Lost startup disk!

I lost the OSX installer CD for my iBook, and I need it to repair my hard drive. How can I get a new one?

you can call apple and they can set it up to send you a new one. It will cost somewhere around $20 i think

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    I called Apple Customer Support (1- (800) 767-2775) to check on how much they charge for the gray restore disks that originally came with the MacBook and was quoted $16 dollars per disk plus S & H. Which would be $32 for the two disks. Just give them the serial number of your MacBook and they'll know which ones you need.
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    You can call AppleCare Support and ask for a set of replacement disks. They usually charge around $60 to replace a set of lost disks.

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    I don't think it was cause and effect or related. Could be but I don't recall seeing Vista in startup disk since Leopard.
    I have Paragon, but it seems to be buggy and slows down Finder. It also may have led to data corruption on Vista. The MacFuse etc NTFS is probably better method right now.
    Some users can't see Vista from OPTION/ALT on their systems but DO see Vista in the control panel Startup Disk.
    Booting from my Tiger 10.4.6 and Leopard DVD weren't able to see Vista partition as available in Utilities: Startup Disk so that pretty much rules out Paragon.
    I'm still looking for how. Luckily I can just pull my OS X drive or boot OS X from external drives anyway and leave Vista along with NTFS data drive and 3rd for page, cache, and other odds and ends.
    Vista w/ SP1 RC1 boots faster now. You might want to check it out.

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    Thank you.

    Dear Everyone,
    My Macbook Pro (15" mid-2012) have lost startup disk partition after Yosemite-installation.
    I recently got OS upgrade to 10.10 Yosemite without an event. Some features ofYosemite pertaining to the R and LaTeX disappointed me and after a few hours I decided to come back to Mavericks. Disaster began:
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    Thank you.

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    DiskWarrior can probably fix your problem. DiskWarrior by Alsoft
     Cheers, Tom

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    The storage level is held on the server so signing out of your iCloud on your Mac wouldn't affect it; and you can't delete an iCloud account from the server.
    Are you absolutely sure that when you signed back in you signed in with the same Apple ID as before, and didn't create a new iCloud account by accident (because it does sound as if that is what has happened).
    If you are sure about this then only Support can unravel it for you. Go to https://getsupport.apple.com ; click 'See all products and services', then ' 'iTunes', and then 'iTunes Store', then 'Purchases, Billing & Redemption'.

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    I've uploaded a screenshot of my System Preferences here:
    You'll see the messed up icon between Speech and Universal Access.
    Any ideas what can be causing this?
    Thanks in advance!
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2 GHz

    You're most welcome. Glad to help!
    PS: You may want to mark my earlier post above as Solved as it solved your problem and may help others with the same problem that find your topic know the post that contains the answer. Click the Solved button in that post above.
    Marking posts that are helpful or solve the problem as Helpful or Solved, respectively, aids others in finding answers and awards points to those who take the time to respond. See "Why reward points?".
    Marking a topic as Answered indicates the question is resolved, but only you, as the person who asked the question, can mark posts as Helpful or Solved. The "Answered" status neither awards points nor provides an indication to others of the posts that were either helpful or solved the problem.
    Additionally, the new "Yes/No" buttons do not assign any points: they merely collect statistics for Apple, a very confusing change recently made to the Discussions.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • Both time machine drive and startup disk can't be repaired by disk utilities and needs to be formatted!!??

    ok so i accidentally remove the USB while my laptop was backing up to the time machine partition on my external HDD. I plug it in again, and no time machine partition. just the other part (fat 32 partition). so i open disk utilities.. the partition is there but grayed out. so I repair it.. and it says it cant repair it i need to back it up and format it. ok great.. i tried to do that and it said it can't access the disk.. super.
    any way.. i don't know  why i decided to check my other drives and see how they're doing.. and it turns out.. my startup disk has problems.. and you guessed it.. it can not be repaired:D so i restart in recovery mode.. did it again.. and?  it can't be repaired.. i need to backup the drive and format it... (like the same problem with the time machine partition) just great! so i restart the laptop.. it safe boots.. I dnno why.. and everything is like it was.. I mean I don't see a problem with my drive.. i can do everything but that "cant repair" thing is scaring me.. what should I do? just leave it? or brace myself for a possible HDD death? I DON'T EVEN HAVE A BACKUP)
    help me i feel vulnerable

