
Please help me out with this. My situation is that, there are some records in a notepad,
which has pernr and other details. I have copied the data into a internal table.
I need to split the records based on the pernr.
for example,
00000004  0006  ram
00000004  0006  ramu
00000006  0006  raman
00000006  0006  xyz
00000006  0006  aaa
00000018  0006  ttt
if the user enters 2, the above 6 records must be splited into 2 sets(not necessarily equal).
The same pernr should be in one set i.e here, if it is divided into 2 sets,
1st set:
00000004  0006  ram
00000004  0006  ramu
00000006  0006  raman
2nd set:
00000006  0006  xyz
00000006  0006  aaa
00000018  0006  ttt 
but my need is, the pernr number 00000006 should not be in different sets.
i.e is,
1st set:
00000004  0006  ram
00000004  0006  ramu
2nd set:
00000006  0006  raman
00000006  0006  xyz
00000006  0006  aaa
00000018  0006  ttt 
The same pernr nos must be in same set. please help me with a logic. please give a example.
Thanks in advance.

Hope below code can give you a lead, have extended code of Sunita.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_data,
       END OF ty_data.
DATA: itab TYPE TABLE OF ty_data, " Internal table
      wa_itab TYPE ty_data,       " Work Area1
      wa_itab1 type ty_data.      " Work Area2
DATA: cnt TYPE i.                 " Counter for number of Sets
DATA: start TYPE i,               " Start Position
      end TYPE i,                 " End Position
      split_pos TYPE i,           " Split Position
      lin TYPE i.                 " No.. of Records
PARAMETER: p_set TYPE i.          " No. Of Sets
  wa_itab-pernr = '00000004'.
  wa_itab-infty = '0006'.
  wa_itab-name = 'ram'.
  APPEND wa_itab TO itab.
  wa_itab-pernr = '00000004'.
  wa_itab-infty = '0006'.
  wa_itab-name = 'ramu'.
  APPEND wa_itab TO itab.
  wa_itab-pernr = '00000006'.
  wa_itab-infty = '0006'.
  wa_itab-name = 'raman'.
  APPEND wa_itab TO itab.
  wa_itab-pernr = '00000006'.
  wa_itab-infty = '0006'.
  wa_itab-name = 'xyz'.
  APPEND wa_itab TO itab.
  wa_itab-pernr = '00000006'.
  wa_itab-infty = '0006'.
  wa_itab-name = 'aaa'.
  APPEND wa_itab TO itab.
  wa_itab-pernr = '00000018'.
  wa_itab-infty = '0006'.
  wa_itab-name = 'ttt'.
  APPEND wa_itab TO itab.
  SORT itab BY pernr. " sort before loop.
  DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES lin.  " No. Of Records
  start = 1. end = lin. " Start and End Positions
  WHILE p_set > 1. " Required number of sets
    CLEAR: wa_itab, wa_itab1.
    cnt = cnt + 1. " Counter for Set number
    split_pos = ( start + end ) / p_set. " Split position for Sets
    READ TABLE itab INTO wa_itab INDEX split_pos.
    " Compare PERNR with next record
    WHILE ( wa_itab-pernr EQ wa_itab1-pernr OR
            wa_itab1-pernr IS INITIAL ) AND
            split_pos < lin.
     " IF Pernr is same skip to next record to group PERNR in sets
       split_pos = split_pos + 1.
       READ TABLE itab INTO wa_itab1 INDEX split_pos.
    end = split_pos - 1.  " Split Position
    WRITE:/ cnt, 'Set:'.
    LOOP AT itab INTO wa_itab FROM start TO end.
         WRITE:/ wa_itab-pernr.
    start = end + 1. end = lin. " Next group for set determination
    p_set = p_set - 1.
    CLEAR: wa_itab, wa_itab1.
  cnt = cnt + 1.
  WRITE:/ cnt, 'Set:'.
  LOOP AT itab INTO wa_itab FROM start TO end.
    WRITE:/ wa_itab-pernr.
Consider above code as a lead and use according to your requirement.

