Button forwardButton;
        public NavigationToolbarSkin(NavigationToolbar navigationToolbar)
            this.navigationToolbar = navigationToolba
            root = new HBox(4);
            backButton = new Button("Back");
            forwardButton = new Button("Forward");
    }My nav-toolbar.css looks like:
    .navigation-toolbar {
        -fx-skin: "com.zenjava.jfxflow.navigation.NavigationToolbarSkin"
    .back {
        -fx-graphic: url("../images/nav-back.png");
    .forward {
        -fx-graphic: url("../images/nav-forward.png");
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    SEVERE: javafx.scene.control.Control impl_processCSS The -fx-skin property has not been defined in CSS for NavigationToolbar@31ad98ef[styleClass=root navigation-toolbar]If I manually set the skin on the toolbar (i.e. setStyle("-fx-skin: \"com.zenjava.jfxflow.navigation.NavigationToolbarSkin\"") ) it works, although obviously I don't have any of my other styles with it. I wondered if maybe it was just a URL issue so I've tried with the css in the root directory as well, and tried various paths (with a slash at front, without, etc). No luck - if you can tell me this is the problem then I can keep mucking around with it, but I'm thinking maybe I have missed a step or misunderstood and cocked up one of the steps above?
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    sasidhar p

    Hi Sasidhar
    I guess you are either extending the Sales Data or MRP Data. Just make sure that you are processing these transactions in a linear form for a single material. We can use parallel processing for different materials but for a single material if we go for parallel processing we can definetely expect the Lock Objects error.
    Kind Regards

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    Honestly, one cannot hope to advise you reasonably on how best to run an application as complex as Photoshop without your having stated any of your needs or goals.  Pretty much any modern computer will be able to run Photoshop.  But...
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    CS6_User wrote:
    would the cheaper HP do photoshop just as well
    That's a kind of meaningless question.
    It's akin to asking, "Would a Dodge take me to the store better than a Ford?"
    If you're considering doing serious Photoshop work I'd suggest reconsidering a desktop system.  Laptops are typically optimized for things other than what Photoshop needs.

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         Windows 7 64 bit (English)
         4GB SDRam
         500GB 3.0Gb/s Hard drive
         16x DVD+/-RW Drive
         19-in-1 Hi-speed Media Card Reader
           1 GB NVIDIA GeForce GT220 (DVI, VGA, HDMI)
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    I'll add, re hard drives, that you should spare no expense and get top-notch hard drive hardware.  Something like enterprise-class drives.
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    the new main computer. Thank you Miles

    If your secondary system don't want to SYNC. then try the following method to stop SYNC
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    Thank you for posting.
    Yes, you can create classified ad listing through webapp in business catalyst. Please refer to the following article : http://kb.worldsecuresystems.com/242/bc_2428.html. This article has the steps to create a real estate site. You can use the similar kind of set up for creating classified ads.
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    Please contact official HP Customer Support in USA, via  Contact Support , to initiate warranty service for your computer.
    If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
    Please click the White KUDOS "Thumbs Up" to show your appreciation
    {------------ Please click the "White Kudos" Thumbs Up to say THANKS for helping.
    Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
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    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
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    HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
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    also if anyone has a recommendation on an app that provides a pausable slideshow for displaying documents that would be helpful as well.

    One option would be to investigate an MDM such as AirWatch.  Devices can be placed in Single App Mode, or setup with a restricted browser.  You can also display business content on your devices. 

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    Problems with bookmarks and history not working properly can be caused by a corrupted places.sqlite database file.
    You can check for problems with the places.sqlite database file in the Firefox profile folder.

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    Sorry to disappoint you but there is no way of doing that without introducing new equipment. Your LAN is physically and Logically connected together so there is no stopping someone connecting to your LAN via an unsecured AIrport.
    To do it you would need some sort of firewall in-between. Ideally it would have 3 network interfaces, 1 WAN, 1 LAN & 1 DMZ. You could then connect the public Airport to the DMZ as both the DMZ & LAN will be able to access the internet but the DMZ will not allow connections to the LAN.

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    So I went through the wizard and got everything partitioned and the reboot, now It's stuck (maybe I don't know) on the "setup preparing desktop"  page, and has been like that for a little over an hour. 
    Now I'm not sure, how long it's supposed to take, as I just got it and haven't played with it much, but Is it supposed to take this long?? If not, what can I do? I saw a couple posts about going through CMD to remove drivers, but I don't have a disk, or USB, and I don't think I can get into BIOS or safe mode.. Anything would be helpful! Thanks guys!
    Go to Solution.

    mini notebook NB305-N413BN
    Downloads here.
    You should obtain a recovery USB thumb drive from Toshiba. Scroll down to Get Recovery Media here.
    For instructions, see the section Restoring from recovery DVDs/media, which begins on p. 62 of the User's Guide.
       NB300 Series User’s Guide

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