Long Term BPC Landscape Scale

BPC NW7.5 is new to my organization and we are using it for Financial Actuals Review, Goals and Forecasting. We are not using it for Consolidation at this time. 
I am considering long-term growth strategy for the tool.  We use a single APPSET with 8 apps and 25 dimensions.
Our largest dimension is about 45k records, all others are much much smaller (few thousands).
I am wondering if this is sustainable to continue with a single APPSET as we possibly sunset other tools (Database analytical tools & Excel plug-ins) and bring them into BPC for native analysis.  As our capabilities grow I see new applications coming online for forecasting and incorporating additional teams' financial results.
We will be using latest service pack soon, and likely upgrading to V10 in the next year or two.
Please let me know thoughts on this model or if you have examples of other real-world blueprints -
Also am curious about # users per application.  What is common?
Thanks experts!
Edited by: Timothy Elsen on Jul 6, 2011 5:59 PM

molom wrote:
dav7 wrote:
Oh, and the medium I want to use needs to scale high. Very high. Into the order of more than a decent amount of TBs... like, say, 40 or 50. Of course that nice, round figure wouldn't pop up out of nowhere the day I have my plans in order, it'd grow - slowly - over time. So not only do I need something scalable, I need something that can scale slowly.
So kinda like a NAS or external HDD type of solution, except one that doesn't use failure-prone media like HDDs. Unless there's a kind of hard disk out there that doesn't fail very "easily" and lasts in an order of years?
I believe there is nothing that exists in the world, unless you pay huge money for Solid State Hard Drives. The only solution I see is using a bunch of rewritable double layer Blu-ray discs. I don't think there is any proper solution for what your looking for. Your looking for the perfect that doesn't exist.
I'm not sure how long SSDs will last and I don't think there is any reliable information out there, wether an SSD I plugin now will still work in ten years. Plus you would need one hell of a lot SSDs to store Terabytes of data. BlueRay is probably worse than DVD regarding reliability, until the manufacturers get more experience with them.
Am I the only one to see a pattern with dav7 opening threads looking for things which don't exist?
Last edited by Garns (2008-10-08 13:39:29)

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    Last edited by dav7 (2008-10-08 03:34:28)

    molom wrote:
    dav7 wrote:
    Oh, and the medium I want to use needs to scale high. Very high. Into the order of more than a decent amount of TBs... like, say, 40 or 50. Of course that nice, round figure wouldn't pop up out of nowhere the day I have my plans in order, it'd grow - slowly - over time. So not only do I need something scalable, I need something that can scale slowly.
    So kinda like a NAS or external HDD type of solution, except one that doesn't use failure-prone media like HDDs. Unless there's a kind of hard disk out there that doesn't fail very "easily" and lasts in an order of years?
    I believe there is nothing that exists in the world, unless you pay huge money for Solid State Hard Drives. The only solution I see is using a bunch of rewritable double layer Blu-ray discs. I don't think there is any proper solution for what your looking for. Your looking for the perfect that doesn't exist.
    I'm not sure how long SSDs will last and I don't think there is any reliable information out there, wether an SSD I plugin now will still work in ten years. Plus you would need one hell of a lot SSDs to store Terabytes of data. BlueRay is probably worse than DVD regarding reliability, until the manufacturers get more experience with them.
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    Last edited by Garns (2008-10-08 13:39:29)

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    molom wrote:
    dav7 wrote:
    Oh, and the medium I want to use needs to scale high. Very high. Into the order of more than a decent amount of TBs... like, say, 40 or 50. Of course that nice, round figure wouldn't pop up out of nowhere the day I have my plans in order, it'd grow - slowly - over time. So not only do I need something scalable, I need something that can scale slowly.
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    I believe there is nothing that exists in the world, unless you pay huge money for Solid State Hard Drives. The only solution I see is using a bunch of rewritable double layer Blu-ray discs. I don't think there is any proper solution for what your looking for. Your looking for the perfect that doesn't exist.
    I'm not sure how long SSDs will last and I don't think there is any reliable information out there, wether an SSD I plugin now will still work in ten years. Plus you would need one hell of a lot SSDs to store Terabytes of data. BlueRay is probably worse than DVD regarding reliability, until the manufacturers get more experience with them.
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    Last edited by Garns (2008-10-08 13:39:29)

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    john beardsworth wrote:
    John Waller wrote:
    However, Adobe will soon introduce Cloud only features into Lightroom CC for which LR6 (perpetual license) owners will have to wait until LR7 (paid upgrade).
    That is possible, John, but it is only speculation on your part. Might, not will.
    kwdaves wrote:
    There is a "Lightroom 6" upgrade available for US $79 if you have a valid license for any of the earlier versions. From what I can tell, the only difference between Lightroom 6 Full, Lightroom 6 Upgrade and LightroomCC is in the license. The download file is the same.
    Other differences - with CC you get LrMobile/LrWeb and they throw in a free copy of Photoshop too.
    Yes, but when I bought my standalone license and clicked on the "Download" button it took me to the LightroomCC page. The downloaded file is named Lightroom 6, but in the CC app the installed program is LightroomCC (2015).

