Looking for App - Browse my photos on my PC

Hope this is a good place to ask, if not sorry!
I have about 50,000 photos on my PC (sorry guys, no MAC at the moment) and my ideal App would allow me to browse them via a share of some kind. When/if I come across a "keeper" photo I'd like to be able to easily transfer it locally to the iPad right from the viewer.

There are many apps that allow you to browse a local computer via wifi. I just checked by FileBrowser and AirSharing HD and I can access photos but I have to open each photo to view it, no thumbnails are shown. I can then import/copyt to the iPad any photo )or file) that i wich.

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    That's how Time Machine and iPhoto now work.  Restore the library to one of the external HDs, check it for the photos you want, export them to the boot drive and delete the restored library.
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    Congratulations on your purchase of a new iPhone 5s and iPad. Check out the two apps that I found that will listen to music to let you know what it is so you can purchase it later. If this is not what you are looking for, look at the other apps that customers have purchased to see if you can find it there.
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