Similar Messages

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    through the Mac app store, but I get these two successive error messages: "There was an error in the App Store. Please try again later. (100)" and "Please contact iTunes support to complete this transaction."
    My apple ID's card details have an Indian Bank, and I have tried to purchase Logic both from the Indian, and the UK Mac App store.
    Any help would be higely appreciated. I need logic URGENTLY.

    Mac App Store: "An unknown error occurred (100)" when purchasing
    Your credit or debit card credentials must be associated with the same country where you reside.
    "Although you can browse the iTunes Store in any country without being signed in, you can only purchase content from the iTunes Store for your own country. This is enforced via the billing address associated with your credit card or other payment method that you use with the iTunes Store, rather than your actual geographic location."
    From here >  The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store | iLounge Article
    FYI:  The iTunes and Mac App Stores are one in the same so billing applies to both.

  • Logical command in ABAP.....Urgent

      i am pretty new using ABAP program so i neeed help urgently. i am trying to move a file on the application server from one directory to the other and i was using the open dataset function to do that. but the file i am trying to move is pretty big and because i am using internal table to store, it is causing problems with the space.
      i have consulted the basis guys and they have managed to create a logical file for copying from one directory to the other on the application server. to help you furthter. i am enclosing the mail sent to me.
    I have created a logical command which should copy the file from one location to the other but you need to pass it the source dir and file name and the destination dir and file name.
    The logical command is ZCOPY and uses cmd /c copy
    Copies one or more files to another location.
    COPY [/V] [/N] [/Y | /-Y] [/Z] [/A | /B ] source [/A | /B]
         [+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A | /B]]
      source       Specifies the file or files to be copied.
      /A           Indicates an ASCII text file.
      /B           Indicates a binary file.
      destination  Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).
      /V           Verifies that new files are written correctly.
      /N           Uses short filename, if available, when copying a file with a
                   non-8dot3 name.
      /Y           Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
                   existing destination file.
      /-Y          Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
                   existing destination file.
      /Z           Copies networked files in restartable mode.
    The switch /Y may be preset in the COPYCMD environment variable.
    This may be overridden with /-Y on the command line.  Default is
    to prompt on overwrites unless COPY command is being executed from
    within a batch script.
    the problem now is i have no idea about how to use the logical command. can any one help me.
    Thank you,

    If memory is not an issue, then there should be no reason why this should not work.
    report zrich_0001.
    parameters: d1 type localfile default '/usr/sap/TST/SYS/Data1.txt',
                d2 type localfile default '/usr/sap/TST/SYS/Data2.txt'.
    data: itab type table of string with header line.
    * Read old file
      open dataset d1 for input in text mode.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
          read dataset d1 into itab.
          if sy-subrc <> 0.
          append itab.
      close dataset d1.
    * Write to new file
      open dataset d2 for output in text mode.
      loop at itab.
        transfer itab to d2.
      close dataset d2.
    * Delete the old file
      delete dataset d1.
    Rich Heilman

