Lync default sip domain

Dear All lync expert User's,
I have fqdn setup with 
now i have installed frontend server with default sip domain to be Added live valid domain in topology and publish it. When i go to generate csr for i can see alot subject alertative name with .local and .com. How can i get rid of to
get only .com domain so i have to pay less amount while getting ucc. 
Do i have to reconfigure topology with valid domain as primary domain 
if change default sip domain to valid live domain does it impact anything. 
please advise . 

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Similar Messages

  • Lync 2013 mobile app does not work internally, SIP domain is Different than users UPN. not sure if that matters.

    using the lync client connectivity tester on a pc on the same lan as my mobile client everything is green and it says its ready for use.
    using my android galaxy s5 client on wifi on the same lan i get a screen with waiting to sign in spinning and an error at the top "we cant connect to the server check your network connection and server address, and try again."
    i have uploaded the full client log files
    here: client log file
    some errors that stand out from this log file are:
    1. ERROR HttpEngine: Certificate check fails: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
    2. <h2>401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.</h2>
      <h3>You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.</h3>
    i am using the correct creds, same creds i used on the analyzer tool.
    in the analyzer tool i did have to fill in the username field because my sip domain is different then my users UPN. which from what ive read its required to use the username field.
    i also filled in the username field in the mobile app with domain\username
    3. ERROR LYNC: ERROR TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/platform/networkapis/privateandroid/CHttpConnection.cpp/295:CHttpConnection exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Jan 14, 2015 8:40:49 AM INFO LYNC: INFO TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/ucmp/transport/requestprocessor/private/CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/173:Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = 0x22020001
    Jan 14, 2015 8:40:49 AM INFO LYNC: INFO TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/ucmp/transport/requestprocessor/private/CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp/201:Request UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest resulted in E_ConnectionError (E2-2-1). The retry
    counter is: 0
    4. Jan 14, 2015 8:40:50 AM ERROR LYNC: ERROR TRANSPORT /Volumes/ServerHD2/buildagent/workspace/200604/tps/ucmp/ucmp/transport/authenticationresolver/private/CAuthenticationResolver.cpp/431:Failing the original request as we weren't able to get the token
    this is the same type of error i was getting in the lync connectivity analyzer until i filled in the username field. but its filled in, in my client.
    again you can see the full log file is `HERE
    thank you in advance for any help. im trying to get internal working before i try external.

    I am trying to configure a reverseproxy on my netscaler which is in a 2 arm mode(dmz/internal) but I keep getting an error when configuring the monitor.
    i used this guide to configure it
    but continue to get this error in the netscaler monitor "Failure - TCP connection successful, but application timed out"
    so the virtual server is never up, thinking about just changing it to tcp as a monitor so it stays up and i can at lesat get the vip up.
    Also your link to the diagram shows it going to the reverse  proxy but the one im using has it going directly to the front end servers.
    I'm guessing Microsoft's is the correct one but wonder why the config differential?
    I see that your diagram says "mobility url", what is the mobility url? i though that was the
    current setup is
    2 fe servers on internal
    1 edge server on dmz
    1 almost done reverse proxy netscaler load balancer.
    also this ms link i used to configure dns entries, along with the pdf linked above.
    i currently have these external dns entries and they all point to the edge server on the dmz.
    the internal dns links point to 1 of the front end servers
    thanks again for your help.

