Looking for Calendar functionality for a Date Variable

Hi Experts,
Currently iam creating a WEBI Report where the source system is SAP BI System. I have a BEx Query with some characteristics at the row level and keyfigures at the column level. I have a Date Interval Variable (Based on 0DATE and optional), where the user will input the From and To date to execute the query. I have created the universe on top of this query, but date inteval variable appears as a character in the form of LOV. When i use this universe and buid the report in WEBI, the User Prompt for date is appearing as List of date values for this date interval variable, where as my requirement is to have date calendar for this date interval variable.
I did some r&d on top of this, when the date varibale as single value and optional, iam able to get the date calendar, but when i use the Date interval Varibale it takes as a character. I searched the forum, but i didn't find any solution.
Is it possible to have a date calendar for a date interval variable in BEx?? or its is only for single value date varibale.
Kindly suggest

you stated it correctly that the calendar shows up in case of a keydate and in case of a single value but not in case of a range.
in addition the underlying characteristic needs to be type DATS
Edited by: Ingo Hilgefort on Dec 8, 2009 1:35 PM

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  • Calendar Functionality for a date field in HTML of  a ITS service

    I am working with SRM EBP module we want to add date help(with calendar function) to existign date fields in Shopping cart and PO screens . I found some HTML and Javascripts in SYSTEM and BBPGLOBAL services (named as calendar)but not sure which ones to use if anyone used date functionality or even have access to Standard SAP ITS screens that already have date field with calendar fuctionality can you help???????????????
    Thanks in Advance

