Lost iPad - rough edges?

I had a family iPad  (wifi only) and it had a passcode and was connected to iCloud.  All family members know passcode but only I know the iCloud password.
It went missing three days ago and suspect is related family member.
On the first two days, going to iCloud listed the iPhones and the iPad.  The iPad was shown to be off-line which in general showed it was not turned on or not in a location where it had attached to wifi before.  The iPad had a extensive list of wifi locations where it has been before.\;  local family homes, coffee shops, church and friends homes.
My options in iCloud:
1.      Find on a Map.  Device was off-line
     But you can check a box to notify you when it does come on line.
2.      Lock           and put notice on screen.   This option is lame in my case because the device already has passcode, and does not allow the passcode to be changed.  The suspect in my case most likely already has the passcode.
3.      Wipe the device when it comes back on line but this also removes the ability to track the device.
I elected to stay with item one and check the box to notify me. 
On the third day the iPad dropped off my device list and I did not receive any notification of where it is or was.  So what happened?  How could I have handled this better.
One thing that seems counter intuitive would have been not to have a passcode on a community iPad and then set one after it went missing.
Any other thoughts.  And yes I know (buy everyone their own iPad) 

More info:
Where did you lose it? Airplane, Taxi, burglary??
Did you have Find my iPad active when it was lost?
Does your purchasing credit card cover loss of purchases?
Homeowners insurance? Deductible limit?
If you are asking if Apple will locate it, they do not provide that service.

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    This is not question. This is a solution.
    I lost my iPad, it was found, and I thought it would be wiped as soon as I turned it on and it found iTunes.
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    If you go out to iTunes with another device, log in, and delete the 'found' device from the 'Find My Phone' list, BEFORE power up of the lost device, it should work without being wiped. Typically, you have your iPad setup for only your own routers, so don't power it up in their presence. And just to be safe, don't power up near 'public' WiFi either. Until you get into 'Settings' and turn off WiFi on the lost iPad (or iPhone), you are in jeopardy of it being auto wiped.
    And as Paul Harvey said: "And now... the rest of the story."  (You can skip the next part if you are an impertinent person with no regard for a classic tale.)
    I lost my iPad 3 at the Denver airport in December's mad rush. My fault, nobody else's; I was furious with myself.
    I submitted my claim at the airport lost and found, believing I would never see it again. (BTW, save yourself the trouble and use their online site.)
    A friend of mine told me about 'Find My Phone', which also works for iPads. We logged onto iTunes, on his iPhone, with my password, and I was able see the name I had given my lost iPad. I told 'Find My Phone' to wipe my iPad and display my cell phone number on the screen, just in case someone "honest" found my iPad. I knew I had locked my iPad but I decided this was safest. They can always wipe it, but iTunes will never allow it's use, due to the original owner's serial number on file. It becomes a 'brick'.
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    I bought a new Air 2 because I need an iPad to run ForeFlight, a pilot program for navigation in small aircraft. One week later, I get an email from Apple, telling me to contact law enforcement at the airport (Lost and Found), and they even gave me the contact phone number to call. Sure enough, the airport found my iPad. The way I figure it, someone turned it in probably the day I lost it, and it took 2 months for Denver Airport to process the "mountains" of stuff they have turned in by travelers over the holidays. I was just happy I have it back. I took it directly to the Apple store to see if they could turn off the 'wiping' procedure and restore my old iPad. Nope! No can do! Once you tell it to wipe, through "Find My Phone", it's a done deal. Then I remembered something...
    I had not set up Find My Phone on my old iPad, at least as far as I could remember. Maybe, just maybe, there was a way around this. Well... I found it.
    I was told that if my iPad connected to WiFi, even it it were publicly open, it would connect to iTunes and automatically start the wiping process. Well, maybe.
    Fortunately for me, Denver Airport Lost and Found had powered up my iPad, saw that it was passworded, hit the off button (so they thought) and instantly called Apple with the serial number on the back. That is what prompted Apple to email me. Thank you Apple! Actually, they had put it to sleep, not turning it OFF. Over 2 months, the battery went dead, a good thing.
    When I got it home, I began to think about the power up sequence. This iPad had been setup to instantly connect to my home router. If I charged it, and it connected, I feared it might started wiping, so I devised a plan. Worst came to worst, it would wipe and I'd start over. Here's what actually happened.
    I live far enough from town, that only a few WiFi routers exist nearby, and they are all encrypted. So, I turned off my router and let my iPad charge, just in case it tried to connect when it had enough charge to come out of deep sleep. Within about an hour, it was up and running again. I went into the settings and turned off the WiFi. Then, I turned my router back on. This allowed me to use my new Air2 to go out to iTunes and list all devices on Find My Phone. Lo, and behold, there was a list with my old iPad and my new Air2. I removed the old iPad from the list. Voila! It was gone!  Just to be sure, I copied any configuration I wanted onto my new iPad from my old iPad, manually. (This was more of a science experiment, so I was motivated to see if this worked. It's a geek thing.) When I was finished and ready, I re-enabled the WiFi on the old iPad. Sure enough, it connected instantly to my router, and nothing happened. The only thing it needed was 138 email updates, a few other things, and of course, an iOS update, performing flawlessly. My old iPad was back to normal. No wipe and just like I left it. There ya have it. A way out.
    BTW, when I walked into the Apple store in Boulder, Colorado, they were all amazed that the Apple process had worked and I got my iPad back. Remember, I had been in there a week earlier and bought a new one, telling them my woes. That's when they told me it would be wiped, if ever found.
    And what will I do with two iPads?  You guessed, sweetie wumpums gets the other one.

