Lumia 900 Design file

This might seem like an random request. But are there CAD design files for the housing of the lumia 900? I'd like to make my own phone case that can attach to backpack straps and my bike handle.

I have not seen anything myself, not that I actually looked.
try to do a google search for 3d printing and see if anyone doing that has a cad file you may be looking for.
it certainly is not going to be found in this forum.
hope that helps.

Similar Messages

  • Lumia 900 - My view

    Hello all, so after long debate I had finally decided to upgrade my Nokia N8 (Brilliant phone)
    I now own a Nokia Lumia 900 - white. I don't want to start of like most do on forums with problems here and there but a nice list of nice features I have come to enjoy.
    So the first thing I love is the black sleek background - very minimal and looks amazing. the phone it's self looks great and people have been impressed by it because it's not your common android/iphone.
    The main menu screen, the layout is fresh and very much pulls you in for a closer look. the phone itself is very smooth and internet browsing is a doddle, and a pleasure to use.
    The screen clarity blows you away, and watching films is pretty good overall.
    I have really enjoyed exploring around this phone and there are a few updates I feel is needed, I will list those things below:
    firstly I think for me I love T9 and to exclude that is a massive blow for me, especially as I prefer to use my phone one handed and can be at times difficult with the size of the phone and not able to get my thumb right across to reach the little qwerty keyboard, although it's response is brilliant with two finger typing.
    Also to tie in with the keyboard, there is no Right or Left arrows on the keyboard and because of the implament of touch a word to change it stops you from entering that word, therefore you have to delete letters to get to the mistake.
    For my personalization is a massive factor, I would like to create 'Folders' in the sub catergory to make browsing that much easier, as I do not want to clog my homescreen up.
    Zune, now by what I can see this is almost ment to be the 'iTunes' of windows phone... ridiculously frustrating, files I want to addis a mare. all my music and photos are on my external hard drive, so in order for zune to see them i need to copy them to my zune folders then to find it on zune itself, then synic... There is an option to select which folders it searches through but because it's a plug in hard drive it doesn't want to know.
    I just to open the phone as a normal folder where I can drag and drop anything into, without going through the pain of a third party program. VERY, VERY POOR - please sort this.
    I would love to see a connectivity bar, like what was introduced on the N8 on any screen where you pull it down and you had instant access to turn on any data/wifi/bluetooth connections, how it is right now I have to go deep into the menu to do this.
    One other thing I asked for before going ahead with this phone was I wanted the FM transmitter, I spoke to the Nokia rep, who assured me there were a few apps that would allow me to do the same as I could with my N8 where I can play through a radio without wires or bluetooth. to find that I CANNOT, andfrom what I see it is a hardware thing, not a software thing, so I really feel misled. That was one massive thing my friends always went wow about and the one thing I used daily in my car, and at work.
    Also, when I first used my bluetooth I was able to send and recieve stuff via it. now it doesn't connect to any other device, just says 'not supported' is this a problem, or is it just like iPhone where you are only compatible with certain things.
    I just want to mention, would be nice to see my music organised a lot better on the phone as well, I think as it stands it is pretty poor, think less is more, it can be a bit OTT on the music menu side.
    This phone has so much potiental, and I am loving having it. This is just a few of the things that effect me and, would like to see happen, if anyone can spread light on any of the above I mention that would be brilliant.
    Keep up the good work Nokia, people laughed at android when it launched, now it's taken over iPhone. I know windows will be a lot better than any of those could!
    Thanks for reading guys and girls!

    Every little detail you have explained here is 100% right. I switched over from Nokia E7 3 months back to Lumia 900 and I still haven't gotten used to this qwerty keyboard. I downloaded a paid app for T9 but you have to go into the app to write a message and its not integrated into the phone where it can give you the option in the keyboard setting to switch between t9 and qwerty.
    the music player does not go into landscape mode which I regularly use while driving and that is really frustrating.
    You cannot use any other headphones with this phone other than the ones in the box as I have a Nokia multimedia headphone which has a pause play next, previous and volume control buttons which I was using with my E7 and its a bother when you are listening to music while jogging as you have to take out your phone every time to do something, unlock the screen or swipe.
    I miss the communication bar too.
    If Nokia was coming with a new phone, it should have had all the people in their minds who were so very comfortable with using these simple tools Nokia had provided to them in each and every phone Nokia made over all these years before designing a new phone.

  • Lumia 900 suggestions from an owner, if Nokia want...

