Login to a website through java

Hello there.
I have been tinkering with an idea to make life easier for me in the long run whice should result in a java program which can sorte data from a website to make it easily accesable (then it is now)
Now my problem is that i have no idea how to do this. I have the idea how to make it work, but non of the know-how to do it.
So, i was wondering if any of you fellas could help out.
My main problem is to make my java program submit a form to this site http://dkp.sigma-seven.org/login.php?s=6c0dc063823f2ce37a3dcd3e511e5cdf to make it able to login to the site.
From there i should be able to pluck out the information i need to my java program.
My question is:
I have been trying to read up on the java POST HTTP request information i could find on the net, but non of it actually contained the information i neede: What is neede to submit a password and username to this particularly site? (i would like to know how to aim code at the textfields and how to specific target the Login button)
Thanks in advance - Rasmus

Read up on HTML. Basically there's a form there (presumably). The form has an "action", which is a URL to send data to, and the browser sends data to that URL. The data are the key/value pairs defined in the form. You don't actually "aim" code at the text fields or the submit button. The submit button just says to submit the form to the action URL (and it might contain some additional data itself) and the textfields are just names for the values. You need to divorce your idea of a form as living in the browser's GUI, from the idea of a form as a collection of name/value pairs.
The best thing you can do is read about HTML and in particular forms, and about HTTP, in particular, the POST method, and URL-encoding.

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    can anyone provide some example program to login to this website.

    i am really sorry... but i am new in this forum and i did not know this. here is my code that i have written. it did not show any error and displays the content of the page but did not logged in. please give your comment.. i badly need a solution.
    package myUtility_files;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class LogInByHttpPost {
         //private static final String POST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    private static final String LOGIN_ACTION_NAME = "submit";
    private static final String LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "__login_name";
    private static final String LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME = "__login_password";
    private static final String LOGIN_USER_NAME = "mahbubul";
    private static final String LOGIN_PASSWORD = "mahbubul007";
    private static final String TARGET_URL = "http://roundup.ffmpeg.org/roundup/ffmpeg/";
    public static void main (String args[])
    LogInByHttpPost httpUrlBasicAuthentication = new LogInByHttpPost();
    public void httpPostLogin ()
    // Prepare the content to be written
    // throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    String urlEncodedContent = preparePostContent(LOGIN_USER_NAME, LOGIN_PASSWORD);
    HttpURLConnection urlConnection = doHttpPost(TARGET_URL, urlEncodedContent);
    //String response = readResponse(urlConnection);
    System.out.println("Successfully made the HTPP POST.");
    //System.out.println("Recevied response is: '/n" + response + "'");
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream()));
                   String inputLine;
                   while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
    catch(IOException ioException)
    System.out.println("Problems encounterd.");
    private String preparePostContent(String loginUserName, String loginPassword) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    // Encode the user name and password to UTF-8 encoding standard
    // throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    String encodedLoginUserName = URLEncoder.encode(loginUserName, "UTF-8");
    String encodedLoginPassword = URLEncoder.encode(loginPassword, "UTF-8");
    String content = "login=" + LOGIN_ACTION_NAME +" &" + LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME +"="
    + encodedLoginUserName + "&" + LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME + "=" + encodedLoginPassword;
    return content;
    public HttpURLConnection doHttpPost(String targetUrl, String content) throws IOException
    HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
    DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = null;
    // Open a connection to the target URL
    // throws IOException
    urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(targetUrl).openConnection());
    // Specifying that we intend to use this connection for input
    // Specifying that we intend to use this connection for output
    // Specifying the content type of our post
    //urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", POST_CONTENT_TYPE);
    // Specifying the method of HTTP request which is POST
    // throws ProtocolException
    // Prepare an output stream for writing data to the HTTP connection
    // throws IOException
    dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream());
    // throws IOException
    return urlConnection;
    catch(IOException ioException)
    System.out.println("I/O problems while trying to do a HTTP post.");
    // Good practice: clean up the connections and streams
    // to free up any resources if possible
    if (dataOutputStream != null)
    catch(Throwable ignore)
    // Cannot do anything about problems while
    // trying to clean up. Just ignore
    if (urlConnection != null)
    // throw the exception so that the caller is aware that
    // there was some problems
    throw ioException;
    Edited by: mahbubul-syeed on Jun 11, 2009 5:07 AM

  • POSTing to a website through HTML form

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                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(site.openStream()));
                   OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
                   String inputLine;          
                   while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null){
              catch(IOException e){
                   System.out.println("Could not read from site: " + e.getMessage());
              }Everything works as assumed, no error messages what so ever, but the output read from System.out.println still gives me the invalid login message.
    This is my first time venturing into the POST subject through JAVA, so I'm not sure how to check where to error lies. Any ideas?
    The user and pass are valid. The website gives the invalid login message when no fields are entered as well.

