Logic Pro 9 upgrade anomaly

I've just performed the upgrade to Logic Pro 9 from Pro 8, using the Logic Studio V2.1 Upgrade Pro box (brand new sealed product).
During the installation process, after entering the correct serial number for the upgrade, I didn't get the dialog box asking me to enter the serial number of my earlier version of Logic; the installer went straight to the Custom Install pane.
On first launching Logic Pro 9, I was asked to register online; no problem. After quitting Logic 9, I thought I would try launching Pro 8; when I did the dialog box appeared asking me to register the 'new' software - instead I clicked on register later and it seemed to launch and behave normally.
My question is: should I be concerned that the installation process didn't go exactly as specified in the manual?

So, you are missing that card from your Logic Studio 1 (LP8) box then...... unfortunately.
They are too easy to misplace.... I know I lost mine for a while and then found it by pure chance when i was moving. Since then I copied the info and placed it in Notes on the cloud so no matter what I have a copy...
Anyhow, hope you get a replacement one fast...

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    You can purchase the Upgrade and install it on your New MBP...
    Just have the Serial Number from LP 8 handy for when you are asked for it...
    After the install you will need to run Software update to get the Latest version of Logic 9 for Lion..
    Or you can Download it from Here
    Logic for Lion

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    Message was edited by: HabeebHabob_HajiHaboob

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    You can purchase the Upgrade and install it on your New MBP...
    Just have the Serial Number from LP 8 handy for when you are asked for it...
    After the install you will need to run Software update to get the Latest version of Logic 9 for Lion..
    Or you can Download it from Here
    Logic for Lion

  • I'm struggling to install Logic Pro 9 upgrade on Mountain Lion

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    which I found in this thread:  https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4948612
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    Im using LPX and have found it to work well.... and no less stable than LP9 in terms of general stability. There are some bugs but given we are still in the early stages of development, that is not surprising and is no different to how it was with LP8 and 9 in their early days. I should add I haven't come across any "showstopper" bugs that affect my own personalo workflow and method of using Logic... just a few niggles and minor annoyances... that for the most part can be worked around if they haven't already been fixed in the 3 updates that have come out since initial release.
    I have had no real issues with importing LP9 projects into LPX other than of course, the lack of 32bit Plugin support in LPX which means LP9 projects that contain 32bit plugins.. will not fully import into LPX. The midi/audio data imports ok.. the 32bit plugins will be missing however... if you don't have equivilant 64bit versions installed. For me, this issue has been very minimal simply because almsot all the plugins i use, have already been updated to 64bit versions over the last few years.
    There has also been an issue with certain parameters in the track/region Inspector after import into LPX, containing weird values.. I have only had this issue once out of maybe 40+ LP9 Projects and in this one case i simply reset the values and all was well. Other users have reported different levels of how often this occurs.
    Note: Once a project has been opened and then resaved in LPX the LPX version cannot be opened in LP9 as project compatibility is only backwards and not forwards.
    If you cannot find your disk and serial..(which you will also need)  Contact Apple as they may be able to provide you with replacements disks if they have any left. Bear in mind if, as it appears, your LP9 is an upgrade from LP8 you will also need your previous LP8 serial as well as your upgrade LP9 serial to properly install Logic on a new Mac. Once installed you can and in fact must... then update LP9 to 9.1.8 via software updates in LIon or Mountain LIon... for Logic to under those OS versions.

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    It is the installer that's quitting, or Logic Pro when you try to launch it? If the latter, download all the available updates, either through Software Update or the standalone downloaders;
    and apply them before attempting to launch Logic. That might work better.

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    The real problem with all of this is the cost of an upgrade. What I understand Apple to mean is this: the owner of an Academic version will get updates just like everybody else. The recent cross-grade (to 7.2) also had an academic price on it but was available to an Academic licence holder 'just like everybody else'.
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    There's the rub, Horatio.

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    ruinsdomino wrote:
    Perhaps it's my fault because I don't follow online discussions closely to track the rumour mill about release dates of updated software, I just decide I want to upgrade and do it.
    No.. even the guys at my local Apple Store only found out about it 18 hours prior to release when they received updated sale info on the product.. and as far as I am aware the rumor mill didn't provide a release date either in advance... so don't beat yourself up over it because you wouldn't have known in all likelyhood... no matter what research you did in advance.
    The reality is.. in terms of announcing products in advance.. Apple like some other companies, are always in a no win situation.
    One form of that no win situ..  that occurs is as follows...
    Announce LPX 7 days out and the guy who bought LP9 8 days out will complain.
    Announce LPX 14 days out and the guy who bought LP9 16 days out will complain..
    Announce LPX 30 days and and the guy who bought LP9 31 days out will complain..
    There will always be someone they frustrate.. no matter how far in advance they announce it... because there is always a cutoff.. and someone will always be on the wrong side of it.
    Now.. Should they have offered a refund for someone who purchased LP9 30 days or less from the date of LPX's release? Well, in my opinion.. absolutely they should have..  and to begin with, unofficially, the CSRs did I might add....until that was stopped by "higher management" because the unofficial refunds were breaching the Terms and Conditions of the App Store Agreement... and possibily setting a precedent which they didn't want set..
    But as far as annoucements ahead of time.. I sort of get why not... and again, don't blame yourself.. There is no way you could have known in advance unless you were on the Dev team for LPX that is!