    I got my Lumia 900 this weekend and have been using it non-stop for a day. My previous phone is an iPhone 3GS, a nearly three year old phone that the Lumia should beat hands down; the Lumia barely beats a 3 year old 3GS.
    Here are the ways in which the 900 beats my old iPhone:
    1. It's faster, touch is more responsive.
    2. amazing screen.
    3. Better camera
    4. Better OS (faster, more fluid, simpler and easier, integrated social (huge +), Outlook/mail is far better than the iOS client for formatting, speed, function, etc.)
    THE BAD.
    For some basic every day stuff, the 900 falls short on real-world scenarios, where Apple paid relentless attention to the nuances and details of how we use phones every day. I'm hoping a firmware update can solve these easy issues.
    1. Ringtones & Sounds:
    Lowest volume level is way too loud for real world scenarios. Prepare to be startled in bed or in a meeting. The iPhone's volume range is far wider and more useful.
    Level 01/30 is comically loud (Try "silk" at 01/30), and shows a lack of real-world consideration by Nokia and Microsoft. I did some casual testing: the 900's level 01/30 is about the same as the iPhone's 5/10, and yet the iPhone's 10/10 is about 25/30 on the Lumia 900.
    2. Screen Brightness:
    The lowest level is way too bright and doesn't consider bedroom or dark scenarios where your eyes have adjusted to the dark. (even "Auto" brightness is far too bright in the dark)
    If you're in bed and don't want to upset your partner, or simply want to read in the dark, the 900's "Automatic" and "Low" settings are far too bright. The iPhone's darkest setting can go as low as about 20% of the level the 900's lowest "Auto" setting. (the 900's "Low" setting should be the level at which the screen goes dark after a few seconds of inactivity)
    a. Silence your ring/vibrate by turning your phone face down.
    b. Raise your ring volume if the phone senses it's in your pocket or hand bag.
    4. I don't want to Hold Different.
    The sharp corners on the bottom of the phone are annoying. After holding the phone while talking, the corner of the 900 gouges; there's an actual sharp impresson in my palm. It gets distracting while talking. This is a case where design asthetics won out over function. Nokia should have rounded the edges a bit on the bottom corners.
    I realize that some of these issues are constrained by WP7, but some aren't. For instance, my old HTC Titan had a much lower and reasonable "Low" screen brightness setting (but its lowest ring volume was just as loud).
    Nokia has made a good phone. But not a great phone. And you have to exceed your competition to beat it.
    Moderators notes: Inaccurate information removed.

    I have a Nokia Lumia 820 and the screen is way too bright on low !!
    So bloody indiscreet, like carrying around a car headlight.
    There are many other things I  could complain about, there is a fair bit of "double handling" the phone subjects you to. You start Nokia Drive Navigation which thankfully now starts from maps, then it has to ask you if you're sure?! Then when you switch it off it asks you again if you're sure.. It's so annoying you run the risk of putting the car into a pole. Of course I'm bloody sure..
    I had to use an external ap Akruto to sync the thing offline to avoid the cloud.. why must they force people into the damn cloud that we have to use almost hacks to get around it?
    Most disappointing of the lot is.. Microsoft owns Skype.. and Nokia and Microsoft are merged.. you you'd think Skype on a Lumia would work well.. Unfortutely it is still in Beta and has been like that for ages, full of annoying bugs. Great video calls, very impressed with continuity, screen quality, sound but the thing just has very bad interfacing with whether the application is on or off. People ring you and it looks like you ignored them.. it's messing with my relationships.
    I moved up from Symbian and do regret it that many simple aps have to be downloaded, I wish they'd cared for us more and just put them on when it was bought..

  • Nokia Lumia 900

    The Lumia 900 is about to be introduced.  I'm wondering how it compares to the competition in terms of what the phone can actually do (now, or in the very near future).
    I'm not concerned with the "price", as over a year's time, and more, the original purchase price of the phone is negligible compared to the other expenses.  I'm assuming it will be available unlocked for those who don't want to deal with the various carriers and their pre-loaded software, blocks, and restrictions.  If price is no object, how will this device compare to the competition?
    I guess what I'm asking, is if it does the basic things that most of us expect nowadays from a mobile phone?  For myself, I'm curious as to how it compares to the N8 Nokia, the iPhone, and the newer Android devices.
    Will it work with ALL the common frequency bands, so it will be useable in Europe, Asia, and the USA (both AT&T and T-Mobile), at both "slow" and "fast" connections?
    How will it interface with common computer software, such as Microsoft Contacts, Outlook Contacts, Calendars, gmail, and so on? Will all of these be fully functional on the 900?
    Will the Bluetooth connection allow it to send/receive from our existing phones?
    When/if the battery needs replacing, how big a deal will that be?
    Can the user customize the phone as many of us are now used to doing, with commonly available themes, ringtones, wallpaer, etc.? 
    Will it work with the commonly available communications software such as Skype, Jajah, Windows Messenger, MagicJack, Viber, and so on.
    Lastly, will it have a "standard" file structure, allowing files to be copied to/from the phone using Windows Explorer, and photos to be "imported" from the phone either by Windows tools, or Lightroom (or other similar programs)?

