Looking for the right gallery.

Hey folks. I have been looking online for a photo gallery that auto plays when the page loads, but at the  same time I want to be able to insert the photo names in a DB and CF will get the photos to fill in the gallery whenever available and regardless the amount I add or take away. I was going to use it for advertisers, so i don't need anything fancy. I guess something like the size of thumbnails going from top to bottom and also has up and down arrow incase someone finds one of the ads interesting. Hope this makes sense.
Thank you.

I could not agree more.  The #1 isssue I have with many things is figureing out what the correct keywords are to use in a search.  Once I used AS3 rather than flash, I got good results!
There is an art to searching and it would be wise to have some documentation on what to and what not to search on/for in the help documents!

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    Is this the model Powerbook you have?
    http://www.apple-history.com/?page=gallery&model=pg4_15167&sort=family&performa= off&order=ASC
    I ask because it has a cd burner built in:
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    OK let's give this s go.
    If you are shooting a f5.6 at ISO 6400 and you decide to get an f4 lens, you will be able to shoot the same scene at ISO 3200. That lens is one stop faster.  Not a big deal.   But, on-the-other hand if you got a f2.8 lens you are talking another stop off.  The ISO would now be 1600.  Pretty good, I'd say.
    Unfortunaltely an f2.8 lens isn't going to be cheap. Sigma has a 17-50mm f2.8 and even better a 18-35mm f1.8.  The f1.8 will allow you to drop more than another stop off your ISO to around 640.  Generally speaking the lower the ISO, the less noise in the photo and the better it will look.  But these are a little short of the mm (focal length) you say you need.
    Any of these lenses, and the outstanding EF 24-105mm f4 will make way better pictures than your current kit lenses do. Tamron also has some choices in this area, too.
    The ideal choice would be a 24-70mm f2.8 but they are going to be way more expensive.  The Sigma being the cheapest in this bunch, again.  The Canon EF 24-70 f2.8 L IS being the best lens there is, period, and a price tag to prove it.
    The EF-S 18-135mm is a better lens than what you have but is not going to help the ISO problem.  You need, one, more light on the subject or, two, a faster lens.
    Another idea!
    If you can live with a fixed focal lemgth, or prime, lens, you could get the EF 50mm f1.8 or better yet the EF 50mm f1.4.. Now were're taling. f1.4 is four stops faster and your ISO would drop to 400.  Around $110 bucks and $350 respectively.  Sound good?
    There are some more prime lens choices for you.  Get on the Canon web site and gaze at the primes and see if one or two might just fill the bill.  The primes also have the advantage of being outstandingly sharp.  Light years ahead of your kit lenses.
    Sigma has some great primes, too.
    EOS 1Ds Mk III, EOS 1D Mk IV EF 50mm f1.2 L, EF 24-70mm f2.8 L,
    EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II, Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 EX APO
    Photoshop CS6, ACR 8.7, Lightroom 5.7

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    Sharing personal email addresses, telephone numbers, and last names is not not permited for your safety. If you have any questions feel free to send me a private message in reply.
    Thank you
    I work for HP

  • Looking for the right program

    I would like to make a stop-action movie, essentially a slide show with some rapid frame changes, that has a coordinated sound track.  Which Adobe program, if any, would do this?

    That is a pretty big project. I have never used Premiere Pro for only pictures so I don't know how good it will be at this. 3000 pictures/30gigs is a lot of data for a program to handle and organize. And if you also want to add contextual content and audio clips then a lot of easier to use programs just won't cut it. You might really need an Adobe program.
    It if was a small onetime project I was going to suggest Corel VideoStudio, but definitely not for the amount of data you want to use. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC88QA7xyyE. For really small projects Windows Movie Maker would probably do the trick haha.
    Most stop-motion software are designed to help you with the actual shooting of the frames, but you already have them. You still might want to look at these two programs to see if they'll work for you.
    Just because they might be better at organizing large amounts of pictures then a program designed around editing video.
    If Premiere Elements would do the trick I'd say that's a good option, or if it's too limited Premiere Pro. I'd go with the CS6 version, not CC. Because you get to keep a perpetual license so you can continue to use it in the future without monthly payments. But that's my biased opinion against renting software.
    This thread should probably be moved to the Premiere Pro section where he can get better help from people who have more experience with using large amounts of pictures to create a movie.

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    We have Sun Fire v240, v880, and four dell servers in a Shark Rack. The LCD monitor and keyboard drawer and the KVM switch were part of the original installation from Shark Rack. The switch and the monitor stop responding from time to time so I am looking for a replacement.
    I am surprised that the prices for the KVM drawer are very different from different manufactures. I was just wondering whether I really need a SUN ready certified KVM drawer. If anyone has any experiences(good or bad) with getting a new KVM, please share it with me.
    If the KMV drawer is compatible with SUN systems, do I need to install any patch on the system or it's simply plug and play?

    For most SPARC based Sun Servers you do not need a KVM switch, but merely a terminal switch which you can attach to the console port of the Sun Server. There are plenty of Terminal Servers to choose from, the most recent i bought was a Cyclade, which works very well and allows you to ssh to a console..

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    Okay installed Microsoft office 2013 and then used that to make a sync and it workt
    but i lost loads of events whille syncing the calander :'( any way to get them back ?

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    The system in question is an Oracle 8i database running on Solaris.

    Although we do have a 9i database one one of the machines, we do not have 9iAS (unless I have missed something here) or any licenses for it.
    WebDB looks like it will do everything I require, as well as being covered under the 8i license AIUI, so my prefered option, at least initially, is to ge going with that and then look at 9iA if it can't cover all the requirements. I have now found the installation guide, but can't find any WebDB CDs here, or a download on the otn.
    Thank you for the information about the AS portal system, but shoud you have a CD devining rod or a link to a WebDB download I would be even more greatful :o)

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    I am seeking advise on how to accomplish this with a spending a zillion $$$
    I realize this will likely involve more than one piece of hardware.
    Any and all advise on this matter is GREATLY appreciated.


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