Lost Cell phone

I recently lost my phone and I was wondering how or if there is any chance that I will be able to get my contacts put back on my phone?

I am sorry to learn that your phone is missing.   Spiral is correct, if you have previously backed up your contacts then you should be able to re-download them to your new phone.  I have provided a link below that will take you take you Backup Assistant page on our My Verizon web site.  

Similar Messages

  • What do i do when i have lost cell phone

    what do i do if i have lost my cell phone?

    One follows this procedure: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2526

  • Lost Cell Phone Forgiveness Plan

    I've been a long time customer for many, many years. I don't always take advantage of specials, deals and upgrades, but when I do, I always sign the new 2 Year Contract.  I have two lines with Verizon and would love to continue my service but have had some trouble lately that I wished could have been dealt with better.
    In July of 2010, I was finally able to upgrade to a new phone and was SO excited with my new EnV Touch!!! Within a month though, the front screen on the new phone kept blanking out and I had many issues. I finally took it to the nearest store, 45 minutes away and they promptly replaced it with a new one with little question.
    Less than a month later, I was in NYC and accidently LOST this phone either at a club dancing or in the cab on the way home.  I called Verizon the next day to plead my case but all they could suggest is that I suspend the line and try going to a Verizon store in NYC while I was there.  I went to the Verizon store on 34th Street near Times Square, huge location. I waited over 45 minutes to be helped and within 5 minutes was told there was nothing they could do from there and that I'd have to go on line and order a new or refurbished phone.  In the meantime, I had a friend coming into the city bringing me my old ghetto phone that I had upgraded from to reactivate.  Upon the reactivation process, the wonderful operator on the phone said that I can't order a refurbished phone through the website or at a store and that I'd have to do it over the phone and pay right then, not able to charge it to my bill.
    I've never lost a phone before and I opted to NOT get the insurance after finding out that not only do you pay the monthly fee for however long until you lose or damage the phone, but there is also a $90 deductible!!!  By the time you pay all of that, you may as well just buy a new phone!!!
    All State Insurance is one of the #1 Auto Insurance company's in the nation.  They have a program called Accident Forgiveness.  All of the cell phone companies are on the edge of competing with each other, it's never ending, but I'm always impressed when the 1st one comes out with the BEST and latest deal to convince people they should go with them or even switch!
    Why not make Verizon Wireless the 1st cell phone company to offer a one time Lost Phone Forgiveness clause to qualified customers with good, long history with the company?  No one else is doing it and there has got to be many others like me out there, that had something flukey happen like this and get screwed by the system.  You guys give out free phones ALL the time and you'd gain WAY more business and good customer service karma by considering something along these lines.  Of course there will be the people who will try to take advantage, there are loop holes with any thing like this, but honestly, there has got to be a way to help me and my particular issue in my situation so that I remain a happy customer.  I was very, very happy with the EnV Touch, but now forced to use a broken down, old phone until the next upgrade. :-( 
    Please, please, please consider this Verizon!!!  Just think of what a great commercial it would make!!! Girl goes out with her friends for a night on the town in NYC dancing, realizes just before she gets back to the hotel, after a couple of cab rides in between that her phone is gone!  What to do?!  Verizon's one time Lost Phone Forgiveness. (Can be used once every 5 years, or some stipulation like that) She goes to the nearest Verizon store, explains her story and whalla! The cool verizon customer service & sales rep in the store looks up on her acct that she's an amzing customer and presents her with her new phone, life UNINTERUPTED!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    Scorpioamg wrote:
    .... I've never lost a phone before and I opted to NOT get the insurance after finding out that not only do you pay the monthly fee for however long until you lose or damage the phone, but there is also a $90 deductible!!!  By the time you pay all of that, you may as well just buy a new phone!!!....Audrey
    As budone pointed out, most (if not ALL) insurance works this way...you pay a monthly, or quarterly premium, and then a deductible if you make a claim.  Phone insurance is the same - your monthly premium of $5.99 or $7.99 (depending on the device) and then a deductible.  It is OPTIONAL (unlike auto or homeowners).  Like you , we elected NOT to carry the insurance because "By the time you pay all of that, you may as well just buy a new phone!!!"
    Well, you DID lose your phone, so now you must "buy a new phone".  The fact that it happened very shortly after you got your phone is immaterial; it was NOT insured.
    You mention Allstate's  "Accident Forgiveness" program, and suggest a "Lost Phone Forgiveness" program for Verizon.  The two are not even comparable, the way you have suggested it, and in fact, Verizon's insurance program already incorporates that very policy (as budone also pointed out).  First, in order to qualify for the "Accident Forgiveness" you MUST HAVE THE INSURANCE.  And "Accident Forgiveness" comes at a price - "Under the program, for about 15 percent more than a standard policy, an Allstate customer can have multiple "accidents" without seeing a rate increase." 
    Asurion does not raise your rates if you lose a phone or otherwise replace it through a claim, and they don't even charge a bigger premium to do this, so I'd say this is already in place.  To make it comparable, you would need to pay MORE for phone insurance, to get a free phone if you lost yours.  But to give you a free phone if you DON'T have insurance???  How many people would say they lost their phone or it broke, and want their freebie??  You can bet there would be massive abuse if this were the case.  That is just NOT going to happen.

