Loss of available RAM in Windows 7 partition

I have a Windows 7 partition set up under Lion OS. The iMac has 8Gb RAM. However, in the Windows partition I only get just over 2Gb available and 5.1Gb is 'Hardware Reserved' ! Any ideas how I can reduce the amount set aside as 'Hardware Reserved' ?
When running under OS, I have typically 6.3Gb free !

As a person running Windows 7 64-bit under boot camp on a machine with an ATI Radeon 6750M, I can testify that at least that setup works fine. I don't see how a format and reinstall could break any particular element of the new install.
If your machine is anything but a Mac Pro, please ensure you're using the Boot Camp drivers Apple provide rather than the ones you get off ATI's website — the latter will refuse to recognose your card.
If you don't already have a copy, use Boot Camp Assistant to download the Boot Camp drivers for your particular machine.

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    I have found that I am unable to use PSE13 Organizer for more than a couple of hours without my system becoming unstable. Organizer keeps requesting RAM until it has taken up all available RAM and my virtual memory file has expanded to fill the hard drive it is on. At this point Organizer and most other running programs crash, the system becomes unstable and Windows issues  out of memory warnings. I am at a loss as to what to do about this. Does anyone know if Adobe is planning on fixing this rather major bug?
    I am running Windows 8.1 64 bit on an AMD X6 1090 with 16GB RAM.

    ndgreen a écrit:
    I have found that I am unable to use PSE13 Organizer for more than a couple of hours without my system becoming unstable. Organizer keeps requesting RAM until it has taken up all available RAM and my virtual memory file has expanded to fill the hard drive it is on. At this point Organizer and most other running programs crash, the system becomes unstable and Windows issues  out of memory warnings. I am at a loss as to what to do about this. Does anyone know if Adobe is planning on fixing this rather major bug?
    I am running Windows 8.1 64 bit on an AMD X6 1090 with 16GB RAM.
    That's the first time I see that problem on Elements forums and bug reports.
    Investigating your particular situation will require more info:
    - on your hardware, your preferences (scratch disk)
    - your organizer usage (photos or videos), autoanalyzer and other opened softwares
    - any plugins?
    What happens if you stop and restart the organizer at shorter intervals? Do you see the RAM and virtual memory grow the same way?
    The only remotely similar situation I have met on all Elements versions is the impossibility to delete a large number of files in the same batch. The Organizer slowly fills all the RAM, then issues an error message and rolls back to the situation before the delete command. No crash.

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    CPU: AMD Phenom II 955 BE @ 3.2Ghz
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    Thanks in advance...

    Turn memory >4GB remapping on, see your manual how to do it.
    And stop bumping your message, it's NOT allowed.
    >>Please read and comply with the Forum Rules.<<

  • Updated mavericks and now my bootcamp windows 7 partition no longer shows up

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    Thank you in advance for the speedy replies!

    Hi Eric,
    Bootcamp does show up in the disk utility but it is grey instead of black like the Macintosh HD.
    The following information is available:
    Mount Point: Not mounted
    Format: Windows NT File System (NTFS)
    Owners Enabled: -
    Number of Folders: -
    Capacity:  274.55 GB
    Available: -
    Used: -
    Number of Files: -
    What might be the best way to continue to repair it. I do not have the option to click on "verify disk permissions" or "Repair Disk Permissions".
    Should I clone the hard drive in the target disk mode??
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    round....but with EFI and BCD partitions, I am reluctant to go into the unknown.
    Sorry....bit of a saga....but would appreciate any advice.
    Rob Nick

