Midisport 2x2 on osx 10.5.8 fails  (but works in Fusion with Vista)

Windows definitely wins this one. On the same machine, Windows just works. The Mac, not so much.
I installed the midisport mac drivers, and after that the lights on the device turned on. So far so good.
GarageBand shows 0 midi inputs
Audio Midi Setup shows no midi input
MIDI Monitor shows no midi inputs
The hardware is correctly cabled. I'm using VMWare Fusion with Windows Vista on the same machine, and midi input works in Windows with a program called Anvil Studio. I can record midi from my keyboard (but with a huge delay).
VMWare Fusion is the only Mac program that notices that the midi adapter is there. The menus shows: Virtual Machine/USB/Connect Midiman USB Device.
Any suggestions for other things to try? How can I verify that the driver is properly loaded? I see this:
root 116 0.0 0.2 137576 6772 ?? S 9:55AM 0:00.43 /Library/StartupItems/M-Audio Firmware Loader/MAFL
How do you get a list of usb devices on a Mac? System Profiler shows it as a Composite Device (I think). No further info available. If VMWare Fusion can see that it's a Midiman USB Device, why can't System Profiler tell what it is?
Another wrinkle: Besides working in Vista with Anvil Studio, I haven't found another Windows utility that sees the midi input. For example, MIDI-OX tells me there is no midi device.
midisport 2x2
MacBook Pro osx 10.5.8
Yamaha P-90 keyboard

http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=support.drivers&f=847 there is something you need to load for this little piece of plastic.

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    I'm not sure if I completely understand your post, but if you have multiple network interfaces and one fails, then network shows fail even if others were successful. There's a bug report filed about it, but it's been quite a while without being fixed...
    And if that doesn't answer your question then ignore me.

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    Restart Application
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    Can you not use a URL redirect on the button to call your Javascript function - the Javascript will display the message you want to display, then call
    ...to submit your page, picking up all your processes/computations etc
    You then need to define a branch on your page which is conditional on the value of REQUEST - in this case request would be 'request_name'.