  • First of all I dont speak english very well but ok. I lost my cell phone and I want track it, how can I do it?

    First of all I dont speak english very well but ok. I lost my cell phone and I want track it, how can I do it? My cell were turned pdf

    If you had "Find My iPhone" enabled then you may be able to locate it. If not, you cannot locate it. If it was enabled then you can try locating it via http://icloud.com on a computer or the App "Find My iPhone" on another iDevice. Note: this will only work if your device is connected to a network and the device hasn't already been restored as new and/or "Find My iPhone" has not been disabled on it.
    If you think that your device was stolen rather than lost then you should report it to the police. In either case you should contact your carrier, change your iTunes account password, your email account passwords, and any passwords that you'd stored on websites/emails/notes etc.

  • HT201441 I purchased 2 large bags of cell phones at a surplus/lost and found auction. The owner of this phone lost it, and didn't pick it up at the lost and found within 90 days and the phone was put up at auction. By law I am the new legal owner of the p

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    You were correctly informed. You are the new, legal owner of a beautiful paper weight. There is no way around it. This is a security protection to prevent people who steal them from getting value from the stolen item.

  • My IPhone4s (cell phone) and my SIM card have destroyed.now I have lost all phone book number. I have just an mini-ipad2 ,it contain just contacts name which I had their email address in my yahoo  Bookmark. how can I restore and reassume my phone numbers?

    The best regards
    My IPhone4s (cell phone) and my SIM card have destroyed.now I have lost all phone book number. I have just an mini-ipad2 ,it contain notes and just contacts name which I had their email address in my yahoo  Bookmark. how can I restore and reassume my phone numbers?
    Please help me because I need to much to my phone Directory.
    Thank you so much

    mehranheidari wrote:
    Yes I have failed,unfortunately .
    Then from where did you think you could recover your data?

  • Wondering if there was a online book to stratosphere cell phone i lost mine

    >Duplicate post deleted. Please follow your other thread at the link below:<
    ut oh i lost my new cell phone book
    This thread will be locked
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

    here ya go:

  • Just update iPhone 6 Plus (At&t) to 8.0.1 and lost all cell phone service

    I updated my iPhone 6 Plus (At&t) to 8.0.1 and lost all cell phone service and the touch id is not working.

    the fix is to download and reinstall ios 8.0
    http://www.imore.com/ios-801-kill-touch-id-and-cell-service-your-iphone-6-or-iph one-6-plus-heres-how-to-fix
    I just did it on a device and it worked for me.

