LR 1.2 & Phase + Backs...

LR is now listed as supporting the Phase + backs. However, when I click on a P25+ image that was already in my library, I still get the small thumbnail image and when I go into develop the image turns from vertical to horizontal and remains low res and uneditable.

"In the future, LR could just not import files it doesn't support"--
Lightroom already does this for nearly all raw file types. For example, it would not import the Canon 40D files until they were supported.
The problem with Phase One raw files is they use a ".TIF" extension, and they are perfectly VALID tiff files. The valid tiff part of the file is the thumbnail. The "raw" data is stored in a private tag. So unless the reading software knows about this specific private tag, it will see a normal tiff file, and will read it as such.
Canon and Kodak also used to use the ".TIF" extension for their raw files. However, both of them realized that was a really stupid idea (for the reasons you have discovered), and have switched to other file extensions.
Phase One has not figured this out yet, and continues to use ".TIF" for their raw files.
So I'm really sorry that you will have to re-import your previously unsupported Phase One files that are now supported in 1.2. But that is what you will have to do. I suggest you just do it.
Or you could complain some more...

Similar Messages

  • Rating Phase Back files

    w can you see or create ratings for P65+ files that carry into PS?
    I created ratings for .tif raw files from my back but they don't show in PS bridge. Same with ratings from Capture 1; they don't show in Bridge
    However, when I process the files in C1, then the jps and tif can be seen with their ratings
    What is interesting is that ratings on the Raw files when put in on BRIDGE they DO show up in the raw files of bridge the next time
    are the raw ratings of PS Bridge and C1 incompatible??
    thx in advance

    Got it.
    Seems I should bug Phase to do it in the raw.
    Thanks very much Jeff

  • When will we have Lens Cast Calibration in Lightroom

    I do postproduction all the time for a couple of other photographers. They send me the raws and I develop them. My favourite tool to do this is Lightroom, especially since the quality improvement in version 3.
    However, I often work on architecture shots that were done with a digital back on a technical camera (TC), mainly PhaseOne and Hasselblad backs. All these backs suffer heavily from colour casts when used with wide-angle lenses on TC's, due to the strong inclination of the lightrays on the sensor.
    These images have to be developed in the raw software of the respective brand, CaptureOne for the Phase backs, and Phocus for the Hasselblads.
    Both have a special function to analyse the cast of a separate image which has to be shot each time with a translucent white cap on the lens.
    These casts are then perfectly filtered out, and one can carry on with the rest of the development of the raw file. But this has to be done within Capture1 or Phocus, 'cause you can't export a DNG with the lens cast corrected. You can of course export a Tiff to Lightroom, but then you loose the whole dynamic range of the raw.
    It's this feature that I'm really missing in Lightroom. I prefer using Lightroom, because I use  the local adjustment (gradients and brushes) all the time.
    None of this is possible in CaptureOne or Phocus, a shame really. I wrote to the developers of CaptureOne to ask for local adjustments and it took me 6 mails before the good man understood what I was talking about. Don't they look at Lightroom?
    So Adobe developers, if you could add Lens Cast Correction (or Scene Calibration as it is called in Hasselblad's Phocus), you have the best RAW program in the world, and I can finally dish all these other brand-infected stuff from my hard disk.

    Pixelbound, Adobe, Rob & Ssprengel
    What about this
    Take 2 images, from as close a standpoint, ie with camera on the tripod etc.
    1 is the original image,
    2 is the one through the white lens cap.
    You now have the colour cast from centre to corners in the capped image as a reference to work from.
    All that needs to be done - I guess in photoshop - is to remove the colour as referenced by the capped image from the shot.
    Simple in photoshop - like everything is - a plugin / mask / reverse biased logarithmic flip flop or what ever.
    The process in lightroom would most definitely be a develop setting - where one image would be the reference and this could then be applied to one or a selection or all the images.
    As Ssprengel remarked, this is specalised and probably many people would not need it. Then many people did not want the lens correction, and the number of posts and discussions about that are rising most days.
    Rob, one for your sleepless nights
    subtracting  R,G,B on a  pixel by pixel basis from an image, very very simple to do surely....  I'm sure Pixelbound would be impressed, and another notch on your  bedpost of plugins for lightroom.

