Logic 8.02 and Leopard 10.5.4

i just dared to update my Leopard as i was having major issues (i run Logic with TDM and DTDM under PT 7.4.2) and it seems to have solved all my problems. Much better performance on loading and no more DTDM errors on very loading a Logic session. Kontakt 2 and PLAY also seems to run just fine opposed to the previous versions combo. Also switching from PT to Logic seems pretty stable. My headaches seem over for now, i ain't touching it for a while.
I used the combo update from the Apple site just to make sure as it seems to be more thourough than updating thru Software Update menu. (you can google the issue and read about this, i can now confirm it seems better as my last update was somehow tainted and utterly unstable unlike most people are experiencing 10.5.3 and 8.02)

I've been trying to get Logic to work with DAE/TDM in Leopard on a Mac Pro now for months! How did you do it?? Been searching the internet for answers ever since I started, and would highly appreciate your response.
My most obvious problems are: No audio from Aux (EXS, ESB) or instruments. The whole program is "struggling" with awful "framerates" . . just moving the pointer takes forever.
When in Core-audio everything works fine.
I have reinstalled Leopard, Pro Tools and Logic several times, with no luck.
Please tell me how you did it!
Thx in advance!!

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    Couple of things to try
    Sounds like you done most of this, just to recheck.
    Open the OSX Audio/MIDI Setup.
    Set the Default Input and Output to the Edirol device.
    Set System Output to Built in Audio.
    Boot Logic, open Logic's audio prefs, Core Audio Enabled
    Set Device to Edirol.
    Buffer to 256 for now.
    Select an Audio track to record on
    Inspector opened, check which input is being used on the audio track,
    default mono tracks are set to input 1, you're plugged into input 2.
    Set Input to 2.
    See if that does it.
    Core Audio

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    Does toggling CC off & back on bring it back?
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
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    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
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    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.

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    On Logic 9.0 and OSX 10.58 it worked perfectly, the problem occured after updating to snow Leopard.

    Where are you changing the tempo? In the transport bar?
    Try going to the "Lists>Tempo" tab on the right and set it there and see if it works

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    6) My date and time had been reset
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    Please Apple - I am sending you this post as a BUG report as well - could you PLEASE look into this as there has to be some kind of VERY dangerous MALFUNCTION within Logic or its Installers.

    Wow, I was just joking with the medication thing. I didn't actually think it was seriously a mental health issue. Sorry.
    In any case, though, if he has full access to the Mac, mental health issues or no, there's not a whole lot to do about it. If it is possible to take away administrative privileges without causing a huge fuss, then you can limit his access to certain things. However, you can't mess with privileges on a Time Machine backup (doing so breaks it), and that means he's going to have access to at least parts of the backup. Which means he can trash at least some of the backup data, and if he deletes files from the TM backup using the Finder, he'll have essentially trashed the whole backup. He might as well have the ability to delete all the files on the machine if he has the power to delete backups.
    Honestly, in this situation, he should either only be allowed to use an account with Parental Controls on, which may not be an option (I don't know how offended he would be at such a suggestion), or he should be using a different computer entirely and have no access at all to his wife's computer. Alternately, have his wife keep a backup that is hidden - ie, connect the backup drive periodically and then remove it and hide it so he can't mess with it. That will at least secure the backup.