  • My iPhone 6 order was canceled without my permission and without reason or explanation. I have had a verizon cell phone for 13 years and have gotten your cable/internet/phone when i moved out on my own because i had been so happy with the experience i had

    I have had a verizon cell phone for 13 years and have gotten your cable/internet/phone when i moved out on my own because i had been so happy with the experience i had with the cell phone service. i ordered my new iPhone 6 on October 6th along with my husband. i was told by the sales associate at the vierzon store where i placed the order that it would ship a week before halloween. instead of a shipping confirmation, i received an email a week before halloween letting me know that my order had been placed on 10/24/14. i thought this was weird, but figured i could weight another week or two, no big deal. my husband got his phone in the mail yesterday. still no sign of mine. then this morning i got an email letting me know that my order was cancelled and if id like to place another order for a phone, then i can go back to the store and do so. why would i want to go through another month of this??? verzon lost my order. i never canceled it and i am beyond annoyed. i am looking to switch my entire house to another provider. this is ridiculous.

    i did not get any reasons or explanations. the email just stated that my order was canceled and that it won't be posted to my credit card (i have more than enough to cover the cost, so that is not the issue). also my husbands phone was paid for from the same card moments before me. my balance is always paid automatically and on time. so that couldn't be the reason either. that's what so frustrating is because they didn't explain what happened. this is what the email read exactly:
    "This email is to confirm that your order has been cancelled; you have not been billed for this merchandise.
    If you would like to place a new order, you may do so by visiting your local retail store or going online to www.verizonwireless.com.
    Business customers should refer back to their local Verizon Wireless Sales Representative if you have any questions or would like to place a new order.
    Thank you, and we look forward to your business in the future.
    Verizon Wireless"
    it almost feels like its saying that i canceled it and that this was to confirm that i did. but i didn't cancel anything.

  • Do you value customer service in a cell phone company?

