Logic X FCPX XML import

Has anyone had any luck using the new Logic X's (10.0.1) Final Cut Pro XML? I'm using FCPX 10.0.9.
I expected volume/pan automation data (and hopefully roles) to be transferred during the import, they're not. And Logic X makes a new track for every single clip.
Has anybody gotten this feature to work as advertised?

I dont use FCP7, infact i dont know to use.
Is there a way to drang all the audio tracks exported from logic which i have imported to my event in FCPX, (can i drag all of the tracks to the timeline as a connected clip  - all tracks below each other).. ?????
If i select all the audio tracks in the event and hit Q, only the first track is connected , the rest of the tracks are appended to the first track. I want all of them below each other. Is this possible to have all the tracks as connected clips at once ??
Coz I have 60 audio tracks and i really dont want to drag each of them to the time line.
Thank you.

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  • FCPX XML import error "edit frame boundary"

    I'm attemting to import an XML file into FCPX from Davinci Resolve and am continually getting an error log message which contains the following: "the item is not on an edit frame boundary." I'm working with raw CDNG files from a 5D Mark III in Resolve and trying to export quicktime files in a roundtrip workflow. 
    I'm working on a 23.976 timeline and everything appears to be set up correctly in Resolve.  It exports the quicktime files and the XML file.  When I import the XML into FCPX, the error code appears (see below).  The new clips appear in a new event and a project is created, but the project settings have changed from "1920 x 818" to "1280 x 720" and the frame rate has changed from 23.976 to 60p. These settings cannot be modified in the project settings.  I can see the new timeline but it doesn't play normally.  I think it has something to do with a framerate mismatch or timecode problem, but I'm not sure, I've checked everything I can think of.  Incidentally, the other side of the workflow (exporting XML from FCPX to Resolve) works just fine.  Really hoping to be able to take a graded timeline back into Final Cut for finishing.  Any ideas would be appreciated.

    You open XML file you will see xml file will contain many task tag <Tag> 
    Every task will start with  <Task> and task Name will come as <Name>task1</Name>. You can find all the line with <Name>task1</Name> then you can copy all the task in excel truncate <Name> and <Name>
    then you will have only name of the task then in the 2nd column of the excel you can paste tasks from MPP fiel then you can check easily which task is not present in the xml file.

  • How do I import my Final Cut Pro 10 (FCPX) XML files into Logic 9?

    I am using 10.0.5. Which is the latest version Of Final Cut Pro X. I export my project out as a XML in FCPX. Then went into Logic 9 clicked on import then selected XML how ever the XML file was grey and Logic wouldn't  come up as a valid XML to import. Please help me! Thanks

    AFAIK Logic 9 can't import the form of XML that FCP X outputs.
    There may be other ways to bridge the gap, but since I don't  use Logic 9 I can't help further.

  • Multi channel audio not exporting from fcpx xml as mono to logic always comes in a mixed surround

    I have a long edit cut with 24 bit multi channel wav files (i.e 6 microphones on separate tracks but in a single wav file.)
    This is very a very common production practice.
    when i import into fcpx it defaults to seeing the files as surround. I change this to mono so i can mix and spit the audio between each mic.
    The last step in the edit is to hand the mix off to the sound designer in logic.
    however no matter how i export the xml file for logic. it always comes in as a surround file again instead of mixed mono files.
    it shows up in logic as 6 tracks but all but generally only the top track has a mono mix of all 6 and the rest are blank.
    it shows that all 6 are seen as 5.1 surround indicated by the icon.
    interestingly if i just import the file directly into logic it comes in as 6 mono files. (the icon for mono showing and all are separate microphones)
    Any ideas on how to get fcpx not to export the audio xml as surround? (it seems that it is locked to that on import no matter how i modify after)

    Ok so i order to help anyone who is interested.
    The only ironic solution to this problem i found was to use a plugin called xto7 to convert the xml to the old fcp7 format.
    i then imported this into premiere pro.
    this was then able to export an OMF that when imported into logic 10 that was using the correct 6ch mono setting as separate tracks.
    Insane but it works until Apple fixes the incorrect meta data import in FCPX that sets the xml export to the default import that is always surround.
    this is the only way i was able to send stems with all the edit points and fades for the sound editor.
    If you don't have premiere lying around you maybe able to do it with fcp7 too we just didn't have it in this studio.
    Fingers crossed Apple fixes the fcpx xml export.