  • Logic & Mainstage Crash On Leopard 10.5.2

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    1. with 10.5.1 and Mainstage 1.0.2 I had a pretty **** solid setup, since the 10.5.2 update I'm getting crazy cpu spikes all over the place and its basically feeling a lot less reliable. My advice, if you're using Mainstage for gigging, hold of on the osx update, I'm prob gonna have to roll back. You'd think Apple would test this sorta thing especially on their own programs!
    2. When I ran Logic on my PowerBook under Leopard it would frequently crash, have errors, CoreAudio Failures, complete drop outs, hangs, zombies.. you name it.. all of which were resolved by re-installing tiger..
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    3. I've read that AirPort screws up the CPU. Can you disable AirPort and test again?
    4. Not only 10.5.2 but all of leopard, I gave up stripped everything of my mac book pro and reinstalled Tiger, Logic and Mainstage. It took 4 hours to do but I at least stable now
    I'm surprised Apple is doing nothing but making the problem worse. I've had an Apple computer in one form or another since 1980 and this is the first time I feel really let down.
    They are turning into what Steve Jobs called Microsoft
    "A third rate software company"
    5. How is Mainstage with Tiger then? I found it was pretty stable under Leopard 10.5.1 so may just roll back to that but have been considering going all the way back to Tiger though. Leopard as a whole seems pretty stable now but its like they're not too fussed about Mainstage users, the 1 program that needs 100% reliability.
    6. It's much more stable under Tiger no dropouts or problems I won't update to Leopard until I'm sure that it will work
    7. Well, I still use Tiger and since the last Airport update neither Logic nor Mainstage work properly until I swtch off Airport. Before this update I had no problems WHATSOEVER with Airport and Logic running at the same time.

    A lot of the comments in your post were mine and I have an update!
    I attended a Mainstage demo and my local apple dealers store and was such a pain in the *** that the apple rep & the guy who owns the store pulled me aside and asked me what they could do to I guess basically stop me from messing their demo (this was at the point they were stress testing Mainstage on a mac book pro without any CPU problems at all.
    So the next day I took my mac in and the service tech did a full diagnostic on my mac, replaced a bunch of ram (it was apple ram not 3rd party) with new memory all for free!!!
    In addition the service rep contacted apple Logic support to see what's being done and they advised that they are aware of the problems and there will be a fix in the next update.
    Anyway the new ram has helped a bit I still get the occasion pop and crash but I can at least play a gig without watching the CPU meter all night,
    The moral of the story is if you have problem, find a demo and be a pain in the butt. It really works

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    Any Mac that can happily run OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and Logic Pro 9.1.5.....
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    yeah ...i've always had a dedicated firewire audio hard drive so i don't think its that....i think its the software instruments and 3rd party plugins....they're probably draining more power than usual<</div>
    Right, the external hard drive only makes a difference with audio tracks.
    although Addictive drums might be streaming samples from the hard drive.
    You say the instruments and plugins might be draining more power than usual? Perhaps it's Logic 8 and Leopard using more CPU power than Logic 7 and Tiger. Have you had the CPU/Drive performance meters visible when the overload message appears? Is it the CPU meter that's spiking or the drive meter?

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    I don't remember this behavior on the same hardware in the past, so either it's something with the firmware update or Leopard. Has anyone seen anything else like this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Some people reported various bugs after installing the firmware update. Shutting it off and turning it back was all that was needed to fix the bugs.

  • HT5421 Logic Pro 8 and OS 10.8.2 ?

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    I had this issue as well.
    Check your Logic 8 packaging and see if you see "Universal Binary" written on the back or spine of the box.
    Logic 8 in later releases was both PowerPC and Intel supported. However I get the error "cannot run PowerPC applications" on OS 10.8 on my new MacBookPro.
    The cause of this is most likely that the installer was a PowerPC application, and Apple assumed at the time you could just run Rosetta for the installation.
    Solution: install Logic 8 on an older Mac, run a Timemachine backup of your mac, then plug your Timemachine harddrive into your new mac and run Migration Assistant (Under Utilties)
    Works perfect, even the plugins and Apple Loops carry over. It works 100% perfectly good. If you have the "Universal Binary" version there is no need to buy Logic 9.
    I wasn't really "wow'd" with the new features of 9 and thought I would hold off until 10 to upgrade. This was 3 years ago. I still use Logic but it's amazing how cutting edge it used to be, and how far Pro Tools and Cubase and FL studio have come in the mean time.
    Hope this helps