    Force iPad into Recovery Mode. Follow step 1 to 5 very closely.
    Note: You may have to repeat the above a few times.

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    Thank you.

    This was helpful for getting icloud set up from my pc...but someone said that they had it on their pc and then it disappeared. Fun! Fun! Fun!

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    This explains how to use Find My iPhone to track it: http://help.apple.com/icloud/#mmfc0f2442.  But if it's offline (i.e., doesnt' have a connection to the internet) there's nothing you can do except wait until it's online again (if ever).  You can play a sound or initiate Lost Mode (http://help.apple.com/icloud/#mmfc0f0165) if you want, but this can only be executed when/if it goes online again.

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    Apple (and no one else) can not assist (with serial number or iCloud) in finding a lost or stolen iPad.
    Report to police along with serial number. Change all your passwords.
    These links may be helpful.
    How to Track and Report Stolen iPad
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    iCloud: Locate your device on a map
    iCloud: Erase your device remotely
    Report Stolen iPad Tips and iPad Theft Prevention
    How to recover a lost or stolen iPad
    How to Find a Stolen iPad
    Apple Product Lost or Stolen
    http://sites.google.com/site/appleclubfhs/support/advice-and-articles/lost-or-st olen
    Oops! iForgot My New iPad On the Plane; Now What?
    If you don't know your lost/stolen iPad's serial number, use the instructions below. The S/N is also on the iPad's box.
    How to Find Your iPad Serial Number
    iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number
     Cheers, Tom

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    Another question, I know it was turned on, and I know it had plenty of juice in the battery.  I had the 4-digit passcode feature working.  Does that mean that if someone doesn't actually punch in the correct code, and then log on to a wi-fi server, iCloud will never see it?
    You know how when you lose something you backtrack in your mind to where you last saw it?  Well, I've done that, and there are only 2 possibilities. 1: It was stolen from a locked vehicle in a parking lot with lots of surveillance cameras, and the thief left behind a couple other things, way more valuable, and less easy to trace, and the vehicle was left undamaged, and still locked, or 2: I left it on the roof of the vehicle, and it fell off a few miles down the road. 
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    Sorry this is turning into a short story, but in thinking about this, it's led to some other questions...
    If it fell behind my dresser, and is in "dormant" mode (i.e. No one has punched in the passcode), can iCloud find it?  If the answer is "no", want if I got rid of the passcode screen, would iCloud be able to find it?
    If a thief got it, and methodically went through all the code combinations (there are only 1,000. How long could that take?), and got to my e-mail, could he download all of my IMAP e-mail?  Is there someway to keep people from accessing an IMAP e-mail account once they're "in"?
    I guess what I'm saying is, if I'm giving Apple permission to follow my iPad, and presumably ME, all over the planet, but iCloud can't find my iPad unless I, or some thief, enters the passcode, and logs on to a wi-fi connection, then what's the point of having "Find my iPad"?