  • Lync 2013 certificate requirements for multiple SIP domains

    Hi All,
    I am engaged with a client in respect of a Lync 2013 implementation initially as a conferencing platform with a view to enabling EV functions (inc. PSTN conferencing) in the future. They initially need to support 30 SIP domains and eventually
    around 100 SIP domains which is proving to be either not possible or severely cost prohibitive. Their current certificate provider, Thawte, can only support up to 25 SANs and have quoted them 5 figures. We tend to use GeoTrust as they are cheaper but they
    appear to have a limit of 25 SANs. GoDaddy appear to support up to 100 SANs for a pretty reasonable cost. My questions are as follows:
    Is there a way that I’m missing of reducing the number of SANs required on the Edge server?
    Use aliases for access edge FQDNs - Supported by desktop client but not by other devices so not really workable
    Don’t support XMPP federation therefore removing the need for domain name FQDNs for each SIP domain
    Is there a way that I’m missing of reducing the number of SANs required on the Reverse Proxy server?
    Friendly URL option 3 from this page:
    Client auto-configuration:
    Don’t support mobile client auto-configuration in which case no DNS records or SANs would be required.
    Support mobile client auto-configuration over HTTP only in which case CNAME records are required for each SIP domain (, etc. pointing to but no SANs are required.
    Support mobile client auto-configuration over HTTPS in which case DNS records are required for each SIP domain and a SAN entry for each SIP domains is also required. This is because a DNS CNAME to another domain is not supported over
    If the answer to 1 and/or 2 is no, are there certificate providers that support over 100 SANs?
    How do certificate requirements differ when using the Lync 2013 hosting pack? I would think that this issue is something that a hosting provider would need to overcome.
    Would the Lync 2013 Hosting Pack work for this customer? The customer uses SPLA licensing so I think is eligible to use the hosting pack but not 100% sure it will work in their environment given that client connections are supposed
    to all come through the Edge where their tenants will be internal and also given the requirement for an ACP for PSTN conferencing.
    Many thanks,

    Many thanks for the response.
    I was already planning to use option 3 from the below page for simple URLs to cut down on SAN requirement.
    What are the security concerns for publishing autodiscover over port 80? I.e. Is this only used for the initial download of the discovery record and then HTTPS is used for authentication? This seems to be the case from the following note on the below page:
    Mobile device clients do not support multiple Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates from different domains. Therefore, CNAME redirection to different domains is not supported over HTTPS. For example, a DNS CNAME record for that redirects
    to an address of is not supported over HTTPS.
    In such a topology, a mobile device client needs to use HTTP for the first request, so that the CNAME redirection is resolved over HTTP. Subsequent requests then use HTTPS. To support this scenario, you need to configure your reverse proxy with a web publishing
    rule for port 80 (HTTP).
    For details, see "To create a web publishing rule for port 80" in Configuring the Reverse Proxy for Mobility. CNAME redirection to the same domain is supported over HTTPS. In this case, the destination domain's certificate covers the originating
    I don’t think SRV records for additional SIP domain access edge is a workable solution as this is not supported by some devices.
    As per the below article:
    “The recommended approach for external client Automatic Sign-In when supporting multiple SIP domains is to include a unique Access Edge FQDN for each domain name in the SAN field.  This is no longer a requirement (it was in OCS) as it is possible to
    create a DNS Service Locator Record (SRV) for each additional SIP domain yet have them all point back to the same original FQDN for the Access Edge service (e.g. 
    This approach will trigger a security alert in Windows Lync clients which can be accepted by the user, but some other clients and devices are unable to connect when the Automatic Sign-In process returns a pair of SRV and Host (A) records which do not share
    the same domain namespace.  Thus it is still best practice to define a unique FQDN for each additional SIP domain and include that hostname in the external Edge certificate’s SAN field”.
    1. Basically the requirement is to initially provide Lync conferencing services (minus PSTN conferencing) to internal, external, federated and anonymous participants with a view to providing PSTN conferencing and therefore enterprise voice services later.
    2. The customer currently supports close to 100 SMTP domains and wants to align their SIP domains with these existing domains. The structure of their business is such that “XXX IT Services” provide the IT infrastructure for a collection of companies who
    fall under the XXX umbrella but are very much run as individual entities.
    Would you agree that I’m going to need a SAN for every SIP domain’s access edge FQDN?

  • Add SIP Domain to Lync 2013

    Hello, I'm looking to add an additional SIP domain to Lync 2013 Standard.  We plan to give a group of users a login with the new SIP domain and add them to an existing front end pool. 
    Aside from adding the SIP domain within Topology Builder, what are the other steps required (certificate, etc?).  Thanks.

    Take a look at Shawn Kirkpatrick's blog:
    Please mark posts as answers/helpful if it answers your question.
    Lync Validator - Used to assist in the validation and documentation of Lync Server 2013.