    Hi Rob,
    Above all, as the purpose is to enlarge Windows 7 partition, please understand that shrink Windows 8 partition again cannot help on it. A partition can be expanded only if there is free space "after" it.
    So you will still need to delete Windows 7 partition for expanding purpose. 
    If it is fine to just make Windows 7 back to boot order. Please try following command lines. 
    Note: Please run CMD in Administrator mode.
    bcdedit /export “c:\boot”
    This is a backup. You can delete it if things go successfully.
    Then please create a new entry for Windows 7:
    bcdedit /copy {current} /d “Windows 7”
    It will provide an entry ID. Copy it and it will be used in following 2 command lines.
    bcdedit /set {identifier} device partition=X
    Replace X with the drive letter of Windows 7 system located.
    bcdedit /displayorder {identifier} /addlast
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Photoshop CS5.5 + Lion: Available RAM Actual RAM

    Hi all,
    Here's my issue:
    I have 24 GIGs of RAM in my machine [Mac Pro 3,1— 2.8Ghz "octo-core" (early-2008)].  I noticed recently that Photoshop was only showing 18 GIGs as available ("18544 MB" is how it's displayed in the "Performance" section of my PS Preferences)—rather than the full 24 GIGs.
    I'm not positive that it is a function of my "upgrade" to Lion, but I have a strong suspicion that it is, since I am intimately familiar with my Photoshop preference settings and never noticed this issue prior to switching from Snow Leopard.
    All my Adobe apps are up to date—as is my system software.  I have confirmed (via System Profiler) that my system is indeed recognizing all 24 GIGs of installed RAM.  I have had this much RAM in my machine for a long time, and under Snow Leopard, it was all recognized by Photoshop.
    - has anyone else experienced this?
    - is it a bug of some sort, or a purposeful function of the OS (i.e. does Lion sequester a portion of the RAM or otherwise disallow PS to access all of it)?
    Any input would be much appreciated.

    Chris Cox wrote:
    So far we haven't seen any such difference on Lion.
    This should help then...
    I realized I had a hard drive with OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) still on it, so I booted up my Mac Pro using that drive, opened CS5 and took a look at the preferences.
    Sure enough, the "Available RAM" readout is within 1 GB of the total RAM in my machine (24 GB)—which is consistent with my recollection.  I took a screen-cap of the prefs (seen on the left side of the attached image), rebooted using my current system (Lion), and fired up Photoshop CS5.5.
    If you take a look at the right side of the attached image, you'll notice two things:
    Right off the bat, the Available RAM in Lion is ~3 GB less than on the Snow Leopard system
    The Available RAM fluctuates over time in Lion—mostly decreasing, and at one point, moving back up slightly.
    I didn't spend any time in Snow Leopard to test whether the Available RAM fluctuated or not.  My recollection is that it did not—and that's based upon many months of using CS5 in Snow Leopard.  If it did fluctuate, it wasn't enough to ever catch my eye.  The fluctuation did catch my eye in Lion because of the larger and more relevant issue—the drastic decrease to the actual value(s) of Available RAM.
    Losing 3 GB of RAM on a 24GB system might seem insignificant at first glance, but it's not, and here's why:
    it grows to a loss of ~6GB almost immediately.
    I lose another ~6GB for setting the RAM % no higher than 69% (recommended to avoid a reported memory bug)
    When I spend $2,500 on software (or $10, for that matter), I have every right to expect that it won't negate several hundred dollars worth of investment into the hardware I bought to use it, unless it is advertised as such.
    Wade's suggestion (faulty or incorrectly-seated RAM) crossed my mind too—even though System Profiler recognized all 24 GB with a status of "OK."  Now, it's clear that this isn't the issue.  It's also (hopefully) clear that this is a real issue, with real implications.
    I have invested a lot of time, energy and money into building a high-powered system for one primary purpose—maximizing my computing power for Photoshop and Illustrator.  I have done that based upon the official documentation and recommendations of Adobe.  I run the OS and CS5.5 from a high-quality SSD, have a large, fast and dedicated scratch drive, and save my files to yet another drive.  I've been using Photoshop for 16 years, and as you may note from the scarcity of my posts, I come to this forum only as a last resort—not to waste your time or mine on frivolous issues, or to waste your time asking for explanations about issues that I can otherwise resolve on my own.
    If there is an avenue other than this forum by which I can more easily achieve resolution to issues like this—by all means, please tell me where that is so I can save us all some time.  If not, then to the extent that I must come here to resolve those issues—please respect the fact that I would much rather be using the product for which I paid good money than documenting its flaws or trying to convince the company that sold it to me to listen.
    Please forgive me if I sound frustrated—I am.  It's nearly 4am; I've lost a full night's work reporting this issue; and I've lost far too many additional days and nights over the last year experiencing, troubleshooting, documenting and discussing defects and quirks in CS5 (/.5)—often while feeling like I was the one on trial instead of the buggy product that I purchased.  I don't expect perfection with such robust and technical software—but I think it's reasonable to expect a supportive and attentive attitude, as well as a serious effort by the developers to fix the bugs and correct the oversights that I and others identify.
    Thanks for your time.  I'm sure I'll be more cheerful on the other side of this long night.

