M-Audio Midisport 2x2 Box  :(

Hey guys,
Ive been trying to use this USB MIDIsport 2x2 M-Audio Box with Logic and its been putting up a fight.
Ive correctly run the software install from the CD that came with it, and installed the latest drivers from M-Audio's site, however it wont show up under Audio Devices in Logic.
Could my keyboard be holding the device back from showing up? I have a Yamaha Motif 7, and the CDs that came with it dont have anything useful on them.
Or, do I have me MIDI setup done incorrectly? I have a MIDI cable from the keyboard->box, USB cable->computer.
Thanks for any help you can offer.

watt webb wrote:
it wont show up under Audio Devices in Logic.
Midi and Audio are different animals, the Midisport is a Midi only device and it won't show up as audio. In fact, you don't really need to Logic to 'see' any audio device, Logic talks to the 'Core Audio'. Your 'Audio Midi Setup' utility should 'see' them (Applications/Utilities). (I'm guessing you're running OSX since you didn't specified is )
Or, do I have me MIDI setup done incorrectly? I have a MIDI cable from the keyboard->box, USB cable->computer.
This looks fine (make sure to have at least: Keyboard-Midi OUT > Box-Midi IN). Play some notes on the keyboard, look at your transport window, there is a small part in it that says 'Midi in/out', it should show activity when you play your keyboard.
Message was edited by: RodBauer

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    You must have missed it.
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    I ran into a similar problem. I discovered one thing which may help you out though. It works OK with my Yamaha P200 keyboard but it does not work with my Yamaha NP30 keyboard. I looked at the MIDI stream and the only difference seems to be that the NP30 sends a continuous stream of MIDI clock, whereas the P200 does not. My theory is that this clock stream is somehow confusing the driver. I can't seem to disable the MIDI clock on my NP30 but if your Privia has the ability to disable MIDI clock, then it may be worth a try as it will probably fix the problem until they come out with the proper drivers.

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    # DEVPATH=="/*.0" selects interface 0 only
    # (some udev versions don't work with SYSFS{bInterfaceNumber})
    # MidiSport 2x2
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DEVPATH=="/*.0", ENV{PRODUCT}=="763/1001/*", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport2x2.ihx"
    # vim: ft=conf
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    # MidiSport 2x2
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0763", ATTR{idProduct}=="1001", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -D /dev/%k -s /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport2x2.ihx"
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    XSKey Firmware 23-0
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    Any suggestions on how to install the upgrade?
    Thank you,

    I called Apple regarding this issue that Monday and after sorting out the usual pitfalls while upgrading (as I mentioned Academic/NFR-Versions) they asked me to mail in my XSKey because I should have been able to upgrade.
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    Best regards,

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    Error Code:     FFA-8-000D  (80040154)
    Playback failed
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    The funny thing is the clip that I'm trying to play doesn't have any audio in it.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    You are most welcome.
    So very much depends on the exact process used to encode the AV (Audio & Video) file. There are many encoding processes, that will create elemental streams, i.e. Audio-only, or Video-only files. However, many schemes, and many programs, that will create a muxed (multiplexed, or combined Audio & Video) files, and though there is no Audio signal, a silent Audio Track will be written. You can even do this yourself from Share/Export. If you choose a common format, like DV-AVI, you will have the option to Export Video, and Export Audio, and also have Multiplexing choices. If you remove all Audio from the Timeline, but choose both Video & Audio, and set Multiplexing to DV, you should end up with a muxed DV-AVI file, that will have a 48KHz 16-bit PCM/WAV Audio track embedded, but it will be silent. G-Spot will tell you the specs. of that Audio stream, even though there is no signal in it. When you go to Import, or play that file, the NLE, or player will need to "handle" the Audio too, though there is no signal.
    Now, going back to the digitizing process, one can often set Audio to None, or Multiplexing to None. This will depend on the software, and/or hardware used, but one might be able to output an elemental stream, with Video-only. Some programs and hardware are pretty much "hard-wired" to do only an Multiplexed AV file, regardless of the lack of a stream for either of those.
    When doing any Multiplexed AV files, it is prudent to check both streams, even if the source material is lacking one stream. You want the specs. to match, with say even a silent Audio stream set to 48KHz 16-bit PCM/WAV (the general specs. for DV/DVD files). If one accidentally allows the software, or hardware, to write an "off-spec." file, say MPEG Audio at 22KHz 12-bit, problems can arise, even though there is no Audio stream. There will be one, at those specs. for the silent Audio in the resultant file.
    On the surface, and at first thought, this is not intuitive. Hey, we have silent footage! What's that Audio stream doing there? Well, it's because the file is a Multiplexed AV file, and was probably set up that way by the capture/digitizing/output program, and it did not know that you would not have an Audio signal.
    Hope that this helps,

  • Captivate 7 question - slide with audio and light boxes not functioning properly

    I am currently working a project and cannot figure something out. 
    I have a slide with 9 smartshape buttons on it.  When each button is clicked it brings up a lightbox.  Each lightbox has it's own close button. When the lightbox is closed by the user then the user immediately sees the 9 button screen and can choose another button to view and read, and so forth.  I have the lightboxes working fine.
    Now, I added text to speech.  It is a mere 15 seconds in length, but it contains some important content and the directions.  I want the text to speech audio to stop playing if the user goes ahead and clicks on one of the 9 buttons which then brings up a lightbox.  I want the audio to then resume when they close the lightbox.  OK I have all of that working in a technical sense.
    I've also tried this advanced action, but this stops the Audio entirely, however it does solve the autoadvance issue. so I am just trading issues.
    I also have  "back and next" nav buttons on the slide, so the user must click one or the other to proceed off the slide.  Ok those worked.
    Here is the issue.  Once I added the text to speech audio, at the end of 17.3 seconds, whatever lightbox the user may be viewing and they hit the close lightbox button, captivate automatically sends the user to the next slide.  No clicking "Next" or anything.  I can't figure out why this is occurring. 
    Prior to adding audio the slide worked as it should with the user being able to click each of the 9 buttons to "read some info" then close it and click another button on the slide, etc.  They could do this in any order they wanted. 
    When I added the audio, I set the advanced actions so if a user clicked on one of the buttons, the audio would stop playing until they came back to the main screen.  Ok no problem getting that to function - except it stops functioning at the end of 17.3 seconds. 
    What am I missing?
    Thanks for any help!!!

    Correct I have only 15 seconds of audio with the slide.  no audio with any of the light boxes.  Those are "read only" light boxes.
    If the user clicks a shape button early, before the entire audio has played, I want the audio to stop, so the user can read the lightbox info, then as they click back to the slide away from the lightbox, I want the audio to resume playing - so they can hear the rest of the audio.  But,  this is where is doesn't function properly as when the audio finishes playing at 15 seconds.  The next shape button the user clicks on to shows the lightbox, but when they click to close the lightbox, the lightbox closes then sends the user to the next slide.  They haven't had a chance to view any of the other shape buttons and the information found in those corresponding light boxes. 
    I hope this clarifies.
    Any thoughts?

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