  • Multiple additional SIP domains - certificate and DNS requirements

    We've setup Lync 2010 Enterprise in our organisation and have successfully enabled a couple of thousand users.
    This is working successfully internally, externally and through Lync Mobile.
    However, we've only enabled users who are using the main company domain for SMTP and SIP addresses (so all nice and easy so far!)
    In other words, user A has a primary SMTP and SIP address of
    However, due to numerous mergers and acquisitions over the years, we have quite a lot of users who have other primary SMTP addresses e.g.,,, etc etc
    There must be in excess of 40 to 50
    of these other domains in use as primary SMTP addresses.
    (Nearly all
    these users have secondary SMTP addresses of
    I have been told to approach this from a best practices point of view and give all users a SIP address that matches their primary SMTP address and calculate how much it will cost to buy certificates to cover enabling every user for Lync on all these domains.
    I know from reading that wilcard certificates are considered to be a bad thing generally with Lync, especially if using Lync Mobility as the phone Lync clients don't accept them. 
    Wilcard certificates aside, what are the names that will I need to add to my SAN certificates?  Presumably,,,,,,
    The potential cost of all these names is frankly getting pretty scary considering we currently use Verisign for all our cert requirements, and they charge like a wounded bull.  However, I still need to report back with a cost of doing this, no matter
    what it is.
    Any thoughts/comments would be very welcome. :-)

    Actually the Mobility clients for mobile devices (cell phones, tablets) DO support wildcard entries in the certificates, it's the Lync Phone Edition client (desktop handset devices) which does not work with wildcards.  So you may be able to use wildcards,
    but do plenty of research on how to approach this.  Here are some articles to get started:
    That said, if you decide to skip the wildcard approach then you do NOT need to add additional entries for ALL FQDN types, only some.
    For both the Edge Server external certificate and any internal Front End certificate you'll need to add the 'sip' FQDN for every domain to the SAN field.,,, etc
    The Front End certificate will also need the lyncdiscover and lyncdiscoverinternal
    FQDNs, and the Reverse Proxy certificate will require the lyncdiscover
    For Exchange Server you'll need to an record as well, although this can also be covered by the wildcard entry.  The remainder of names (web conferencing, external web services, dialin, meet, etc.) can all remain in the primary
    SIP domain only as these FQDNs will be passed in-band to the clients after they have successfully signed-in to Lync.  Unless you need users to all user their own domain names for the SimpleURLs (which it doesn't not sound like in your scenario) then you'd
    have to add all those as well.
    So if you are not supporting any Lync Phone Edition devices I would try going with the wildcard route first to see how well things work.  And even if you do have some of those devices you could simply add the 40-50 FQDNs to both the FE and Edge certificate but still use a wildcard entry for the mobility clients, SimpleURls, etc.  Just make sure that the certificates Common Name (e.g. Subject Name) is NOT the wildcard entry, use the primary
    domain name entry in the CN and then place the wildcard entries in the SAN field.  It is also best practice to duplicate the CN as a SAN field entry for the widest range of support by all clients.
    For example:
    Edge Server external certificate
    Common Name:
    Subject Alternative Name:, *, *, *, *,
    Jeff Schertz | Microsoft Solutions Architect - Polycom | Lync MVP

  • Lab setup multiple SIP domains for federation

    I have been setting up multiple Lync 2013 lab environments and have a question about my external DNS environment. I have installed server 2012R2 on the host running the lab with its own domain (contoso.local). I have this server which hosts a separate domain,
    Hyper-V and a CA, this is what I am using for my external environment. The network IP is
    I set up a server called vRouter that has 3 NICs. In Hyper-v I have 3 virtual switches configured. One for the External environment - (not necessary for lab, setup to transfer needed files from internet to VMs), one for, and one
    with The virtual router has RRAS installed and can route traffic between and
    My VMs for the lab are as follows.
    AD1.1test.local -
    FE1.1test.local -
    Edge1 -,
    AD2.1test.local -
    FE2.1test.local -
    Edge2.1test.local -,
    Both environments have users that can log into lync and message each other.
    When installing the Edge servers I used the same FQDN and IP for the external interface since all ports are open and firewalls have been disabled internally. I installed the internal certificate from the AD server which has CA role in each environment. On
    the external device I used the Host's CA to get certificates for both Edge servers. The Edge servers have 2 NICs one on their expected internal environment with no Gateway. And one on the external environment. These servers are not part of any domain. however
    I did add the contoso.local to the primary DNS suffix when domain membership changes under system properties. I then created the two following A records on the host computer (\16 network, contoso.local) to be able to see router their external traffic.
    Both of these FQDNs are what is in my topology for the Access Edge service, Web Conferencing Edge Service, and A/v Edge Service with the same IP using different ports in both environments.
    Both environments are set up to support the other SIP domain. However when I try to add a user from the other domain I cannot communicate with that user nor see their presence.
    I looked over my external DNS settings and realized that I had not set a SRV record on the\16 network(external).
    I then realized that if I try to add the traditional _sipfederationtls._tcp.contoso.local I will have 2 conflicting entries.
    One for:
    _sipfederationtls._tcp.contoso.local - (1test.local edge)
    and one for:
    _sipfederationtls._tcp.contoso.local - (2test.local edge)
    Should I spin up another VM and make that a DC with a CA and trust it to the host computer, set up conditional forwarders. Something like Trust.local and correct the DNS, topology builder FQDN, and certificates on the second edge server?
    Or can I add a new zone to my host computer then correct the DNS, topology builder FQDN, Certificates?
    Or am I missing another external DNS record on my contoso.local environment?
    Can I set up a CNAME entry that will mask the second edge server?
    Any input would be appreciated.