    I am a military member currently living in Arlington, VA.  On August 10, 2013, I visited the Verizon Wireless at Fashion Centre store at the Pentagon City Mall (1100 S Hayes St., Ste 3032, Arlington, VA 22202).  I visited the store because my cell phone, Droid RAZR, was displaying a blank screen when powered on, rendering it impossible for me to utilize the phone.  The phone was a refurbished model because the original purchased in September of 2012 failed in December 2012.  The refurbished phone had issues from the get-go, but with my military travel and irregular work hours, getting to the store during a time when it was both open and my phone was acting up, was extremely challenging.
    Upon entering the store (Verizon Wireless at Fashion Centre) on the afternoon of August 10, 2013, I was greeted by the manager, Ms. L.  After explaining my situation with the phone to Ms. L, she indicated that there was nothing she could do because she believed that the damage was my fault.  I reminded her that it was a refurbished phone, meaning it was not new and had been repaired previously.  After arguing with me in an inappropriately loud tone and repeatedly calling me a “liar” for stating that my phone had been acting up for a significant amount of time, Ms. L stated that she would upgrade me a year early to a new phone, but that I couldn’t have an Apple model phone.  She indicated that new phones would be coming out the following week and that I might want to wait to make my choice until I saw them.  Ms. L  provided me with her personal cell phone number in case I had questions.  I thanked her immensely for agreeing to assist me and agreed to return to the store early in the next week to make my selection.
    I called Ms. L on Monday August 12, 2013 to inquire about whether or not the new phones had come in yet.  She stated that they had not.  Wednesday August 14, 2013, I visited the store to make my selection because my phone had stopped working entirely and I could not wait any longer.  When I arrived at the store, Ms. L refused to come out from the back room.  Her employees stated that she was out at lunch.  I worked with one employee, Paula, to find a phone that would work for me, though I was extremely disappointed that I was not allowed to get the iPhone.  We finally settled on the Galaxy SIII. 
    When I went to purchase my new phone, Paula set me up with another employee, Dionne, for check out.  Dionne lacked any sort of professionalism.  She had multiple facial piercings and was dressed in a totally inappropriate manner for her job.  During our interaction, she got up and wandered around to talk to other people on several occasions without saying a word to me.  I asked her to move all of my pictures and contacts from my old phone to my new phone because I was unclear how to do that myself.  She told me that she had done so.  I also asked her to remove everything from my old phone at the end of the process so as to make sure all of my personal information was cleared off.  To this day, I am not confident Dionne even heard half of what I had asked her to do because she was getting up so frequently.  After making an approximately $150 purchase (phone, case, and charger), I thanked Dionne and Ms. L, who had finally emerged from the back room, and departed the store.
    When I arrived home that evening, I found that I was missing approximately half of my contacts and over 150 of my pictures.  Dionne had neglected to transfer everything the right away.  I called Ms. L on the personnel number she had provided me and explained that I was distraught over the loss of my pictures and asked her how that could have happened.  (I lost numerous pictures from my military deployments, travel, and of my friends that I will never be able to get back).  I also lost numerous contact numbers that I will never be able to get back.  Ms. L apologized on behalf of her employee, Dionne, and stated that my pictures must not have been backed up to the SD card when the transfer occurred.  I asked her why Dionne had not checked on that because not all clients are technically savvy enough to know how to do that.  Ms. L again apologized for Dionne’s neglect and incompetence, stating that she planned to “write her up.”  Ms. L asked me to call her back the following day so that she could see if anything could be done about retrieving my pictures. 
    On Thursday August 15, I called Ms. L back as she had requested around approximately 5:00PM.  Instead of answering the phone herself, she immediately placed Dionne on the phone.  Dionne began rambling about how it was not her fault that my pictures were missing and that I should have known how to use my phone well enough to understand how an SD card worked.  When I attempted to interject, she said “Hold on,” set the phone down, and placed me on hold for approximately 3 minutes.  Ms. L then picked up the phone and began shouting at me.  She stated, “What more do you want from me?...I already got you a new phone, which I should not have done…You are ungrateful…”  I stated that I was not seeking anything further, other than I could not understand how Ms. L would let an employee act so inappropriately (particularly in reference to Dionne and how she had gotten up multiple times while I was trying to purchase my phone).  I told her that I held Dionne totally responsible for the loss of my pictures and contacts because she did not take the time to ensure my pictures and contacts were backed up and she left the desk to talk to other people frequently during my purchase.  Ms. L then stated, “Well, when other customers enter the store, we have to greet them.”  I stated that I understood that, but that I was making a significant purchase and believe that I warranted attention as well.  To that, Ms. L stated, “Well it’s not like you were buying a $600 phone outright, so that didn’t exactly make you my best customer.”  When I attempted to respond to her, Ms. L stated, “You were rude and I put up with your **** the first time you were in the store with your old phone, but I’m not going to put up with you now.  I hope sincerely that your phone works, so that I never have to see you again.”  I told her I hoped my phone worked as well and said goodbye.
    Immediately after my final interaction with Ms. L on August 15, 2013, I called the Verizon customer service line where I spoke with Anthony.  Anthony and I talked at length about my experience and the sheer unprofessionalism displayed by the employees of the store (demeanor, language, and appearance).  He helped me to file an official report against the store.  I spent approximately an hour on the phone with Anthony.  At the end of our conversation, Anthony and I set up a 3:30 PM (EST) follow-up phone call for Monday August 19, 2013 to follow-up on the situation.  It is now Thursday August 22, 2013, and I have yet to receive a follow-up call from Anthony or anyone at Verizon.
    I am disgusted by the all-around unprofessionalism, inappropriate language and tone displayed by the employees of the Verizon Wireless at Fashion Centre store, and the lack of care displayed for the customer by Verizon on the whole.  My family and I have been customers of Verizon for years.  As a military member, I have been taught that ethics, professionalism and respect are of the utmost value.  Not only were none of those values displayed in a positive way during my recent interactions with Verizon, but I am now literally afraid to enter the Verizon Wireless at Fashion Centre store for fear of another negative encounter with Ms. L (the manager) or Dionne.  I am truly disturbed that even after making a report like this to Verizon, I have received no follow-up as was promised.  I have been treated poorly, demeaned, degraded, and made to feel valueless to a company that my family and I have loyally supported for many years.  To add insult to injury, I didn’t even get the phone I actually wanted!  At this point, I can say with certainty that I will be shopping around for another cell phone provider in the future and recommending to my family members and friends that they do the same.
    << Post edited to remove full name, profanity, and to comply with Verizon Wireless Terms of Service >>
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