    Are you saying that in the "behind the dresser" scenario, it wouldn't be connected to my home wi-fi until I punched in the code?  In that case, I would have already found it, so no need to use "Find My iPad".  How about this?  I get rid of the code screen, so all I have to do is punch the button to get it out of the "dormant" mode, and go to my main screen.  When it's sitting there "dormant", (with a black screen) is it still connected to my wi-fi, at least to the extent that iCloud could find it?  If my new iPad is 4G, and I set up a data plan, would that make it easier for iCloud to find it, or does it only work with wi-fi?
    Is there anywhere in the iPad e-mail app that would make it so I'd have to put in a password each time I wanted to access my accounts?  I'd try to figure it out myself, but obviously I don't have mine with me right now. 
    As I understand it, now that I've gone on my PC, and used the "Find My iPhone" app, my iPad will be locked as soon as someone connects it to wi-fi, and it will stay locked until I log back onto iCloud, and unlock it.  Is that the case?  Also, will I get an e-mail if it gets back online, or do I need to just keep checking?
    Thank you for the reply, and also for correcting my math.  It makes me breath a little easier.  It was only gone for about 12 hours before I locked it.  However, something just occurred to me.  I heard a true story about a hotel where someone kept breaking into the little safes in each room.  It turns out that a bellhop was putting some substance on all the keypads, so when a person entered their personal code, it would show him the 4 keys that had been touched.  With that information, he knew the the four digits. He just had to get the order right.  I'm not going to embarrass myself trying to do math again, but it greatly reduced the amount of time it took him to get in the safe.
    If you look at your iPad from an angle (I'd do it with my own, but...), I'd be willing to bet you that there are some perceptible "dots" on the screen, from the oils in your fingertips, and since the keypad is above the keyboard level on the screen, you might be leaving hints as to what your code is.  I've thought of a couple ways to remedy this (one's really cool), so if anybody from Apple is reading this, get back to me.
    Thanks again for the help.

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    ppl please answer

    Click here for information.

  • Lost ipad, find device not enabled

    Hi all,
    I have a question regarding my lost iPad. I've had a folowing scenario:
    a. Apple iPad Air with iOS 8. something
    b. Device was NOT passcode protected
    c. in iCloud settings, Find my iPad was turned OFF
    After device was lost I did followng steps:
    d. Logged to iCloud, found my iPad and turned lost mode on with passcode all messages, sound etc. I did this 4 days after loss since I didn't knew that this option exist.
    e. Reported loss to police
    My questions are:
    1. Can someone wipe/reset to factory settings or register device to new apple ID without my apple id?
    2. If somebody has even performed wiping/reset to factory settings immediately after finding it, can iCloud turn lost mode on and report me device location when device goes on line?
    I have found opposite info regarding this so any help would be appreciated.
    Many thanks

    Thanks for help. All passwords changed.
    Just one thing, if I have not received any mails regardign recovery mode or password resets, flase login etc, does that mean that recovery mode has not been started?

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    How to fix this? rough edges in text.
    in the first, it's not like this but the next i open after effects cs4, it goes like that.