  • Https 1.4.1 post fails but works in 1.3

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    Does anyone know how to resolve this problem? Can I use HttpURLConnection? Do I need to use sockets?
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    SEND TLSv1 ALERT: warning, description = close_notify.
    java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: https://ww3.mydomain.com/
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLCon
    at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.java:238
    at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseMessage(HttpURLConnection.java:
    at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionOldImpl
    at SASa.doHTTPTransaction(SASa.java:443)
    at SASa.main(SASa.java:79)
    import java.io.*;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.OutputStream;
    import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.security.Security;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import org.jdom.Document;
    import org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder;
    import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
    import org.w3c.tidy.Tidy;
    public class SASa
    public static void main(String arguments[])
    region = "",//arguments[0],
    username = "",//arguments[1],
    password = "",//arguments[2],
    accountNumber = "",//arguments[3],
    speed = "",//arguments[4],
    ispCode = "WN";
    cookies = new ArrayList();
    // These two lines add the JSSE service provider into the runtime so that we can do HTTPS.
    System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol");
    Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider());
    // BEGIN: Step 1
    // Request the first page to get a required cookie.
    u0 = new URL("https://ww3.mydomain.com/");
    h0 = new Properties(),
    p0 = new Properties();
    r0 = null;
    h0.setProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)");
    p0.setProperty("Username", "user");
    p0.setProperty("Password", "pwd");
    r0 = doHTTPTransaction(u0, "POST", h0, p0);
    // END: Step 1
    // BEGIN: Step 2
    u1 = new URL("https://ww3.mydomain.com/page2");
    h1 = new Properties(),
    p1 = new Properties();
    r1 = null;
    h1.setProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)");
    h1.setProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    h1.setProperty("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive");
    // Set the cookie for THIS request using the cookie received from the LAST response...
    System.out.println("setting cookie: " + constructCookieHeaderValueString(cookies));
    h1.setProperty("Cookie", constructCookieHeaderValueString(cookies));
    p1.setProperty("Username", "user");
    p1.setProperty("Password", "pwd");
    r1 = doHTTPTransaction(u1, "POST", h1, p1);
    u2 = new URL("https://ww3.mydomain.com/page3");
    h2 = new Properties(),
    p2 = new Properties();
    r2 = null;
    h2.setProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)");
    h2.setProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    h2.setProperty("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive");
    System.out.println("setting cookie: " + constructCookieHeaderValueString(cookies));
    h2.setProperty("Cookie", constructCookieHeaderValueString(cookies));
    p2.setProperty("__Click", "");
    r2 = doHTTPTransaction(u2, "GET", h2, p2);
    // END: Step 2
    // BEGIN: Step 3
    u3 = new URL("https://ww3.mydomain.com/page4");
    h3 = new Properties(),
    p3 = new Properties();
    r3 = null;
    h3.setProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)");
    h3.setProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    h3.setProperty("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive");
    // Set the cookie for THIS request using the cookie received from the LAST response...
    System.out.println("setting cookie: " + constructCookieHeaderValueString(cookies));
    h3.setProperty("Cookie", constructCookieHeaderValueString(cookies));
    r3 = doHTTPTransaction(u3, "GET", h3, p3);
    // END: Step 3
    catch (Exception e)
    * Executes the HTTP request for a given URL, using a given HTTP method, given a set of form
    * variables (aParameterSet) and HTTP headers.
    private static Map doHTTPTransaction(URL aURL, String aMethod, Properties aHeaderSet, Properties aParameterSet)
    result = new HashMap();
    connection = (HttpURLConnection)aURL.openConnection();
    setHeadersForConnection(connection, aHeaderSet);
    connection.setDoOutput(aMethod.equals("POST") ? true : false);
    System.out.println("\n\nConnected to '" + aURL + "'.");
    if (aMethod.equals("POST"))
    pushQueryStringToConnection(connection, constructQueryString(aParameterSet));
    result.put("response", connection.getResponseMessage());
    result.put("headers", getResponseHeadersFromConnection(connection));
    result.put("body", getResponseBodyFromConnection(connection));
    catch (Exception e)
    return result;
    * Sets the HTTP request headers from a set of key/value pairs.
    * TODO: This works fine for SAS, but probably needs to be made more robust for multi-value headers.
    private static void setHeadersForConnection(HttpURLConnection aConnection, Properties aHeaderSet)
    headerNames = aHeaderSet.propertyNames();
    headerName = null,
    headerValue = null;
    while (headerNames.hasMoreElements())
    headerName = (String)headerNames.nextElement();
    headerValue = aHeaderSet.getProperty(headerName);
    aConnection.setRequestProperty(headerName, headerValue);
    catch (Exception e)
    * Builds a multi-value (cookie) HTTP header string from a set of strings.
    private static String constructCookieHeaderValueString(List aValueList)
    result = null,
    value = null;
    buffer = new StringBuffer();
    for (int x = 0; x < aValueList.size(); x++)
    value = (String)aValueList.get(x);
    buffer.append(value.substring(0, value.indexOf(';')));
    if ((x + 1) < aValueList.size())
    buffer.append("; ");
    result = buffer.toString();
    return result;
    * Builds a multi-value HTTP header string from a set of strings.
    private static String constructHeaderValueString(List aValueList)
    result = null;
    buffer = new StringBuffer();
    for (int x = 0; x < aValueList.size(); x++)
    if ((x + 1) < aValueList.size())
    result = buffer.toString();
    return result;
    * Builds an HTTP query string from a set of key/value pairs.
    * TODO: This works fine for SAS, but probably needs to be made more robust for multi-value keys.
    private static String constructQueryString(Properties aParameterSet)
    result = null;
    buffer = new StringBuffer();
    propertyNames = aParameterSet.propertyNames();
    propertyName = null,
    propertyValue = null;
    while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements())
    propertyName = (String)propertyNames.nextElement();
    propertyValue = aParameterSet.getProperty(propertyName);
    if (propertyNames.hasMoreElements())
    result = buffer.toString();
    return result;
    * Writes a pre-formatted query string to the OutputStream for a request to the server.
    private static void pushQueryStringToConnection(HttpURLConnection aConnection, String aQueryString)
    out = aConnection.getOutputStream();
    System.out.println("\nSending query string: " + aQueryString);
    catch (Exception e)
    * Gets the response headers returned by the server as a result of the request.
    private static Map getResponseHeadersFromConnection(HttpURLConnection aConnection)
    result = new HashMap();
    headerName = null;
    headerValues = null;
    headers = true;
    i = 1;
    while (headers == true)
    headerName = aConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(i++);
    if (headerName != null)
    if (result.get(headerName) == null)
    headerValues = new ArrayList();
    headerValues = (List)result.get(headerName);
    result.put(headerName, headerValues);
    headers = false;
    catch (Exception e)
    return result;
    * Reads the InputStream to get the body content returned by the server as a result of the request.
    private static Map getResponseBodyFromConnection(HttpURLConnection aConnection)
    result = new HashMap();
    i = 0;
    in = aConnection.getInputStream();
    buffer = new StringBuffer();
    while(i != -1)
    i = in.read();
    if (i != -1 )
    body = buffer.toString();
    result.put("raw", body);
    result.put("xml", getBodyAsXML(new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes())));
    catch (Exception e)
    return result;
    private static Document getBodyAsXML(InputStream anInputStream)
    document = null;
    builder = new DOMBuilder();
    tidy = new Tidy();
    document = builder.build(tidy.parseDOM(anInputStream, null));
    catch (Exception e)
    return document;
    * Prints out the entire response received by executing the HTTP request to the server.
    private static void dumpResponse(Map aResult)throws Exception
    System.out.println("Printing Data \n\n");
    * Prints out the response (i.e., "OK", "NOT FOUND", etc.) received by executing the HTTP request to the server.
    private static void dumpResponse(String aResult)throws Exception
    System.out.println("DUMPING RESULT");
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("output.txt", false);
    Writer out = new BufferedWriter(fw);
    out.write("RESULT: \n");
    * Prints out the headers received by executing the HTTP request to the server.
    private static void dumpResponseHeaders(Map aHeaderSet)throws Exception
    System.out.println("DUMPING HEADERS");
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("output.txt", true);
    Writer out = new BufferedWriter(fw);
    out.write("HEADERS: \n");
    iterator = aHeaderSet.keySet().iterator();
    headerName = null;
    headerValues = null;
    while (iterator.hasNext())
    headerName = (String)iterator.next();
    headerValues = (List)aHeaderSet.get(headerName);
    for (int x = 0; x < headerValues.size(); x++)
    out.write(headerName + ": " + headerValues.get(x) + "\n");
    * Prints out the body received by executing the HTTP request to the server.
    private static void dumpResponseBody(Map aBody)throws Exception
    System.out.println("DUMPING XML");
    outputter = new XMLOutputter("\t", true);
    FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("file.txt", false);
    Writer out = new BufferedWriter(fw);