  • How to write code for this logic in a routine, very urgent --help me

    hi all,
    i want to apply this logic into one subroutin ZABC.
    here i m giving my logic ,can any body help me in coding for this, this is very urgent, i hv to submit on wednesday.
    4.1 Read the company code number BSEG-BUKRS from document line item.
    4.2 Fetch PRDHA from MARA into GV_PRDHA where MATNR = BSEG-MATNR.
    4.3 Fetch Business area (GSBER) from ZFIBU into GV_GSBER where (PRDHA = GV_PRDHA and BUKRS = BSEG-BUKRS) OR (PRDHA = GV_PRDHA and BUKRS = SPACE).
    4.4 If business area match is found, go to step 3.9. Else continue.
    4.5 If BKPF-BLART IN set “ZVS_POSDT” OR BKPF-XBLNR starts with “I0*”, execute steps below. Else, go to Step 3.6.
    i. MOVE: BSEG-BKURS TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-BUKRS,
    BSEG-MATNR TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-MATNR,
    GV_PRDHA TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-PRDHA,
    BSEG-HKONT TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-HKONT,
    BSEG-GSBER TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-GSBER,
    BSEG-PSWBT TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-PSWBT,
    BKPF-BUDAT TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-BUDAT,
    SY-DATUM TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-CREDATE,
    SY-UZEIT TO work area field WA_ZFIBUE-CRETIME,
    Fetch running serial number (WA_ZFIBUE-SERIALNO) from ZFICO. This number will be stored in ZFICO with PARAMTYPE = "BPM030307", SUBTYPE = "ZFIBUE" and KEY1 = "SERIALNO". The actual serial number will be stored in the field VALUE1.
    ii. Send email notification to the user (if it is not already sent to user on the same posting date).
    Use function module ‘SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1’ to send mail.
    Fetch email address and date of last email from ZFICO. These values will be stored in ZFICO with PARAMTYPE = "BPM030307", SUBTYPE = "EMAIL" and KEY1 = "<USERNAME>". The email address will be stored in the field VALUE1 and posting date in VALUE2. Once mail is sent, VALUE2 is updated with latest posting date (BKPF-BUDAT).
    iii. Increment the running serial number and update ZFICO with new serial number.
    b. Update ZFICO Set value1 = GV_SERIALNO
    Where PARAMTYPE = "BPM030307" AND
    KEY1 = "SERIALNO".
    iv Move “VDFT” to BSEG-GSBER.
    v. Exit routine.
    4.6 Fetch MTART into GV_MTART from MARA where MATNR = BSEG-MATNR.
    4.7 If SY-BATCH = INITIAL AND GV_MTART <> ‘ROH’, issue the error message - “Maintain the mapping of product hierarchy <PRDHA> from article <MATNR> for <BUKRS>”. Else, go to step 3.8.
    4.8 If SY-BATCH <> INITIAL AND GV_MTART <> ‘ROH’, issue the error message - “Maintain product hierarchy on article master”. Go to step 3.10.
    4.10 Exit Routine
    plz give me reply asap --this is very urgent
    thanks in advance

    Hi Swathi,
    If it's very very urgent then you better get on with it, don't waste time on the web. Chop chop.