    It will compete on every level, however as far as customization of themes and tones is concerned, there are no 'Themes' metro changes the phone as you move from one app to another, and there is nowhere to see a screen background photo as such, As for BT file transfer, it isn't possible, but you can transfer contacts via BT. To move siles you have skydrive and microsoft office . Also synchronising calendars, contacts, outlook etc are simple through your live account.
    WP is a much more reliable (zero freezes or reboots/resets in over 4 months) much quicker and a better web experience than Symbian. The thing to do is to read some independent reviews, which are filling the web at the moment, and to go to a shop and try one . Personally, as a long time Nokia user, I'm very impressed and , for me , it covers all the bases. 
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

  • Funny issue while making calls in my lumia 900

    So a strange issue popped up after the 7.8 upgrade to my Lumia 900 (I waited till all issues seemed to be resolved before applying it). Anytime I try calling a number that is not in my contacts- I just get a call ended message. The call just doesnot go through. I can make calls to my saved contacts without any hassle though. Any ideas...would SIM be a culprit though not sure why the 7.8 firmware update would affect the calling aspect.

    Hi ananthj,
    Welcome to the forum!
    To isolate the case, you can try a different SIM card on your device. This is to check if you will encounter the same behavior. If it's still the same you can reset the phone to the factory setting. Just don't forget to back up your files first. Check the link below for the step-by-step procedure:
    Hope this resolves your issue. 

  • Nokia Lumia 900 Camera White Balance "Fix"

    I'm not sure if other people have posted about this but I figured out a pain in the @$$ way of coping with the atrocious white balance on the Nokia Lumia 900.  I found that each time you change the white balance setting it will take the first picture with the white balance you choose.  After that it resets itself to whatever it wants.  It doesn't matter what white balance setting you have saved.  So eact picture I have to go into the menu and switch the white balance to something else and then back to the whtie balance I actually want.  It's totally unbelievable.  C'mon Nokia!  Flagship phone?!  Really?!  Do the engineers actually use the device or do they design it and ship the plans off to Asia and just assume everything turned out okay?  The White Balance is malpractice.  And before anyone asks I am on Tango with the latest Nokia update installed.

    Hi. We are sorry to hear this. Try doing the troubleshooting steps provided on the below link:
    Let us know if this helps or not.

  • Lumia 900 MMS APN

    I am trying to help someone that is using a Lumia 900. They are not able to send or receive MMS messages. They are on an MVNO that operates on the ATT network. There is no place to add an MMS APN in the phone. I know that there are applications that people say will work. I would prefer to add the APN manually. I found posts that say that I can do the following.
    Go to the phone app
    Dial ##634# and click Send
    When prompted for a password type 277634#*#
    You should now be at "Factory Menu"
    Choose "Engineer Menu"
    Choose "Other Setting"
    Verify that "Set ADC" is set to Enable
    From the "Other Setting" page, choose "Set network profile"
    You should now be on the "Set network profile" page and in the bottom half of the window you should see a list of *.xml files.  These appear to be the network configuration files. 
    Choose "_PROV_ATT_US_310_410.xml"
    Can anyone confirm that this method works? Does it change any settings other than the APNs?
    Can someone post a copy of the xml text so that I can see if before making the change?

    Settings > accesspoint should have the option to add the MMS access point. Provided the phone is at WP 7.8
    Actually the last available accesspoint version should set this automatically without the need for tinkering with an inherently dangerous option such as the service menu which really is not intended for 'personal use'. If you choose to go that way you're basically on your own.
    Click on the blue Star Icon below if my advice has helped you or press the 'Accept As Solution' link if I solved your problem..

  • Lumia 900 specs?