  • FCPX 10.1.3 and Pluraleyes 3.5.4 - XML Import Issue

    Dear Apple Family and Video Production Masters,
    I need your help with a problem.
    First I'll give context,
                   My Goal: Use Pluraleyes to sync video clips and reimport into FCPX so that all video clips and audio waves are in sync.
    I used Pluraleyes 3.5.4 to export an XML file after Synchronizing all the videos:
    I exported the XML ensuring that my file is FCPX XML format and selected it to automatically import (I've done this with a manual import though as well):
    I imported the file into FCPX v.10.1.3 - chose a library - and then this was the problem ... the clips are there in sychronized position, but there is No Video.  And No Audio.
    If you can help, I would most welcome your masterful expertise.
    Thank you for considering,

    You can install Oracle Configuration management (OCM) and its does all checks for you. Also you need to make sure that on 64-bit application server, you use linux32 bash for installing 10.1.3 app server.
    Also installer does the pre-req check as well.

  • Insane XML Import, Huge Project, Duplicate file names work around...

    I planned on kicking off my journey attempting to edit a massive multi year documentary on FCPX with a nice introduction of the blog I'm going to keep about the experience, but I've run into a bit of a roadblock, or maybe major speed bump at least before even getting to that point. I wanted to share what is working as a work around for me and you guys can tell me how I'm doing it wrong.
    Ok, I will try to explain this as succinctly as possible. I'll write in somewhat stream of consciousness just to try and get through it quicker... Basically, after discovering the work around below, I am now utterly confused on how FCPX handles the relationship between its own database of where media is stored, and the actual media itself. I have plenty experience on FCPX now, probably done 30-40 pro commercial jobs on it over the last year since XML became doable as I'm also a Resolve Colorist and all the FCPX projects where hardcore coloring product spots. For commercial work, I never needed to worry about splitting up footage up over multiple Events. Everything, all in one, FCPX handled it no problem. (well the occasional beach ball, but that seems to be a thing with FCPX in general)
    This will be my 10th feature documentary as an Editor. Every one before it was either on Avid's many flavors over the last 12 years or FCP Studio. When this new film came along, I made the decision a few months ago to use FCPX for a few reasons, but mostly because I'm insane and I like to try to mix it up for myself in a career that can get stale quick if you aren't willing to be that way. The film was shot over 2+ years, every shoot was multi cam 5D (yes i know, looks great, but please kill me), I haven't done the math on length, but there is over 10,000 clips of video (this is actually medium in size compared to what I've dealt with before). Its 5D, so theres external audio for everything. FCPX's syncing is great, but I've learned that theres an unsaid window of heads and tales clips must fall within to sync properly with the nearby clips, if they are too far apart FCPX gives up. One shoot day could have 3 cams, 50 clips each, and 2 audio files to sync to, FCPX simply cannot handle this, so off to Plural eyes they went, no problems.
    Ok, all this is relevant eventually I swear! Again, in the past, all in one event, no problem. I tried for fun to bring all media into one Event on this film. It worked, but there is a 10+ second spinning beach ball for every single move you make, so thats no good. Ok, I'll separate the Events out to, lets say, each shoot month. Well that's dumb, in verite documentary, any shot could be the first, any shot could be the last, you need a command over all searchable footage at all times. Shift selecting all events to search *****, and it actually takes longer for FCP to reload each event each time than it does to just have the one massive one. So no go there. Next hair brained idea... What if make a new Event that is just Compound Clips of all the other Event's contents and do more with Markers and Favorites in logging that I was planning to parse it all out. That way I'm working with and FCPX is dealing with 50-60 clips instead of 10,000+ Quick test, Cmd-A, Opt-G, boom, boom, boom, move all to dedicated to Event, hide huge Event, BEHOLD, that works! FCPX chokes a little bit on the insane length of some of the clips, but searching, and general performance is back on par!
    So your saying to yourself "Ok *********, sounds like you figured it out, what's the problem." Well to you I say, "Not so fast!" Remember, that was just a quick test using the media I had imported into the massive 10,000+ clip Event. To do this project proper, I am having to import Multicam sync'd XMLs from Plural Eyes. And this is where it all starts to fall apart. A little foreshadowing for your eager eyes. 10,000+ files all shot with multiple 5D's over the course of years. What does that mean? many, many duplicate file names!