    The code that actually fails is:
         * Writes a pre-formatted query string to the OutputStream for a request to the server.
         private static void pushQueryStringToConnection(HttpURLConnection aConnection, String aQueryString)
                        out = aConnection.getOutputStream();
                   System.out.println("\nSending query string: " + aQueryString);
              catch (Exception e)
    I get an HTTPS connection without any problem but I can't send any additional data. 1.3 Works without any problem. 1.4 sends a different protocol(TLSv1) than 1.3(SSL). Is there a way to change the protocol to SSL? Or do I need to use sockets.
    The code included in my first post should work for any https site but how can I send username and password information. The server I am hitting does not appear to use TLSv1 as a protocol.

  • PHP Connection fails, but works over saprfc_test.php

    I can make a connection to SAP using saprfc_test.php but when I try and do this with my php script at the command line it fails with this error:
    C:\Documents and Settings\arundelr>php -c C:\www_root\Apache2.2\php.ini C:\www_r
    Order Number: 0000427138
    PHP Warning:  RFC Error Info :
    Group    : 102
    Message  : Connect to message server failed
    Connect_PM  MSHOST=sapdev.host.com, R3NAME=FRD, GROUP=PUBLIC
    LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host
    ERROR       Group PUBLIC not found
    TIME        Mon Jul 09 17:28:30 2007
    RELEASE     640
    VERSION     5
    RC          -6
    I do not specify a group when I use saprfc_test.php but I notice this is reporting it as PUBLIC.  Does anybody have any bright ideas?
    MODULE      lgxx.c
    LINE        3531
    DETAIL      LgIGroup
    COUNTER     1
    in C:\www_root\htdocs\newphpsaprfc\includes\processor.php on line 15
    RFC connection failed
    C:\Documents and Settings\arundelr>

    specifying "MSHOST"=>"", did the trick.