    If is not a sip domain, then you won't need that DNS record at all.  Those records are autodiscover records that Lync uses based upon the sip domain. 
    So you'd need
    What effectively happens, is when someone on the outside tries to IM
    [email protected], their Lync edge server will see the 1test.local and query the appropriate above record for it so it knows where to communicate.
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".
    SWC Unified Communications

  • How would I request skype for two sip domains and one edge

    I have a could logistic questions.
    1 edge server : (fqdn of access server)
    2 sip domains: and
    public certificate with SN: as well as all of the SAN's including and
    3 A records with the same IP:,,
    2 srv records pointing to and on port 5061. (since they have the same IP as and that servers certificate has names for all of them I figure this is a correct method to set them up.
    My first question was when I requested my federation with Skype via Microsoft with my license agreement number it asked me for the fqdn of my access edge server. I figured this would be It then asked me for my sip domains and
    I added two, and Did I do this correctly or should I have put in two requests, one for fqdn of and sip domain of and one for and domain Or should I change my srv records to both
    point to
    Currently when I am looking for contacts in Skype I cant find my accounts and vice versa if I add an account in lync for Skype it just reports offline. so I figure I did something wrong with my logic above. I can easily request an update but I want to make
    sure I get it right this time.
    Loren Hudson

    Hi Loren
    As far as I know, you could add one or more SIP domain names at the same time.
    To initiate the provisioning process for Lync-Skype connectivity:
    1.Sign in to the website,, using your Microsoft Windows Live ID.
    2.Select the Microsoft licensing agreement type.
    3.Select the check box, verifying that you have read and accept the Product Use Rights for Lync Server.
    4.On the Initiate a Provisioning Request page, click the appropriate link to initiate a provisioning request:
    5.On the Specify Provisioning Information page, enter the Access Edge service FQDN. For example,
    6.Enter at least one or more SIP domain names, and then click Add.
    7.In the list of
    Public IM Service providers, select
    Skype, and click
    Next to add contact information, and submit the provisioning request.
    Click the link below for more information.
    Accessing the Lync Server public IM connectivity provisioning site from Lync Server 2013
    Hope it can be helpful.
    Best regards,

  • Primary SIP domain Question

    We’re in strange situation where our AD domain is but we want primary sip domain to be & smtp domain is so email addresses are
    [email protected]
    So my question is, if I publish the topology for primary sip domain as then what could be our challenges in terms of client logon and lync access …? What do I have to have in place to make this work?
    Note:    Our Lync deployment will be two central sites and each will handle their own specific lync traffic.

    You won't hit anything that would won't be able to overcome.
    But what is the justification for knowingly making your SIP domain different from your SMTP name space? It's considered best practice to align the two in order to create a simplified user experience and minimise the amount of additional consideration (such
    as exchange integration).
    Fully appreciate you'll have your own circumstances though, and if this is a requirement - so be it =)
    Kind regards
    Note: If you find a post informative, please mark it so using the arrow to the left. If it answers a question you've asked, please mark the thread as answered to aid others when they're looking for solutions to similar problems or queries.
    For Fun: Gecko-Studio | For Work:
    Nexus Open Systems