    FCPX as well all know irritatingly imports XML's as new Events, not into existing ones. This obviously takes a lot of burden off media management because with a new Event comes a new database referencing its own version of the raw media. All well and good, and I'm betting its starting to click for some if you advanced users where I'm finally going with this. So I have 50 or so XMLs to bring in, all done no problem. Now I want to replicate that singular Event like I did with the Compound Clip test and have it all in one place to be my master as extensive logging begins for easy searching once editing begins. Highlight the Events, click Merge Events. NOPE. I get a new "Kill Yourself Now" error (a term I coined for Out of Memory and General Error messages in FCP Legacy meaning there ain't much you can do about it): "Two or more files have the same name. Change the names and try again, because I don't know what the **** to do with them." Ok I made up that last part but that's basically what it's saying. Just take the variable out of the equation, this happens with every which way you could try to get the clips together. Merge Events, dragging events on top of each other, dragging just the Multicam clip alone, nothing gets passed that message. What's worse is that while Batch Renaming seems like a solution, the renames do not populate inside the created clips and there is no way to Batch Rename those. Renaming everything at the finder level isn't so great because then I'd have to resync and theres an offline/online thing going here where the film has to be reconformed eventually.
    Basically, I've found that FCPX handles media management in completely different ways depending on whether you are importing into one Event yourself or doing essentially what is a new import with FCPX moving or merging Events. If you bring in all the media to one Event, on a macro level FCPX goes through file by file making aliases referencing the master file. If it hits a duplicate, it makes a parenthesis counter, and keeps going. And with the genius of FCPX metadata, that file name doesn't even matter, you can change it at the Finder level and FCPX will keep the link intact. BUT for some reason if you try to do this outside the realm of a single Event and combine files after the fact a different process takes over in creating this database system and can't handle the duplicates. I can't totally figure the reason other than it probably is scared to change the originally referenced alias to something else (which it shouldn't be scared of since Merge Events deletes the original anyway).
    This is where it gets INSANE and where I lose all understanding of what is going on, and believe me it was a delicate understanding to begin with. It comes in to play with the work around I figured out. I make the master Event with the 10,000+ clips. Then I import all the XMLs as dedicated Events. Now, I then drag the Multicam clips into the master Event, it WORKS! just takes it, no "Kill Yourself Now" error. Stranger still, now with the switched referenced Event, it even takes into account which aliased duplicate file name it's referencing in the Original Media folder. Somehow, it's taking into account the original file path and saying "Ok, I see 5 instances of MVI_5834.mov. Based on the original file path or maybe creation date or god knows what, it must be MVI_5834 (fcp3).mov." It connects perfectly. I can even remove the old XML imported Event with no problem. Crazier yet, I can now move those again to the dedicated Event I wanted originally that only contains those Multicam or Compound Clips.
    So instead of going straight from A to C, going from A to B to C works even though that actually seems way more complicated. Why can't FCPX handle Merge Events and dragging clips the same way it handles media imported into a single Event. And weirder still, why can't FCPX handle the (fcp1,2,3...) appending in the same scenario. But if the appended links are already there, No Problem. And for the love of god, it'd be nice to important XML's into existing Events and make the correct referencing happen right from the get go, which is really the source of all the above headache. I'd have no problem helping FCPX with a little manual pointing in the right direction just like any other NLE needs.
    Ok, having said all of that crap above, my question is, have I missed something completely simple I should have done instead? Now that I have everything in place how I originally envisioned, I think I will still play around a little bit more to make sure FCPX is really going to be able to handle this project. I'm at a stage right now where going another direction is still an option, although the dare devil in me wants to make this work. Media management aside, once you start editing on a FCPX timeline, its hard to go back to anything else. Apple is going to have to figure out some way not to access to everything at all times to work fluidly or big projects like this are never going to be practical in FCPX.
    Sorry for the long confusing post....