    For the 22 years I've owned a cell phone I've NEVER owned a non-Nokia phone and I don't really want to look else where for my next phone, but I want/need some of the conveinences/features contained in my current Nokia 5800 XpressMusic phone.
    I have been waiting for the Lumia 900 to be released since it was announced and just yesterday I read the specs for it.  However, I still have some questions about the 900:
    What Bluetooth profiles does it ship with?
    Will it sync with Zune via Bluetooth?
    Does the Zune software, or some other software, allow SMS messaging through the phone from a PC?
    Is the Zune software as comprehensive, or more so, as the Nokia Suite software I use with my Symbian based 5800?
    The specs indicate the phone has two microphones ... why?
    The specs list the model number of the battery.  And, that the phone has unibody construction.  Is the battery user replaceable?
    Will the 900 be upgradable to Windows Phone 8, when its released, or will the 900 be stuck/orphaned with 7.5?
    There was no mention of TV out connectivity.  Was that an omission fromt the specs ... or, does it really not have it?
    Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
    Go to Solution.

    luxsphinx thanks for your reply.
    I also am in the US and I travel a lot and the TV out feature is great in that I can connect my Nokia 5800 to my PC via USB, see the phone, and it's memory card, as additional hard disks (which is not available on the Lumia 900), copy a couple of movies to the MicroSD card (which is definitely not available on the Lumia 900), get to the hotel at my destination, plug in the TV out cable which was supplied with the phone and watch a movie of my choice on the big screen in 16:9 Hi-Res.
    As for the ability to send SMS while connected to the PC ... I get/send a lot of text messages and if I'm at my desk PC, or on the road on my laptop, I just plug the phone into the computer, open Nokia Suite software, sync the messages and any new messages that come are displayed in a popup window in the lower right hand corner of the screen.  I can click on the popup window, the message opens up and I can read and reply on the full sized screen and via the full sized keyboard, click send and I'm back to work again without having to touch the phone ... or, it's tiny keyboard.  Since all SMS messages are received and sent via the phone (albeit through a USB cable, or via Bluetooth).  (Bluetooth data transfer is also not available on the Lumia 900).  When I unplug and leave my desk, all the message history goes with me, unlike when through an IM client (which, while also convenient when at the desk, leaves the message history at the desk as I think a PC client would use a phone number that is different than the number of the cell phone).
    Additionally, the Nokia Suite software allows viewing, editing and synchronizing contacts DIRECTLY with Outlook (no cloud involved), viewing and synchronizing pictures, backing up the phone's settings and software, browsing the app store, updating firmware and apps, playing/purchasing music, and downloading and updating maps.  The Nokia Suite software allows for some real conveniences.  The "new" system for the Lumia 900 has NO WAY to back up the phone's settings at all ... that I've been able to determine anyway.  Files get backed up to "the cloud" eating up the data plan, or maybe through a data cable to Zune.  I don't know yet about firmware updates or map updates via a data cable, or if they have to eat up the data plan also.  Since I don't have a Windows Phone yet, I can't see what Zune is capable of.
    As far as I can find out the Zune software allows an interface for manipulating and synchronizing media (music, video and pictures) and that's about all.  There doesn't appear to be a way to copy anything to the Lumia 900's memory directly through a computer's file management program. (Windows Explorer), and that's ridiculous!
    I know I'm just used to my 3 year old Nokia 5800, but the lack of features in the Lumia 900, that I've grown accustomed to in my 5800, are NUMEROUS!  I'm having a difficult time seeing this as "progress".
    I know what you're saying regarding the battery issue.  My 5800 has a replaceable battery. And, on occasion I have to insert my "standby" battery to keep going for the rest of the day till I can get to a charger.  I'm now faced with looking at charging EVERY chance I get ... and/or buying one of the external battery packs as a backup power supply till I can get to a charger.  That is "if" I get a Lumia 900.  This just really sucks that I feel like I'm having to "settle" for so much less than what Nokia has made me accustomed to, in order to have their "new - top of the line - flagship?" cell phone!!!
    I think you're mistaken about AT&T's "inability" to issue updates.  AT&T is the world's largest communications company.  They are definitely "able" to issue an update.  What it really comes down to is ... they are unwilling, for whatever reason, to issue updates in a timely manner, if at all!  There was a rumor/discussion about Nokia forcing the service providers to issue "at least every other" firmware update produced by the manufacturer.  But, it now sounds like AT&T has won out and they don't "have to" issue any updates, if they don't want to.  I can't imagine that could be good for Nokia, as improvements ... and stability fixes ... are now up to AT&T.  So, the end user experience will suffer and Nokia's brand will be tarnished, when in fact, the fault lies with the service provider AT&T.  **bleep**!
    ANY new top of the line Nokia, or any other manufacturer's, "smartphone" should be able to transfer files/data/tether via Bluetooth.  I'm neither a software, nor a hardware, engineer ... but, how difficult can it be to add a Bluetooth profile ... or two?
    A top of the line Nokia "smartphone" should be able to connect to a PC with Nokia Suite (via both Bluetooth and data cable) for synchronization, image and SMS backup, data transfer AND for SMS messaging via the PC's full size keyboard.  In these respects I was hoping the Lumia 900 would be at least as advanced as my 3 year old Nokia 5800, but it's NOT!  Also, a camera that is at least as good as the iPhone camera should be a given.  From some images I've seen posted in other forums, I'm not so sure that the Lumia 900's camera is as good ... in lower lux environs.  It seems to do a good job when there's a lot of light around though.
    The Lumia 900 certainly is nice to look at, and it feels nice to hold, ... but, it is lacking some very BASIC features, at least to me.
    I also think there should be some definitive information issued by either Microsoft, and/or Nokia, regarding the availability of an upgrade path to the new Windows Phone 8 OS that is due out in just a few months.  Should we really be expected to buy a phone that will have an orphaned OS in a matter of months?
    Since my first cell phone, 20 years ago!, I've NEVER owned a non-Nokia phone.  I don't want an iPhone.  I don't want an Android phone.  I want another Nokia phone!  I've been waiting for the Lumia 900 for months.  But, I'm sorely disappointed that the Lumia 900 has been short changed in its feature set.
    I don't know whether the fault lies with the Microsoft's Windows Phone 7.5 OS, or with Nokia's hardware, or both.  But, these issues MUST be fixed, or Microsoft AND Nokia will lose/not gain the market share they both are vying for.
    In the current cell phone market, it would seem to me, that for OS and hardware makers, it's all about differentiating yourself from your competitors.  Microsoft's Windows Phone OS is competing with both Apple's iOS and Google's Android, neither of which are light-weights. Nokia is competing with a plethora of fine hardware manufacturers.  Even though Nokia is the largest cell phone manufacturer in the world, they only have a fraction of the smartphone market.  Unfortunately, I don't currently see the crippled Microsoft WP/Lumia lineup changing that.  Maybe Microsoft and Nokia are OK with that ... after all, iOS is laden with limitations for it's users, and purchasers flock to it because of the fine hardware, almost bullet proof iOS ... and all the apps.  Android, while offering more flexibility than iOS and WP offer, is making a move toward less flexibility (like the others have already done) to reduce/eliminate fragmentation of the OS.  Perhaps that is the end goal for MS and Nokia ... cripple the OS, limit the user and limit the hardware's functionality, but ... make it beautiful, and hope that we will flock to it.
    Sorry, I know this a probably a lot more than you ever wanted to know, but I suppose I just had to vent all the frustrations that have been building up since I've been looking into the specs for the my much anticipated Lumia 900.
    All I know is ... I'm sorely disappointed ... and, for the first time ever, ... I'm re-evaluating whether, or not, to buy another Nokia phone.  How sad!
    Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