  • Remote Camera Trigger

    I spoke with some Adobe LR staff in Las Vegas at Photoshop World, and inquired about a remote camera trigger for LR. I posted frequently during the LR Beta for this very option.
    Phase One makes C1-Pro, the digital download and viewing software mandated by every art director I know. Lightroom is an exceptional package and years ahead of C1-Pro. But Light Room cannot trigger a tethered digital camera release. I have been told by Adobe staff that one of the problems is the huge number of release profiles that would be necessary, BUT LR 2 already has the majority of these camera profiles in the setup.
    If Adobe could add this function, I believe that C1-Pro would have to fold its tent.

    > BUT LR 2 already has the majority of these camera profiles in the setup.
    You are confusing the "Camera Color Profile" with the hardware communications protocol which will vary based on the OS and the camera maker. I should be noted that Camera Raw/Lightroom supports over 180 cameras with the raw files and color profiles. If you compare and contrast that with the numbers of cameras and manufactures that Phase One supports, you'll see that Capture 1 supports a small subset of total cameras out there.
    As it relates to camera communications and control of the camera through Lightroom, that's a very different proposition than merely supporting the raw files. Each OS has different protocols and each camera maker does as well. To expect Lightroom to be able to control all of the functions of the camera (and if not all functions, what subset of functions would be a minimal subset?) becomes are very substantial engineering effort.
    As it stands now, Lightroom already can work with the camera makers control software and auto-import from wherever the camera maker's software writes the file. This process relies upon the camera makers' control software and reduces Lightroom's area of would have to make a far stronger use case that Lightroom should duplicate the work the camera makers' software is already doing. Otherwise, the use case that "it would be nice" isn't a strong enough argument.
    Phase One's Capture 1 started life off as a camera control software for the Phase One camera they are already a camera controller. However, using their software to control non-Phase backs or cameras is very limited. As far as I know, you only get the ability to "click the shutter" which for me is not nearly enough. Using Canon's utility for example, I can set F stop, shutter speed, ISO and click the shutter. Merely clicking the shutter from within Lightroom would be a big step down in functionality if that's all Lightroom could do.
    >If Adobe could add this function, I believe that C1-Pro would have to fold its tent.
    Having Phase One fold it's "tent" is not really a goal of Lightroom. Phase One sells really great camera backs and regardless of what Lightroom may or may not do, Phase one's business will probably continue as long as people are buying Phase One backs. It's really not Adobe's nor Lightroom's goal to drive Phase One out of the biz...

  • CHARM: two Change Managers in an solution manager -  SDMN user statuses

    Hi to all
    I'm trying to handle two change Managers in the one CHARM client , each of them has own project and own system landscape for which he is responsible. I'm trying to restrict them, with well known charm authorizations of Change Manager,  in a way that each of them  should be able to handle just his own project and project assigned  SDMN transaction type.   
    So far I've managed to restrict Change Manager to just one Task list with the  authorisations object B_SMAN_WPL  but this authorizations object is related just to the SDMN Task list but  not to the User statuses of the SDMN transactions type!!
    If you will restrict Change Manager role  just to one task list (for example M*11)  with the above auth.  object (B_SMAN_WPL) it will be able to handle just this task through the SDMN drop down actions  task "Go To Task List" no others task list should be usable. So in this case your Change Manager is restricted to just one Task list. Thanks to "B_SMAN_WPL"!!
    ....if the  same Change Manager should go to edit  the new SDMN transactions (for example with the task list M*22) , Change Manager should not be able to edit/change, the Task list itself (he is restricted by B_SMAN_WPL ), but it should be able to change User Status of corresponding  SDMN! - To Move phases back and forth!?? How Come?
    How can  we  restrict Change manager to be able to handle just SDMN - which belongs to the certain project that is defined inside of authorization object S_PROJ_GEN.?
    waiting for SDN response )