       I tried for 30 minutes to get to billing and all I could get was a computer that wanted money, no option for service rep. I had to change the date on one of my payments and ever since I have been getting texts saying I missed a payment and I had to call them. After I went through the aboved mentioned I finally called the new business line and was able to get transfered to billing. The lady was rude and didn't want to wait on my responses. She said I had schechuled it for the 1st and that why I was getting these texts , I was holding the paper, gave her the conformation number and told her it was for the seventh, all of a sudden the phone starting breaking up.  I never had problems like this till my idenity was stolen and some guys got into my checking account, we caught it early and was able to close the account and open another. I had verizon on auto bill in the account and that was the only one I forgot put in the new info. Of course it was returned as closed. As soon as I saw this I checked the profile and changed it. They charged me the fee ( of course) and I called them to explain why this happened and apologized. Ever since then I have been treated like I'm a bum and that I don't pay my bill. I have been with them since 2000 and I'm thinking of changing it in September when the contract is up.

  • Cell phone pay as you go - need advice

    Yikes... my head is spinning...I have seen so many phones the past few days ( and reviews etc ) on internet sites... I am totally lost.
    had a cell phone years ago when motorola made them first.. traxar or something ?? was expensive ( $800 ? ).. and had monthly ATT service unlimited ( also expensive ).
    that was during 1st season of " sopranos ".. long time ago.
    since then I've just had a land line...with fios... internet and tv included.
    now I need a cell phone again due to move to MN from NY. I have no clue how long it will take to get internet out there etc... in new apartment.
    my computers will get set up right away when I get there..and one has a wi fi card installed ...so if I can find wi fi thats not passwrd protected .... I could maybe use it ...for internet. BUT ( this is a big BUT ) some stuff I do ( banking etc ) on internet is security sensitive to ME.... and I dont want to get virus through some network or have my security breached.
    SOOOOO ... question is... can I get a pay as you go phone that also has features for basic email ( in and out ) and also a browser like firefox so I can do banking etc ???
    ORRRRR should I just get a simple phone with no other services.... and then use whatever I can find in MN until I get my stuff hooked up....( like library computer or something ).
    I am so confused by all the choices and different model phones etc... my head is spinning !!!

    Will you be working in the TV/film industry in Minnesota?
    I dont think so. My first reaction to this question was : I would rather have a sharp stick in my eye.
    But giving it more thought, I realize unless I find some staff position with a producer where I actually add value to the enterprise I would rather not work freelance ( per diem ) anymore. I need more than that now, but also less. I need less " money" but I need more re: my contribution.. even if it's simply helping others do what they want.
    I have a feeling MN is not going to be full of opportunities to do that in the film and tv biz ( or tv commercials, industrials etc ) whether on shoot crews, construction, rigging, production, editing, sound, etc.  It may be that fishing is the main activity out there... as there are a lot of lakes where I'm going. They must have fish in them ?  It's weird but somehow " fishes " seems to be beckoning me to some new life out of the city etc.  First it was trout. Now its trout again... plus even MORE fish types... who knows.. I have no clue about fish.
    For example, what do fish actually DO ?  They are doing stuff under water and its hard to see them and what they actually DO all day long etc. To me its a mystery.
    Anyway, I am now having internet, phone and TV service installed at new apartment before I get there...made the arrangements this morning.... and the need for a cell phone etc has been greatly reduced... I might not get anything at all now for the actual " drive " out there.
    Will see what my money situation is in next week or so... might get cell phone but not the internet and email stuff just for the drive.  Every penny counts when moving and leaving the biz you've done for the last 30 plus years etc.

  • TS4006 i have lost my phone. how do i find it?

    I have lost my phone.  How do I find it?