  • Logic Pro 9 and GarageBand '11 won't recognize MIDI controllers

    Hi there,
    I have two MIDI controllers that are not getting picked up by Logic or Garage Band and I'm unable to figure out why. I'm running Mac OS 10.9.4 (Mavericks) on a Mac Mini with a 250 GB SSD and 4 GB of RAM.
    Setup 1 is a simple Acorn Masterkey 49 USB controller whose manufacturer claims needs no drivers, although it doesn't show up in my Audio/MIDI setup pane at all, no matter how many times I restart the computer and/or the controller in any combination. I can't use it with Logic or with Garage Band.
    Setup 2 is a Digi002 Rack connected to the Mac Mini by Firewire and connected to an old-school Korg M1 as a MIDI controller. I can launch and hear the tracks I've made in the past with Logic, but now that Korg M1 is invisible even though the Core Audio Manager says my Digi002 Rack is connected and running. This setup has really never been able to speak with Garage Band, although I have been able to connect it successfully in the past.
    I'm a newbie to this and don't know how to get under the hood to fine-tune MIDI set-ups within Logic or GarageBand. Is there something funky going on between Logic 9 and Mavericks, however? I'm beginning to wonder if that's the issue.
    With thanks,

    Hi Dustin,
    Nice to see someone pose a complete question with all the details...
    First thing to do would be to delete Logic's preferences and the control surface preferences. Although I don't think it's going to help. I'll post the method at the end of this post.
    One of the problem with older MIDI devices is that Apple changed something in their MIDI spec and some older MIDI devices either don't work (not recognized) or if they are recognized don't work reliably. Another problem, depending on ho old your Mac Mini is, the newer machines have USB 3.0 ports and that poses another hurdle.
    Here's two things to try for the Acorn.
    Turn the computer off, unplug the Acorn's USB cable. Restart the MacMini and let it settle for a couple of minutes, open Audio-MIDI Setup... plug the Acorn in, see if there's and life.
    Try a powered USB 2.0 USB Hub, a hub that has it's own power supply. If you don't have one maybe you can borrow one as it's only a -possible- solution.
    The Problem with the M! and Digi002 may be related. Are you using the very latest drivers available for the 002? Again, this may be a MIDI compatibility problem, although I thought this was USB only, I suspect it's more of a Digi002 driver issue with Mavericks than anything else.
    MIDI Out on the M1 to MIDI IN on the 002
    Delete the Logic 9 preferences file and control surfaces file.
    In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder from the menu.
    Type ~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field.
    Press the Go button.
    Remove the  com.apple.logic.pro.plist file from the Preferences folder. Note that if you have programmed any custom key commands, this will reset them to the defaults. You may wish to export your custom key command as a preset before performing this step. See the Logic Pro User Manual for details on how to do this.
    If you are having trouble with a control surface in Logic Pro. then delete the com.apple.logic.pro.cs file from the preferences folder.
    Be sure to include the Tilde~ in the path name above, be sure and delete both files.

  • Logic 9 crashed and won't open again

    Hello everyone,
    I have the latest Logic Pro 9 and I'm working on a MacBook Pro
    2.7 ghz
    4 gigs memory.
    Started recording a track with midi and audio tracks,
    At one point logic crashed so I reopened it and kept recording.
    Everything was fine,then I shut my computer down and opened
    It again and it started searching for my battery drums which are all in the correct folder.
    After a few battery drum searches it just stays there trying to load ??!
    No more dialog messages ?
    I have never ever had an issue with either logic or my MacBook Pro.
    I try to open up early saves and sometimes it opens but not all the time.
    Anyone having the same issue ??
    Also since my system crashed I opened a fresh logic and dragged and dropped all the midi and audio files to a brand new project and I'm still having the same issue,it won't fully load up ?
    I'm starting to wonder if battery is messing with the computer ?
    The only fix I found was to shut down the computer and start it up again and then it loads sometimes ??
    Any advice would be helpful,
    Thank you

    It seems you have a corrupted Project so to rescue most of the data from this corrupted project you can open a new project and then use the Import Data feature of Logic to bring across the tracks from your corrupted project... to this new Project
    See this part of the Help Guide for further info...
    http://help.apple.com/logicpro/mac/9.1.6/en/logicpro/usermanual/index.html#chapt er=7%26section=6%26tasks=true
    If you need more help after reading the Guide, let us know...