  • Lumia 900 video in

    Is there a way to get video from a different source, say an NTSC camera or DVD player into the Lumia 900? I see Hauppage makes a USB video input device.  The Hauppage device only seems to interface with Windows on a PC and it would need a USB-micro adapter. I would like to use the 900 as a display device in my car for a parking camera and use the GPS while driving.
    A bluetooth or Wifi input connection would be even better.

    Just to add the Main rear camera resolution is 1280x720 (720p HD) while the front (as psychomania has stated) is only really for video calling and its resolution is 640x480(VGA).
    When recording on the main camera at 720p resolution the file format is a .mp4 file.
    The Audio codec used when recording with the main camera is AAC (Advanced Audio codec) with 2 channel stereo with a sampling rate of 48khz with a variable bitrate in around the 90kbs region. What you will need to do is to find out if this application Sony Vegas supports this audio codec, if not then you will need to convert to the sound everytime. Also just to ask if you play your Lumia recorded video files through the P.C using the standard media player (Windows media player) do you hear any sound?
    If you find this post helpful, a click upon the white star at bottom would always be appreciated.
    If it also solves your problem, clicking ACCEPT AS SOLUTION below it will benefit other users!

  • How much ram should Lumia 900 have?

    I have had my Lumia 900 for almost a week, and I am very happy with the build quality and design. However, I found my device can only be detected up to 358 MB total ram, which is not consistent with what Nokia claims it should have 512MB. Can anyone clarify this confusion for me? Thanks!
    Go to Solution.

    How are you checking the memory? Sure you're not seeing "Available Free Memory"?
    Keep in mind that the OS and any background tasks are going to use memory. You'll never see 512k of available memory as the OS alone is going to use memory. It can also cache into memory so if you see a very low number it's not a big deal as I find WP7 handles/releases memory to apps very well.