  • FTP 553 upload FAILED in LION ( cuteftp, transmit, coda, cyberduck all fail) , But works in Windows 7.

    Hi folks,
    I hv a big trouble in FTP upload.
    I own a VPS server, and now is rush time I need to upload some file.
    and also, I can not use those client to creat a new file, and not allow to do anything.
    maybe you will say, " check your VPS setting ".
    the points are:
    1. I can use those client in sometimes, and error in sometimes.
    2. I can do anything, including upload, download, editing, creating file in my other WINDOWS 7.
    Okay, Anyone know the solution? Please help me.. thank you so much.
    p.s, ftp is easy job. I dont why APPLE **** this up like always.

    Problem solved!
    I found out how to get FTP to work on my Macs. It was just a hunch, but I tried it and BANGERS ON! (FYI: Bangers is an English slang term for sausages, the kind that is usually enjoyed with a sparkling fermented beverage. Ergo, bangers on implies that the work is done. Time to celebrate.)
    As you know, the Macintosh is a very sturdy operating system based almost entirely on Unix, but with a candy apple shell GUI. The developers of this candy coating went to great lengths to provide transparent services to the users that once were only available to the zealous key coders of yesteryear. File Sharing is one such feature. All one has to do is turn it on and specify a folder, and that folder makes itself discoverable on the local network. Oddly though, having it on interferes with passive FTP. All I did to make passive FTP work was to inadvertently decide that maybe … just maybe … it was a problem because it was another kind of File Transfer Protocol. So, I tried turning it off and the rest is history.

  • Create index fails (but worked previously)

    oracle 8.1.6 / solaris 7
    I installed InterMedia a few weeks ago (after many problems with configuring
    the listener and tnsnames) and created 3 text indexes on 2 tables(one column
    being a CLOB). The searches worked great (using "contains"). Next I tried to
    create a preference using ctx_ddl.create_preference andctx_ddl.set_attribute
    to allow for streaming of docs on the server. When Itried to create the index
    on the docs, it failed, giving me the
    ORA - 29885 error.
    Today, I needed to truncate the tables I created with the 3 indexes; in order
    to do so, I had to drop the index (FORCE) and when trying to recreatethem, it
    failed, giving me the error below. IT WAS WORKING 2 WEEKS AGO! WHAT
    HAPPENED??? The metalink site does not have good info and is TOO slow.

    here's the error message:
    ORA-29855:error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine
    ORA-20000:interMedia Text error: DRG-50704: Net8 listener is not running or
    cannot start external procedures ORA-28575: unable to open RPC connection to
    externalprocedure agent ORA-06512: at "CTXSYS.DRUE", line 126 ORA-06512: at
    "CTXSYS.TEXTINDEXMETHODS", line 54 ORA-06512: at line 1
    oracle 8.1.6 / solaris 7
    I installed InterMedia a few weeks ago (after many problems with configuring
    the listener and tnsnames) and created 3 text indexes on 2 tables(one column
    being a CLOB). The searches worked great (using "contains"). Next I tried to
    create a preference using ctx_ddl.create_preference andctx_ddl.set_attribute
    to allow for streaming of docs on the server. When Itried to create the index
    on the docs, it failed, giving me the
    ORA - 29885 error.
    Today, I needed to truncate the tables I created with the 3 indexes; in order
    to do so, I had to drop the index (FORCE) and when trying to recreatethem, it
    failed, giving me the error below. IT WAS WORKING 2 WEEKS AGO! WHAT
    HAPPENED??? The metalink site does not have good info and is TOO slow.