    I've just returned from the Hyperion conference here in South Africa. In one of the papers presented a BI consultant was using dynamically updated MaxL scripts to update dimensions and members within them. She had developed a VB front-end with MS Excel as the back-end. She was using the excel to pass parameters to the MaxL scripts and so controlling what was being updated on the model. The VB front end only allowed certain dimensions to be updated.Regards,Fraser

  • Install the oracle patch with OPatch

    the error "ORA 3106" happened when the BW system was drawing out the
    data from the CRM system . I found the note "1005758 - ORA 3106 in
    Oracle",so I downloaded the oracle patch p5092134 and p6646850. I upgraded the opatch version to and executed the
    command "opatch apply " in the patch "6646850" folder, but the process
    stopped at the phase "Backing up files affected by the patch '6646850'
    for rollback. This might take a while...", why?

        I had done with what you said,but .............,the log displayed:
    epdev:orasm0 12> cd 6646850
    epdev:orasm0 13> pwd
    epdev:orasm0 14> ls
    README.html  README.txt   custom       etc          files        patchmd.xml
    epdev:orasm0 15> opatch apply
    opatch: Command not found.
    epdev:orasm0 16> ../OPatch/opatch apply
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home       : /oracle/SM0/102_64
    Central Inventory : /oracle/oraInventory
       from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version    :
    OUI version       :
    OUI location      : /oracle/SM0/102_64/oui
    Log file location : /oracle/SM0/102_64/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2008-06-17_16-05
    ApplySession applying interim patch '6646850' to OH '/oracle/SM0/102_64'
    Running prerequisite checks...
    Patch 6646850: Optional component(s) missing : [ oracle.sdo.companion,, ] , [ oracle.isearch.server, ]
    OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the lo
    Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local sy
    (Oracle Home = '/oracle/SM0/102_64')
    Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
    User Responded with: Y
    Backing up files and inventory (not for auto-rollback) for the Oracle Home
    Backing up files affected by the patch '6646850' for restore. This might take a while...
    The Oracle Configuration Manager is already installed. OPatch does nothing.
    Do you wish to configure OCM at this time? (y/n)
    User Responded with: N
    Returning to CPU apply.
    Backing up files affected by the patch '6646850' for rollback. This might take a while...
    epdev:orasm0 17> pwd
    epdev:orasm0 18> ../OPatch/opatch apply
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home       : /oracle/SM0/102_64
    Central Inventory : /oracle/oraInventory
       from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version    :
    OUI version       :
    OUI location      : /oracle/SM0/102_64/oui
    Log file location : /oracle/SM0/102_64/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2008-06-17_16-16-01PM.log
    ApplySession applying interim patch '6646850' to OH '/oracle/SM0/102_64'
    Running prerequisite checks...
    Patch 6646850: Optional component(s) missing : [ oracle.sdo.companion, ] , [ oracle.isearch.client, ] , [ oracle.isearch.is_common, ] , [ oracle.isearch.server, ]
    OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the local system only.
    Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
    (Oracle Home = '/oracle/SM0/102_64')
    Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
    User Responded with: Y
    Backing up files and inventory (not for auto-rollback) for the Oracle Home
    Backing up files affected by the patch '6646850' for restore. This might take a while...
    The Oracle Configuration Manager is already installed. OPatch does nothing.
    Do you wish to configure OCM at this time? (y/n)
    User Responded with: N
    Returning to CPU apply.
    Backing up files affected by the patch '6646850' for rollback. This might take a while...
    /oracle/SM0/102_64/jdk/bin/java[3]: 8941768 Killed
    OPatch failed with error code 137
    epdev:orasm0 19> epdev:orasm0 19> epdev:orasm0 19>
    epdev:orasm0 19>
    epdev:orasm0 19> ../OPatch/opatch apply -force -silent
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home       : /oracle/SM0/102_64
    Central Inventory : /oracle/oraInventory
       from           : /etc/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version    :
    OUI version       :
    OUI location      : /oracle/SM0/102_64/oui
    Log file location : /oracle/SM0/102_64/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2008-06-17_16-25
    ApplySession applying interim patch '6646850' to OH '/oracle/SM0/102_64'
    Running prerequisite checks...
    Patch 6646850: Optional component(s) missing : [ oracle.sdo.companion,
    0 ] , [ oracle.isearch.client, ] , [ oracle.isearch.is_common, 10.2.0
    .2.0 ] , [ oracle.isearch.server, ]
    OPatch detected non-cluster Oracle Home from the inventory and will patch the lo
    cal system only.
    Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local sy
    (Oracle Home = '/oracle/SM0/102_64')
    Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
    Y (auto-answered by -silent)
    User Responded with: Y
    Backing up files and inventory (not for auto-rollback) for the Oracle Home
    Backing up files affected by the patch '6646850' for restore. This might take a
    The Oracle Configuration Manager is already installed. OPatch does nothing.
    The Oracle Configuration Manager has been installed as part of
    the CPU installation. Prior to contacting Oracle Support, please
    refer to
    for answers to your questions.
    Please complete the configuration of the Software by
    invoking the command:
    Backing up files affected by the patch '6646850' for rollback. This might take a