  • Endnote X1 and Leopard

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    Anyone any ideas if this is fixable?

    Fixed the problem. Originally I had no problems keeping the Endnote files wherever I liked, however it now only works with the Endnote files in Users/Library. A bit weird, but I can live with it.

  • Apple Has no information about my ID that I purchased Logic-Pro9 with. and they can not even send me an e-mail to reset my PW. t

    i have a late 2006 20" imac and have been recording some covers and have been able to find canastas (solos). i made sacrifices to purchase apps with an ID for years. I left to colorado and found work at venues i had send my demos to. when i got back home my house had been broken into and much of my studio gear had been vandalized beyond repair. i did not have a firmware password set on my mac and the derelects stole and deleted work related information. i called the people at mac and they told me that they did not have any information that my ID was not on any of their files and had never even been created. today i created a new ID. How am i going to get back all the number of purchases i made especially Logic Pro 9 and the other apps back as they now have been upgraded when apple does not even have an ink mark from my old ID? i use a Focusrite 12 channel interface with a 6 channel xenyx with 48 phantom and since all my originals can't be number one's my Americana recordings have some very profound grooves. I am 53 yrs. old and play all the instruments except the bass lines. These phatos that destroyed many of my archives are muncho malo! i started on the kit in the 3rd grade and started playing behind some big names at 13. Over the years most all of the other basic instruments kept making it easier for me to survive at what ever the venue called for. i never gave up the music for the show. After a gratuitous 40 yrs. of dedication and 34 yrs. of a solid marriage. i am a loyal dog. i can only feel better if the folks at apple will allow me to redownload with my new ID to keep producing. IF not i will have to bow my way out of college since that is my only way i have been able to afford my out of district tuition.

    Whew, so sorry to hear Jimmy.
    Try Apple's Express Lane...
    If that doesn't work, call apple support, work your way upto Customer Relations.
    Good Luck & eep us posted please.

  • Can I run Tiger and Leopard on the same computer

    Hi folks.
    I've been meaning to install Leopard for ages but have never got round to it (I bought the retail box when it first came out). I have upgraded my RAM to 2GB and my hard drive to 320GB with no problems.
    My upgraded hard drive has been partitioned into 2 equal parts of 160GB. These appear on desktop as Mackintosh HD1 and HD2. HD1 is the disk with all my files, music, OS etc and HD2 is empty
    I have 2 bootable clones of my present system - one is on a 160GB external and the other is the original 80GB HD that I replaced.
    My question is this - can I install Leopard on to my 160GB external HD, then clone it on to the empty HD2. If I do this would I be able to run both Tiger and Leopard on the same Macbook?
    Is there any problems with this plan? Would I be able to transfer between the 2 OS and how do I install Leopard on the external drive. Is it just a case of inserting the Leopard DVD and choose the external drive as the target?
    As usual thanks in advance

    # Original Tiger in the internal HD, New Leopard in the external HD.
    # New Leopard in the internal, Legacy cloned Tiger in the external.
    # Split internal, one partition with Tiger, another with Leopard.
    Leopard is backwardly compatible with older Macs, just make sure yours fulfills the minimum system requirements, both use the same filesystem format, so each can see the other. You can't run both at the same time, unless you purchase the server version of Leopard and run it virtualized. 99.9% of Firewire external HD's are bootable, some USB's are bootable but have to test first. You can choose which system to boot from by pressing the Option key at boot time, before the chime. Just make sure the external HDD is plugged in and turned on if that's where you want to boot from.
    When I migrated my PBG4 from Panther to Tiger, got an external FW HDD, cloned Panther onto it, upgraded using Archive and Install, cleaned up, customized and tested it. When I was satisfied all was ok, cloned the original Panther onto another partition of the external HDD, wiped and tested for failure the internal HDD, then cloned the known good and tested Tiger into it. Only thing that died along the way was my old and ancient Photoshop v2.x, that refused to run on Tiger.

Maybe you are looking for

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