Login Script Issue

Hello and I hope that everyone is having a great weekend. I noticed an issue with a login script that I have been using for a number of years, the issue only seems to crop up on the SLED 11 SP1 Desktop and the NCL, on my Windows 7 machine the login script works fine under Windows 7 here is the script that I am using
Again the script works on Win 7, but not on SLED 11 SP1, and NCL

Originally Posted by jmarton
dschaldemcs wrote:
> It is ignoring the Home Directory statement
Are you using any if/then statements around the "map r U:..." that
might cause it to not execute on SLED?
If not, next thing is check the client properties as I thought there
were some settings for variables or something in there... can't
remember for sure and I no longer have SLED around to test.
Novell Knowledge Partner
Enhancement Requests: http://www.novell.com/rms
I ended up using a variation of the following MAP R H:=servername\data volume name\HOME\then user ID that worked for my own user I will be testing that for others as well on the SLED 11 and make sure that they will work also.

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    I have the same issue and I solve the issue with change these parameters.
    1.- You must change on configuration profile "before user logon". I have 5 seconds
    2.- You must change on configuration profile  "port authentication Exception policy" and you must enable checkbox "enable port exceptions" and select "allow data traffic before authentication"
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    Hi Mgibson-TC,
    Can we run this script locally to check what’s the result?
    You can try Ed (DareDevil57)’s suggest first, if this issue persists, we can do some tests to narrow down this root cause.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    > example, it would be REALLY appreciated....
    > Thanks!
    > KB
    > "KB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:mHgfg.738$[email protected]..
    > > Forgot to mention - I want to run this in silent mode, and need to
    > > the issue where someone already has the agent installed...
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > > KB
    > >
    > > "KB" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > > news:Dfgfg.703$[email protected]..
    > >> Is there is simpler way of installing the zfd4 agent via a login
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    > >> Novell docs and Novel Press books) seem complex and frought with
    > >> pitfalls...
    > >>
    > >> Thanks,
    > >> KB
    > >>
    > >
    > >
    your Login Script must be seen like this:
    #z:exist c:\programme\novell\zenworks\nalwin32.exe
    the agent.bat is a batch File to install the agent in silent mode
    it looks like that:
    msiexec /i z:\zfdagent\zfdagent.msi /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL EDITABLE_MT_ADDRESS=1
    the z:\zfdagent is a subdirectory in the sys:\system\Public where
    zfdagent.msi file exists.
    hier is a link to download exist.exe
    Download: http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/...oads/exist.zip
    Best regards

  • Login Scripts?

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    Mark Robinson wrote:
    > Oksana wrote:
    >> hello,
    >> i have the novell client for linux on nld. i can't seem to get the login
    >> scripts to run consistently. sometimes they run, sometimes they don't.
    >> i have slp configured and i can see the netware servers without issue.
    > Occasionally I have found that network changes on the client cause things
    > to
    > fall over. Have you tried logging out and back in? Does everything work
    > ok after a reboot?
    Sometimes things work after a reboot. It's not consistent.
    I find the client is very slow, and as other's have experienced, sometimes
    when I write files to a NetWare 6.5 sp4 server the files get corrupted.
    Now if I have to download something I connect to a Windows server and
    transfer the file back to NW to avoid this problem.
    I have set up SLP and before I login when I search contexts and everything
    it can find all the servers etc. easily.
    I have NMAS enabled and the NCP signature level to 1 ( I found I couldn't
    get the client to work with 2 or 3). I'm using NCP, DNS and SLP to resolve
    Thanks, Oksana