  • How to write code for this logic, plz help me very urgent

    Hi All,
    i am new to sap-abap, i got this work and i m working on this can any body help me in writing code, plz help me, this is very very urgent.
    here  i m giving my logic, can anybody send me the code related to this logic.
    this is very urgent .
    this program o/p should be in ALV format and need to create one commond 'SAVE" on this o/t list  if  user clicks save processedon and processedby fields in ZFIBUE should be updated automatically.
    i am creating one custom table zfibue having fields: (serialno, bukrs, matnr,prdha,hkont,gsber,wrbtr,budat, credate, cretime,processed, processedon, processedby,mapped)
    fields of zfibue:
    serailno = numc
    bukrs = char
    matnr = char
    prdha = char
    hkont = char
    gsber = char
    wrbtr = char
    budat = date
    credate = date
    cretime = time
    processed= char
    processedon = date
    processedby = char
    mapped = char      are   belongs to above type data types
    and seelct-optionfields:  s_bukrs for bseg-bukrs
                                        s_hkont for bseg-hkont,
                                         s_budat for bkpf-budat,
                                         s_processed for zfibue-processed,
                                          s_processedon for zfibue-processedon,
                                          s_mapped. for zfibue-mapped
    parameters: p_chk1 as checkbox,
                      p_chk2 as checkbox.
                      p_filepath type rlgrap-filename.
    1.1 Validate the user inputs (S_BUKRS and S_HKONT) against respective check tables (T001 and SKB1). If the validation fails, provide respective error message. Eg: “Invalid input for Company Code”.
    1.3 If P_CHK2 = ‘X’, go to step 1.11. Else continue.
    1.4 If P_CHK1 = ‘X’, continue. Else go to step 1.9
    1.5 Fetch MATNR, PRDHA from MARA into GT_MARA for all entries in GT_ZFIBUE where MATNR = GT_ZFIBUE-MATNR.
    1.6 Sort and delete adjacent duplicates from GT_MARA based on MATNR.
    1.7 Loop through GT_ZFIBUE where PRDHA = blank.
              Read Table GT_MARA based on MATNR = GT_ZFIBUE-MATNR.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                     Move GT_MARA-PRDHA to GT_ZFIBUE-PRDHA.
                  Modify Table GT_ZFIBUE. “Update Product Hierarchy
        Fetch PRDHA, GSBER from ZFIBU into GT_ZFIBU for all entries in GT_ZFIBUE where PRDHA = GT_ZFIBUE-PRDHA.
        Read Table GT_ZFIBU based on PRDHA = GT_ZFIBUE-PRDHA.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                     Move GT_ZFIBU-GSBER to GT_ZFIBUE-GSBER.
                  Move “X” to GT_ZFIBUE-MAPPED.      
                  Modify Table GT_ZFIBUE.
    1.8 Modify database table ZFIBUE from GT_ZFIBUE.
    1.9 Fill the field catalog table GT_FIELDCAT using the details of output fields listed in section “Inputs/Outputs” (above).
       Eg:                 LWA_ FIELDCAT -SELTEXT_L = 'Serial Number’.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT -DATATYPE = ‘NUMC’.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT -OUTPUTLEN = 9.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT -TABNAME = 'GT_ZFIBUE'.
                              LWA_ FIELDCAT-FIELDNAME = 'SERIALNO'.
              Append LWA_FIELDCAT to GT_FIELDCAT
    Note: a) The output field GT_ZFIBUE-PROCESSED will be editable marking INPUT = “X” in field catalog (GT_FIELDCAT).
             b) The standard ALV functionality will be used to give the user option for selecting all or blocks of entries at a time.
             c) The PF-STATUS STANDARD_FULLSCREEN from function group SLVC_FULLSCREEN will be copied to the program and modified to include a “SAVE” button.
    1.10 Call the function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY passing output table GT_ZFIBUE and field catalog GT_FIELDCAT. Additional parameters like I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET (= ‘ZFIBUESTAT’) and I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND (=’HANDLE_USER_ACTION’) will also be passed to handle user events. Go to 2.14.
    1.11 Download the file to P_FILEPATH using function module GUI_DOWNLOAD passing GT_ZFIBUE.
    1.12 Exit Program.
    Logic to be implemented in  routine “Handle_User_Action”
    This routine will have the following interface:
    FORM Handle_User_Action  USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                                                               rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    Following logic will be implemented in this routine:
    1.     If r_ucomm = ‘SAVE’, continue. Else exit.
    2.     Loop through GT_ZFIBUE where SEL_ROW = ‘X’. “Row is selected
    a.     IF GT_ZFIBUE-PROCESSED = ‘X’.
    iii.     MODIFY ZFIBUE FROM work area GT_ZFIBUE.

    Hi Swathi,
    If it's very very urgent then you better get on with it, don't waste time on the web. Chop chop.

  • Urgent: Doubt in coding a logic

    Hi Experts,
    I have a doubt in coding a logic . The bussiness requirement is that i have to capture a string of alphabets and check for particular alphabet in particular position and then process the rest of the logic.
    the logic is given below , can anyone suggest me coding for this logic .Its very urgent . points will be rewarded.
    If 1st letter is D then
        If 3rd letter of DPVERSION is:
            A --> Asia (like DPA0202)
            C --> EMEA (like DPC0111)
            L --> Latin America LA (like DPL0502)
            N --> North America NA (like DPN0408)
            W --> EMEA (like DPW0207)
            D then
                if 4th letter is:
                    A --> Asia (no example yet)
                    C --> EMEA (no example yet)
                    L --> Latin America LA (no example yet)
                    N --> North America NA (like DPDN01TH)
                    W --> EMEA (like DPDW09TH)
                End If
          End If
    Else if 1st letter is X then:
         If 2nd letter of DPVERSION is:
            A --> Asia (no example yet)
            C --> EMEA (XEHC_RTF)
            L --> Latin America LA (no example yet)
            N --> North America NA (XNFAB_RTF)
            W --> EMEA (no example yet)
        End If
    End If
    Thanks in advance

    Hi, I think you can adopt offset logic.
    assign character value to a variable  like string+2(3) = char
    then use case statement
    case char
    when 'A'
    write ASIA
    End case.
    Like this u can approach . 
    Hope this helps