  • SIP domain for provisioning

    I would like to enable Lync / Skype connectivity, so that my users can add their Skype contact in their Lync client.
    Do you know what are the implications of a provisionning on the Edge Server ? Does Microsoft check for open port/services on the Edge interface ? Which ports should be opened for Skype provisionning ? (I have  443, 5061, is it sufficient?). 
    Second question : I do not know what is my "SIP domain" in the provisionning process. Is it the public domain name associated with my  Edge FQDN, or is it the internal one (the one used by my lync client with their local email address, such
    as "my.localdomain"?).
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi Jean, yes those ports opened are sufficient (federation happens through TCP 5061)
    Your SIP domain (I assume you are running through the process via is your external domain name as it appears after the @ in your email/sign-in address - so for example if you sign-in with [email protected] your SIP domain will be
    It isn't the internal one.
    If you haven't already, also run the following Powershell cmdlets to update the provider within Lync from MSN to Skype.
    Remove-CsPublicProvider -Identity MSN
    New-CsPublicProvider -Identity Skype -ProxyFqdn -IconUrl "" -VerificationLevel 2 -Enabled 1
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  • Lync server sip trunk , IM and presence forwarded in trunk, is possible?

    tank you in advance for all the help i can obtain.
    I have managed to install, configure a lync server 2013 evaluation.
    One domain controller and one front end server (without Edge Server)
    My first goal was to configure a SIp trunk with an Open Source SIP proxy/server. (OpenSIPS)
    All work properly, it was many days of suffering and hard work. The call are correcly routed in trunk in both direction.There is some possibility to forward sip message about presence (subscribe,publish, notify) inside the trunk?
    Lync manage it internally but when i want to send the message cross domain, a SUBSCRIBE as example(my lync domain is lynclab.local, my OpenSIPS domain is opensips.local) i obtain this error in lync:
    "Non-trusted source sent an FQDN/IP that doesn't match a .... The SIP 404 Not Found" (referring my esternal domain Opensips.local.
    Probably i have deeply misudestood someting, reading for many days documents and manuals i cannot find a solution.
    I need to configure an XMPP Gateway for "exchange" status message between sip domain?
    thank you for all, and excuse me if the questions is tryvial or absolutely out of context.

    You'll need a trusted application for this, you won't be able to forward the subscribe events through a standard sip trunk sent through the mediation role unfortunately.  You'll have to find something specifically written to help the two systems interoperate,
    but out of the box this would not be native functionality from the Lync side.
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question please click "Mark As Answer".
    SWC Unified Communications
    This forum post is based upon my personal experience and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • CUPS 8.6 - Supporting Multiple SIP Domains on a per-user basis

    Working on a CUPS 8.6 PoC with a customer who currently is running a deployed OCS environment. 
    Users all sign into a single domain internally but have multiple SMTP domains for email as this customer has many different companies they have aquired.
    OCS  is able to support and route multiple SIP domains by specifing the SIP address under AD User settings such that two users both signed into the same OCS server can send IM's to each other even though they have different SIP addresses.  sip:[email protected] , sip:[email protected]
    CUPS on the other hand does not seem to allow this on a per-user basis.  It places every user in the sip domain that the server is a member of.
    The Jabber client allows you to specify a domain but I am not how this is used as the actual user account in CUPS is only ever the one domain and if you try and specify a different domain in the Jabber Connection Settings, it will not allow you to login.
    It is not a big deal for internal communications if everyone is on the same domain, but where it is important is for future B2B IM.  Users need to be able to give out THEIR IM address with THEIR respective domain.
    Does anyone else know for a fact that I will only be able to have one domain per CUP cluster?
    Any thoughts on this design?

    Not sure on the design perspective but as for CUPS Domain, we can only have single domain per cluster. As you have already found out that for any user licensed for CUPS, their IM address would be userid@CUPSDomain
    CUPS does have funtionality of federating with foreign domains such as AOL/GoogleTalk/WebEx Connect.