  • POST request in a login script

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    tring value, value2;
         try {
         BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
         URL url = new URL("................./admin.php");
         URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
         System.out.println("Enter your username");
         value = stdin.readLine();
         value = URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8");
         System.out.println("Enter your password");
         value2 = stdin.readLine();
         value2 = URLEncoder.encode(value2, "UTF-8");
         System.out.println("Acessing the ECHO server script");
         PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
         out.println("username="+ value);
         BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
         String inputLine;
         System.out.println("Retrieving data");
         while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
         catch (Exception e)
         System.out.println("Error: "+e);
         System.out.println("Processing Acomplished");In case somebody wonders, this is part of the php script
    if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']))
    $username = $_POST['username'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    echo $username;
    echo $password;
    if ( $username == "1" && $password == "2" )
    echo "CORRECT";
    echo "INCORRECT";
    }Now, the script successfuly recieved my data, and prints it back. However, whenever i try to check if the value is "1", for example, it always evaluates to FALSE. I am completely lost, because the script print back 1, and then says that 1 != 1
    I know it looks like script problem, but im almost sure that its not.
    Maybe the data that java post's is encoded differently or something, and the script cant really "interpret" it. Did anyone else encounter any problems with login scripts and java ?
    Sorry if this is a lame question, i'm just beginning....

    I know it looks like script problem, but im almost sure that its not.I'm almost sure it is. Check that it's not comparing the string "1" to the integer 1 or something. But the way you present it the problem is almost certainly in the PHP rather than the Java.

  • How do I connect my Centro to the Internet via bluetooth over PC's Internet? Where is Centro's PPP Connection Type? How do I setup Login Script for bluetooth connection?

    I am trying to set up bluetooth on the Centro to connect to the internet via my PC's internet.
    HotSync over bluetooth works successfully.
    Computer specs: Toshiba P205-S6277; Bluetooth Stack v5.10.04 (currently using); Bluetooth Monitor v3.01 (to use Vista's built-in bluetooth)
    I think I have narrowed my problem down to 3 things.
    (1) Finding Network Access properties (to allow connected devices to access the internet)
    (2) Finding Centro's Network Connection Type: PPP
    (3) Finding the correct Login Script to use
    for (1) I think I've looked everywhere; found nothing on Network Access. 
    Checked control panel: only Bluetooth Local COM
    Right-clicked bluetooth icon > Settings: File transfer, PAN Networking, PAN DHCP server, AV controls. Other bluetooth settings are for file transfer or object push. I don't see anything like this.
    I'm stumped on (2). It seems as if palm removed this option under Centro's Advanced network settings .
    Nearly all the forums that I read says to choose Connection Type: PPP.
    (3) Found 2 scripts that seemed would work. I don't know how it exactly works but it sounds workable.
    First script:
    Send: CLIENT
    Send: CLIENT
    Wait for: CLIENTSERVER
    Script 1 Connect Log:
    Connect Log
    S: client
    S: client
    Err: 0x121F   <<<netErrUserCancel b/c I canceled it. 
    Not connected
    I canceled it because the process would stay on "Signing In" then it automatically "Canceled" itself.
    Second script:
    Send CR:
    Delay: 1
    Send: CLIENT
    **UPDATE** I found on this forum (Reply # 3689) that the script is needed only if you are using Palm OS 4 or under. Centro uses Palm OS 5.49121. Can anyone support this?
    Even without the script it has problems "Signing In".
    I'm currently reading this site and trying out its decribed methods. I will update this thread when I get the results.
    I'm using the Centro. And If anyone's been able to successfully connect to the internet on the Centro via a bluetooth connection to the PC WITHOUT 3rd party applications, please share.  If not, please share any ideas.
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
    Message Edited by naisanza on 01-01-2009 02:26 PM

    I've been going at this for days, and have probably exhausted all the proposed solutions on the first 3 pages of various google searches. I'm getting the feeling that Vista users are pretty much SOL for the time being.
    For the record, I just tried out a few of the solutions (mRouter & SoftickPPP) on XP and they work perfectly.
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)
    Message Edited by Cogwheel on 02-13-2009 09:45 AM

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    please tell me
    how to change the Default login script and the USER login script in
    Netware3.12 ?
    Or is there any other ways to do this thing?
    Thanks a lot!

    On 4/6/2006 [email protected] wrote:
    > how to change the Default login script and the USER login script in
    > Netware3.12 ?
    Please repost in the discontinued.forums.
    Edison Ortiz
    Novell Product Support Forum SysOp
    (No Email Support, Thanks !)