  • One maintenance cycle?

    Some consultants are stating that it's better to have 1 maintenance cycle per system in solution manager and keep moving the phases back and forward (thus: after go-live the phase is being moved back to "development without release" and from there a new normal correction can start). But can somebody explain to me <b>why</b> this is better than closing a maintenance cycle at the end of a normal correction?
    Thanks in advance!

    I personally wouldn't recommend that but it sounds like an alternative method of handling parallel development for multiple release. At least in the project I'm in, there is a need to handle two or more simultaneous business releases with different go live dates.
    Idealistically there should be only one maintenance project and subsequently one maintenance cycle per system. A release (=maintenance cycle) is planned, executed and delivered. End of story. But in reality this is not the case. Planning and executing next cycle is usually started while the previous has not yet gone live and this is something that is hard to handle when you can have only one maintenance cycle at the time.
    I'm guessing that the idea of going back and forth with cycle phases is to use certain functionality of one phase but still keep the previous phase functionalities and enable parallel development.
    Having two or more maintenance projects and subsequently many maintenance cycles in order to enable parallel development is risky and it doesn't work well. Trust me I've tried. With more project than one in the same system you easily end up with inconsistencies etc.
    Hope this helps even a bit!

  • ChaRM: Several maintenance cycles in one maintenance project?

    We are working with urgent correction within ChaRM and thinking about to implement the normal corrections as well.
    Our ChaRM workflow for normal corrections is characterized by:
    a)corrections with different Life cycle (those who will be processed within 1 week, other with 2 week, etc.)
    1) Is it possible to have several maintenance cycles for one maintenance project to handle condition u201Ca)u201D?
    2) What will happen with all the normal corrections and urgent corrections that have a long life cycle (status: in development, test, etc.) when the charm manager set the status of maintenance cycle in u201CGo liveu201D?
    Thank you  very much!
    H. Thomasson

    Hi Holger,
    Maintenance cycle and SMI project is a 1:1 relationship.
    In status GoLive you will be able to continue developement/work on normal corrections but you will not be able to release any transport requests/create transport of copies so your testings in QA will be limited.
    In phase GoLive you are able to import requests into production.
    Normal Corrections which have not been released yet are not lost. Depending on your scenario you may switch phases back to "in dev with rel." after you imported into production. It is not necessary to close and recreate maintenance cycles if you use one project for daily/weekly maintenance.

