Losing contact info

Occasionally I will notice that I've lost a piece of info from a contact. Tonight I noticed my daughter's phone number was missing. Please help

Well if you are using back up and restore, your effectively trying to restore an iphone into a touch or vice versa... you need to make sure all purchases etc are copied to your itunes library, the SYNC everything across rather than backup then restore.. otherwise surely its like trying to back up a microwave and restore it to a toaster!?
I'd sync it....

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    Syncing iPhone contacts with a supported application on your computer when the address book on your computer is empty, you need to enter one contact in the address book on your computer before syncing. Make the contact up if needed, which can be deleted later.
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    That aside, you can sync multiple phones to one computer - see http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1495. boogeyman is wrong. It is 100% safe to create an additional user name on her computer, log in with that name, and back up the phone. See this for details on what you want to do: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2109

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    Please try clearing cache and cookies. If that doesn't help you can try disabli9ng add-ons and see if it help. [[Safe Mode]] is to disabled add-ons.

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    This sort of error message only comes up for Lightroom when your hard disk is full. Indeed this has nothing to do with internal memory as that will be intelligently be dealt with. If you have a mac Book Air that is not so surprising as the cheapest versions come with very small hard disks and if you shoot raw with any recent camera, you'll fill up your hard disk very quickly and you can probably only store a few months of pictures if you are a typical photographer. So the bottom line is that you need to create some room on your hard disk. You should move some of your originals to an external hard disk. You can also delete some of your backup copies of your catalog file that Lightroom automatically generates every few days and that quickly gobble up hard disk space. So first figure out how full your hard disk is. To see that, go to the apple menu, hit -> About this Mac -> More info->Storage. You should see your internal hard disk on top and you'll find that it is almost entirely full with photos. Now find your Lightroom catalog file using Finder. It is usually in a folder in the Pictures folder in your home directory. You should see a Lightroom 5 Catalog.lrcat file, a previews file and a folder called backups. Inside the backups folder, you'll find a lot of subfolders. They have names that show the dates the backups were created. If you have backups of your entire hard disk, you can delete these backups when they are older than a few months. I usually only keep the last 4 around. Just drag the folders into the trash can on the dock on the bottom of your screen and empty the trash. This will probably free up enough space that Lightroom will already run again. Now start thinking about where you will want to store older images. If you have a good USB3 or Thunderbolt hard disk that is probably the best option. There is a video here by Adobe that has some instructions on how to do this: Is Your Hard Drive Full? Here’s How to Move Images to Another Drive in Lightroom. « Julieanne Kost's Blog If that doesn't work because you don't have enough hard drive space to run Lightroom yet, here is another set of instructions to move your files using the finder to the other hard disk: How do I move only my photos to another hard drive, leaving the catalog where it is? - The Lightroom Queen. If you follow that, as soon as you confirm all your images are on the new hard disk, you can delete them from your internal one. She is not so clear about that part but if you don't delete the originals that you moved off you don't free up space. You should move the folder structure over to the new hard disk and then reconnect the folders in Lightroom. That should make it refind all your images.
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    i didn't read a lot of your 2nd paragraph, but it seems like the password is the issue, right?
    do a true clean install
    reboot your machine and hold down command+option+r, you should see a spinning globe - if you don't see the globe or anything that reads internet recovery, shut down and try again
    at menu, chose disk utility and once there, find your HD on the left side, select the physical name and erase it as mac journaled
    exit disk utlity
    at menu, choose install OSX
    this time, when it asks for a password just hit continue, it will let you complete without a password
    you should be able to get into your laptop, now figure out what password you'll be able to use with your kb issue

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    Pinina in Phoenix, Az

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    Pinina in Phoenix, Az

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    Hi Elaine
    Here si what I do:
    Since I tend to message with teh same people I leave the messages available to me.  If you are in one conversation with "Karen"  and want to message with "Kathy" tap the message back arrow and select Kathy.
    As always just be careful to rememeber who you are messaging to!