  • Login "Loop" issue after upgrading to Leopard from Tiger-iBook G4

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    I've the same login "loop" issue as described in *Apple KB article #306965* only on an iBook G4, unfortunately the solution offered in the KB article does not help.
    There is one slight variant being that the user desktop appears for a second or two after the blue screen following login before it returns (loops) to the login window. It happens on all (2) user accounts.
    The interesting thing is it doesn't occur on either account when booting in 'safe mode'.
    Apart from deleting these accounts and saving/transferring the data are there any other ideas, suggestions or solutions?

    Did a clean install, cloned the HD with SuperDuper and then used Mig. Asst. to restore data back to the original HD. All now OK.
    A & I was done in the initial upgrade from Tiger.

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    Today, however, I can go to www.google.com (on firefox), but if I try to go to my banks website, or imvu.com, or something like that, all the sudden Firefox decides to hang. It freezes und I get that annoying "(Not Responding)" at the top. I have to close out of the browser entirely, open it up und forgo the session restore.
    Some websites are okay, however, it seems many of them aren't.
    I get a script error message, so far the one for imvu.com that popped up was "lookout.bluecava" or something like that. Asked if I wanted to wait for script to respond or if I wanted to stop it. Either way, it ends with me closing out und starting back at google.
    Right now, to ask this question, I had to re-download google chrome, und log in from that browser since Firefox doesn't even want to support it's own support forum! Crazy stuff, right?
    Anyway, since it's having a "script" issue, I went to java, made sure I had the updated java installed on my computer, then I made sure that I had the updated java plug-in. Und I even downloaded the 64bit java for it as well, both the 7u45 or whatever.
    So, my java on my comp und firefox browser are seemingly up to date, und the Add-On thing for Firefox to check if plugins are up to date says they all of them are up to date.
    Still having the issue. The moment I go to imvu or another site that has that issue, it freezes within 10 seconds und that's all she wrote.
    So, I'm really not wanting to go back to Google Chrome for another year, I miss the hell out of Firefox.
    To Add: The issue I am having right now with Firefox is the same issue I had a year ago, when I had to uninstall firefox und go with Chrome in the first place.
    But, since it was acting normal yesterday when I installed it, I figured that it was fixed. Wrong in less than 24 hours.
    Before I submitted this, I decided to hop back onto Firefox und try something.
    I disabled the Shockwave Flash und the Shockwave Director plugins. Now, Firefox is working again.
    It asks me if I want to install the "flash" plugins needed to view some content on the page (I used imvu.com to try it out after disabling the shockwave), but still runs.
    So, what do I need to do for flash? Or better yet, what's going on with it?
    I downloaded the flash yesterday within half an hour of starting Firefox up after downloading it. Und it worked just fine for hours.
    I shut the comp down, packed it up, went home, come back to work, hop on the net und BAM. All the sudden Shockwave is having issues with Firefox when nothing was done to instigate it? Doesn't make sense.
    Other info:
    Windows 7 Home Premium on HP laptop.

    I will give Firefox 24.1 a try und see if shockwave flash actually works without making it hang und resulting in need of force close.

  • Is it possible to run an application from a user or container login script?

    Is it possible to run an application from a user login script or a container login script?
    A "Force Run" application object works fine if the user's workstation is setup to auto-load "Application Window" or "Application Explorer" but in this case I'd like to run an application when someone does a manual login (ie. they right-click red "N" and choose "Novell Login...")
    Using a User Package's "Scheduled Action Policy" and the Event=Login also does not work when a user logs in manually. This type of Event seems to only apply when the user first logs into the workstation, not at a manual login.