    Let me first thank you for the quick response and timely help you provided calendar popup works great but one minor issue i am not able to click on the date entry and bring the field back into the field not sure if this funcitonality is in show_calendar.
    I would really appreciate if you get time to look at below i am almost there with your help......thanks again
    Here are the steps I did
    I have a HTML page  SAPLBBP_SC_UI_ITS screen 300 in SRM module , I created a new HTML page (zcalendar.html) in the same internet service BBPSC01 as suggested and I included in my HTML page SAPLBBP_SC_UI_ITS screen 300 and also I added below code to add a icon and a href call to the show_calendar function.
    Code works great I get the popup but when I double click on the date it is not selecting the date into the field back .
    Any thoughts??????
    <!-- Start ghantavine -->
    `include (~service="bbpsc01", ~name="zcalendar.html")`
    <!-- End ghantavine -->
    <!--    10/24/05 ghantavine--delivary date  -->
        `if (GS_SCR_BASIC_I-DELIV_DATE.visible)`    
           `if (gs_scr_basic_i-deliv_date.disabled)`
              `TD(class="label", nowrap="x",
              `TD(class="label", nowrap="x", active="")``gs_scr_basic_i-deliv_date.value`
                `TD(class="label", nowrap="x", active="")`<label
                `TD(class="data",  nowrap="x")`  
                <input type="text" id="GS_SCR_BASIC_I-DELIV_DATE"
    maxlength="010" size="008">          
           <a href=http://mail.yahoo.com/config/login?/"_javascript:show_calendar();">
           <img id="anchor1" src="`mimeurl(~service="bbpglobal",
    ~name="images/button/f4.gif", ~language="", ~theme="99")`" />
          `TR()` `Lines()`
    <!--      10/24/05 ghantavine--delivary date    -->
    below is the showcalendar code
    Hi , u save this as a html file and call this show_calendar fn  from Onclick button of your Calendar image .
    //  For generating the calendar
    var weekend = [0,6];
    var weekendColor = "#e0e0e0";
    var fontface = "Verdana";
    var fontsize = 2;
    var gNow = new Date();
    var ggWinCal;
    isNav = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) ? true : false;
    isIE = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) ? true : false;
    Calendar.Months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
    "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
    // Non-Leap year Month days..
    Calendar.DOMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
    // Leap year Month days..
    Calendar.lDOMonth = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
    function Calendar(p_item, p_WinCal, p_month, p_year, p_format) {
         if ((p_month == null) && (p_year == null))     return;
         if (p_WinCal == null)
              this.gWinCal = ggWinCal;
              this.gWinCal = p_WinCal;
         if (p_month == null) {
              this.gMonthName = null;
              this.gMonth = null;
              this.gYearly = true;
         } else {
              this.gMonthName = Calendar.get_month(p_month);
              this.gMonth = new Number(p_month);
              this.gYearly = false;
         this.gYear = p_year;
         this.gFormat = p_format;
         this.gBGColor = "white";
         this.gFGColor = "black";
         this.gTextColor = "black";
         this.gHeaderColor = "black";
         this.gReturnItem = p_item;
    Calendar.get_month = Calendar_get_month;
    Calendar.get_daysofmonth = Calendar_get_daysofmonth;
    Calendar.calc_month_year = Calendar_calc_month_year;
    Calendar.print = Calendar_print;
    function Calendar_get_month(monthNo) {
         return Calendar.Months[monthNo];
    function Calendar_get_daysofmonth(monthNo, p_year) {
         Check for leap year ..
         1.Years evenly divisible by four are normally leap years, except for...
         2.Years also evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, except for...
         3.Years also evenly divisible by 400 are leap years.
         if ((p_year % 4) == 0) {
              if ((p_year % 100) == 0 && (p_year % 400) != 0)
                   return Calendar.DOMonth[monthNo];
              return Calendar.lDOMonth[monthNo];
         } else
              return Calendar.DOMonth[monthNo];
    function Calendar_calc_month_year(p_Month, p_Year, incr) {
         Will return an 1-D array with 1st element being the calculated month
         and second being the calculated year
         after applying the month increment/decrement as specified by 'incr' parameter.
         'incr' will normally have 1/-1 to navigate thru the months.
         var ret_arr = new Array();
         if (incr == -1) {
              // B A C K W A R D
              if (p_Month == 0) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 11;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) - 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) - 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         } else if (incr == 1) {
              // F O R W A R D
              if (p_Month == 11) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 0;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) + 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) + 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         return ret_arr;
    function Calendar_print() {
    function Calendar_calc_month_year(p_Month, p_Year, incr) {
         Will return an 1-D array with 1st element being the calculated month
         and second being the calculated year
         after applying the month increment/decrement as specified by 'incr' parameter.
         'incr' will normally have 1/-1 to navigate thru the months.
         var ret_arr = new Array();
         if (incr == -1) {
              // B A C K W A R D
              if (p_Month == 0) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 11;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) - 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) - 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         } else if (incr == 1) {
              // F O R W A R D
              if (p_Month == 11) {
                   ret_arr[0] = 0;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year) + 1;
              else {
                   ret_arr[0] = parseInt(p_Month) + 1;
                   ret_arr[1] = parseInt(p_Year);
         return ret_arr;
    // This is for compatibility with Navigator 3, we have to create and discard one object before the prototype object exists.