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    Hi bookchic
    Thanks for your feedback.
    Non-profit pricing is available to eligible institutions via the VIP program which is sold by resellers - see Eligibility guide
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    If you wish to purchase an individual plan via Adobe.com the country of your Adobe ID will determine which site you order from.
    Kind regards

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    You sign a contract promising to a 2 yr service commitment in exchange for a substantial discount on a phone. You are 9 months from completing your commitment. There is no reason for Verizon to grant your request. In fact, they may be contractually obligated to NOT do so depending on their terms for selling the iPhone negotiated with Apple.
    In the past, Verizon has been lenient(by a month or 2 but never 9 months) with approving an early upgrade, but NEVER with an iPhone. The reason for this has been hinted at being because of the contract terms Verizon has with Apple. Verizon is not going to jeopardize their ability to have iPhones on their network to satisfy your demand.
    Currently, there is a limited time offer to upgrade early with Verizon if you are eligible to get a discounted upgrade by 11/15/2014. Unfortunately you fall outside of that window.
    Good luck with the new provider, you will be unlikely to ever get an early upgrade at another provider either.

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    We have maintained long term inspection in the control indicators in the inspection plan and also assigned Class Characteristics to M.I.C.
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    You must redo the UD to have the results transfer.  (Providing of course your setup is correct and the transfer happens for regular characteristics at the first UD)
    I would recommend that you create two UD codes.  The first one might be ALTP - Accepted, Long-term Pending.
    After the LT characteristic is recorded, use QA12 to change the UD to ACC - Accept.  When you save, the resutls should be transferred.

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    We have a GL account (GL111) created for Long term accounts. this is a reconciliation account for customer. However, we have another GL account (GL222) assigned to our customer group this account is being invoiced for some expenses. Because of this we cannot assing GL111 to customer master data.
    We need to post in the same customer expense and loans. How can we create a new special gl indicator that will allow the posting from GL222 to GL111?
    Any inputs are very much appreciated. Thank you very much.

         Creating Own Special G/L Transactions: Specify  (OBYR-T.CODE)
    -  The account type for which the special G/L indicator is to apply
    -  Posting keys (for outgoing and incoming debit and credit postings)
    -  How it is posted
    - Properties for each special G/L indicator (noted item, relevance for the credit limit check, Warning message for liabilities and target special G/L indicator)
    -  transaction type (bill of exchange, down payment etc.).
    EXP:Go to T.code: OBYR path: Financial Accounting (New)>Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable>Business Transactions>Down Payment Made>Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments click on Define Alternative Reconciliation Account for Down Payments and click on double click on K F Pmt req Down Payment Requests and click on Properties (F8) and tick the Noted items ,Target sp.G/L ind. AIMB1 and save .
    Edited by: sridhar.shetty on Feb 28, 2012 1:21 PM

  • Long Term Planning-Planning File Entry

    Hi Gurus/Friends
    In the long term planning after PIR with inactive version and creating Scenario, assinging versions, Plants,....then
    during Release+Save it is giving the Result of Planning File Entries
    Logically the system has suppose to give the Number of Planning File Entries in Propotionate to the Specific Planning Scenario number and materials inside
    But it is giving for all the Materials inside the Plant
    Is there any settings to restrict the Planning File Entry creation w.r.t Planning scenario during Release+Save
    other than the solutions through Transaction MS20,MS22 and MSAB
    (Because during Release+save logically it has to call the MS22 t.code  and do planning file entries for the materials in that scenario)
    Awaiting for reply

    Please Refer Below SAP help .
    *Releasing a planning scenario*
    You first have to release a planning scenario before you can plan it in the long-term planning run. When you release the planning scenario, the system creates planning file entries for all materials in all the plants allocated to the planning scenario. There is a separate planning file entry for this purpose. This guarantees that your operative planning is kept completely separate from your simulative planning. This long-term planning file contains all the materials that are also contained in the operative planning file. After the release, every change relevant to MRP triggers an entry in the planning file as in operative planning.
    Edited by: Pradeep Kumar on May 9, 2008 4:22 PM