    Hi there mato31,
    Hopefully this will help — if that screenshot is your comp window at 50%, then I would hazard a guess that the resolution quality of your comp window was set down to half or quarter quality (this would be my first guess in this instance, worth a try?). If you look across the bottom of the comp window next to the RGB channels icon, the drop-down menu for the comp window resolution is there. Does yours say perhaps Quarter or Third? Just a guess... Usually one would work at Full, but I usually leave it set to Auto so when a comp is viewed at 50%, it automatically changes the quality to 50% which leaves smooth edges (a comp viewed at 50% zoom factor, with full resolution, looks jagged also).
    Anyway, just a first thought. Let me know if that helps at all?
    Steve Holmes
    Creative Director
    Energi.design, Munich

  • How to find my lost ipad without apple id in short time ?

    how to find my lost ipad without apple id ? i wanted to report but i got no serial number of it. i tried to find by using 'find my iphone 'app but it cant show me the place of my ipad ,i think the person has signed out my id. i have got some important info and photos in it . how to find the location of it in short time ?? thanks !

    This is what you can do:
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    If the thief was able to turn off Find My iPhone, then your password must have been easily guessable (or the thief knows you) and you will not be able to find your iPhone.  Otherwise, click the "Find My iPhone Overview" from the above article for more information.

  • Lost iPad and want to get all apps shut down

    Lost iPad and need to get it shut down. What to do?

    If you had "Find My iPhone" enabled in Settings > iCloud then you may be able to locate it. If not, you cannot locate it.
    If it was enabled then you can try locating it via http://icloud.com on a computer or the App "Find My iPhone" on another iDevice. You can also tell your iPhone to "Play Sound", enter "Lost Mode", or "Erase".
    Note: this will only work if your device is connected to a network and the device hasn't already been restored as new and/or "Find My iPhone" has not been disabled on it. Note: Disabling "Find My iPhone" is much more difficult in iOS 7.
    If you think that your device was stolen rather than lost then you should report it to the police. In either case you should contact your carrier, change your iTunes account password, your email account passwords, and any passwords that you'd stored on websites/emails/notes etc.
    See also here for additional information: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5668

  • How can i find out my lost ipad's location by myself online

    how can  i want to find out the location of my lost ipad by online

    You do not need "Find my iPad" installed on the iPad.  That app merely allows you to locate an iPad from another iOS device.
    In order to locate the iPad, you would need to have set it up with a MobileMe account and enabled the Find my iPad feature in the account settings on the iPad.  Then you can log on to your MobileMe account, or use the Find my iPad app, from another device and locate it.
    If you never did that setup, or don't have a MobileMe account, and didn't install any other third-party tracking software on the iPad beforehand, then you won't be able to locate it.

  • Icon become pixelated with rough edges after 10.6.5 update.

    Hi, I have this annoying problem after the 10.6.5 update, my icon at the dock appears to be pixelated (rough edges), and all the pictures/text that I view in facebook has this issue as well, not only facebook but all the images basically.
    During the time of this posting, I realized this issue has extended to video. I have tried to reinstall mac OS X, repair permission, and do another round of update using the 10.6.5 combo. But doesn't seems to solve the issue here.
    Any kind soul can advise on this?
    Thank you.

    After trying out all the possible resolutions (repair disk permission, reinstallation..etc) it all didnt work out.
    I decided to try a fresh installation: it yielded 2 results which i wish to share, don't consider this to be a resolution to the problem but my mere experience to resolution.
    1. I first deleted the partition and install a fresh copy from apple disc. Boot up to mac, and install the 10.6.5 combo, after restarted, problem persist, all the icon, text, video still appeared to be pixelated. I'm not doing the installation in full resolution mode in this attempt but 1920x1080. After this has failed. I decided to give it another try in my max screen resolution.
    2. Same process goes, i deleted the partition and begin a fresh installation, after booted in to mac, the auto update ran by itself, and i was prompted for update. I'm trying something a little bit different this time by not using the combo update to install the 10.6.5 but letting the auto update take place by itself. Restarted after installation finished....
    I'm not certain of what is the cause. But i would like to think the new update might not handle lower screen resolution well.


    I am at a loss. How do you transfer your data from a lost Ipad to a pc?

    What do you want to transfer exactly, because generally would need a device with the same apps at least to be able to access the data that was stored in iCloud.

Maybe you are looking for

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