Long time Mac users

Do Mac users have less problems with this phone?

I'm a Mac user and have been one for sometime. Long before where we are today- iphone 1.0 tech
I was thinking that there would be problems or mostly not all the bells and whistles of my blackberry- I maybe missing and misspeaking some but over all iphone exceeds on more than the looks, feel. The touch screen is so good its freaky-even my 3 year old says I'm I doing that with my finger.
To answer your question from my point of view- One it is the property of apple to know its operating system. So not to any intention other then years of knowledge, would I believe that apple should have a product that is made to operate under it's own hood better than operating under MS but it seems more likely then not. Although I am not sure that is the case
What I would point out is that one, I believe that the iphone is being put though that paces in both markets - PC and Mac I am impressed with how well it has done. I believe we are hearing from few about large issues & problems. We hear issue one with connecting to AT&T, some syncing, some volume some Wifi and or edge, few others. For myself the issue have been iphone and I have to learn about each other. Some my learing curve some upgrades to come. We are not in fear of 2000, and of the world stopping while all the mainframes had only been taught the date with 2 years not four. That seems to have gone well to but I am still waiting!
Mostly I love the phone- calling and paring or conferencing is a pleasure. If you have not done so already try it. The screen is right there to walk you through it. Photos, I carry a years worth-1400 and some, movies I have two on here, songs around 290, ipod cast around 4 and 4 TV shows. Try that on a blackberry.
Not to point fingers but look at how the last product MS put out in the gaming world did. I believe I read to day that MS was going to throw 1 billion or so at the Xbox too fix it. That's rough.
I own a business and have PC computer along with Mac and while I was fast to embrace the Mac OS upgrades I walked gingerly into XP world and I have not upgraded from there.
Do I see issue- YES- do I see a bright future- PUT THE SHADES ON- apple always makes me smile
G3-G5   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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    I suggest you call Apple Customer Relations at 800-767-2775 and see if there's anything they can do for you.
    I also suggest that you contact [Apple.com/feedback] and tell them what you think.
    However, this forum is for technical questions, and understandable though it may be, not a place for venting.

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    Once you get windoze up an running on your new iMac, see these:
    Switching from Windows to Mac OS X,
    Basic Tutorials on using a Mac,
    Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts,
    Anatomy of a Mac,
    Switching to Mac Superguide, and
    Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Mountain Lion Edition.
    Additionally, *Texas Mac Man* recommends:
    Quick Assist,
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides,
    Take Control E-books, and
    A guide for switching to a Mac.

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    Steve, you don't have to run Migration Assistant right away. You can set it up as if you weren't going to migrate anything. You can start using your Mac right away.
    Later, you can run Migration Assistant any time you want.
    Depending on when you cancel MA, it is probable that whatever it did up to that point will be lost. 36 hours is unreasonable.
    After you start using your Mac and are comfortable that it works to your satisfaction, connect the two with an Ethernet cable. Make sure it's a Category 5e or Category 6 patch cable (most are today). Then run MA. That ought to work and nothing will be faster.
    For what it's worth I never got MA to function properly upon initial setup. It ought to work in theory but mine would get stuck at about the 99% point. Running it after initial setup has always been more reliable. I don't know why.

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    Are you trying to subscribe to the Photoshop Photography Program (PS+LR)?
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    What is preventing you from subscribing?

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    Mac 101:  Get Started Using A Mac 

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    Select a file you want to transfer and drag it to the desired destination.
    If you need help with the basics of OS X you can:
    Select Mac Help (or Help Center) from the Finder's Help menu and enter a search keyword. For your question you might search for "copy," "file copy," or "drag and drop" for example.
    See Apple - Support - Mac 101
    Visit the Apple website where you will find additional information and tutorials on how to use OS X.

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    4.  Display of badges for mailboxes.
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    What do you all do as to work flow?  How do you go about creating and revising a bunch of e-mails, but only sending out certain ones?  And ensuring that only the ones you want to go out, go out?!