    > Is it possible to run an application from a user login script or a
    container login script?
    Yes, see the documentation:
    Rolf Lidvall
    Swedish Radio (Ltd)

  • WAD Java script issue after upgrade to 7.3

    Dear all,
    We have just upgraded our system from BW 7.01 to 7.3 SP4. One of the custom web templates in the system uses java script to hide few items on every screen refresh. Post upgrade, this functionality is behaving strangely, as the hidden items automatically get 'un-hidden' on page refresh.
    Please let me know if there are any known script issues in web templates in system upgrade scenarios. Any pointers would be appreciated.

    Pls check out this link
    Pls assign points if it was useful.

  • Script Issue for Windows 2012 R2 or 2012 Operating Systems

    I have this login script that works on older operating systems but fails to run under Window 2012 R2 for users when the login; its setup as a active directory domain user logon policy: Im not much with scripts ..any help you could provide would be great
    Option Explicit
    Dim objFSO, objFolder, strDirectory, WshS, WSHSell, strDriveLetter, intRunError, objShell, strUser
    Dim objNetwork, usrProfile, strProfilepath, usrName
    Set WshS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    'Expand Environment
    'Create const's to spare time and place
    usrProfile = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%")
    usrName = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserName%")
    ' Message to prove my string contains the path to my profile
    strProfilepath = usrProfile
    strDirectory = "\\hadfs1.pmhadley.com\users\" & usrName
    ' Create folder in share.
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If Not objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
    Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
    ' Grant permissions to user in the folder.
    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    intRunError = objShell.Run("%COMSPEC% /c Echo Y| cacls " & strDirectory & " /t /c /g " & usrName & ":C ""Domain Admins"":F", 2, True)
    strDriveLetter = "U:"
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") 
    objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strDirectory 
    ELSE IF objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
    strDriveLetter = "U:"
    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") 
    objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strDirectory
    END IF
    END IF
    It works if I run the script on the server from command prompt; but Remote Desktop sessions dont show the mapping created

    Get rid of the script and set up your user's home folder like so:
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,225+ strong and growing)

  • DOM Based Cross-Site Scripting issue in RoboHelp 10

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    I recently upgraded to RoboHelp 10, migrated my help system to this version, and redeployed the system, but our security scan is still detecting the cross-scripting vulnerability in WebHelp. Wasn't this issue resolved in RoboHelp 10?

    I’m not a security expert, but this script reads the URL of the current topic and redirects to the current topic with a bookmark. This is needed for when the same topic is used in multiple locations in the TOC.
    I’ll ask around about this security issue.

  • Creating a new OU and the login scripts don't work

    We are running DSfW for almost a year and we never had to make a new OU but that time has come.
    When I make a new OU (with iManager or AD tools) the outcome is the same: The login scripts I make for the new OU will not execute within iManager.
    If I make a new (test)user of move an existing user (with or without a GW account) the login script is not executed.
    If I place a login script directly on the user it works.
    I've patched everything and is up-to-date.
    What is different on exisiting OU's and new OU's is that it's missing two attributes:
    ACL 2#entry#ou=...#loginScript
    ACL 2#entry#ou=...#printJobConfiguration
    Maybe this has nothing to do with it but the first one I was thinking maybe this is the problem.

    Originally Posted by preemeyer
    We are running DSfW for almost a year and we never had to make a new OU but that time has come.
    When I make a new OU (with iManager or AD tools) the outcome is the same: The login scripts I make for the new OU will not execute within iManager.
    Can you please give the details of how you are specifying the login script. Is it using a GPO?
    Originally Posted by preemeyer
    If I make a new (test)user of move an existing user (with or without a GW account) the login script is not executed.
    If I place a login script directly on the user it works.
    Is it by specifying the script path in existing profile tab?
    Originally Posted by preemeyer
    I've patched everything and is up-to-date.
    What is different on exisiting OU's and new OU's is that it's missing two attributes:
    ACL 2#entry#ou=...#loginScript
    ACL 2#entry#ou=...#printJobConfiguration
    Maybe this has nothing to do with it but the first one I was thinking maybe this is the problem.
    Can you check if the container is samified, and samify it if it is not.
    domaincntrl --samify
    May not work, but can be tried.

Maybe you are looking for