  • Is anyone having problems playing games on their 4th gen nano?

    Honestly, what a joke. I download the game Phase, only after being instructed at the top of the page that it will work fine with my 4th gen ipod. I pay for it and load it on, and the screen is a quarter chopped off. It's moved so far to the right of screen that I can't play it properly.
    Anyone had the same issue? Anyone know how to fix it?

    Afraid not...plays smooth as butter on my 16 GB nano. Admittedly the controls feel weird having the click wheel on the left/right of the screen instead of below...but its a minor quibble.
    You might have an actual problem with your nano. Tried any other games? If they work fine (not the ones that come with the nano, other Click-wheel games from the Store), then you might want to either a) Try removing Phase, syncing, disconnecting, reconnecting and putting Phase back on the iPod, or b) Ask Apple to let you redownload Phase.
    Or c) Return the nano for another one. But of course, thats always the last resort if its just a software problem...

  • Back up error--Out of phase

    I used take successful backup on this tape using DB13.
    But now I am getting following error:
    BR0061I 50 files found for backup, total size 126910.432 MB
    BR0143I Backup type: offline_force
    BR0112I Files will not be compressed
    BR0130I Backup device type: tape
    BR0102I Following backup device will be used: /dev/rmt1.1
    BR0103I Following backup volume will be used: ARDB02
    BR0289I BRARCHIVE will be started at the end of processing
    BR0134I Unattended mode with 'force' active - no operator confirmation allowed
    BR0208I Volume with name ARDB02 required in device /dev/rmt1.1
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-10-02 00.39.08
    BR0226I Rewinding tape volume in device /dev/rmt1 ...
    BR0351I Restoring /oracle/ARD/sapbackup/.tape.hdr0
    BR0355I from /dev/rmt1.1 ...
    BR0278E Command output of 'LANG=C cd /oracle/ARD/sapbackup && /usr/sap/ARD/SYS/exe/run/brtools -f detach LANG=C cpio -iuvB .tape.hdr0 < /dev/rmt1.1':
    Out of phase!
    cpio attempting to continue...
    skipping 32925310 bytes to get back in phase!
    One or more files lost and the previous file is possibly corrupt
    Length of file name doesn't match expected length.
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-10-02 00.39.18
    BR0279E Return code from 'LANG=C cd /oracle/ARD/sapbackup && /usr/sap/ARD/SYS/exe/run/brtools -f detach LANG=C cpio -iuvB .tape.hdr0 < /dev/rmt1.1': 2
    BR0359E Restore of /oracle/ARD/sapbackup/.tape.hdr0 from /dev/rmt1.1 failed due to previous errors
    BR0218E Checking label on volume in device /dev/rmt1.1 failed
    BR0236I Perhaps volume initialization with option '-i force' required
    BR0056I End of database backup: bdyybedn.aft 2008-10-02 00.39.18
    BR0280I BRBACKUP time stamp: 2008-10-02 00.39.18
    BR0054I BRBACKUP terminated with errors
    OS is AIX 5.3
    DB is Oracle 10.2
    Please help me to solve this problem.

    Take a look at the note 17163    BRARCHIVE/BRBACKUP messages and codes 
    the solution is indicated on the error message:
    BR0236I Perhaps volume initialization with option '-i force' required

  • Itunes 64 bit on windows 7 is unable to install, i have the 64 bit installer version but it keeps saying "errors occurred" at the ( rolling back ) phase. HELP!

    itunes 64 bit on windows 7 is unable to install, i have the 64 bit installer version but it keeps saying "errors occurred" at the ( rolling back ) phase. HELP!!!