    new Calendar();
    Calendar.prototype.getMonthlyCalendarCode = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         var vHeader_Code = "";
         var vData_Code = "";
         // Begin Table Drawing code here..
         vCode = vCode + "<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=\"" + this.gBGColor + "\">";
         vHeader_Code = this.cal_header();
         vData_Code = this.cal_data();
         vCode = vCode + vHeader_Code + vData_Code;
         vCode = vCode + "</TABLE>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.show = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         // Setup the page...
         this.wwrite("<body " +
              "link=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "vlink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "alink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "text=\"" + this.gTextColor + "\">");
         this.wwriteA("<FONT FACE='" + fontface + "' SIZE=2><B>");
         this.wwriteA(this.gMonthName + " " + this.gYear);
         // Show navigation buttons
         var prevMMYYYY = Calendar.calc_month_year(this.gMonth, this.gYear, -1);
         var prevMM = prevMMYYYY[0];
         var prevYYYY = prevMMYYYY[1];
         var nextMMYYYY = Calendar.calc_month_year(this.gMonth, this.gYear, 1);
         var nextMM = nextMMYYYY[0];
         var nextYYYY = nextMMYYYY[1];
         this.wwrite("<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'><TR><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + this.gMonth + "', '" + (parseInt(this.gYear)-1) + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\"><<<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + prevMM + "', '" + prevYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\"><<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"javascript:window.print();\">Print</A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + nextMM + "', '" + nextYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\">><\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', '" + this.gMonth + "', '" + (parseInt(this.gYear)+1) + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
         // Get the complete calendar code for the month..
         vCode = this.getMonthlyCalendarCode();
    Calendar.prototype.showY = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         var i;
         var vr, vc, vx, vy;          // Row, Column, X-coord, Y-coord
         var vxf = 285;               // X-Factor
         var vyf = 200;               // Y-Factor
         var vxm = 10;               // X-margin
         var vym;                    // Y-margin
         if (isIE)     vym = 75;
         else if (isNav)     vym = 25;
         this.wwrite("<style type='text/css'>\n<!--");
         for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
              vc = i % 3;
              if (i>=0 && i<= 2)     vr = 0;
              if (i>=3 && i<= 5)     vr = 1;
              if (i>=6 && i<= 8)     vr = 2;
              if (i>=9 && i<= 11)     vr = 3;
              vx = parseInt(vxf * vc) + vxm;
              vy = parseInt(vyf * vr) + vym;
              this.wwrite(".lclass" + i + " {position:absolute;top:" + vy + ";left:" + vx + ";}");
         this.wwrite("<body " +
              "link=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "vlink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "alink=\"" + this.gLinkColor + "\" " +
              "text=\"" + this.gTextColor + "\">");
         this.wwrite("<FONT FACE='" + fontface + "' SIZE=2><B>");
         this.wwrite("Year : " + this.gYear);
         // Show navigation buttons
         var prevYYYY = parseInt(this.gYear) - 1;
         var nextYYYY = parseInt(this.gYear) + 1;
         this.wwrite("<TABLE WIDTH='100%' BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BGCOLOR='#e0e0e0'><TR><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', null, '" + prevYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
              "\" alt='Prev Year'><<<\/A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"javascript:window.print();\">Print</A>]</TD><TD ALIGN=center>");
         this.wwrite("[<A HREF=\"" +
              "javascript:window.opener.Build(" +
              "'" + this.gReturnItem + "', null, '" + nextYYYY + "', '" + this.gFormat + "'" +
              ");" +
         // Get the complete calendar code for each month..
         var j;
         for (i=11; i>=0; i--) {
              if (isIE)
                   this.wwrite("<DIV ID=\"layer" + i + "\" CLASS=\"lclass" + i + "\">");
              else if (isNav)
                   this.wwrite("<LAYER ID=\"layer" + i + "\" CLASS=\"lclass" + i + "\">");
              this.gMonth = i;
              this.gMonthName = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth);
              vCode = this.getMonthlyCalendarCode();
              this.wwrite(this.gMonthName + "/" + this.gYear + "<BR>");
              if (isIE)
              else if (isNav)
    Calendar.prototype.wwrite = function(wtext) {
    Calendar.prototype.wwriteA = function(wtext) {
    Calendar.prototype.cal_header = function() {
         var vCode = "";
         vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Sun</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Mon</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Tue</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Wed</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Thu</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Fri</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='16%'><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='" + this.gHeaderColor + "'><B>Sat</B></FONT></TD>";
         vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.cal_data = function() {
         var vDate = new Date();
         var vFirstDay=vDate.getDay();
         var vDay=1;
         var vLastDay=Calendar.get_daysofmonth(this.gMonth, this.gYear);
         var vOnLastDay=0;
         var vCode = "";
         Get day for the 1st of the requested month/year..
         Place as many blank cells before the 1st day of the month as necessary.
         vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
         for (i=0; i<vFirstDay; i++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(i) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'> </FONT></TD>";
         // Write rest of the 1st week
         for (j=vFirstDay; j<7; j++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'>" +
                   "<A HREF='#' " +