  • Set a default LDAP domain if the user does not specify one during logon

    We are using LDAP authentication. We have setup the repository to have 3 LDAP servers, with the following domain identifiers: PUBLIC, AGENT, CORPORATE. We would like to default the domain to PUBLIC for external users, so they do not need to provide a domain. AGENT and CORPORATE users would still specifiy the domain. Is there a way to do this? I've tried setting the USER variable in an init block using the following sql.
    Init block 1 - populates the USER session variable to prepend with PUBLIC if not specified
    select (CASE WHEN substr(':USER',1,instr(':USER','/')-1) is NULL then 'PUBLIC/'||':USER'
    ELSE ':USER'
    from dual
    Init block 2 - LDAP authentication - populates the EMAIL and UID session variables
    mail = EMAIL
    uid = UID
    Because I've defined the USER variable in the previous init block, I can't return the uid into the USER variable. This caused it to think that authentication was successful, and it allows you to login with valid LDAP users, but it will take any password you provide.

    Yes, I have done that. I have removed all other init blocks, and now have just the two. Init block 1 - set the value of the USER_TEMP variable, and init block 2 - the authentication init block. The authentication init block is marked as required for authentication, and the other init block must precede it. It is still allowing a user to login successfully under PUBLIC, when they are not a public user. If I explicitly login as PUBLIC/<user> it fails, as I would expect. But when I login as <user> it is successful. Which is not correct. I've checked in Answers that the variable USER_TEMP is being set to PUBLIC/<user>. So, I'm still confused as to why the LDAP init block is allowing it to go through.
    Edited by: user10603068 on Jun 9, 2010 7:26 AM

  • No "sip domain name" field in trunk configuration

    A customer' s UC320 throw a "sip 484" error,
    Sep 22 16:10:44 UC320W user.debug voice: SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete
    I think the problem is the lack of the  "sip domain name" field in the  trunk configuration as i can see one here;
    See attached the screenshot of the state of the trun, it misses his domain after the @
    The UC320 is upgraded to 2.2.2 .

    The case number is; 623254153
    This is what the provider can see, (they say they cant handle "notify" requests);
    U 2012/09/21 14:18:28.183877 IP.IP.IP.IP:5060 -> ip.ip.ip.ip:5060
    NOTIFY SIP/2.0.
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP IP.IP.IP.IP:5060;branch=z9hG4bK-d56a8b2a.
    From: "NIT" [email protected]>;tag=d78ae5c25878b8eco5.
    To: .
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 211 NOTIFY.
    Max-Forwards: 70.
    Contact: "NIT" [email protected]:5060;ref=MYSIPID>.
    Event: keep-alive.
    User-Agent: Cisco/UC320W-2.2.2(1).
    Allow-Events: talk, hold, conference, x-spa-cti.
    Content-Length: 0.
    U 2012/09/21 14:18:28.184243 ip.ip.ip.ip:5060 -> IP.IP.IP.IP:5060
    SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete.
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP IP.IP.IP.IP:5060;branch=z9hG4bK-d56a8b2a.
    From: "NIT" [email protected]>;tag=d78ae5c25878b8eco5.
    To: ;tag=696c4aa18cbb1138a6b8a116e3582f18.6a97.
    Call-ID: [email protected]
    CSeq: 211 NOTIFY.
    Server: Alphalink SIP Proxy 2.0.
    Content-Length: 0.

  • VCS & SIP Domain Settings

    I signed up for this beta version and noticed, based on other discussions in the form, that it requires me to install a pre-configured version of the client.  I already have the client on my laptop and do not want to overwrite it with the client installed by the pre-configured installer because I will lose the ability to change the VCS & SIP settings.  Does someone know what the settings are in the pre-configured client so that I can manually update them on my client?

    Internal Server -
    SIP Domain -

  • UC320W - FW2.3.2 - General SIP Trunk - SIP domain setting missing

    I would like to create a SIP Trunk for the german Telecom.
    I am using a UC320W with the latest Firmware 2.3.2 and the region is set to germany.
    The SIP setting for the german Telecom requires to set the SIP domain.
    Should not be a problem, but when I try to create a new SIP Trunk based on a general provider the SIP domain field is missing in the form.
    So I am not able to set this value and therefore the connection cannot be established with a blank domain.
    I have tried to downgrade the Firmware to 2.2.2 with the same result.
    In some documents of the UC320W I have found screenshots, where a field for the SIP domain is available.
    Does someone has the same issue and knows how to fix it?
    Is it related to the german region? Or is it possible to set the SIP domain in different way?
    Any help is more than welcome!!!!
    Thanks in advance...

    Do you have "term mon" with debugs ?
    Also, you will need to register some meaningful number, not just '240'.

Maybe you are looking for