  • WLST deploy fails but works fine via admin console

    RHEL 5.6
    Jrockit 1.6.0_20-R28.1.0-4.0.1
    Weblogic 10.3
    Alfresco 3.3.4 (295)
    I'm experiencing problems when attempting to deploy a WAR using WLST using the below python script. If I deploy this WAR using the Weblogic Admin Console, all works well. When I attempt the same deployment using WLST, the deployment 'appears' to work and the script shows no sign of error BUT the application does NOT show up at all in the admin console. I'm using the same authentication information in both scenarios.
    connect(username,password,'t3://' + adminServer + ':8001')
    print "Failed to aquire edit lock"
    # cannot undo when we do not has the lock
    for app in cmo.getAppDeployments():
    if app.getName() == appname:
    print ('Application \'' + appname + '\' is already deployed, removing previous deployment...')
    print "Undeploy failed"
    deploy(appname, source, target, upload='true', block='true')
    print "Deploy failed"
    print "Activate failed"
    Is it possible to deploy the application unzipped?
    - CDM

    Hi Sebastian,
    You need to be connected to master database when executing GRANT VIEW SERVER. Try the following it will work:
    USE [master]
    Basit A. Farooq (MSC Computing, MCITP SQL Server 2005 & 2008, MCDBA SQL Server 2000)
    Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click
    "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Logic pro x, A whole bunch of my audio units failed but worked fine a minute ago

    Audio units failed message as half my audio units now will not load.
    I have 32 lives and rescanned everything. Did not work.
    I own the software and it was all working just fine until I loaded up a different song. Logic glitched out.
    The Audio units are still checked in prefs in logic like normal.
    Audio units still show up in the project but will no open.  They have a question mark. I've seen this before and was able to figure it out with one or two but not half my AU's. Something is different.
    I have just loaded the update a week ago and logic was working fine.
    I tried deleting my cache with anything Logic x, that did not work.
    I restarted the computer several times, no luck.
    HALP!!! Thank you for your time
    Couldn't be at a worse time as I have a deadline tomorrow for an album I am so close to finishing.. WHY???

    If you mean all plugins have this issue then...
    In Logic's Prefs Audio/Devices, make sure CoreAudio is checked...
    Failing that, or if only some plugins have this issue...
    Are the plugins that don't work, all ones wrapped in 32lives?
    Do any of Logic's own plugins rather than 3rd party ones, have this problem?

  • VPN connect via menu extra fails, but works via prefpane - anybody else?

    Is anybody out there with the same symptom, getting an error message when trying to establish a VPN connection via VPN menu extra but being able to connect properly via networking prefpane? Would be interesting to know if this could be a bug worth sending a report to Apple...
    PB G4, Mac OS X 10.5.5

    Tim, you made it. Another example for that famous tricky problems after OS migration. I had the VPN prefs already on Mac OS X 10.4 and trusted them on Mac OS X 10.5 after their automatic
    adoption too...
    Thx mate!

  • RV042G fails to work with Public Wan IP when connected to Cisco SG300

    Am using a RV042G with a Fiber Optic connection terminated on WAN1 It was working fine untill received a new IP pool . When we configure with the ip on wan 1 and connect the SG300 the WAN Status shows connected but no internet connection. The wan ip doesnt work. If i replace the RV042G with a Netgear Firewall router The connection works fine with the WAN IP.
    The network connection is very simple. What is that is not letting RV042G work with SG300?

    Hi Tom, Thanks for the reply.
    Yes when I connect a computer directly to the RV042G it works fine but as I connect back the SG300 to one of the ports the Internet goes down.
    The SG300 is not working on Layer 3.
    I tried Different ports but the same result.
    This RV042G was working fine with the fiber optic line, We just requested the ISP to increase the Public IP pool and they Gave us New IP's. Nothing changed Just set the WAN1 to one of the new IP and it fails to work if connected with the switch
    I removed the switch and connected the RVS4000 directly to RV42G and the users of RVS4000 have no issues. Not a single thing has been changed Just the new IP On wan.
    I have upgraded the router, rest  and configured internet settings i.e Changed wan IP but no go.
    Thanks Sachin

  • M-Audio Midisport 2x2 Box  :(

    Hey guys,
    Ive been trying to use this USB MIDIsport 2x2 M-Audio Box with Logic and its been putting up a fight.
    Ive correctly run the software install from the CD that came with it, and installed the latest drivers from M-Audio's site, however it wont show up under Audio Devices in Logic.
    Could my keyboard be holding the device back from showing up? I have a Yamaha Motif 7, and the CDs that came with it dont have anything useful on them.
    Or, do I have me MIDI setup done incorrectly? I have a MIDI cable from the keyboard->box, USB cable->computer.
    Thanks for any help you can offer.