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    But at this point, I'd like to replace all address book information on my iMac with the iPad/iPhone contact information. What's the best way to do this? I'm concerned that, while trying to sync either device with the iMac, I might somehow do the opposite - replace contact info on the device with address book info from the iMac.
    I appreciate any suggestions.

    Start by backing up the contacts on your Mac by opening Address Book (Contacts) and going to File>Export>Contacts Archive, save this on your desktop.  Then download the app My Contacts Backup to your iPhone and use it to back up your contacts as a vCard attachment to an email.  Send this email to yourself. (Note: if you have >500 contacts you'll need to either purchase and use the Pro version, or follow the instructions listed under "Contacts...iCloud.com Contacts" in this guide to dowload them from icloud.com: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4910.)
    I'm assuming at this point that you are NOT syncing contacts on your Mac with iCloud.  If you are, do not perform the steps in this paragraph.  Assuming you are not syncing your Mac contacts with iCloud, open Address Book (Contacts), go to View>Groups, then click on All Contacts.  Click on a single contact, then go to Edit>Select All (Command-A) to select all contacts.  Now press your delete key to delete them.  Your Mac Address Book (Contacts) should now be empty.  Now open the My Contacts Backup email on your Mac and double-click the attachment to import the contacts from your iPhone to your Mac Address Book (Contacts).

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    When we went to iCloud and now Maverick, there is no longer a way to share the contact info short of buying the Apple Server software and setting up our own server in house. While I might be able to justify doing so, it is a huge hassle for a very small gain in our case. So that is a last-resort solution, so far.
    I would again like to be able to share portions (groups/or sub-groups) of my contact database files with specific individuals, using something like a publish/subscribe feature that would require both parties to agree to the sharing and then once that was done, it should implement automatically and update every time an items is changed, added, deleted on the owners main copy of Contacts.  Ideally this would work thru iCloud and its “push update” function.  But just to have it working is the goal here. I really do not care HOW it works.
    Ive searched, even called a buddy who works the Genius Bar at my local Apple Store. So far, no one seems to have any suggestion other than the aforementioned Maverick Server idea.  Frankly with three computers, two printers, a few iPads and iPhones, and a couple of Apple TVs in the house, I am hard pressed to justify the time and energy running a server would require.  There has to be a better way to do this. If friends can push their Contact Info to their Android Phones, I should be able to share my Contact files with my spouse!  Thanks for your thoughts/suggestions/and hopefully for a solution.

    Is the disk cache and the memory cache enabled?
    You can check these prefs on the about:config page.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/browser.cache.disk.enable
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/browser.cache.memory.enable
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
    Your More system details list shows two outdated Flash plugins that you should remove and update to Flash 10.1 r102 or at least remove 10.0 r45 and wait until your distribution offers a 10.1 r102 update.
    # Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    # Shockwave Flash 10.1 r85
    Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin to the latest version.

  • How do I keep my daughter and I's apps and contact info SEPERATE on the same itunes while sharing songs?

    How do I keep my daughter and I's apps and contact info SEPERATE on the same itunes while sharing songs?
    I need step by step directions on set up different profiles on itunes for 2 seperate iphones. I want to be able to share purchases if desired, but not have to have the same apps/songs on our phones. I could do with sharing songs.....apps not so much. Please Help!!
    Thank You

    This should help:
    How to use multiple iPods, iPads, or iPhones with one computer

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    I created a data element whose fields I wanted to show in the Position details (in the Employee Profile panel, which use the default Static layout 'Employee Tabs'). I am trying to display some contact info, and I used the Employee Tab Contact Info section within Employee Tabs to do it. Somehow the fields captions do not show once I do that (see picture attached). I tried using the 'Employee Tab Data Sheet' section to display the same information, and it works fine.
    Any thoughts what could cause this behavior? All the fields captions have values that were configured in the data element.

    Sorry, just re-reading from the start, you are saying this is purely dependent on the type of section you select. Right?
    With "Employee Tab Contact Info", you say it doesn't show; Have you tried using Field/Value Section (Multiple)?
    Also, when it doesn't work, what <presentation> is referenced in your custom section within "OrgUnitPositionEmployeeDetail.xml" (in \.delta\AppResources\detailconfiguration)?

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