  • Long-term  retention backup strategy for Oracle 10g

    I need design a Archivelog, Level 0 and Level 1 long-term retention backup strategy for Oracle 10g, It must be based in Rman with tapes.
    ¿Somebody could tell me what it's the best option to configure long-term retention backups in Oracle?, "CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF 1825 DAYS;" It's posibble ?
    Regards and thanks in advance

    RECOVERY WINDOW is an integer so yes its possible. Does it make sense?
    Later My bad, this is Oracle 11 only ( the gavinsoorma link ) . Getting harder and harder to think about 10. Don't think I would use RECOVERY WINDOW.
    I would let the tape backup system handle the retention of your rman backups.
    Using crosscheck and delete expired commands you can keep the catalog current with the available backups on tape.
    Oracle 10
    Keeping a Long-Term Backup: Example
    Oracle 11
    If you want to keep 5 years worth of backups I might just use KEEP specific date using the UNTIL TIME clause :
    keep until time 'sysdate+1825'More info :
    Best Regards
    Edited by: mseberg on Dec 4, 2012 7:20 AM

  • Hi I want to buy an unlocked iPhone 5in the Middle East. I want to know if I will be able to use my iPhone and all its applications when we go back to live in the US for long term.

    Hi I want to buy an unlocked iPhone 5 in the Middle East. I want to know if I will be able to use my iPhone and all its applications when we go back to live in the US for long term.
    Thank you

    Apple Online Store sells unlocked iPhone in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium (French, Dutch), Brazil, Canada (English, French), China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong (English, Chinese), Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland (French, German), Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States.
    You can probably be absolutely sure any other source will be carrier locked
    It also appears that only Zain offer unlocking (of all the ME carriers )  in Jordan and Bahrain
    A ME iPhone 5  ( A1429 GSM )will not  work on US LTE when you return 

  • Long term: Mountain Lion or Snow Leopard

    Had to have new hard drive installed a few days ago. System was "upgraded" to Mountain Lion. I had a backup from TimeMachine but for whatever reason, when configuring hard drive it would not see my external hard drive so I had to restore applications manually (read one by one) after "blank canvas" configuration. Now I find out all my powerpc-based applications wont work because Apple has not renewed licensing for Rosetta (info gathered from Communities). My powerpc applications are Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Microsoft Office 2011, turboCad, etc.
    I found out I have two options:
    1) Erase hard drive and Restore from TimeMachine to previous hard drive contents from 10 days ago, which run on Snow Leopard (which I had downloaded, so no disks). Will this work?
    2) Install Parallels 7 or VM firmware, and somehow install Snow Leopard there and run my powerpc applications from there. How to do this I have no idea...
    Long term:
    If Apple will never restore Rosetta or powerpc capabilities, should I go with option 2 and get on with the "new world"? I'm not too technically savvy and not sure how I can do this on my own... so would need to go see the Geniuses for this, I guess...  But I'm not sure what the advantages of Mountain Lion are! So far, I dont see much, and I am not sure I would know how to maintain a "Parallel PC universe" without doubling everything.
    Since I'm not sure of any advantages to Mountain Lion, I should maybe go back to my Snow Leopard version, then? but I am not sure how, exactly, without loosing everything once more.
    Of course, if someone knows there are powerpc capabilities for Mountain Lion in the future, then I am all set, right? Does anyone know how Apple or Microsoft plan to "help" us poor souls who choose Mountain Lion without being aware of these issues?
    (note: I have moved three times in the past two years and cannot get my hands on my iWorks CDs or my Microsoft Office 2011 CDs)
    Any recommendations?

    Dropping Rosetta was a technical decision. As stated, Apple has traditionally only supported it's current and last OS versions.
    There are tons of advantages to updating to Mountain Lion, assuming your hardware supports it. Look HERE for details and HERE for hardware compatibility and instructions on how to upgrade properly.
    Alansky is correct that this is not new news as well. He also is correct in saying that Rosetta will never again be supported. If I remember correctly, the last PowerPC version of Photoshop is CS2 released in 2005. That's 7 years and 4 major releases ago. Sorry to say, but it is time to bit the bullet, move to Mountain Lion and update your legacy software.
    I am using Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 and it runs fine on Mountain Lion 10.8.
    You can certainly install and run Snow Leopard in a Parallels partition but I don't recommend it. Take a look HERE for details.
    Not having your Office install disks sounds suspicious but we'll assume that you have a legal copy. In that case, you should be abe to contact Microsoft HERE for assistance in retrieving your product key and getting a download link.

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