M30: incorrect function error message

my m30x wont read a cd-r i have created on another comp. the error message D:\not accesable appears and says incorrect function. should i be worrying. or is it just a bad disc

I had also these problems when I burn a CD in my Desktop and read in antoher PC it is not recognized!
After collecting some informations in the net, I had this conclusion:
The CD wrter are faster and faster and every fast written CD has some or more failures! This depends on the CD Writer!
Also the CD manufacturer is a important thing! I tested different CD vendors and found some brands which make not so much failures!

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    var ii = 5;
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    v[2] = 2;
    v[3] = 3;
    v[4] = 4;
    v[5] = 5;
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                             a.insertItemAt(v[i], (i, ""));
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    Acrobat Database Connectivity Built-in Functions Version 8.0
    Acrobat EScript Built-in Functions Version 8.0
    Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Functions Version 8.0
    Acrobat Annotations / Collaboration Built-in Wizard Functions Version 8.0
    Acrobat Multimedia Version 8.0
    Acrobat SOAP 8.0
    a.insertItemAt is not a function
    4:Field:Mouse Down

    Yes, I'm actually looking at those two methods now. New questions arise.
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    this.getField("Fund Company-Long-Name").clearItems();
    var a = this.getField("Fund Company-Long-Name");
    a.setItems(["A", "B", "C"]);

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    Ok, are you sure there is a value in all 3 fields when it attempts to calculate the payment? If you have the script in a calculate event, the event will fire every time any field is filled out. So it's possible that it gets fired when there is a value in Amount, but nothing in Rate or Term.
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    Adobe Enterprise Developer Support

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    Hi, and welcome to the community!
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    Hi TAS,
    Regarding the error message, I recommend you try to this :
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    If your issue persists, let me known.
    Best regards,
    Karen Hu

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    Try Restarting / rebooting  your Mac before doing anything more drastic..

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  • Error "Terminal type 202: Incorrect output destination/message type TERM"

        We actually are using SRM v. 5, and we detected an intermiteng error in SM21, it says
       <b>Terminal type 202: Incorrect output destination/message type TERM</b>
       It is generated at Client 000 and relates to program BBP_BGRD_APPROVAL. The actual output of the log is described:
                   <b>Terminal type 202: Incorrect output destination/message type TERM
                   No Active Link Found in the Link Table                           
                   > Conversation ID: 39968053                                      
                   > CPI-C function: ?                                              
                   No Active Link Found in the Link Table                           
                   > Conversation ID: 39968053                                      
                   > CPI-C function: CMRCV                                          
                   Delete session 001 after error 004            </b>
           What we are worried about, is that the final error, relates to a user session end =(.
           We were looking for some information on SAP Notes and forums, but we didn't find any useful info.
           Does any one know what is this error about? We will appreciate any comments.
                        Thanks in advance, Abrahamdelgdaov

    This kind of error message usually arises if a program wants to send
    data to the partner program which will be identified via the
    conversation ID, but this conversation ID is not in the list of
    active RFC links.
    This always happens when one of the two partner programs finishes the
    conversation and informs the remaining partner program.
    Also included in this information is that the gateway already deletes
    the communication entry in the communcication table and conveys the
    message to the partner program.
    This partner program in turn accepts the message but still wants to
    send a receipt or something else to the program that is already finished
    Another send after you've received the close of the connection is not
    Therefore the messages you are seeing in the syslog are definitely ha
    rmless because even if the send would go through, the receiver is not
    able to receive the message.
    Check if there are any other network related errors in the system.

  • Idoc - Error Status 51: Incorrect function module called up

    In the receiver system for the custom message type, I got this error.
    Incorrect function module called up
    Can any one pls help me to solve this one.
    Bala Raja

    Hi Bala,
         Check the inbound function module attached to process code in receiving system. Generally in every inbound function module first check is coded for checking message type or for checking funciton module like below.In the receiving system go to WE20 and then select the partner and select inbound message type. in that double click on assigned process code.then you have to double click on displayed FM. In that fm check first few lines. You will find this error message.
          MESSAGE ID 'E0' TYPE 'E' NUMBER '029'
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Could you please have a share with your phone's information?
    Based on what I know, different phones may have different softwares developed by the manufacturer to make the connection through Windows operating system, we may check with the phone's manufacturer side and see if there could be some helpful information
    Besides, please take a check with
    Event Viewer and see if any special errors logged there.
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

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