                        "onClick=\"self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" +
                        this.format_data(vDay) +
                        "';window.close();\">" +
                        this.format_day(vDay) +
                   "</A>" +
              vDay=vDay + 1;
         vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
         // Write the rest of the weeks
         for (k=2; k<7; k++) {
              vCode = vCode + "<TR>";
              for (j=0; j<7; j++) {
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j) + "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "'>" +
                        "<A HREF='#' " +
                             "onClick=\"self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" +
                             this.format_data(vDay) +
                             "';window.close();\">" +
                        this.format_day(vDay) +
                        "</A>" +
                   vDay=vDay + 1;
                   if (vDay > vLastDay) {
                        vOnLastDay = 1;
              if (j == 6)
                   vCode = vCode + "</TR>";
              if (vOnLastDay == 1)
         // Fill up the rest of last week with proper blanks, so that we get proper square blocks
         for (m=1; m<(7-j); m++) {
              if (this.gYearly)
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j+m) +
                   "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='gray'> </FONT></TD>";
                   vCode = vCode + "<TD WIDTH='14%'" + this.write_weekend_string(j+m) +
                   "><FONT SIZE='2' FACE='" + fontface + "' COLOR='gray'>" + m + "</FONT></TD>";
         return vCode;
    Calendar.prototype.format_day = function(vday) {
         var vNowDay = gNow.getDate();
         var vNowMonth = gNow.getMonth();
         var vNowYear = gNow.getFullYear();
         if (vday == vNowDay && this.gMonth == vNowMonth && this.gYear == vNowYear)
              return ("<FONT COLOR=\"RED\"><B>" + vday + "</B></FONT>");
              return (vday);
    Calendar.prototype.write_weekend_string = function(vday) {
         var i;
         // Return special formatting for the weekend day.
         for (i=0; i<weekend.length; i++) {
              if (vday == weekend<i>)
                   return (" BGCOLOR=\"" + weekendColor + "\"");
         return "";
    Calendar.prototype.format_data = function(p_day) {
         var vData;
         var vMonth = 1 + this.gMonth;
         vMonth = (vMonth.toString().length < 2) ? "0" + vMonth : vMonth;
         var vMon = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth).substr(0,3).toUpperCase();
         var vFMon = Calendar.get_month(this.gMonth).toUpperCase();
         var vY4 = new String(this.gYear);
         var vY2 = new String(this.gYear.substr(2,2));
         var vDD = (p_day.toString().length < 2) ? "0" + p_day : p_day;
    /*     switch (this.gFormat) {
              case "MM\/DD\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY4;
              case "MM\/DD\/YY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY2;
              case "MM-DD-YYYY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "-" + vDD + "-" + vY4;
              case "MM-DD-YY" :
                   vData = vMonth + "-" + vDD + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MON\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMon + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MON\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMon + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MON-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMon + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MON-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMon + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MONTH\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vFMon + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MONTH\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vFMon + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MONTH-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vFMon + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MONTH-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vFMon + "-" + vY2;
              case "DD\/MM\/YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMonth + "\/" + vY4;
              case "DD\/MM\/YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "\/" + vMonth + "\/" + vY2;
              case "DD-MM-YYYY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMonth + "-" + vY4;
              case "DD-MM-YY" :
                   vData = vDD + "-" + vMonth + "-" + vY2;
              default :
                   vData = vMonth + "\/" + vDD + "\/" + vY4;
    vData = vY4vMonthvDD ;
    //vData = vDD"."vMonth"."vY4;
         return vData;
    function Build(p_item, p_month, p_year, p_format) {
         var p_WinCal = ggWinCal;
         gCal = new Calendar(p_item, p_WinCal, p_month, p_year, p_format);
         // Customize your Calendar here..
         // Choose appropriate show function
         if (gCal.gYearly)     gCal.showY();
         else     gCal.show();
    function show_calendar() {
              p_month : 0-11 for Jan-Dec; 12 for All Months.
              p_year     : 4-digit year
              p_format: Date format (mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yy, ...)
              p_item     : Return Item.
         p_item = arguments[0];
         if (arguments[1] == null)
              p_month = new String(gNow.getMonth());
              p_month = arguments[1];
         if (arguments[2] == "" || arguments[2] == null)
              p_year = new String(gNow.getFullYear().toString());
              p_year = arguments[2];
         if (arguments[3] == null)
              p_format = "MM/DD/YYYY";
              p_format = arguments[3];
         vWinCal = window.open("", "Calendar",
         vWinCal.opener = self;
         ggWinCal = vWinCal;
         Build(p_item, p_month, p_year, p_format);
    Yearly Calendar Code Starts here
    function show_yearly_calendar(p_item, p_year, p_format) {
         // Load the defaults..
         if (p_year == null || p_year == "")
              p_year = new String(gNow.getFullYear().toString());
         if (p_format == null || p_format == "")
              p_format = "MM/DD/YYYY";
         var vWinCal = window.open("", "Calendar", "scrollbars=yes");
         vWinCal.opener = self;
         ggWinCal = vWinCal;
         Build(p_item, null, p_year, p_format);