  • Logical standby stopped when trying to create partitions on primary(Urgent

    RDBMS Version:
    Operating System and Version: Solaris 5.9
    Error Number (if applicable): ORA-1119
    Product (i.e. SQL*Loader, Import, etc.): Data Guard on RAC
    Product Version:
    logical standby stopped when trying to create partitions on primary(Urgent)
    Primary is a 2node RAC ON ASM, we implemented partitions on primar.
    Logical standby stopped appling logs.
    Below is the alert.log for logical stdby:
    Current log# 4 seq# 860 mem# 0: +RT06_DATA/rt06/onlinelog/group_4.477.635601281
    Current log# 4 seq# 860 mem# 1: +RECO/rt06/onlinelog/group_4.280.635601287
    Fri Oct 19 10:41:34 2007
    create tablespace INVACC200740 logging datafile '+OT06_DATA' size 10M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE 1000M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL
    Fri Oct 19 10:41:34 2007
    ORA-1119 signalled during: create tablespace INVACC200740 logging datafile '+OT06_DATA' size 10M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE 1000M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL...
    LOGSTDBY status: ORA-01119: error in creating database file '+OT06_DATA'
    ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +OT06_DATA
    ORA-15001: diskgroup "OT06_DATA" does not exist or is not mounted
    ORA-15001: diskgroup "OT06_DATA" does not exist or is not mounted
    LOGSTDBY Apply process P004 pid=49 OS id=16403 stopped
    Fri Oct 19 10:41:34 2007
    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/RT06/bdump/rt06_lsp0_16387.trc:
    ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P004
    ORA-01119: error in creating database file '+OT06_DATA'
    ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +OT06_DATA
    ORA-15001: diskgroup "OT06_DATA" does not exist or is not mounted
    ORA-15001: diskgroup "OT06_DATA" does not exist or
    Here is the trace file info:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0
    System name: SunOS
    Node name: iscsv341.newbreed.com
    Release: 5.9
    Version: Generic_118558-28
    Machine: sun4u
    Instance name: RT06
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 16
    Unix process pid: 16387, image: [email protected] (LSP0)
    *** 2007-10-19 10:41:34.804
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2007-10-19 10:41:34.802
    *** SESSION ID:(1614.205) 2007-10-19 10:41:34.802
    knahcapplymain: encountered error=12801
    *** 2007-10-19 10:41:34.804
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server P004
    ORA-01119: error in creating database file '+OT06_DATA'
    ORA-17502: ksfdcre:4 Failed to create file +OT06_DATA
    ORA-15001: diskgroup "OT06_DATA" does not exist or is not mounted
    ORA-15001: diskgroup "OT06_DATA" does not exist or
    KNACDMP: *******************************************************
    KNACDMP: Dumping apply coordinator's context at 7fffd9e8
    KNACDMP: Apply Engine # 0
    KNACDMP: Apply Engine name
    KNACDMP: Coordinator's Watermarks ------------------------------
    KNACDMP: Apply High Watermark = 0x0000.0132b0bc
    Sorry our primary database file structure is different from stdby, we used db_file_name_convert in the init.ora, it look like this:
    Is there any thing wrong in this parameter.
    I tried this parameter before for cloning using rman backup. This din't work.
    What exactly must be done? for db_file_name_convert to work.
    Even in this case i think this is the problem its not converting the location and the logical halts.
    help me out.....
    let me know if you have any questions.
    Thanks Regards
    Raghavendra rao Yella.

    Hi reega,
    Thanks for your reply, our logical stdby has '+RT06_DATA/RT06'
    and primary has '+OT06_DATA/OT06TSG001'
    so we are using db_file_name_convert init parameter but it doesn't work.
    Is there any thing particular steps hiding to use this parameter? as i tried this parameter for rman cloning it din't work, as a workaround i used rman set new name command for clonning.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Logical Fact Column -Urgent

    Hi All,
    I have a measure in my production reporsitory which is working fine & giving expected results. I have one more environment which is similar to production, and in that environment the repository is pointing to Production Database.
    One Measure is working fine in production but giving different values in another environment. Whereas both the environmnets are pointing to same Production database.
    I have checked the calculation of the measure in both the environmnets..its matching. Also i have checked all the Physical & BMM layer joins. Its seems to be same in both the environment.
    Please suggest, what else i need to check to identify the issue?
    Please reply its really urgent for me.
    Ashish A.