    I think the problem is with
    out.write("user=user&pass=pass");The variables user, pass depends on what the website's login script requires i.e. your website's login script could be expect parameters username, password.
    Check this article for more information on doing something like this ( [log in to a website using HTTP POST|http://www.1your.com/drupal/LoginToWebsiteByHTTPPOST] ). This article also points to a sample login script you can run this code against.
    Hope this helps,
    [email protected]

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    Thanks in advance,

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  • Need Help-How Store the input parameter through java bean

    Hello Sir,
    I have a simple Issue but It is not resolve by me i.e input parameter
    are not store in Ms-Access.
    I store the input parameter through Standard Action <jsp:useBean>.
    jsp:useBean call a property IssueData. this property exist in
    SimpleBean which create a connection from DB and insert the data.
    At run time servlet and server also show that loggging are saved in DB.
    But when I open the table in Access. Its empty.
    Ms-Access have two fields- User, Password both are text type.
    Please review these code:
    <title>A simple JSP application</title>
    <form method="get" action="tmp" >
    Name: <input type="text" name="user">
    Password: <input type="password" name="pass">
    <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet{
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException{
    String user=request.getParameter("user");
    String pass=request.getParameter("pass");
    co.SimpleBean st = new co.SimpleBean();
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher1 =request.getRequestDispatcher("submit.jsp");
    catch(Exception e)
    package co;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleBean {
    private String user="";
    private String pass="";
    private String s="";
    public String getUserName() {
    return user;
    public void setUserName(String user) {
    this.user = user;
    public String getPassword() {
    return pass;
    public void setPassword(String pass) {
    this.pass = pass;
    public String getIssueData() //method that create connection with database
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:simple");
    PreparedStatement st=con.prepareStatement("insert into Table1 values(?,?)");
    String User=getUserName();
    String Password=getPassword();
    System.out.println("Query Executed");
    s=  "Your logging is saved in DB ";
    System.out.println("Your logging is saved in DB *****************");
    catch(Exception e)
    return "failed";
    This is Submit page
    Student Name: <%= ((co.SimpleBean)request.getAttribute("user")).getUserName() %>
    Password: <%= ((co.SimpleBean)request.getAttribute("pass")).getPassword() %>
    <jsp:useBean id="st" class="co.SimpleBean" scope="request" />
    <jsp:getProperty name="st" property="IssueData" />
    </web-app>Please Help me..Thanks.!!!

    Dear Sir,
    Same issue is still persist. Input parameter are not store in database.
    After follow your suggestion when I run this program browser show that:i.e
    This is Submit page Hello Student Name: vijay
    Password: kumar
    <jsp:setProperty name="st" property="userName" value="userValue/> Your logging is saved in DB
    Please review my code.
    <title>A simple JSP application</title>
    <form method="get" action="tmp" >
    Name: <input type="text" name="user">
    Password: <input type="password" name="pass">
    <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
    {code}import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet{
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException{
    String userValue=request.getParameter("user");
    String passValue=request.getParameter("pass");
    co.SimpleBean st = new co.SimpleBean();
    RequestDispatcher dispatcher1 =request.getRequestDispatcher("submit.jsp");
    catch(Exception e)
    {code}package co;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleBean {
    private String userValue="";
    private String passValue="";
    private String s="";
    public String getuserName() {
    return userValue;
    public void setuserName(String userValue) {
    this.userValue = userValue;
    public String getpassword() {
    return passValue;
    public void setpassword(String passValue) {
    this.passValue= passValue ;
    public String getissueData() //method that create connection with database
    System.out.println("Connection loaded");
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@VijayKumar-PC:1521:XE","SYSTEM","SYSTEM");
    System.out.println("Connection created");
    PreparedStatement st=con.prepareStatement("insert into vij values(?,?)");
    String userName=getuserName();
    String password=getpassword();
    System.out.println("Query Executed");
    s= "Your logging is saved in DB ";
    System.out.println("Your logging is saved in DB *****************");
    catch(Exception e)
    return "failed";
    {code}This is Submit page
    Student Name: <%= ((co.SimpleBean)request.getAttribute("userValue")).getuserName() %>
    Password: <%= ((co.SimpleBean)request.getAttribute("passValue")).getpassword() %>
    <jsp:useBean id="st" class="co.SimpleBean" scope="request" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="st" property="userName" value="userValue/>
    <jsp:setProperty name="st" property="password" value="passValue"/>
    <jsp:getProperty name="st" property="issueData" />
    </web-app>Sir I can't use EL code in jsp because I use weblogic 8.1 Application Server.This version are not supported to EL.
    Please help me...How store th input parameter in Database through Java Bean                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    Another option would be to write a smal Java class the uses URLConnect to connect to the URL in question and use WSIF to bind it to the BPEL process.
    Just google for sample code.