    As you have indicated, you don’t want to touch the partitions on your existing external drive because it has live files in the FAT32 partition for which there are no copies anywhere else.  That leaves you with two sets of data that are currently not backed up: your FAT32 partition and your system drive.  I suggest you need at least one more external HD for backups.
    A “backup” drive should never have live files on it because should that drive fail all the live files on it would be lost.  So you need a second external HD anyway for a proper backup scheme.
    I would partition a new disk as you have the current one and then copy all the FAT32 files form the old disk to the new one.  Then you can try repartitioning the old drive.  I would then setup a backup scheme to periodically clone the new FAT32 drive onto the old FAT32 one, using the new disk for your live FAT32 files and dedicating the old disk to backups.  You could also continue using the old disk for Time Machine backups.
    You can use Mac cloning software such as Carbon Copy Cloner to maintain the cloned backup copy of your FAT32 data.
    http://help.bombich.com/kb/usage-scenarios/backing-up-tofrom-network-volumes-and -other-non-hfs-volumes

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    A Disk Tools PPC file can be found via Apple's Older Software Downloads list (http://www.info.apple.com/support/oldersoftwarelist.html).
    http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English -North_American/Macintosh/System/Mac_OS_8.1_Update/Disk_Tools_PPC.img.bin
    A floppy from the above file should work as a startup disk for your computer (it is intended for Mac OS 8.1 and Mac OS Extended, but it should at least allow you to boot the 7600). However, the problem is that you would have to locate someone with another old (pre-1998) Macintosh computer with Disk Copy 6.3.3 (the Make a Floppy command under the Utilities menu) in order to create the floppy.
    http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English -North_American/Macintosh/Utilities/Disk_Copy/Disk_Copy_6.3.3.smi.bin

  • Startup disk full, can't get in to delete files, help!

    I got  the 'startup disk almost full' message so I was deleting files to make space when my computer froze, so I turned it off, now it won't let me back in again.
    I get the start up chime, then it gets stuck on the apple logo with the progress bar, then a no entry symbol.
    I tried starting it in Safe Mode but still can't get in.
    This is very very bad, right?
    I Have been using time machine to back up but I'm not sure if my most recent photos of my boy starting school last week had been backed up yet or not... I've uploaded them to facebook and instagram and had emailed them to the grandparents so they won't be totally lost but still :/
    Can anyone help or am I totally screwed?!
    imac was was purchased in 2009 and I *think* the last update I did was to Yosemite..

    Start up holding down Command + R and then go to DiskUtility and try repairing your disk from there. As a last resort, you may need to erase or even replace your Hard Drive, but try that first. If it is not booting from there the chances are pretty good that your Drive has died.

  • No startup disk recognized during recovery

    Recently my computer malfunctioned and crashed for no reason; it was a seemeingly random crash, my only thought is maybe the computer overheated. I shut down the computer and restarted it. Now all I see is the flashing folder with a question mark. I have no time machine back-ups and have only had this computer for a year. I tried to reinstall the Mountain Lion OS X from the 'Internet Recovery', but when it ask to choose a disk, there is no disk listed at all. I am already assuming that I have lost everything that was on my computer. I can't even get to the normal desktop.
    Does this entail that I need a new hard-drive entirely? Or is there possibly another problem? I want to avoid going somewhere to get it repaired if possible.
    Any thoughts?

    Try it this way..
    Startup your Mac while holding down the Option key.
    That should launch the Startup Manager window where you can select the startup disk then click Restart.
    If the startup disk is not available, it's possible it has failed. This is why it's so important to backup important data on a timely basis so you can restore from a backup.

  • No startup Disk to select

    I have a Macbook retina13, I installed Yosemite-BAD CHOICE.I decided to restore to Mavericks using cmdR and selecting time machine. After several failures,the startup disk doesnt show up anymore.I cant even reinstall Yosemite because recovery HD is locked.

    there seems to be some light in the end of the tunnel.
    I took the Mac to a service center, they say that all the data has been lost and my only option is to reinstall os. They asked for a whopping 60euros for one hour's work. Might be worth it, but I still have faith in experts like yourselves prior to turning my mac in.
    The situation is as follows:
    - pressing option upon restart takes me to a screen that offers the recovery HD but doesn't allow me to choose it - saying it's locked.
    - Going to the recovery options, none see to find the startup disk
    - I created a Mavericks usb flash drive, installed the system (on the flash drive). now the machine is booting from it, slow and all, but it has injected some life. The internal HD is nowhere to be found, except in Disk Utilities. In disk utilities I can see the original (internal) HD with no partitions. In the options, I can read info, verify and repair - although the machine claims there is nothing to be repaired and the disk is OK. In the partition menu, I am not allowed to amend anything.
    I would really appreciate your help on this, I await a response

  • Accidentally deleted startup disk

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    You have a hardware problem. Take it to an Apple store and have them fix it.

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    All you have to do is search the web...
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos Thumbs Up to the right in the post.
    If my post resolved your problem, please mark it as an Accepted Solution ...
    I worked for HP but now I'm retired!

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