    Only your cell carrier can block an iPhone from connecting to their network; you'll need to call them. There's no way to permanently block an iPhone from being used.
    If you set up the Find My iPhone service prior to your iPhone going missing, then there is a chance that can be tracked, though it depends on a number of factors (the iPhone is turned on, connected to either the 3G or a WiFi network, or has not had the Find My iPhone service disabled or the iPhone been completely restored). If you did not set up Find My iPhone, then there is no way to track it. Contact the police and your carrier and change any passwords for any online accounts you may have used from your iPhone (the iTunes Store, for instance). 

  • I-Tunes Match - Erased all songs my cell phone

    I purchased I-Tunes match to share music from my i-phone, I pad, and PC, but I lost all music on my cell phone, can someone help?

    Is itunes match turned on? If so, try holding shift key whilst turning off match.
    Now turn match back on, signing in with the apple ID that you used to set up match. You will be asked to add this computer, do so. Once process complete you should see all the music you have in cloud.

  • Bluetooth: Cannot pair MacBook Pro 15" (early 2009) and Nokia cell phones

    When I try to pair my Nokia cell phone (E65) with my new MacBook Pro 15", the bluetooth assistant hangs after the input of the pairing code. I tried another Nokia cell phone in addition (N70), but had the same issue.
    When I initiate the pairing by the phone, then the pairing process seems to be successful, but I still cannot use the bluetooth connection with the phone afterwards (e.g. browsing files on it, 3G internet connection). The connection becomes established for a few seconds, but then the phone is being disconnected.
    I never had these problems using my old black MacBook. It still works when I try today. So it must be an issue of the new MBP.
    I successfully paired the New MBP with my old MB via Bluetooth - could transfer files for example without any problems. Therefore I think that the Bluetooth hardware (Broadcom) seems to work properly.
    The MacBook Pro 15" has the Broadcom chipset, while the old black MacBook has the Cambridge Silicon Radio chipset. Maybe there's an incompatibility between Broadcom and Nokia (?)
    Any ideas? Thanks!

    I also have an early 2009 15" MBP and am experiencing bluetooth pairing problems. When I first started this computer, I successfully paired my Sonyericsson HBH-DS980 headphones. While using this connection, I accidently lost the connection by moving out of range. After this, the headphones would not re-connect. I deleted the headphones from the MBP bluetooth configuration and tried unsuccessfully to discover and re-pair. I also have another pair of SE HBH-DS220s. They initially paired and worked properly with my MBP and again after loss of connection, would not re-connect or re-pair. I do not have this problem with my first generation MBP so I know it must be something with the bluetooth system in my new MBP. I don't know anything about Mac operating systems, but I bet there is some log file somewhere that is logging a bluetooth problem and thereby locking out that type of device. I would really appreciate a MAC guru's help.

  • I've had 2 Iphone 6plus stolen last 2 weeks. I am a reasonably careful 50 years old who's had a cell phone since they exist. Surely Apple can think of a way to make these stolen phones more difficult to re-use ?

    I've had 2 Iphone 6plus stolen last 2 weeks. I am a reasonably careful 50 years old who's had a cell phone since they exist. Surely Apple can think of a way to make these stolen phones more difficult to re-use ? No matter the precautions, a cell phone is easy to steal. But it seems even easier to re-use stolen cell phones. I had "find my phone", passwords, and another tracking device on my second stolen phone. Thieves just shut it off and wipe it. You would think with all the technology available, these phones could be rendered completely useless if stolen. Unless of course this "second hand market" is considered valuable.

    Your best bet is to as soon as you realize your device has been stolen is to go to iCloud.com on your computer and put the device in Lost Mode. This gives you the opportunity to not only add a Lock to the screen, but also to send a message to the lowlife who stole you phone, giving them the opportunity to return it, (of course, don't give them any of your personal information!). But you may be able to find a way to communicate with them anonymously via a 3rd party phone or something to see what can be done.
    You will be happy to know that your device and its contents cannot be accessed by the thief, and if you don't care for tracking it, you also can also Erase all of your personal information from the device. This does not remove the Activation Lock, so they still won't be able to use it for anything.....
    Sorry for your troubles,

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