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12753: A checkintest for runtime functionality for FXG 2.0.

    Revision: 12753
    Revision: 12753
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-09 13:47:34 -0800 (Wed, 09 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    A checkintest for runtime functionality for FXG 2.0.
    QE notes: No
    Doc notes: No
    Bugs: N/A
    Reviewer: Me
    Tests run: Checkintests (Mac)
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

    Revision: 12753
    Revision: 12753
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-12-09 13:47:34 -0800 (Wed, 09 Dec 2009)
    Log Message:
    A checkintest for runtime functionality for FXG 2.0.
    QE notes: No
    Doc notes: No
    Bugs: N/A
    Reviewer: Me
    Tests run: Checkintests (Mac)
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

  • Browse for Folder function for PHP?

    can anyone recommend a good plug-in to implement the Windows
    "browse for folder"
    function in php? I am looking for something like the menu you
    get when you want
    to select a folder in theDreamweaver "Find and replace"

    Look on Gary White's site -
    http://www.apptools.com - for
    his tutorial on
    how to create a dynamic sitemap in PHP. With modifications,
    that's exactly
    what you need.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Clancy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > "SnakEyez02" <[email protected]> wrote:
    >>My suggestion would be to head over to
    www.hotscripts.com and take a look
    >>the File Management section of the PHP scripts.
    >> Any file script will open a window to browse for
    files, but there are
    >> scripts
    >>which make the process as easy as possible on the end
    user and can do what
    >>need to do with the file.
    >> If you provide more detail about what you need the
    script to do someone
    >> can
    >>probably recommend a good script to accomplish the
    > Thank you.
    > I have been working on several similar programs to
    manipulate data files,
    > and
    > have got them working pretty well. The one serious
    shortcoming is in the
    > procedure for specifying which file to read. In the
    current version the
    > initial
    > menu has a simple text entry box for the user to enter
    the name of the
    > data file
    > to load. What I want to do is to extend the
    functionality of this, so
    > that the
    > user can browse the directory to find a particular file
    to load.
    > I want to replace the current Text box with something
    that looks like a
    > Select
    > box, but when you click the arrow at the right you get
    the directory tree,
    > with
    > each directory preceded by a + or - symbol which you can
    click to show or
    > hide
    > the subdirectories and the files in the directory. The
    window would have
    > to
    > have vertical and probably horizontal scroll bars, so
    that you could find
    > a
    > particular file you wanted, then click it to highlight
    it, and finally
    > close the
    > window and load the file.
    > So what I want is basically a Select box, but with
    functionality somewhere
    > between Dreamweaver's 'Files' menu, and Disc Explorers
    'Folders' menu.
    > For this
    > application I only want to be able to select a
    particular file to load,
    > but in
    > the future it might also be nice to have the ability to
    drag and drop
    > files, as
    > in Windows Disc Explorer.
    > Clancy

  • For Each function for a Concat Value

    The scenario is, we need to concat two unbounded elements and map it to a target element using for each functionality.
    For example
    I need to concat "Name" and "Author" which is under the unbounded element "BookStore" and map it to a single element called "Sample" on the Target side.
    I am not able to use the "for-each" XSLT function to get the multiple value of Name and Author since concat function is used. Is there any other way to concat and get the multiple values of the element "Name" and "Author"?