    Hi All,
    I figured out the issue. One of the logical column was wrongly mapped.
    Thanks anyways.
    Ashish A.

  • Very urgent ----  logical componernt in solman

    Hi all,
    In solman we have created systems for the three systems in our landscape (DEV -> QAS -> PRD). Now in logical component do we need to create three logical component for each of this server or only one logical component and assign the server's to this in the tab current system assignment.
    Also for configuring Change Request management should i have a common transport directory or can i have local transport directory in our satellite systems as we have now.

    Do not use "urgent" - check the [rules of engagement|https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/HOME/RulesofEngagement].
    Do not use words in capital letters and any of the words: urgent, quickly, burning, etc in your message. Especially not in the title! This just irritates and does not help you get to your goal. From our side, we definitely do not answer faster when we see these words.
    To your problem: Use one logical component and assign the systems to that one.

  • Discounting logic...Urgent

    Dear all,
    I have master-detail form, where detail section is multi-record,and have 3 mandetory fields(insert-update-delete allowed), as A, B, C%.(all three are number.)
    3 validation rule i have to use in detail section.
    Rule 1>A should always start with 1, i.e for first record A should be 1
    Rule2>A cannot be less than B for same record, i.e. it should be A>B
    Rule3>A should always be B(previous_record's)+1}, i.e. A for 3rd record should be 2nd record's (B+1).
    The actual picture should be such as....
    A -----------------------------------B ---------------------------------C%
    Please avoid use key-commit logic.I have already used it ,logic is working fine,but i have faced several error ,which are repetedly fires for format masking of those field.

    Welcome to the Oracle Forums. Please take a few minutes to review the following:
    <li>Before posting on this forum please read
    <li>10 Commandments for the OTN Forums Member
    <li>Announcement: Forums Etiquette / Reward Points
    With respects to your "Urgent!" request. You have to understand that forum contributers are all volunteers - this is not our full-time job. If your issue is truely urgent, open a Service Request (SR) with Oracle Support! ;-)
    Having said all this, what is your Forms version (eg; 10.1.2 not 10g). Please give us a code sample of what you've tried.
    Please avoid use key-commit logic.I have already used it ,logic is working fine,but i have faced several error ,which are repetedly fires for format masking of those field.If this is working fine, why are you getting errors? What types of errors have you received?
    Rule2>A cannot be less than B for same record, i.e. it should be A>BI'm confused by this, because your sample output violates this rule because A is less than B in all instances. Perhaps you meant A < B or A cannot be less than B for the previous record?
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

  • Logic in internal table -- Urgent

    Hi All,
    I have an internal table idoc_data of structure
          DOCNUM  SEGNUM  SEGNAM       
          3164     00001  E1STZUM -
    1st idoc
          3164     00002  E1MASTM
          3164     00003  E1MARAM
          3164     00004  E1MAKTM
          3164     00005  E1STPOM -
    end of 1st idoc
          3164     00006  E1STZUM  -
    2nd idoc
          3164     00007  E1MASTM
          3164     00008  E1MARAM
          3164     00009  E1STPOM -
    end of 2nd idoc
          3164     00010  E1STZUM  -
    3rd idoc
          3164     00011  E1MASTM
          3164     00012  E1MARAM
          3164     00013  E1STPOM  -
    end of 3rd idoc
          and so on .........
    "Pls note that the idocs are collected into a single idoc having same DOCNUM 3164".
    I have to write a logic like this.
    Loop at idoc_data.
    Move the first idoc record starting from E1STZUM -
    1st idoc till E1STPOM----end of 1st idoc into a temporary internal table and call master_idoc_distribute to send an idoc out.
    Move the second idoc record starting from E1STZUM  -
    2nd idoc till E1STPOM -
    end of 2nd idoc into the temporary internal table and call master_idoc_distribute to send an idoc out.
    Move the third idoc like the same and so on........for the whole idocs. 
    There could be even more than 5000 idocs in the same structure having same idoc number.
    Any help in writing the logic is really appreciated. Pls send me the whole code itself. It is an urgent reqmt. So pls do the needful.....