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  • Can anyone get LPX to actually read FCPX XML files properly?

    Can anyone get LPX to actually read FCPX XML files properly?  I'm in the latest versions of FCPX, LPX, and OS X Mavericks, and it simply doesn't work at all.  Total failure.  Can anyone get this to work properly?

    I haven't used it on a current project, but I did test it, and it worked fine. I was able to save an XML file, render a proxy video, and import them both into LPX. I was able to make some tweaks and export it all back to FCPX.
    While Roles are not addressed as elegantly as the app X2Pro does for Pro Tools, the process works.
    I'm running Mavericks on a MBP and a "CustoMac".

  • Apple please fix XML import!!!  Thank you!

    I just bought Logic 7 based upon Apple's claims that it supports XML import from a Final Cut Pro timeline. Whoops- I'm an idiot- should have read these posts first.
    Apparently I am not the only one to have no success getting a clean transfer.
    Sure I am able to import the XML, but it's a huge mess. Tracks are not showing up correctly and audio keyframe (automation) is always way screwed up. And from all the other posts on this subject I have seen there is no joy for anyone else either.
    The sole reason for me to buy this app was to do precision post audio work for video done in Final Cut. One would think that the smartest way to go would be to stick with all Apple apps- c'mon Apple. PLEASE give us a FIX! Or at tell us we are all crazy and explain what we need to do, or not do, to at least work around these problems.

    Well I hate to beat a dead horse- I just don't want this to get pushed back into oblivion. Sooo.....just thought I'd add this:
    What Apple says about Logic:
    "Migrating audio content from other applications such as Soundtrack and Final Cut Pro becomes much simpler with Logic Pro 7 support of XML audio files. This open and simple protocol guarantees robust and reliable transfer of data from one application to another."
    And what Apple says about Final Cut HD:
    "Final Cut Pro HD supports XML interchange format, which describes every aspect of a program from edits and transitions to effects, color correction settings and keyframe data. Using XML interchange format, you can seamlessly share project, bin, sequence, clip and media data generated by Final Cut Pro HD with any other application or system that supports XML"
    Actually I am not sure if this is a Final Cut problem or a Logic problem but either way they are BOTH Apple products and I would assume that if any two products would work great together it would be these two (at least here's to hoping)

  • Copy, Move, or XML import drops non 1080p clips with no warning

    What are the limitations on moving, copying, or exporting/importing XML?
    It seems that FCPX dropped all my clips that are not 1080p. And to make matters worse, FCPX went through the motions like it was moving/importing, but ignored the clips that were not 1080p and gave me no warning.  So I worked on the project for 2 days only to discover that part of the clips were missing.
    Has anyone else found this problem or do I have a configuration problem.
    I have some Gopro video and timelapse that are large frame sizes, 2.7k and whatever the medium timelapse stills were set to.  These are the problems.
    This seems to work with XML on the same computer, but when moving to a second computer is were the problem comes in.  The move/copy either events or clips dropped all my odd sized video clips, even on the same computer.  Again no warning.
    You can import the original clips but not copy, move, or export/import XML to another computer.  I thought XML export was the recommended way of working in a distributed enviornment with FCPX 10.1?
    2 computers
    both OSX 10.9.2
    both FCPX 10.1.1
    all media is external to the libraray, so it needs to be re-linked when moved.
    It does appear that if I copy the library to the other computer that everything is OK, but not with XML.
    Should export/import XML work with non-standard frame sizes?  It would seem that if you can import the original clip, that you should be able to copy, move, export/import XML.

    Thank Louis for the reply.
    My problem is not the media, but clip instances.  I have the media on both computers.  For some reason the unlinked images are not loading accept for the 1080p.  When the clips show up, I can re-link them without problems.
    I re-ran the XML import/export between computers, doing a complete round trip.  This time it worked!  I apparently am having a repeatability probelm, so I have some more work to do.
    However when I did a Copy event to Library command, only the 1080p clips appeared.
    Any suggestions on how to make this more repeatable?  Like emptying a cache or something.
    BTW  the clips that were dropped are 2704x1524 - would that make any difference?

  • Error messages during XML import of Project Pro 2010 files

    Hi folks,
    I'm trying to diagnose a couple of sick Project Pro 2010 files loaded from Project Server by saving them locally as XML files and then reimporting (not connected to the server during import).  The anomalous behavior exhibited by both files
    is that one takes 15 minutes to load from the server, while another takes over 20 minutes. These are not typical load times for this server.  In both cases, Project consumes about 25% of the CPU during the load process. There's little network I/O
    while this goes on, and when externally linked schedules are loaded to the cache, they load very quickly.  Other than the long load times, the schedules appear to be behave normally, except for some very odd print preview behaviors in one of the schedules
    that I asked about in a different thread (among other things, the default print preview start date is 17 years after the default finish date, and the finish date is about 11 years before the schedule actually starts).
    The questions I'm asking here are about errors I see when I try to import the files exported as XML, and whether they might provide any clues as to what's causing the load time issues.
    When attempting to import one of the files saved as XML, a pop-up appears that says, "The actual finish date is before some of the previously entered timephased actual work values. If  you continue with this operation, Project will truncate
    some of the previously entered timephased actual work values. To continue, click OK..."
    When attempting to import the other file saved as XML, I get a series of pop-ups identifying a series of tasks that say, "The timephased edit will cause 'Develop Requirements Review Meeting Mi...' to start before 'Conduct Requirements Review"
    finishes.  As a result the task link cannot be honored.  You can: () Continue. Keep the timephased edit and ignore the link.  () Cancel. Ignore the timephased edit.  (OK/Cancel/Help)".
    Interestingly, both files contain external Project Server predecessor / successor links.  In the case of the first file, the XML import just appears to strip those out.  In the case of the second file, I get a long series of pop-ups (with
    some buggy text inserts) in pairs.  The first message in the pair is typically "An import error occurred.  The element <PredecessorLink> in the <Task> element with <UID>=611 has invalid data.  Verify that the file
    name and path are correct, and then try again. (OK)", where the indicated UID varies. The second pop-up in the pair appears to have a buggy text constructor and looks like this, with "[stet]" indicating the apparent buggy text inserts,
    "An import error occurred.  The element [stet] Verify that the file name and path are correct, and then try again. [stet] in the 309 element with <UID>=7 has invalid data. [stet] ^4 (OK)"
    In the second pop-up of the pair, the "xyz element" varies, but the "<UID>=7" reference and "^4"  are consistent. In the XML, UID 7 appears to refer to a calendar, a task which includes a number
    of entries similar to:
    ... and to an assignment:
    which includes blocks like:
    Eventually, the second file also does load with no external file links indicated.
    Again, I'm just looking for anything that might be a clue to the long Project Server load times.
    Thanks in advance,