    Hi Vlad:
    Ok i use for-each function in my XSLT to get the vlaues of unbounded elements
    <xsl:for-each select="/BookStore/Books/Name">
    <xsl:value-of select="/BookStore/Books/Name"/>
    This works perfectly fine and whenever there is a multiple vlaue for Name it is mapped to Sample and output comes as expected
    Now i need to concat the Name and Author and pass the value to element on the target. Since name and author occuring multiple times, i am not sure how to pass the values to the element on the target

  • Missing Calendar Function for PRIVAT Events

    can't set an event as privat. How can this be done. Don't like to make this visible in our company.
    I'm syncing to exchange via Air.

    I just bought and synced my iPhone yesterday - same issue. I noticed that all the exceptions in my recurring appointments dropped the notes. If I changed the note itself, or the date of one of the recurrences, it deleted the note entirely. I tried deleting the series and recreating and then syncing and editing, but still the same issue. I can't find anything on the web or in the forums.

  • Recomendation for calendar app for server/sharing

    I'm looking to deploy a shared calendar for my workgroup at the office, on our server.
    Ideally I would like this to be simple to setup, and am really looking for something with a web based client.
    I've come across quite a few calender server apps but they require client software to communicate with the server.
    found a few that have built in web clients but the setup seems fairly complex.
    I suppose complex setup is okay but would still like recommendations for a good one so i'm not wasting time getting it setup if it sucks.
    something like google calendar would be perfect but I want to run it on my (arch) server and not the interwebz.
    As far as for what we plan to do with it would be a single, or possibly 2 or 3 shared calendars. I would like to have logins for each user and give them either read only or change access to the calendar. I dont need individual calendars for each user. Just a couple of global shared ones that everyone can update.  Currently running lighttpd but I can change to apache if need be.
    any ideas appreciated

    Not working out very well im afraid
    I did find a few and played around with them but really didnt find anything that did what I wanted.
    setup seemed a bit complicated and it was also very much targeted at universities. though I didnt play around with it very long, might be promising if you invest some time into it...
    this project is dead. It works. You can build it, but the interface is horrible and it doesnt seem very usable or user friendly.
    This is email and everything. It has a calendar, but its pretty heavy to run this if you just want a calendar app.
    This one is very promising. I got wonderful support from the devs on irc when I ran into install issues. Unfortunately the gui hasnt been fully developed it seems. The calendar comes up fine but there is no interface to add appointments, etc. at least that I could see. I was a bit discourced and didnt go back to the devs to get more info...
    maybe you will have better luck than I did...

  • Calling conventions for C functions for the VFP

    If I write a function like this:
    float test(float a)
    return a*a;
    And then I look at the assembly code generated:
    @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
    @ frame_needed = 0, usesanonymousargs = 0
    @ link register save eliminated.
    fmsr s14, r0
    @ lr needed for prologue
    fmuls s13, s14, s14
    fmrs r0, s13
    bx lr
    The question is, why are the input register to this function belong to ARM and not to VFP? Surly the input registers should be S0 and not R0. This seems bad to me because the ARM register needs to be converted to a VFP register and then reconverted back to a CPU register after the calculation.
    I thought C calling conventions were R0-R3 for ARM and S0-S7 for VFP?
    Is there a way to make the compiler follow this convention?