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    String delFile =  args[0];        // this path is /data/temp/filename.doc
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    I want to store the request parameter in database through Java Bean.Allthough program are properly run but value are not store in DB.
    Here My code:
    <title>A simple JSP application</title>
    <form method="get" action="submit.jsp" >
    Name: <input type="text" name="User">
    Password: <input type="password" name="Pass">
    <input type="Submit" value="Submit">
    package co;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleBean implements java.io.Serializable{
    private String User="";
    private String Pass="";
    public SimpleBean(){}
    public String getUser() {
    return User;
    public void setUser(String User) {
    this.User = User;
    public String getPass() {
    return Pass;
    public void setPass(String Pass) {
    this.Pass = Pass;
    public void show()
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Ex11dump");
    PreparedStatement st=con.prepareStatement("insert into Table1 values(?,?)");
    String User=getUser();
    String Pass=getPass();
    int y= st.executeUpdate();
    System.out.println("Query Executed");
    System.out.println("Your logging is saved in DB *****************");
    catch(Exception e)
    <jsp:useBean id="obj" class="co.SimpleBean"/>
    <jsp:setProperty name="obj" property="*" />
    <jsp:getProperty name="obj" property="User" /> <br>
    <jsp:getProperty name="obj" property="Pass" /> <br>
    <% obj.show();%>
    out.println("Ur data is saved in DB");
    %>Please Help me.

    The issue is in the naming of your fields.
    Change User -> user and Pass->pass
    Name: <input type="text" name="user">
    Password: <input type="password" name="pass">

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    hi i m trying to run vbscript (that accept some command line arguments) through java .
    my vbs file is stored in c: drive
    purpose of vbs file : to map network drives.
    i normally run it from command prompt using following syntax
    c:\cscript map.vbs l: \\\d$ <username> <password>
    code in map.vbs
    Dim objNetwork
    Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    strLocalDrive = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
    strRemoteShare = WScript.Arguments.Item(1)
    strPer = "FALSE"
    strUsr = WScript.Arguments.Item(2)
    strPas = WScript.Arguments.Item(3)
    objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strLocalDrive, strRemoteShare, strPer, strUsr, strPas
    my problem is i can easily accomplish this by using .batch file but i dont want to reveal my username and password
    i just want to know is there any way thru which i can somehow link java program with dos command and execute vbs file
    from my java program.
    the code that i have got is not working properly or has to be modified to work.
              String os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
         if (os.indexOf("windows") != -1)
              String[] command = new String[]{"cmd.exe", "/c","cscript","c:\\map.vbs", '"'+strDrive+'"','"'+strPath+'"',"<username>" ,"<password>"};
    Kindly help me as this is very urgent.

    prompt for the login, the password, and the new share name, and store them in variables, then, you can do something like:
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("net use " + sharenameVar + " \\\\HOST\\share /user:HOST\\" + userVar + " \"" + passwordVar + "\"");with the following values:
    HOST: PC10
    user : toto
    pass : a password
    sharename: I:
    it will result in :
    net use I: \\PC10\share /user:PC10\toto "a password"
    this will map the new share with the given credentials ; there is no need to add some complexity by using a vbscript to do that

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    Posted by WebUser Tubu Mohanty from Cisco Support Community App

    After trying to resolve the issue Cisco TAC sen the following message:
    I will proceed to open a task with my escalation Team. As well I find this,
    Look after CSCec78536
    "WebVPN does not support Java applets that generate http requests. For example, you cannot login to the CiscoSecure ACS application because of this. "
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    I am trying to create a folder in a network drive using Java with pl/sql wrapper.
    This is my standard Java method that checks for the presence of a directory.
    +public static int isDirectory (String path) {+*
    File myFile = new File (path);*
    if (myFile.isDirectory()) return SUCCESS; else return FAILURE;*
    I am calling this from my PL/SQL package.
    FUNCTION isDirectory (p_path  IN  VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER*
    NAME 'FileHandler.isDirectory (java.lang.String) return java.lang.int';*
    However, the isDirectory always returns false when I try to create a folder in a network drive.
    Are there any permissions I should be granting before I can use a network drive ?

    user621430 wrote:
    I am able to access that particular folder when I login as the user through which Oracle is run. I believe the user has the permissions on that folder.To so stuff on the OS through java is a risky thing. So the permissions have to be granted explicity, using the DBMS_JAVA.GRANT_PERMISSION() procedure. Something like
    call dbms_java.grant_permission('USER621430', 'java.io.FilePermission', 'C:\work',  'read,write');Although you may need execute action to create a folder. Or it may be some other permission entirely. Perhaps, java.lang.RuntimePermission to execute the OS create directory command would be a better approach?
    Anyway, [url http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/java.102/b14187/chnine.htm#BABHDBCJ]find out more.
    Cheers, APC
    Edited by: APC on Jan 9, 2012 2:33 PM

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    Hi bengaunt ,
    Thank you for posting on the Adobe forums, you can try printing as an image.
    Open the file>Print>advanced>check the box "print as an image" OK
    Vikrantt Singh

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    You can use any image as a favicon.
    Save an image as .pgn, .jpg or .gif and rename it favicon.ico
    Put it in the root of the server.
    Any modern browser will find it. No need to add code to a page.
    Here are some I use :

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    There isn't any core Java API for this. Use JNI or call an external process with Runtime.exec().

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