    watt webb wrote:
    it wont show up under Audio Devices in Logic.
    Midi and Audio are different animals, the Midisport is a Midi only device and it won't show up as audio. In fact, you don't really need to Logic to 'see' any audio device, Logic talks to the 'Core Audio'. Your 'Audio Midi Setup' utility should 'see' them (Applications/Utilities). (I'm guessing you're running OSX since you didn't specified is )
    Or, do I have me MIDI setup done incorrectly? I have a MIDI cable from the keyboard->box, USB cable->computer.
    This looks fine (make sure to have at least: Keyboard-Midi OUT > Box-Midi IN). Play some notes on the keyboard, look at your transport window, there is a small part in it that says 'Midi in/out', it should show activity when you play your keyboard.
    Message was edited by: RodBauer

  • Hi I installed a new hard drive in my Mac mini osx lion an when I turn it on I get a flashing file with a question mark. I tried holding command and R keys when turning it on but the recovery fails to work. Does any one know how I can get it to recover?

    Hi I installed a new hard drive in my Mac mini osx lion an when I turn it on I get a flashing file with a question mark. I tried holding command and R keys when turning it on but the recovery fails to work. I can hold the option key at start up and choose my network, then Internet recovery shows up with an arrow pointing up. When I click on the arrow Internet recovery fails and all I get is a globe with a triangle on it with an exclamation mark on it, and under that it says
    Does any one know how I can fix this without a recovery disc? Thanks

    I just want to add to this, in case someone else searches for this error on Apple Support (google doesnt cover apple support.. how clever is that?)
    I had the same error. And i had a Computer that had worked, with a SSD drive and 16GB upgrade done by the owner himself.
    I tried swapping with a Mechinal Harddrive, no luck.
    Kept the Mechanical drive in, and tried with some other Ram, it worked..
    So for me this error and after reading the other responses can be boiled down to a Harddrive problem or Ram issue.
    It was Ram for me..

  • UDev rules not working for MidiSport 2x2 usb midi device

    I installed arch a couple of months ago and am loving it so far.  Any problems I've had so far have already been solved in the forums, but this one's really got me.  I have a MidiSport 2x2 that I want the firmware to be loaded on everytime I plug it in.  I installed (there's not an arch package) a package that is supposed to do just that.  (It's called midisport-firmware-1.2.tar.gz).  However, the package seems to be out of date (2006) and I even had to modify a couple places in the configure script to get it to work with current program revisions.  However, once installed, it does nothing.  It installed firmware files and udev rules for the device into a couple of directories.  When I run the command that is supposed to load the firmware, it works fine.  But for some reason, (I even checked the udev kernel log) it's like the event isn't even being triggered.  Here's part of the original file that came with the package that's supposed to load the firmware:
    # midisport-firmware.rules - udev rules for loading firmware into MidiSport devices
    # DEVPATH=="/*.0" selects interface 0 only
    # (some udev versions don't work with SYSFS{bInterfaceNumber})
    # MidiSport 2x2
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", DEVPATH=="/*.0", ENV{PRODUCT}=="763/1001/*", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport2x2.ihx"
    # vim: ft=conf
    And here's what I modified it to in an attempt to make it work:
    # MidiSport 2x2
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0763", ATTR{idProduct}=="1001", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -D /dev/%k -s /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/local/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport2x2.ihx"
    I would really appreciate help from anyone who knows about this kind of thing, as I can't figure out what's going wrong.  If it's something wrong with the config, please let me know.  Actually, some HAL events popped up when I was testing this out.  Is it possible HAL is blocking  the udev event somehow?

    The firmware files must be put in /lib/firmware so they can be found by the kernel. Are they being put there?

  • I purchased OSX Lion from the APP store.  The installation failed, but the store says it is installed, which it isn't.  Does anyone have an answer to get the APP to re-download the APP?

    The APP store has my purchase of OSX Lion marked as "Installed", but it isn't.  The installation failed and I'm tring to redownload the OS but cannot because it is marked as installed.
    Any suggestions?

    Are you sure that the installation failed, or are you perhaps confused about what happened. It is a 2 step process for Lion. What gets downloaded to your Mac is an installer. Do you find a Lion Installer in the Apps folder on your Mac? If so, double click to open it and follow the on screen instructions to install Lion on your Mac.
    Always be sure to back up your Mac before attempting an OS upgrade in case something goes wrong and you loose your entire kit.

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