  • Frequent Crashing on Mac and Windows 7 Partition

    Hello all,
    My Macbook has been crashing frequently, I have mainly noticed this when I use 3D applications and also Keynote. Usually my computer will just restart. However, on my Windows 7 Partition, I have been frequently receiving black screens when I attempt to play games, go through the nvidia command center, and also anything to do with browsing the web. It notifies me say that the Kernel Mode Driver has stopped working and has been fixed, each time I get the black screen. I've looked around everywhere for solutions and the Nvidia online support specialists aren't much help. What could it be?

    EtreCheck version: 1.9.11 (43) - report generated May 24, 2014 at 10:20:38 PM PDT
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro6,2
              1 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2 cores
              4 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              Intel HD Graphics - VRAM: 288 MB
              NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M - VRAM: 256 MB
    System Software:
              OS X 10.9.3 (13D65) - Uptime: 0 days 20:16:59
    Disk Information:
              TOSHIBA MK5055GSXF disk0 : (500.11 GB)
                        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
                        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 324.25 GB (179.07 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
                        BOOTCAMP (disk0s4) /Volumes/BOOTCAMP: 175 GB (110.26 GB free)
              MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    USB Information:
              Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
              Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
              Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions:
              [kext loaded] com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt (0.0.64) Support
    Launch Daemons:
              [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
              [running] com.rim.BBDaemon.plist Support
    Launch Agents:
              [loaded] com.paragon.updater.plist Support
              [running] com.rim.BBLaunchAgent.plist Support
    User Launch Agents:
              [loaded] com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist Support
    User Login Items:
    Internet Plug-ins:
              JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 14.9.0 - SDK 10.7 Check version
              FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
              QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
              Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
              Default Browser: Version: 537 - SDK 10.9
              Silverlight: Version: 4.0.51204.0 Support
              iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0
    Safari Extensions:
              Facebook Cleaner: Version: 3.3
              AdBlock: Version: 2.6.34
              BetterSource: Version: 1.1
              Bing Highlights: Version: 1.0.24
    Audio Plug-ins:
              BluetoothAudioPlugIn: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.9
              AirPlay: Version: 2.0 - SDK 10.9
              AppleAVBAudio: Version: 203.2 - SDK 10.9
              iSightAudio: Version: 7.7.3 - SDK 10.9
    iTunes Plug-ins:
              Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.4 - SDK 10.9
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player  Support
    Time Machine:
              Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU:
                   3%          WindowServer
                   1%          fontd
                   0%          PluginProcess
                   0%          BBLaunchAgent
                   0%          ps
    Top Processes by Memory:
              164 MB          Safari
              152 MB          com.apple.WebKit.WebContent
              131 MB          iTunes
              115 MB          PluginProcess
              94 MB          DashboardClient
    Virtual Memory Information:
              267 MB          Free RAM
              1.81 GB          Active RAM
              1.13 GB          Inactive RAM
              690 MB          Wired RAM
              626 MB          Page-ins
              0 B          Page-outs

  • Can't extend windows 7 partition, even though I have 40gb of unallocated space?