    Will explain one more time.
    Internal table structure
    3164 00001 E1STZUM -
    1st idoc
    3164 00002 E1MASTM
    3164 00003 E1MARAM
    3164 00004 E1MAKTM
    3164 00005 E1STPOM
    3164 00006 Z1MARZ -
    end of 1st idoc (this could be more than one )
    3164 00007 E1STZUM -
    2nd idoc
    3164 00008 E1MASTM
    3164 00009 E1MARAM
    3164 00010 E1STPOM
    3164 00011 Z1MARZ -
    end of 2nd idoc (this could be more than one)
    3164 00010 E1STZUM -
    start of 3rd idoc
    3164 00011 E1MASTM
    3164 00012 E1MARAM
    3164 00013 E1STPOM
    3164 00014 Z1MARZ     -
    end of 3rd idoc (this could be more than one)
    and so on.........
    "Pls note that the idocs are collected into a single idoc having same DOCNUM 3164".
    I have to write a logic like this.
    Loop at idoc_data.
    Move the first idoc record starting from E1STZUM -
    1st idoc till Z1MARZ----end of 1st idoc into a temporary internal table and call '' FM master_idoc_distribute'' to send an idoc out.
    Move the second idoc record starting from E1STZUM -
    2nd idoc till Z1MARZ -
    end of 2nd idoc into the temporary internal table and call FM "master_idoc_distribute" to send an idoc out.
    Move the third idoc like the same and so on........for the whole idocs.
    There could be even more than 5000 idocs in the same structure having same idoc number.
    Any help in writing the logic is really appreciated. Pls send me the whole code itself. It is an urgent reqmt. So pls do the needful.....

  • Help urgently needed, I have installed Logic Pro 9, since then my Final Cut Pro X keep freezing. Anyone what is wrong and how to solve it? I desperately need help on this. Thanks

    Help urgently needed, I have installed Logic Pro 9, since then my Final Cut Pro X keep freezing. Anyone what is wrong and how to solve it? I desperately need help on this. Apple support says I have to pay £85 for to help me. Thanks

    Just a word of advice. Never ever use the word "urgent" on this forum

  • Urgent: how to really seperate business logic class from data access class

    I've this problem here on my hand and i really need help urgently. so please allow me to thank anyone who replies to this thread =)
    Before i go any futhur, let me present a scenario. this will help make my question clearer.
    "A user choose to view his account information"
    here, i've attempted to do the following. i've tried to seperate my application into 3 layers, the GUI layer, the business logic layer, and the data access layer.
    classically, the GUI layer only knows which object it should invoke, for example in the case above, the GUI would instantiate an Account object and prob the displayAcctInfo method of the Account object.
    here is how my Account class looks like:
    public class Account
    private acctNo;
    private userid;
    private password;
    private Customer acctOwner;
    the way this class is being modelled is that there is a handle to a customer object.
    that being the case, when i want to retrieve back account information, how do i go about retrieveing the information on the customer? should my data access class have knowledge on how the customer is being programmed? ie setName, getName, setAge, getAge all these methods etc? if not, how do i restore the state of the Customer object nested inside?
    is there a better way to archieve the solution to my problem above? i would appriciate it for any help rendered =)
    Yours sincerely,