    Thank you for posting all this info.  Unfortunately i have no idea how to do flags and how to use a smart mailbox as a place to store emails i am not ready to send.  Eudora is vastly superior in all the things it empowers the user to quickly and easily do, in the traditional Apple spirit of intuitiveness, clear direct normal (not esoteric) communicatioin and user friendliness.
    about three weeks ago i was pretty much forced into Mountain Lion bcause my old MacBook is barely functioning at all and i got a new MacBook Pro.  So, good bye Eudora that i've used since 1995, only because i couldn't find another mail program that did what it does.  I wonder why there aren't others.  I've tried MailForge, it's a great attempt but it seems to have run out of steam and isn't working well enough. 
    I am using Mail and Gmail. The result is i'm suffering a whole range of loss of functionality in email, and am not getting a lot of messages, they are here somewhere but i can't always find them, i have to go to my old computer, enduring a kind of freeze where a beachball is a sign of progress, a trackpad that barely works for drag and drop anymore and a battery that needs reaplacing. i think the hard drive is failing. but i still need it to retrieve my email reliably, to a poiint where i see i 'm going to have to put money into it so it can keep working, for email.  what a poor solution. I am trying as best i can to have Mail communicate better. 
    i just wanted to thank you for your encouraging posts and giving me something to follow up on to try to use, to address this one of many loss of Eudora problems. Why wouldn't a mail program give you the option to queue mail?   Why take away options and functionality?   sorry, i'm just ranting because i've had a very frustrating last few weeks related to numerous new OS challenges, but email is the only really serious one. 
    I really like your idea of badges to show number of new messages, i think that's what you meant, you didn't say 'new', but another great and helpful thing about Eudroa is sorting mail into mail boxes and opening those mailboxes that get new mail each time you download mail, so you kow what's new. You can immediately see it.  In Apple Mail, i find i have to dig through each of the 12 'on my mac' mailboxes/folders i created so far, to see if there is new mail in them. A lot of extra trouble for something that a superior email program can do for you.

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    So what I basically want is the Arch-experience without the rolling release feature. It appeared to me that there might possibly be some long-term archive available, where all packages are just available for a long time. If not, can you suggest any other distributions that require little maintenance and are as close to Arch as possible? I really do not want to miss pacman, however, if there is no other way I'd need to install some long-term support Ubuntu...
    Thanks a lot
    Last edited by minus (2013-11-23 09:50:05)

    Thanks for every single reply. It seems I am slowly approaching my best-fit distro
    ARM sounds interesting, but two potential problems come to my mind: 1) as described in the wiki, the original ARM has already been closed, if that happens again I won't have a repository and a lot of maintenance work is to be issued. 2) If I will just set my mirrorlist to a fixed date I will not be able to get any security updates (also, see my reply to vostok4).
    The problem is that packages in AUR usually require the latest versions of some libraries, so just not applying updates is not possible (that was my first go when I replaced my Arch notebook with a Mac, now it is still being unused as Arch does not work anymore and I don't want to bother fixing the outdated system).
    The tasks I need linux for can be anything, such as being able to read/write/format/re-partition any of my old harddrives or using/compiling software that is available for linux only (or is more stable on linux).
    What I mean by "Arch-experience" is that I can use a simple and powerful package manager like pacman and I can find nearly every thinkable package in AUR (if not, I can create it on my own without a lot of trouble due to the makepkg system). Furthermore, I enjoy(ed) the simplicity (a single configuration file rc.conf where I could configure most of the general system settings, at least before the move to systemd has been carried out, which I dislike as I never had the patience to learn systemd and get the hang of it). When Arch was my only system I also liked that the installation has created a naked linux on my drive that I needed to put clothes on. I guess with converting to a casual linux user I now prefer something that is already ready to use (but I still want to be able to change the clothes).
    I will have a look at CRUX and Darwin as you have suggested.
    I agree that a well-organised filesystem is very important. However, even if one applies the theory meticulously (which I usually don't as I have other priorities when working), the possibility of opening a file without having to click through the folders in a file explorer (or typing the filepath in the terminal) has eased my workflow. I will read your link after I have posted this, though.
    I have had a look at the Arch-based distros but I think none of them are really what I want (which is a LTS version of Archlinux ). I think I might try out a LTS Mint as soon as I have assembled my new computer.
    I have not used Debian yet, but as far as I understand the release cycles are quite short and there is no LTS of particular releases. In your opinion, why is Debian closer to Arch than the other suggestions?
    Last edited by minus (2013-11-23 22:06:04)