    Slow performance can come from a number of different things. Without knowing more detailed information about your setup or workflow, it's difficult to accurately troubleshoot.
    -What kind of Mac are you using?
    -What is your source format?
    -Where is your source footage located?

  • XML import only creates one record at a time

    Hi All,
    I have an XML import map that automatically imports data into main product table. It's working fine when the XML file has only one main record. When it has more than one record, the import manager and import server can only import the last record in the file and skip the rest.
    I already checked the record matching tab. It correctly shows that all records will be created and 0 will be skipped. Even the log file indicates all records are created after I execute the map. Yet, when I try to look for them in the data manager, I can only find the last one. If I execute the map with the exact same file again, it will create one more record again and skip the rest.
    Someone else posted the same question a while back: Import map issue one record at a time. But it was never answered. Does anyone else have this issue? Is this a MDM bug?

    Hi Kenny,
    Please refer to the note below:
    Note 1575981
    Neethu Joy

  • XML import - stopped due to "critical error"

    Hi all. For the moment, I'm still working with FCS1/FCP 5.1.4, OS 10.4.11.
    In the past, when I've needed to open a project I've started on other machines running 6.0.x, I've done an XML export, and imported said xml file into a new project on my machine. If I recall correctly, XML type 2 worked just fine.
    Well, it doesn't work now, and I'm wondering why?
    The machine I'm exporting from is running OS10.4.11, and FCP 6.0.3. I've exported the project out of there in all flavors of xml (1,2,3 and 4), with and without clip metadata. And I get nothing on import, bupkus, nada, zilch and zero...except for the oh-so-helpful message "XML import stopped due to critical error"
    So who broke this?

    I've had this happen to me when the original project contained sequences that used filters not supported by 5.1.4.
    My solution was to strip out suspect filters until it worked.

  • [CS2][AS] Make XML import map is calling a refresh on styles?

    If this can be of use to someone else... it's probably not CS2,AS specific.. but this is what i use.
    It's the second time i have a bug like this, where changing the order of my calls is fixing the problem. With this one, i was getting random missing font error (times(1)) while batching documents(wich make the batch script batch crash as there is a modal dialog open). Not always on the same document, it was really fustrating as i was not able to get my finger on the problem!
    I actually knew the source of the problem as i had added a fix (maybe not the best solution, but it was working well) that actually was removing the style from all the text frame (i noticed that using map style to tag was not always working well(when text frame had overriden?), so that's why i added code to reset the style before doing a map. But i was not understanding why it was happening so randomly...
    I tought at first it was happening during save (as it reopen the document) but after a few experimentation it looked like it was occuring during the import map redefinition (See code below: make XML import map with properties {markup tag:tStyle, mapped style:tStyle}).
    Looks like the make XML import is calling some sort of document refresh wich then pop the font missing dialog (even with never interact as script preferences!)! (missing font is actually a bug i had also in other circumstances.. exemple when you have a extra return at the end of a tagged text (outside the tag)). A bit unexpected, i really tought that creating a xml import map was just creating data structure in document model to be used later on by the auto style call...
    The problematic script:
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
    set myDocument to document 1
    tell myDocument
    --Reset styles.
    set applied character style of every text of every text frame of every spread to character style 1
    set applied paragraph style of every text of every text frame of every spread to paragraph style 1
    --Create a tag to style mapping.
    set tList to name of every XML tag
    set tNumItems to count of tList
    repeat with i from 1 to tNumItems
    set tStyle to item i of tList
    make XML import map with properties {markup tag:tStyle, mapped style:tStyle}
    end repeat
    --Map the XML tags to the defined styles.
    auto style
    end tell
    end tell
    And the working solution (just moved the reset of style after the import map creation loop):
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
    set myDocument to document 1
    tell myDocument
    --Create a tag to style mapping.
    set tList to name of every XML tag
    set tNumItems to count of tList
    repeat with i from 1 to tNumItems
    set tStyle to item i of tList
    make XML import map with properties {markup tag:tStyle, mapped style:tStyle}
    end repeat
    --Reset styles.
    set applied character style of every text of every text frame of every spread to character style 1
    set applied paragraph style of every text of every text frame of every spread to paragraph style 1
    --Map the XML tags to the defined styles.
    auto style
    end tell
    end tell