    Can someone help? I am in computer management in Windows 7 and would like to somehow use "unallocated space" of 40gb to further expand and extend my Windows 7 partition of 325gb, but the option is grayed out.   I can shrink the Windows 7 Partition,
    but can't seem to extend it. 
    In the diagram, this is the order of my partitions:
    325gb (Windows 7, NTFS & Primary Partition), 89.13gb (Ubuntu (Linux) 10.04 & primary partition), 3.82gb free space, 39.75gb unallocated space, and 7.79gb for a recovery/respawn (oem) partition (primary partition).
    Anyone know if its the order of my partitions thats the problem and thats why i can't seem to extend the partition?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Are you sure all the unallocated space is exactly behind your partition that you want to extend? If not, I think that’s why the extend option is grayed out.
    But, don’t de depressed! If you cannot extend your partition in the built-in Disk Management, you also can try some partition resizing tools to help you out, like GParted, IM-Magic Partition Resizer Free and EaseUS Partition Master, etc.
    Most importantly, no matter which one you choose to use, you’ d better back up everything important well in case of data loss. 

  • How to get total available RAM

    How to get total available RAM of the system. I used Runtime.getInstance().totalMemory(), it is not giving total memory of the system. I appreciate any help on this pl.

    If there would be any operating system command
    displaying the desired result,
    we could execute it as runtime command and parse the
    But I don't know if such a command exists.
    I tried "mem", but it does not show the value I
    expected.For windows XP the following command (either in the cmd window or executed by Runtime.exec) will provide the physical memory size.
    systeminfo | find "Total Physical Memory"I don't know if it works in other Windows versions.

  • Install Windows on partition of secondary HD; multiple users approach

    A couple of years ago I installed a SSD on my macbook pro (15", Mid 2010) and swapped the ODD with the original Toshiba HD + optibay caddy. So far it has worked great. Now I need to install a piece of ram-demanding windows only software, so I want to have a bootable windows install, no VMs.
    I have spent some time googling and browsing forums and it seems it is possible to install bootable windows 7 or 8 on the secondary drive (HD + optibay), as per this thread. This is the procedure:
    01) Opened the Macbook pro
    02) Removed SSD from primary slot
    03) Removed HDD from secondary Slot (Where The Original superdrive was)
    04) Installed HDD on primary Slot
    05) Installed Superdrive in its original slot
    06) Installed Windows 7 with non-efi installation but through Bootcamp
    07) Everything worked great!
    08) Installed SSD in primary Slot
    09) Installed HDD on secondary Slot
    10) Removed Superdrive.
    I am new to bootcamp, efi, GUID... I get most of the instructions it but I don't really get point 06. That's one thing I need to figure out.
    Anyway, my question is not so much about the procedure, but it is a concept one. There are going to be two users and two OS in my MBP, so this is what I would like to achieve:
    - SSD: Mac OSX for both users
    - HD on optibay: two (?) partitions.
         partition 1 - Windows. Only User A will be using windows
         partition 2 - iTunes library. Both User A and B can access it. Windows can too.
                          - Storage for user A. Mac OSX (User A's session) and Windows can access it, so A can work with files in both OS, something like a NAS (?)
    - Micro SD card + adapter on SD slot - Storage for User B
    I don't know if this setup is possible. Maybe there should be a specific partition on HD for iTunes library. What I wouldn't like is User A having access to User B's files and viceversa. I don't know either if windows and mac could share the storage for User A, so there is no need to use a flash drive or dropbox to transfer files between OSs. Should I format HD to exFAT?
    On top of it, I would like to add more ram to my MBP, up to 8GB. Should I do this before or after installing windows? Or it doesn't really matter?
    As you can see, I have a lot of questions and haven't been able to find similar ones online, so I need to understand if this is possible, or what solutions are there to my requirements, and also some help to achieve it.
    Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, any help is really appreciated.