  • Lumia 900: How do I copy an entire very long text ...

    I met my girlfirend for some time now and we have been texting back an forth. All of her texts have been preserved in my phone as one single very long conversation. I would like to save this one very long conversation to my PC, so I can then print it out and save it. No one writes love letters anymore. Lovers text and I would like to keep these messages for posperity. I know you can copy and save individual texts, but how do you do it for an entire several hundred texts long conversation? Saving and copying each individual text would take ages.

    Lumia 900, as well as other WP7.5 phones, does not support this feature. The synchronization of media files is being done through the Zune software. Copying and transferring of messages is available for supported Symbian devices that is compatible with the Nokia Suite. 

  • Already Converted 10 of my family members over to AT&T for Nokia Lumia 900!!!

    You decided to drag you feet, promote the crap out of Android and stop supporting Windows Phone 7.
    So I converted 10 of my family members over yesterday to AT&T for the Nokia Lumia 900.
    I got them $100 credit towards the Nokia Lumia 900 which AT&T was charging $99 dollars for the phone on Pre-Order.
    So my family members only had to pay $36 for the activation fee.
    Verizon, you had your chance.  You had multiple chances.  If you truly wanted an LTE Windows Phone 7 from Microsoft, you could have easily worked something out with them, just like AT&T did.
    All the information has been leaked out, Apollo/Windows Phone 8 was supposed to have LTE but because AT&T showed that they really were interested in Windows Phone 7 and actually carring a lineup of Windows Phone 7, Microsoft worked it out for them.
    So you can take all your Droid crap that you have heavily invested in, along with all your iPhone 4s that keep hogging all the bandwidth on your network and stick it were the sun don't shine.
    I promise you this, when my contract is done I will be terminating my account in FULL and switching over to AT&T as well.
    To not even stand behind a product that we all have signed 2 year contracts with is unacceptable for the price were paying.  To hold back all updates besides Mango is unacceptable just to lock in new 2 year contracts.  And I'm talking about Droid too.
    Carriers should not be in controll of phone updates PERIOD!!!  Updates should be released from the OS Manufactures just like on computers.  This business model that the industry has created is a SCAM, JOKE and an INSULT to everyone that puts there hard earned money up for phone service.
    Verizon, you have lost all respect in my book, and I will do everything possible to get everyone and everybody I talk to away from your network.
    Only way to solve this issue is to address the Windows Phone 7 community and actually annouce something, PERIOD!!!  Release the 8107 update as a good faith measure and issue a press release stating your business model regarding Windows Phone 7... Unless you want more dollars going to AT&T.
    Also, latest news shows that Android only made $22million in revenues last year, and spend $20 billion acquiring Motorola.  So I don't see Andriod being able to do much in the year 2012 to ramp things up to compete against Windows Phone 7/Nokia and Apple.
    Do Something, NOW!!! CAN YOU HEAR US NOW!!!
    Also, here's another suggestion... Do like AT&T has done and give users a early termination fee to get out of there contracts.  I believe they charge $35 dollars or something higher if your not satisified and want to terminate your contract early.
    Since you don't want to support or offer any more Windows Phone 7, why keep us as unhappy customers.  Give us an option to pay a early termination fee and leave!!!

    thejester77 wrote:
    Also, latest news shows that Android only made $22million in revenues last year, and spend $20 billion acquiring Motorola.  So I don't see Andriod being able to do much in the year 2012 to ramp things up to compete against Windows Phone 7/Nokia and Apple. What news are you reading? Android is not a company but a phone operating system. GOOGLE acquired Motorola, not Android. GOOGLE's 2011 revenues were 37.9 billion, NOT 22 million. Google acquired Motorola for 12.5 billion, NOT 20 billion.
    Also, here's another suggestion... Do like AT&T has done and give users a early termination fee to get out of there contracts.  I believe they charge $35 dollars or something higher if your not satisified and want to terminate your contract early.
    Since you don't want to support or offer any more Windows Phone 7, why keep us as unhappy customers.  Give us an option to pay a early termination fee and leave!!! Again, where are you getting this information? The AT&T ETF is $325 less $10 for each month of your contract which has been completed. It is NOT $35. Verizon has a similar, although slightly higher ETF of $350 less $10 for each month of your contract which has been completed.
    Yes, we can hear you, but you are not making any sense!