    it doesnt print any server control message. in my "page_404.jsp" I am printing current date and time (to check if the server visited that page) everytime when i refresh "index.jsp" the server goes to "page_404.jsp" and prints the current date and time.
    so basically the only message which the console shows is the current date/time which i am printing in the "page_404.jsp"

  • Layout Problem in XML Import

    Dear All,
    I am new in InDesign. I have some problem. I am using InDesign CS3. I want when XML file will be import layout should be come according to our specification with image. Is it possible any script or XSLT. If yes please give me some guiduence.
    I have done XML to Tagged Text using XSLT. But i want to go through XML Import options.
    Anyone please help me...
    Thanks and Regards,

    If possible, purchase a copy of A Designer's Guide to Adobe InDesign and XML: Harness the Power of XML to Automate your Print and Web Workflows.
    This book will answer most questions you might have about using XML with InDesign.
    For a short answer, you need to first create styles, then map them to the tags, then import the XML. I will send you an example via email (the author emailed me directly).
    Best regards,

  • InDesign CS3 Scripting XML Import Multiple Images into same Text Frame

    I am having trouble importing multiple images into the same Text Frame using XML import. I imported 5 images into the text frame. However, all 5 images are laying on top of one another. Does anyone know if there is a way to have all images laying out like how Microsoft Word handles inline images, i.e., laying out next image to the right of previsous image in the same line and if there is not enough space left in the line, then wrap to next line. Thanks in advance. I understand I could use JavaScript to do post import processing, e.g, calculate the image size and place each images accordingly. But I am trying to see whether there is a way to do this without scripts.

    You can apply an object style to all anchored images by script. A text frame containing main flow should be selected.
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var textFrame =  app.selection[0];
    var rectangles = textFrame.texts[0].rectangles;
    if (rectangles.length > 0) {
         for (var i=0; i < rectangles.length; i++) {
              rectangles[i].appliedObjectStyle = doc.objectStyles.item("Cover");
    However, there is a better approach:
    Step 1
    Create place holders for a single "Book" element and format it as needed -- apply an object style to the cover.
    Step 2
    Import the xml file -- the placeholders are replaced with data from the 1st xml element
    Step 3
    Drag & drop the element containing all "Books" elements into the main flow -- all elements are placed and formatted the same way as in step 1.
    Finally, add a new page, click the overset text icon and autoflow text to add pages so that to fit all the text.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi all, Is there anyway to speed up a SharePoint Designer Workflow in SharePoint 2013 Online. I am restricted to using SP Designer. If I were on-premises I would throw an app or workflow server at it, but I am online. It is taking 7 seconds for a ver

  • Payment term determination on billing document

    How are the payment terms determined for a biling document? In creating a billing document, the payment terms are NOT copied from the sales order as expected or even from the payer partner. They are copied from the sold to partner. Where is this done

  • Data being dropped after joining Fiscal Time with Fact Table

    Hi, In my RPD, i have jolined the Fiscal Calendar with my fact tables : Fiscal Day is joined to Create Time column in the fact table. Fiscal Day Data is : 6/6/2006 12:00:00 Creare Time Data is : 6/6/2006 11:45:49 6/6/2006 11:56:50 When i pull the fis

  • ITunes Space Consumption

    I have about 3,700 songs on ITunes: Does it make sense that it would consume close to 16GB's? If I have downloaded albu, graphics (which I assume also consumes space), how can I turn off and delete existing to free up space?