    First af all, thanks a lot for all the time you are taking to answer. As you can see, maybe this is a little advanced for me but I am trying to learn
    1. SSD (Part1 = OSX).
    2. SSD (Part2 = Windows).
    3. HDD (Single Part = iTunes). You have to choose whether this is OSX or Windows. The two OSes cannot share library formats, but can share content.
    4. SD Card (UserA).
    5. SD Card (UserB).
    The problem is there isn't enough space on SSD to host both OSX and Windows, that's why I need to install Windows on HD. If only I had a bigger SSD...
    Also, there's only a SD slot, so I'd rather have just one SD card and not have to be swapping cards depending on the user
    In point 3, I don't get why it has to be either OSX or Windows. Can I just format it to a filesystem both OSes accept and use that HD partition as "external storage". I worked some time at a company that had both PCs and Macs and all the files where stored on a NAS any computer could access, read and write. I'm trying to achieve something like that (also for the files of user A, so I can work with them no matter which OS I'm using without having to use a flash drive or dropobox)
    Would it be necessary to move the whole home directory? I've been also researching a bit on this and I don't know if some of the folders should stay on SSD (to harness performance).
    Are these folders "shared' or walled off from each other's access?
    I mean, maybe I would just move Downloads, Images, Music and Videos and leave the rest of the folders on the SSD
    It seems you want "parental controls" of some sort on UserB.
    Not exactly, but I am a little concerned about UserB messing up with UserA's files and viceversa. Or if an account gets hacked, every user's files could be at risk. I don't know, maybe I am just overthinking it. In the end the most important things I need to achieve are:
    1. OSX on SSD for two users
    2. Windows on HD
    3. iTunes on HD for both users (for windows too would be a plus, but not essential)
    4. UserA's storage on HD, accesible from both OSX and Windows
    5. SD for extra storage for user B
    I guess all the permissions thing may be too complicated to achieve and as you can see I am struggling with this already...
    Again, thank you very much for all your help!

  • P55-GD65 - Available RAM Suddently Changed

    Sorry for double posting this, but I figure I shouldn't have hijacked the thread I originally posted this in.
    My problem can best be described as a sudden unexpected change in the available RAM. I have 2x2GB sticks that had previously been recognized at 4GB available, but this morning my machine will only POST with 2GB available. Both sticks are recognized and I can view SPD info, but during POST, only 2GB is reported.
    I built my machine about 3 weeks ago and everything was working great, booted first try and no errors in memtest+ or LinX or Prime95. I have been running just fine since then. I have MSI P55-GD65, Core i5 750, DDR3 2x2GB GSkill Trident 2000MHz RAM.
    This past weekend I decided to mildly overclock, I upped the bclk to 160 and adjusted the DIMM voltage to 1.6 according to the RAM spec. I tested and tested this config and everything seemed stable. I have been using the machine to play games and things with no problems.
    I go to resume from hibernate this morning and the machine hangs. I restart and I notice BIOS is only showing 2GB during POST. I check out the BIOS settings and it sees the 2 DIMMS, but still only shows 2GB. I boot into Windows 7 x64 and it shows 4GB (2GB Useable). Previously all 4GB were recognized and useable just fine. This may be relevant, I don't know, but I started a long video transcoding job before bed last night. Presumably this job finished and the machine went into hibernate.
    I reset all settings back to default, thinking maybe my overclock wasn't as stable as I thought, but no change. Even before I reset the clocks, I tried upping the DIMM voltage, the VTT voltage, reducing RAM frequency. Nothing.
    I figure maybe I need to upgrade the BIOS, as I am currently running v1.5 and latest is 1.8. I download the 1.8 image to a flash drive and try to use M-Flash to boot the BIOS image off the drive, but BIOS hangs with a repeating BEEP when I try that.
    Then I noticed something very odd. When I boot up with the flash drive plugged into a USB port, BIOS reports 4GB on POST. Without the drive, 2GB on POST.
    As an absolute last resort I will reseat the CPU, but after the flash drive behaviour, I am not sure it is a CPU pin-contact issue. When I get home from work I am going to flash to v1.8 BIOS and see if that helps. If not, I will reseat all DIMMS and try that. If the problem persists, I will try DIMMS individually and in different slots and see. I will also try a CMOS clear, before and after the BIOS update.
    Is there anything else I should try before reseating the CPU? What if I just wiggle the heatsink? If it all possible, I would like to avoid having to clean up the TIM and reapply, it was a big pain on my heatsink.
    System Specs
    MSI P55-GD65 v1.5 BIOS
    Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.66GHz
    CM Hyper 212+ HSF
    GSkill Trident 2x2GB DDR3 2000 - F3-16000CL9D-4GBTD (Running @ 1333MHz 9-9-9-24)
    WD Caviar Black WD1002FAEX 1TB HDD
    Corsair CMPSU-750TX 750W
    Sapphire Radeon 5850 1GB

