Lost Address Book groups

I just upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion.
When I open Address Book 6.1, the groups I had created have no one in them.
How do I restore these groups?

I see what you mean.  Thanks!
The only problem is that I remembered after I posted my question that I had exported all the contacts to a v-Card and deleted them and then re-imported them.  This was supposed to fix the problem I was having of iCloud not syncing my iPod Touch with my MacBook. 
So is there any way to restore the groups after this? 
Thanks for your help.
FYI, what I should have done instead of deleting and re-installing all my contacts was to set the iPod to Airplane Mode, switched off the Contacts sync, rebooted my iPod and also my computer and then set iCloud to sync Contacts and turned off Airplane mode. 

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    Not sure that there is one in today's world of spamming - frankly, I'm glad my ISP and/or web email hosting service et al have these in place.
    This is what I do for any emails which need to be sent to more than about 10 - 15 people:
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    If you want to send a message to Apple, please submit it at:

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    V.K. wrote:
    for some reason it can only script changes to messages that were initiated by apple script. At least that has been my experience. I would be VERY happy to be proved wrong on this.
    Thanks for the feedback. Assuming your point above is correct, is it possible to create a script or workflow that initiates a new outgoing email message then changes the account to something other than the default? For example, I might might disable [cmd-n] for new messages, then set up new shortcuts linked to simple scripts so that that [ctrl-cmd-A] would initiate a new message with the account set for Employer Alpha and [ctrl-cmd-b] would initiate a new message with the account set for Employer Beta. An alternative solution might be to write a script to replace the usual [cmd-n] with a simple dialogue box that forces me to make a conscious decision about the From account every time I initiate a new outgoing email message.
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    Thank you again for your support,

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    No kids or pets --- just me!I don't think there is too much mystery about the deletion of Address Book on my laptop.  I was trying to get it up-to-date from my desktop computer and as that is Lion and the laptop is sitll Leopard (all these ***** cats!) I must have trashed the laptop Address Book, then tried to install the one from Lion but, of course it couldn't be installed - wrong system!  By then I had lost Address Book!!  Horrors!  I then lifted it from my husband's computer (Panther or something!) et voila!   But I had expected to have all HIS names and address in Address Book when I opened it but -- not so, his were not there and mine were!   Don't ask!!
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    You first need to open the message(s) that have the addresses you want to add to Address Book, then select the Add Addresses… script from the Mail Scripts folder listed in the Scripts icon in the menu bar (you can activate this by launching the AppleScript Utility.app program in HD/Applications/AppleScript and check the box labelled "Show Script Menu in menu bar" if it isn't already there).
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    OK, how about you open your csv file in Excel and put a tag identifying the custom label in front of each of the items (so eg 05991444555 with label special becomes sp-05991444555), then do your import. Then after the import run an AppleScript to strip the tag and reset the label.

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    iCloud appears to provide no Address Book sharing. You might be able to do this through Google, but it would be likely to be all contacts or none.
    iCloud allows you to share calendars privately (editable if you wish) to other iCloud users or publicly (non-editable) to anyone - they would need a CalDAV client to read it, such as iCal or Google Calendars.
    You share individual calendars, so private events should be in their own calendar which is not shared.
    More on Calendar sharing here:

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