    C++ can call on C code as long as C++ is given instructions that the function prototypes are in fact C functions, and not C++ functions.
    You have to do this since C and C++-s scheme of handling function names at the object code level are different. By invoking the extern "C" {}, the compiler will generate object code that can link against C code.
    You have maybe seen C header files with
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    //... prototypes here
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    Last edited by Themaister (2010-05-15 20:19:35)

  • Query for FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT function for selection screen

    Hi ,
    I am calling this function FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT for implementation of selection screen , but when I am trying to pass a "QUAN" datatype in FIELD_DESC table for TYPE Parameter as importing parameter, its giving a dump . But for other types of datatypes it is working fine . please suggest , if we have to use any other parameter in this function to handle QUAN fields.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Anupam Yadav

    IF you go through the function module, FIELD_DESC is table type. So declare an internal table of type FLDCONVERT(Double Click on this to see its components) and populate the necessary fields and then pass on this table on to the FIELD_DESC parameter.
    Best Regards,

  • How to form messenger group for SD FUNCTIONAL for  BRAIN STROMING and GD's

    Hello SD Guru's,
    Thanks to all SD Guru's, I have enough material to read and get trained in SAP SD functional module.
    one more help, can you please guide me about, how to find or form a group <b>of SD Fuctional consultant</b> who are Beginners, who are gettting trained or Senior consultants who are willing to <b>BRAINSTROM</b> and participate in <b>GROUP DISCUSSION</b> on <b>messenger</b> or phone when ever its possible for them
    I don't have any batch mates, who r getting trained along with me. it a one-one teaching class. So, i would be more than interested to discuss on any messenger.
    i will be thankful, if the Guru's of SD can point all the begginer in the right direction,
    Thanks in advance,
    [email protected]

    Dear Kevin,
    even i was thinking on the same lines for sometime. Though there are several groups in yahoo and lot of other websites. i think if you can visit www.chacha.com you will get something near to what you want. in chacha.com they have got a guide who helps you in your search. the problem is that it is a generic site.
    the idea is really good. we can have a pool of people who can really work on this business methodology by contributing some time in a week.
    Please award the points if you find the suggestion worth taking.

  • Calendar help for Date i/p field in SRM 5.0 shopping cart

    Hi All,
    I am working on SRM 5.0..I have a requirement for the addition of custom field ie. lease termination date field on SRM shopping cart screen and having a calendar help for this date input field.
    Has anyone tried to add calendar help for an input date field in the ITS service??What all additions have to be done for this(style,images etc)...Does any one has any idea?Please help.
    Thanks & Regards,
    K rav.

    Disha can you please send me these images.
    my email id: [email protected]
    and should i store these images in mime repository? Also I have the below code to be attached in template for calendar function give by Zakhar..do you know where exactly in the template do you insert this code? and do you insert it in the standard template itself. My field will appear in shopping cart line item level (CUF field) so what will be the template number??
    <input type=text
              onBlur="BBP_ITS_EXTW_CloseCalendar()" maxlength="10" size="10">
             href="javascript:BBP_ITS_EXTW_OpenCalendarDomRel(window.document.BBPForm.elements['`<b>zappsspr_incl_item_csf_avl-zzspr_dkk_date.name</b>`'], 'a_ZAPPSSPR_INCL_ITEM_CSF_AVL-ZZSPR_DKK_DATE')">
      <img src="/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/bbpglobal/99/images/calendar/ico12_calendar.gif" border="0"></a>

  • Calendar popup for a date field in ITS service

    I am working with SRM EBP module we want to add date help(with calendar function) to existing date fields in Shopping cart and PO screens . I found some HTML and scripts in SYSTEM and BBPGLOBAL(assuming in regular ITS this service might be GLOBAL) services but not sure which ones to use if anyone used date functionality or even have access to Standard SAP ITS screens that already have date field with calendar functionality can you help???????????????
    Scenario what we are trying to do
    1) On the shopping cart details there is a require on field
    2) we are trying to add a f4 icon(which we did successfully)
    3) when a click happens on the icon a calendar popup should appear(for this we are trying to identify what standard SAP function we can use if not i got a JavaScript on the web trying to see how to integrate that script)
    Thanks in Advance