    Have been monitoring very closely and the issue has not cropped up again.
    I have been running everything at stock since the incident. As I am really not sure what caused the problem, I am a little hesitant to overclock again. Though I do want to get more performance from my RAM and CPU as they can both be increased by a fair amount.
    I have also disabled hibernation in Windows 7, as the issue occurred at some point while the machine was in hibernation state. It went into hibernation with 4GB and woke up with only 2GB. I realize this does not mean hibernation caused the problem, but could have played a factor.
    I think I will slowly restore settings back to how had them before the problem occurred and I will be sure to test more thoroughly this time.
    Thanks for help and advice

  • Games to play MBP 15" on windows 7 partition

    My mac has the following specs:
    AMD Radeon HD 6490M graphics processor with 256MB
    4 GB of RAM
    Intel Core i7 2.0 GHz
    What games can I play on my MBP using the windows 7 partition?

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    It won't damage Mac OS X. However, make sure that you only defragment the Windows volume. Doing this, you will have a better performance with Windows

  • My USB hub driver is not installing on my macbook pro windows 7 partition ?

    hey there, my USB hub driver is not installing on my macbook pro windows 7 partition .. any clue?

    yes am talking about windows 7 on my mac pro ... i did the following troubleshooting steps but no use and still the device is not recognized.
           - i changed the usb port .
           - i changed the hub it self .
         - i seaarched online for the driver automatically
            - i searched online for the driver manually ie. hardware id ..
             - i checked the connections,,
    anything else should i do ??

  • Can I create a windows 7 partition on a 1TB thunderbolt drive to use with my Macbook Pro?

    I have a new Retina Display Macbook Pro with a 250gb SSD Drive that is quickly running out of space. My work recently gave me a new project to do some programming that can only be done in a Windows environment. With the price of Thunderbolt drives coming down I was wondering if I could build and boot to a Windows 7 partition on the Thunderbolt Drive and use that when I need to run Windows applications. Also what would the speeds be like? Would I be able to run apps like Photoshop and Illustrator? Also if that works would I be capable of creating a partition for my kids to install their games on?

    (1) USB 3.0/2.0 Drive will boot a windows 7 installation,  (hold down option when you boot)
    * I am not yet awake if thunderbolt drives will be detected by the macbook pro for booting purposes.  I cannot see why not
    (2) if you are concerned about speeds you can purchase a SSD USB 3.0 drive but a standard hard drive is quite reasonable with a USB 3.0 connection
    and lastly MacBook Pro Retina are mean gaming notebooks and bootcamp is the best way to do windows gaming on it.

  • How can I keep lion from generating .DS_Store files on windows network partitions, but not disable it for all network partitions?

    How can I keep lion from generating .DS_Store files on windows network partitions, but not disable it for all network partitions?  I am fimilar with changing the setting for all network partitions(defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true), but that is undesirable when I connect my laptop to my home network. A preferable solution would be where I could control the writing of these files based on disk format (NTFS vs HFS+).

    Go to MacUpdate or CNET Downloads and search for ds_store. There are numerous utilities for preventing them from being transferred to Windows systems.

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