Looking for old radio sound

On an acoustic guitar track. Im looking to get like an old AM radio effect. Any suggestions ! Thanks Bill

Well, I suppose you could do it with bus sends, but for "all or nothing" FX stuff like this, I usually opt for the completely unbureaucratic method:
New track with that channel setting, snip and copy/move the audio material to the second track for the passages where you need the effect.
If you need certain settings from the original track (like comp or whatever), you can just Cmd-click them in the mixer to drag them, and then switch to holding down the Option key to copy the plug-in w/ setting to the second channel.

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    Hi, Chiyawa. We appreciate your interest in our products. You can try visiting any Nokia store or authorized Nokia retailers for their availability in your area. Check your local support page at http://www.microsoft.com/en/mobile/support/locations/. All the best and welcome to our community. ;-)

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    I would recommend starting over and instead of using Migration Assistant this time using Setup Assistant. They are cousins, similar but different. First SA is more reliable and second it will not create a second user account. Because you are migrating from a PPC machine I would migrate everything EXCEPT applications. You should manually install your apps, this will give you the opportunity to udate the ones that need it and I'm sure there are many. You may even apps that won't run on Intel based machines so why migrate them at all? You can use the Setup Assistant tips beginning at "Second chance...." You can either restore from your old machine or from one of it's backups. I think you'll see it's a pretty clean process, something you passed over (I'm not sure why) when  you turned on the new iMac for the first time.

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    d. t.
    Are you looking for online play? I did a Google search for Missile Command and came up with a bunch of online Missile Command games. I was able to save a java based version as a web archive with Safari and play offline.
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    Brian Walton

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    If you've got old copies of the Sunsolve CDs you might find it on there, otherwise your going to have to use the latest revision.
    If you've got a support agreement with Sun, you could try requesting it from your account manager.

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    Fixed the typo.
    Last edited by lucke (2010-04-25 16:33:35)

    liticovjesac wrote:I have the same problem with eina-audio-player.
    Since you got it from aur, you have to rebuild it yourself.

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    You can use this button to go to the Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    In Mac OS X v10.7, the $HOME/Library folder is a hidden folder.
    Open Finder and use one of these:
    * Go > Go To Folder (Shift-Command-G) and in the dialog type: ~/Library
    * Open the "Go" menu and hold down the Option key to make the Library appear
    You can also use this command in a Terminal window to remove the hidden flag.
    * Mac HD > Applications > Utilities > Terminal
    * chflags nohidden ~/Library
    * http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/909/cpsid_90947.html Access hidden user library files

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