  • Logic Pro X upgrade

    I have tried to install 10.1 twice. It shows that it was completed 100%. I restart my computer and I am unable to
    find the updated version. I am using Safari and Logic Pro X, but I do not see the update. Has anyone
    had an issue with the upgrade?

    Typically this means you have another copy of Logic Pro X either on your system drive or on an attached external Hard Drive..... and it's that copy thats been upgraded.
    That or you are not running Mavericks 10.9.5 or Yosemite... which is now the minimum OS X requirement for LPX 10.1.
    Upgrade OS X if needed.... and try again..
    or...if your OS X is the correct version for LPX 10.1
    Locate the extra copies (Don't forget to check your trash!) and rename them or delete them and try again
    Or...failing that...
    1) Check under the Purchase tab in the Mac App Store which should show LPX listed there.... if it's not listed, you are not signed in to the Mac App Store using the same Apple ID you purchased LPX in the first place... so sign out via the Mac App Store menu option Store/Sign out.. Restart your Mac, Launch the Mac App Store app... Go to the menu option Store > Sign in and sign in again with the correct Apple ID....
    2) Delete the copy of LPX in your Applications folder
    3) Empty trash....
    4) Restart your Mac...
    5) Go to the Purchase tab in the Mac App Store, ensuring you are signed into the Mac App Store using the same Apple ID you used to purchase LPX in the first place... and click on the Download/Install button to the far right of it's entry there...
    6) Now a new copy of LPX (which will be currently be 10.1) will be downloaded and installed into your Applications folder... and run LPX from there to check you now have the latest version.

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    I bought a powerpcg5 and have been using Logic Pro 8. I dont have any original packaging since i moved and i lost it. My brother tried pirating Logic Pro 9 and it removed my Logic Pro 8 registration information which caused me to lose my serial. I try opening Logic 8 and it asks me to register and enter the serial number which i dont have. I am in dire need as i run a studio. I need help ASAP!

    Logic Pro 8 upgrade MAJOR PROBLEM
    There was never a problem since you tried to upgrade from a pirated copy of Logic 9
    Why did you even think this could go well?
    I dont have any original packaging since i moved and i lost it.
    Did you check Lost and Found?
    I am in dire need as i run a studio.
    Yet, you let your brother load a pirated copy of Logic 9.
    I need help ASAP!
    You really don't need help.
    Why is it that when I see POSTS like these that the person registers the same day.

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    You might want to call Apple on that one, this is a User forum, we would only be speculating. Everyone knows a new version of Logic is coming out, probably in the next few months but honestly, no one knows when and if they did they can't say. Usually if you purchase the softer and a new version comes out in a certain time frame the upgrade would be free... but I don't think anyone knows how long the free upgrade window is going to cover.

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    Use Migration Assistant to move everything to your new computer http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4889

  • Why is there no Logic Pro X upgrade?

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    First, please read this....
    and note: Personal Opinion - The cost of purchasing the full version of LPX is the same or much less than it used to cost to upgrade from a previous version.... so think upon it that way and it's a still a good price to pay. The fact that someone else can buy it for the same price without having bought a previous version is really of no consequence to you.
    It simply comes down to.. Is LPX worth the asking price to you. If it is, buy it.. if not, don't...

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    I heard from someone that worked at Guitar Center that I can get it for free if I bought it within a month of Logic Studio coming out.
    Where would I get the rebate from Apple?

    Are you saying that you bought a full new version of Logic 7 less than a month before Logic 8 came out? In that case, Apple was allowing people to return their opened copies of Logic 7 in order to purchase Logic 8. Under normal circumstances you are not allowed to return software when it's been opened but they were making an exception for people who bought 7 right before 8 came out.
    However, it's been several months now and I doubt they're going to honor that. You need to call Applecare and ask them that question, or call an Apple Store. But more than likely they're going to tell you you waited too long and have to buy the upgrade package to go from 7 to 8.

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