    public class AccountThat looks like a business layer object to me.
    In a large application the GUI probably shouldn't ever touch business objects. It makes requests to the business layer for specific information. For example you might have a class called CustomerAccountSummary - the data for that might come entirely from the Account object or it might come from Account and Customer.
    When the GUI requests information it receives it as a 'primitive' - which is a class that has no behaviour (methods), just data. This keeps the interface between the GUI and business layer simple and makes it easier to maintain.
    When using a primitive there are four operations: query, create, update and delete.
    For a query the gui sets only the attributes in the primitive that will be specifically queried for (or a specialized primitive can be created for this.) The result of a query is either a single primitive or a collection of primitives. Each primitive will have all the attributes defined.
    For a create all of the attributes are set. The gui calls a method and passes the primtive.
    For an update, usually all fields are defined although this can vary. The gui calls a method and passes the primitive.
    For a delete, only the 'key' fields are set (more can be but they are not used.) The gui calls a method and passes the primitive.
    Also keep in mind that a clean seperation is always an idealization. For example verify that duplicate records are not created is a business logic requirement (the database doesn't care.) However, it is much easier and more efficient to handle that rule in the database rather than in the business layer.

  • LOGIC FOR CREATING Purchase Order FOR repective Purchase Requisiton URGENT

    hi all,
    guys i have got all the purchase requisition for the materials  from EBAN table.
    now i have to create the PURCHASE ORDER  for these PURCHASE REQUISITIONS.
    so how should i proceed.
    what logic i should use to create the PO for These PR.
    if anyone of u have any code regd this requirement then plz share it with me.
    its very urgent, i have to deliver it by today evening.
    plz help me .
    i will award ur efforts.

    Automatic Conversion of PR to PO
    You created purchase requisition for various material. During creation of purchase order you used the following path:
    Purchase Requisition
    .......Follow on function 
    .........Create Purchase Order
    ............automatic via purReq. 
    When you mentioned required purchase requisition number and execute, system give error that purchase requisition does not contain any suitable item. 
    Is there any setting in customization where you can monitor and use that function.
    In an effort for you to successfully use the Transaction Code ME59 to automatically convert the current PR into PO, then the following criteria should be met: 
    1) In the Purchasing View of the material master data, the "Autom. PO" field must be clicked; 
    2) In the Purchasing View of the Vendor Master Data, the "Automatic Purchase Order" field must be clicked; 
    3) The Outline Agreement or Purchasing Info Record shall be maintained which will allow the automatic copying of unit price and other conditions into PO; 
    4) The Source List shall be maintained for the nominated vendor which was shown in either the Outline Agreement or Purchasing Info Record. 
    it might be PR subject to release strategy and not yet released
    If you're not using a source list or automatic creation of PO, you may need to assign the requisition to a purchase information record using transaction ME56. Then it should appear in ME58. 
    reward points to helpful answers.

  • Procedure to restart cancelled BDLS (logical system conversion) !! Urgent

    Hello Experts,
    I need immediate help. I started the BDLS (logical system name conversion) and it was running for about 3 days. It was about 70% complete. But because the users could not afford downtime, I cancelled the BDLS job. When I tried to restart BDLS later, it is giving an error "Logical system name already exists". Kindly note that we are on R3 4.6C environment with CRM 4.0. The BDLS conversion is on R3 4.6C QA which was refreshed from R3 4.6C prod.
    My question is
    1- Is there any way to restart BDLS on R3 4.6C? If so, what is the procedure?
    2- The BDLS was 70% complete, before it was cancelled. So it created a new logical system name. Is it possible to delete this new logical system name without any problems?
    3- Because BDLS converted 70% of the tables from old logical system name to new logical system name. There might be data inconsistency.
    3a- Is there a way to reset all the converted tables to old logical system name?
    3b- Is there a report or program or a procedure to reset the BDLS?
    4- Will this state of having 70% of tables with new logical system name and 30% of tables having old logical system name create any problems for the data transfers and for the business?
    Kindly help me in this regard as this is a very urgent issue. Points to be awarded for any kind of small help.

    Thanks a ton Srikishan. I will do the same as you have said.
    A couple of more questions.
    1- Do I have to start this immediately now, in the morning hours, asking all the users to get disconnected or schedule it later, during the night time or on the weekend.
    Will this current state of having 70% of tables with new logical system name and 30% of tables having old logical system name create any problems for the business?
    2- If this there a way ( a program, a procedure) to reset changes done by BDLS?
    Kindly note that due to the database being large, BDLS is taking 3 days. So I cannot do this during the week days (during business hours), I will have to reschedule this during the weekend.
    Please let me know. Thanks.

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