    I browsed thru other services i found PZLE_06 and there is a date field with popup but difference between ESS and SRM is ESS i saw uses webgui concept and SRM has different approach if you can point me to the html template in one of the service where the calendar function is called that will be helpful i tried no luck i got the funciton issue is integrating it with existing code in HTML i mean calling the javascript from HTML i am not able to .
    Thank You

  • Code for SAVE functionality in FPM_OIF_COMPONENT

    Hi Experts,
    I have enhanced the component DPR_DET_DATA_PROJECT_O. The SAVE functionality for this component exists in FPM_OIF_COMPONENT.
    I have to raise error message depending on the custom fields added in  DPR_DET_DATA_PROJECT_O when I click on 'SAVE' button.
    Please share if any ideas where to write the code for SAVE functionality for the custom fields added on DPR_DET_DATA_PROJECT_O.

    Hi Rafi,
    These similar discussions might provide some assistance:
    BAdI or enhancement on SAVE of Cproject
    which badi triggers while saving cproject
    Code to call for saving the data in WDC - DPR_PROJECT_VIEW

  • Automated mail function for sales order acknowledgement

    Hi Friends,
    We have a requirement for automated functionality for sending mail to the sold to customers when the order is first saved.
    We already have a customer program to convert into PDF and mail directly.
    But this is to automatically send the mail to sold to customer. I think for acknowledgement we have already a existing outputtype.
    I understand that we need to maintain the mail address over the customer master of the sold to.
    Apart from this, is there that we need to maintain to have this automated functionality of sending mails.
    I had tested with existing Z otuput type by changing the transmission medium to 5 and entering my own email id where it prompts to enter mail id. But it wont send any mails.
    Just wondering if we have any determined steps that i can follow.
    thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Order acknowlegement output BA00 or your copy of this one is capable of using medium 5 to send SMTP mail to an external address  ( even PDFs can be attached  is your want).  When you trigger the medium 5 output, did the output get process successfully and you get a green light in your output screen?   If not, have a look to see if a communication strategy is assigned.  If yes, your configuration is OK. What is missing is mostly likely that Basis have not set up SAPCONNECT to send SMTP mail externally for you.

  • Partner function for notification processing in SPRO.

    Hi Gurus,
    I have to know that what is the use of settings for Partner function for notification processing in SPRO(implementing dptmnt,person responsible,function for paging,Task processor,partner function approver).what is the function for these?
    2'nd in while creating/changing the notification in the notification screen in standard tool bar there are two Icons one for partners(ctrl+F1) and another for determine partner(F7).Pls explain what is use of this icon determine partner.???
    Pls explain in details....

    1.Refer the below threads,links
    [Partner determination procedure and partner function;
    2.Partner are determined from master datas like equipment,functional location during notiifcations,order creation.
    you can have defualt and mandatory partners

Maybe you are looking for

  • SAXParser type declaration not found - PLEASE HELP!!

    I am using XML to parse an incoming string of XML. I want to use an SAXParser to do this, but I cannot create an object of this type. I have the jar file jaxp.jar, xalan.jar, and crimson.jar in my classpath. Is there anything else that I need to do i

  • Can I have multiple open windows of a Page document?

    I can't see such a command anywhere.  Most all other Apps allow this and is very handy.  I have the latest Pages version (5.5) and Yosemite (10.10) TIA, Allan

  • Mouse pointer shacke by pressing touchpad

    Just by pressing the touchpad and let the tip on my finger on it the mouse pointer starts to shake like a centimeter. The problem disappears and comes back erratically. This is really annoying.

  • Error when opening downloaded web page

    I have downloaded a few pages from a website. Firefox says it can't find them (from the link contained in the root index.html file) . I can open the link with another browser (links). When I open the linked page manually, the name in the url bar of f

  • Upgrade 8.4.1 to 8.4.5

    Hello, I am upgrading a active/standby pair of asas 5520's from 8.4.1 to 8.4.5. I am wondering if there is anything i need to be careful of. I do use a lot of Nat policys and i have had issues with 8.4.1 and proxy arp so i hard coded alot of my nat i