  • First-time Mac user with Migration Assistant woes

    I'm a new Mac user with a MacBook Air. Still trying to get the migration process completed after three days so I can start using my computer. Looks nice, at least. Three questions:
    1. After a 36-hour migration attempt from a PC over Wi-Fi, and with 2 hours to go, I'm getting a "Reconnecting to Mac" window on the PC. If it reconnects, how long could it take? It's still sitting there after 15 minutes.
    2. If I cancel the migration process, do I have to start over and cross my fingers for another 36 hours, or does it pick up where it left off?
    3. Is there any way to get a faster file transfer, say by Ethernet cable (I have the adapter), USB, anything. This is becoming painful.
    I have verified the Wi-Fi connection is up and running. I can connect and reach the internet from my PC.
    I don't want to schlep to the Apple Store. I bought this on Apple's assurance that the migration process would would work. If it doesn't, I'm returning it.

    Steve, you don't have to run Migration Assistant right away. You can set it up as if you weren't going to migrate anything. You can start using your Mac right away.
    Later, you can run Migration Assistant any time you want.
    Depending on when you cancel MA, it is probable that whatever it did up to that point will be lost. 36 hours is unreasonable.
    After you start using your Mac and are comfortable that it works to your satisfaction, connect the two with an Ethernet cable. Make sure it's a Category 5e or Category 6 patch cable (most are today). Then run MA. That ought to work and nothing will be faster.
    For what it's worth I never got MA to function properly upon initial setup. It ought to work in theory but mine would get stuck at about the 99% point. Running it after initial setup has always been more reliable. I don't know why.

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    the stuff like that,
    remember, ive never used a mac before
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    I read something about how i should reinstall tiger when i get my mac. is that true?
    Some people advocate that, but I've never found it to be necessary. Such advice presumes that something can go amiss with the factory software load. So you can if you wish, but I feel it's unnecessary effort.
    what is firmware, and how do i update it?
    Firmware is the built-in programs that tell the basic hardware how to operate; how to find the hard drive and start from it, etc. BIOS is the equivalent in the Windows world. If firmware updates are released, they'll appear in the Mac OS X Software Update and instructions on what to do will be provided.
    I read someth9ing about leaving my mac on at night so it can do system tasks, more info on this..?
    There are some basic UNIX tasks - clearing log files and such - that run at night and only run if the system is awake. Unless you go months without allowing your computer to stay awake, or running the tasks manually (there are a number of freeware utilities that make this easy), then you don't have to worry. The logs can get a bit large, but with modern hard drives, you're not likely to ever notice.
    i read that i shyould be completely draining the battery at least once a week or something...?
    Not correct. You do want to run the battery down to where the computer goes to sleep so that the power manager is calibrated, but once a week is far too often and will reduce the life of your battery. Once a month is the most I'd recommend, and once every couple of months would probably be adequate. For more information on managing your battery, see:

  • First time Mac User with a video problem

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    If you are using wireless, you might want to try plugging your computer directly into the cable or DSL modem and running the speedtest again. This will determine if it's a connection problem, or a problem with your wireless (possibly your router). I recently had a router go bad, and the only symptom was it was cutting the connection speeds in half, both wired and wirelessly. When I plugged straight into my cable modem I had full speed.
    What is really strange is the disparity between your upload and download numbers. Usually, the upload is 1/10 of the download, not 2x larger. I've only seen this at work where they throttle our download speeds to 6,000 kbps to keep us from downloading large files for free on the wireless, while the upload speed runs 20,000 kbps. At my home, for example, I have 4,000 kbps download, and 400 kbps upload.

Maybe you are looking for