  • Lumia 900 bluetooth connection drop

    I have a Flyaudio multimedia head unit (type 80054A1) in my car and I just recently bought a Nokia Lumia 900 with 7.5 software version. The problem is that it connects the phone, finds the call records etc etc, seems everything is working fine. And then it starts droppng the connection - maybe a 30 seconds and the connection is lost, then another 15 second or so and the connections is back on, and so it repeats itself the whole day. I updated the phone to 7.8 and still the same continues. At the same time, my wife's phone stays on connected the whole time, as do other friends who have tried this. As far as I have checked all of the phones have BT 2.1+EDR (the multimedia unit itself is 2.0+EDR). So it should work fine, but for my Nokia it isn't.
    Please help me as this is geting totally frustrating.

    Hi lumiasubaru,
    Welcome to the forum!
    Have you already verified this to your car's manufacturer if the Lumia 900 is compatible with its Bluetooth? You can also try to soft reset your phone by pressing and holding the Power button for 10 seconds. After it’s off, press the power button to turn on your phone again.

  • Lumia 900 Various Issues

    I recently purchased a white Lumia 900 this past weekend, and just wanted to go over some concerns/issues I've had with it thus far.  I was thinking about doing a return/replace with At&t, but it seems that the issues may vary.  I'm hoping many of these can be resolved with a software update.  Just FYI, I already ran the update that was released on 4/16 and have also reset the phone a few times since then.
    1.  The display has a purple hue (most noticeable on gray backgrounds) when set to low brightness.  This is mostly an annoynace since my wife has the same phone and hers does not exhibit this behavior.  I'm hoping this is not a hardware issue as it displays fine above the low brightness setting.  Below is at least one thread of people having the same issue.
    2.  Screen response is slow.  It seems that that there is a delay between where my finger is and how the screen tracks my movements.  I'm hoping that can be adjusted to be similar to how the Lumia 800 responds as per this video.  The tracking starts at 3:45.
    3.  Home screen scrolling is slower than other Windows Phones.  On my previous Dell Venue Pro, I could scroll through the home screen much faster.  From reading about the web, it seems that the Lumia 900 is set at a much slower pace, or that the inertia scrolling just isn't set.  I'm hoping that can either be changed or allow us to change the scroll speed.  The combination of the larger screen, the slower screen response, and the slower scrolling just makes the phone feel slower than it should be.
    1.  There is a large volume discrepancy between the speaker and the headphone jack.  I try to keep the volume at one setting (around 18) because that is most comfortable for me when listening with headphones, but switching back to the speaker, and it is just clearly too loud at that setting.  I'm hoping this can be changed with an update.
    2.  Changing the volume while the screen is off is very inconsistent.  I have to press the volume rocker buttons several times before it makes the incremental change.  It seems others were having issues with the volume rocker not working at all prior to the 4/16 update, so I'm hoping this can be fixed further.
    3.  Vibrate function seems to be making a rattling noise.  This one definitely seems to be a hardware issue, though what I have seems to be 'normal' for a Lumia 900.  It's not as bad as others I've seen on the web, where it would be extremely loud, but it is annoying nonetheless.  I'm just hoping a hardware fix can be put in place for the future.  It sounds similar to that of the Lumia 900 at the end of this video.
    1.  The camera has issues with white balance and focus.  This is definitely a software issue, since 3rd party camera software are able to take great pictures just fine, such as SophieCam.  I'm hoping this can be addressed soon.
    Despite these issues, I really do like the phone.  I hope many of these issues can be addressed soon via software updates.  We broke contract with our previous carrier to obtain these phones, and would really like to keep them, but not at their current state with these various issues.  I'm hoping Nokia will see these issues and provide quick and helpful support for them.

    OK, so I've calmed down a bit and now realize some detailed explanation of the issue could help to identify it more than ranting.  So, here are the usage conditions and symptoms I noticed when I got into this battry drain, laggy, warm phone situation.
    1st time:
    Where:  At work which is outside of Phoenix in a spotty reception area.  I had maybe 1-2bars of 4G showing
    What: Drove to work using bluetooth audio all the way. When I got to work I was trying to download an App, but the download failed.  I tried again, and the download started, then just froze at 15%.  I cancelled the download and tried again.  It started to download and froze again at 15%.  I attributed this to the weak coverage (but since then I've been able to complete a download from the same location with the same service)
    Then the battery seemed to drain as fast as I could charge it...literally.  I had the phone plugged into a USB charger and the state of charge barely changed after hours of charging.  I never thought to re-start.  I got home and my battery was basically dead after bluetooth audio all the way home (almost 1 hr).  I finally restarted and had no more issues.  Didn't really think anything of it...just thought my new phone had a **bleep** battery life
    2nd time (following day):
    Where: At home with strong LTE coverage in Tempe
    What:  Woke up, paired up with my portable bluetooth stereo at home.  Let the music play while I hung out in the pool for a few hours.  I was simultaneously taking pictures throughout the afternoon.  Battery charge quickly fell to about 25%.  I started to notice that when I would zoom into the pictures I had just taken, it would take about 15sec for the resolution to re-sharpen after zooming in.  About 20min later my battery critically low warning came on.  So, I plugged into my wall charger.  Can't remember at what point I re-started.
    That was Saturday.  I had no issues and great battery life on Sunday.  No bluetooth audio usage.  Used Nokia Drive, the phone, internet, and various apps, but no BTA.
    3rd time:
    Where:  Driving from Tempe to work, passing in and out of coverage along the way
    What: Streamed Bluetooth audio the entire drive with a few phone calls mixed in.  Got to work and the phone was warm, but I assumed this was normal after an hour of usage.  Got into work and noticed it being laggy in general.  Turned off data and BT  Gave it a few minutes to recover and for the phone to cool off with no usage.  Phone didn't cool off and remained laggy, so I figured something was up.  I re-started, all issues disappeared, and phone cooled off.  It has been fine since.