    I have the answer and this might be useful for any one else wondering about this in the future. If it helped you or explained what you wanted to know. Replay to the post pls
    It's quite easy actually. First have your "iTunes Library Extras", "iTunes Library Genius", "iTunes Library", and "iTunes Music Library" backed up. Download ans install iTunes 64-bit. I don't know what's so 64-bit about iTunes 64 since Win7 reports it as a 32-bit application in the task manager. But anyway. Install iTunes 64 and launch it. If you migrated your library to another drive like me go to settings in iTunes and change the directory to your location. Close iTunes. Replace the newly created files with your backed up files. Launch iTunes. iTunes will load and then update your library and from there you are set to go! so basically it is just like a normal upgrade. But if you hesitated to go from 32 to 64 like me, here is your answer.
    By the way. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit with iTunes 64-bit and it works without problems and syncing with my iPod Touch also works flawlessly.

  • How to get the current JSF phase in backing bean?

    How to get the current JSF phase in backing bean?
    Edited by: jimmy6 on Nov 27, 2007 7:27 AM

    I am using phasetracker to trace it also.I want to know whether it is it render response phase. I know FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRenderResponse() work for normal jsf component but it will not work for qiupukit datatable. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getRenderResponse() will not return true in the following phase. Why?
    [ INFO] 27-11-07 16:20:21 : BEFORE RENDER_RESPONSE(6) (http-80-Processor23)
    I want the 'get' method of datatable being called in response phase to reduce the number of calling because i put the query in 'get' method there. Actually i still straggling with the best practice to code the datatable...

  • Phase playlist gone.  How can I get it back?

    I recently opened my iTunes and found that all of my music (playlists and all) was gone. I called Apple support and the guy told me I could go to "File" then "Add folder to library" and add my iTunes folder back. I did that and I got all of my music back but my playlists are still gone. My phase game was working fine before but now since I've resynched my iPod and my playlists are gone I can only play the game with the Phase Soundtrack songs. So my question is how can I add a new playlist that will work with phase? I called and emailed Apple support about this problem and they didn't help me at all. They told me how to get the music back (but I had already fixed that problem) but offered no help about the playlists. Please help!

    Wow, that must be really irritating...
    Try syncing your purchases from your iPod. Connect your iPod to iTunes and go to File/Transfer Purchases from iPod. You might get your Phase playlist back; if you do, it will probably be empty and you'll have to put your songs back in it.
    Now, about your other playlists, I think you're going to have to recreate those from scratch.

  • How to post back to another view or skip restore view phase?

    Hi, I have a small application with a template used by every page. In this template there is a button to logout as shown below
    <h:form id="logoutForm" prependId="false">
       <h:commandButton id="logoutButton" action="#{loginBean.logout}" value="logout"/>
    </h:form>It works, but has the undesirable side effect of first triggering processing included in the constructor of other backing beans used in the page. This is because JSF first restore view of the page, and in doing that it instantiates every bean used in the view. Then after restoring the view it calls the method logout in the loginBean.
    I wanted a way to change the action of that logoutForm, but it seems it is impossible in JSF.
    Is there anything I can do to post back to another view, skipping unecessary processing that occurs in the restore view phase of the view that includes the template with the logout form?

    JSF is a stateful API - the stateful part is the building of the component tree server side. To be able to do this, the backing beans need to be invoked.
    So no, it is not possible to do this and keep JSF in the loop; if you really must bypass the creation of the beans, make sure the JSF servlet isn't invoked (for example, use a plain old servlet).

  • :: Phase One Digital Back H5

    Has anyone any idea how does Aperture handle the RAW data in the near future who was shot with the professional Digitalback from PhaseOne?

    Phase One backs are the most used high end digital back for professional photographers who need the format and quality that they produce and blow away any file that is produced by a Canon 1DS MK11.... i have both and use both extensively.... each for different types of job.
    But Phase One makes you use Capture One software (which they also sell for use with Canon cameras etc) They probably won't let Apple into their closed file system...... keep revenue for them to sell the software upgrades etc. The latest Capture One version 5 is a dog's dinner and Aperture 2 blew it away as an editing and organisational tool.... Ap 3 takes this even further......

Maybe you are looking for