Mac Book Verbindung zu Jambox, über Bluetooth funktioniert nicht.

Hallo miteinender
Ich habe ein Mac Book pro und eine Jambox, welche  sich nur sehr, sehr mühsam mit Bluetooth verbinden lässt.
Kennst jemand dieses Problen und gibt es irgen eine Lösung dafür?
Bitte um Bescheid.
Danke Thomas

Hi Thomas,
ich habe das gleiche Problem. Ich will mein Mac Book und mein iPhone über die Jambox laufen lassen.
Bei der Bluetooth-Einstellung des Mac Books gibt es aber immer wieder Probleme. Die Verbindung kann scheinbar nicht richtig aufgebaut werden. Es kommt immer die Fehlermeldung "Ein Bluetooth-Fehler ist aufgetreten". Dann kann ich noch den Button "Kopfhörer nicht mehr verwenden" anwählen.
Bist du denn bei dir schon zu einer Lösung gekommen. Und entsteht das Problem auch bei dir, wenn du mehrere Geräte anschließen willst. Vielleicht bist du ja schon klüger als ich.
Viele Grüße

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    unter folgenden Link finden Sie eine Vorgehensbeschreibung:
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    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a Fusion Drive or a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually login automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
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    Message was edited by: Barry Hemphill

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    You need this:
    IDVD is a wonderful piece of software and well worth the low cost of $40.,527850,1872219

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    Are you recovering Lion or later Time Machine backup with a Lion or later machine?
    If you are, then use this article:
    Other Time Machine restore options are here:
    Note, if recovering from a PowerPC Mac (iMac G5, PowerMac, Mac Mini G4, iBook, Powerbook), this tip is important:
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    There is a fix; I finally discovered how to clear the Windows 7 xx64 Device Manager's warning of a missing Bluetooth Peripheral device.
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    The Bluetooth company called Broadcom (you notice the reference during the installation of Boot Camp) offers a BlueTooth "device finder" (my phraseology) that detects all BlueTooth devices in your Apple or PC but withing a Windows operating system; included are Windows 7 , Vista, XP and even 2000 operating systems.
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    The company's URL address:
    In my case, I ran the program, rebooted my MacBook Pro (in Windows 7 x64 and with the new Boot Camp 4.0 installed) and the missing BlueTooth peripheral device indication was eliminated.  It took 10 minutes to complete. 

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