  • Lumia 900 gets stuck on 4G (HSPA+) and won't conne...

    In this thread, 4G referrs to HSPA+, LTE referrs to LTE.
    Below I'm going to go into detail about the LTE issue with the Lumia 900 on AT&T.  This issue is separate from the no data connectivity issue that has already been addressed with an update.
    The problem: The phone will not reconnect to LTE after you leave the LTE coverage area and come back into the LTE coverage area.  Data works fine, but the phone only connects to 4G (HSPA+).  You are now stuck with slower 4G untill you reboot the phone or use the airplane mode trick (explained later).
    For example: I live in a 4G coverage area and work in an LTE coverage area.  I go to work and the phone connects to LTE.  I go home and the phone drops to 4G like it should since there is no LTE there.  When I go back to work the next day, the phone will not connect to LTE.  It stays on 4G.  I have attached two pictures demonstrating the issue.  Picture 1 shows the phone with a 4G data connection even though I have 5 signal bars and I'm in an LTE coverage area.  Picture 2 shows the same phone after I reboot the device.  I'm in the exact same location, but I now have LTE after reboot.
    When does the problem seem to occur?  The problem occurs if you leave the LTE coverage area and come back after a few hours.  It seems to happen most often after only 2 to 8 hours in the 4G area.
    I have been working with AT&T engineering for about a month and they have done multiple traces and can't find anything wrong with the network.  They see the phone connected to the 4G antenna instead of the LTE antenna on the tower.  My moms Lumia 900 has the same problem.  My wife has the HTC Titan II Windows Phone with LTE and it works perfectly.
    Based on my own observations, the issue has nothing to do with the amount of data you use either.  During the time you leave the LTE area, the battery may also appear to drain faster than normal.  I believe the problem is the phone keeps looking for that LTE signal but can't find it.  It then gives up and goes into 4G mode to save the battery but never again tries to reconnect to LTE.
    How to force create the problem:  I did this 8 miles from the official LTE coverage area.  1) At a high elevation facing the LTE coverage area, I turned on airplane mode while I was NOT in the LTE coverage area.  2) Next I turned off airplane mode.  3) The phone connected to LTE with one signal bar while not in the LTE coverage area.  4) Moments later it dropped to 4G.  5) Then I drove 10 minutes to the LTE coverage area and it did not connect to LTE.  It appears the phone saw the very weak signal and locked itself in 4G mode.
    Temporary fix:  To restore the LTE connection, you can reboot the device, or turn airplane mode on and then turn airplane mode off a few seconds later.  This of course turns off all radios and turns them back on.
    Please also feel free to see this thread on the AT&T Online Forums.  I'm not the only person with this problem.  AT&T Forums
    Does anyone else have this happen or can anyone at Nokia please look into this?
    Picture 1.jpg ‏306 KB
    Picture 2.jpg ‏267 KB

    This issue has still not been fixed.  I wish it would be fixed but Nokia hasn't officially responded to the issue.  Constantly having to use the airplane mode to get LTE is frustrating.  Just last week my phone got stuck in HSPA+ 3 times in one day while at my work desk (poor signal in building).
    I really wish Nokia would resolve this as they have resolved most other user complaints.  Data connectivity bugs should be a high priority item.
    I'm on my 4th Lumia 900, I've tried all the updates, doing a phone reset and working with AT&T engineering to no success.  My mom's Lumia 900 has the same problem.  Twitter support only says AT&T needs to reset my account.  I don't really get that.

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