Login Options dimmed

I was able to create a new password and admin ID on an recently acquired old G4 laptop. However, every time I log in it asks for my password. I want it to log in automatically. However, the 'login options' are dimmed in system preferences. There are no other accounts set up, only my admin account. How can I get the computer to log me in w/o having to enter my password each time?

How can I get the computer to log me in w/o having to enter my password each time?

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    First thing I would do would be to boot in to Lion Recovery (Command+R on boot) and run Disk Utility, both disk and permissions repair.

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    Just to clarify my earlier statement:
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    This is as expected!
    Dialog (system) controls inherit their visual appearance from the OS, and the same control will look different under Windows XP, Windows 2000, or MAC, etc. They adapt to the desktop theme, including fonts, font colors, and other colors, etc.. The attached Image shows the same pair of controls and how they change appearance if I switch the desktop theme between "Windows XP" and "Windows Classic".
    Customization would make no sense, because the appearance is determined by the OS, not by you.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 08-25-2006 02:19 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Theme.png ‏4 KB

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    I am having the exact same problem...
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    Hello Leopardus,
    having read other post concerning this issue
    Re: Removing Guest User icon from login page
    dated all the way back to 2012, I have decide to leave well enough along and not let the GUEST button bother me.
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    Thank you all.

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    -- from the system
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    Open a new account to see if the issue appears there.
    Disconnect all peripherals from your computer. Boot from your install disc & run _*Repair Disk*_ from the utility menu. To use the Install Mac OS X disc, insert the disc, and restart your computer while holding down the C key as it starts up.
    Select your language.
    Once on the desktop, select Utility in the menu bar.
    Select *Disk Utility.*
    Select the disk or volume in the list of disks and volumes, and then click *First Aid.*
    Click _*Repair Disk.*_
    Restart your computer when done.
    Repair permissions after you reach the desktop-http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25751 and restart your computer.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi ,
    This issue seems to be related to the active sync policy,the sync policy will persist even though the account has been removed. To solve this iuuse ,we can reset the security policy.
    To reset the Security Policies:
    Control Panel \User and Family Safety \User Accounts \Reset Security Policies
    Here is a link for reference:
    Exchange ActiveSync Policy Engine Overview
    Best regards  

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    Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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    Thank you!

    There is no prevention or network proceedure that would prevent that matter. The correct way to fix that problem after a storm will be to disconnect everything, power units down for 15 to 20sec.(router & modem), power units back up, once units come back up to normal fuction connect the modem back to router, then connect pc to router and reboot. That should establish your connection back after power outage.

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    Thanks, Tina

    I have set up a Mac OS X Server for Open Directory but I do not seet the additional option to allow network users to log in on a Mac OS X 10.4 client.
    This may be one of the reasons I cannot login with networks accounts.
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    Open the padlock at the bottom of the window.

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    Try here >  Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Try disabling anti virus software and turning off the Firewall.

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